예제 #1
  private void do_find_best_parameters(svm_problem svmProblem) {
    svm_parameter svmParam = getDefaultSvmParameters();

    int maxIter =
        ((int) Math.ceil(Math.abs((log2cEnd - log2cBegin) / log2cStep)) + 1)
            * ((int) Math.ceil(Math.abs((log2gEnd - log2gBegin) / log2gStep)) + 1);

    // Run the grid search in separate CV threads
    ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numberOfThreads);

    List<CvParams> cvParamsList = new ArrayList<CvParams>();

    for (double log2c = log2cBegin;
        (log2cBegin < log2cEnd && log2c <= log2cEnd)
            || (log2cBegin >= log2cEnd && log2c >= log2cEnd);
        log2c += log2cStep) {

      double c1 = Math.pow(2, log2c);

      for (double log2g = log2gBegin;
          (log2gBegin < log2gEnd && log2g <= log2gEnd)
              || (log2gBegin >= log2gEnd && log2g >= log2gEnd);
          log2g += log2gStep) {

        double gamma1 = Math.pow(2, log2g);

        svm_parameter svmParam1 = (svm_parameter) svmParam.clone();
        svmParam1.C = c1;
        svmParam1.gamma = gamma1;

            new RunnableSvmCrossValidator(svmProblem, svmParam1, nrFold, cvParamsList));

    // now wait for all threads to complete by calling shutdown
    // note that this will NOT terminate the currently running threads, it just signals the thread
    // pool to closeWriter
    // once all work is completed

    while (!executorService.isTerminated()) {
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        // don't care if we get interrupted

      // every second, report statistics
          String.format("%% complete: %5.2f", cvParamsList.size() / (double) maxIter * 100));
      CvParams best = getBestCvParams(cvParamsList);
      CvParams worst = getWorstcvParams(cvParamsList);
      if (best != null) {
        logger.debug("Best accuracy: " + best.accuracy);
        logger.debug("Best C:        " + best.c);
        logger.debug("Best Gamma:    " + best.gamma);
      if (worst != null) {
        logger.debug("Worst accuracy: " + worst.accuracy);

    CvParams best = getBestCvParams(cvParamsList);
    CvParams worst = getWorstcvParams(cvParamsList);
    if (best != null) {
      logger.debug("Best accuracy: " + best.accuracy);
      logger.debug("Best C:        " + best.c);
      logger.debug("Best Gamma:    " + best.gamma);

      c = best.c;
      gamma = best.gamma;
    } else {
      logger.error("Best CV parameters is null.");
    if (worst != null) {
      logger.debug("Worst accuracy: " + worst.accuracy);