@Override protected void configure() { final ObjectifyFactory of = new ObjectifyFactory(); of.register(Device.class); of.register(Event.class); bind(ObjectifyFactory.class).toInstance(of); bind(DeviceService.class).in(Singleton.class); bind(PushService.class).in(Singleton.class); }
@Override public PaymentGateway getPaymentGateway(Long gateway_id) { Objectify ofy = objectifyFactory.begin(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("getCreditCard"); } PaymentGateway fetched = ofy.query(PaymentGateway.class).filter("gateway_id", gateway_id).get(); return fetched; }
@Cacheable("users") public GaeUser findUser(String userId) { logger.debug("Attempting to find user with ID {}", userId); Objectify objectify = objectifyFactory.begin(); GaeUser user = objectify.find(GaeUser.class, userId); if (user != null) { logger.debug("Found user with name {}", user.getNickname()); logger.debug("User has authorities {}", user.getAuthorities()); } else { logger.debug("No user found"); } return user; }
public void registerUser(GaeUser newUser) { logger.debug("Registering user with ID {}", newUser.getUserId()); logger.debug("Giving user the following authorities: {}", newUser.getAuthorities()); Objectify objectify = objectifyFactory.begin(); objectify.put(newUser); if (newUser.getAuthorities().contains(AppRole.DOCTOR)) { Doctor doc = new Doctor(newUser); objectify.put(doc); cacheManager.getCache("doctors").put(doc.getUserId(), doc); } if (newUser.getAuthorities().contains(AppRole.PATIENT)) { Patient pat = new Patient(newUser); objectify.put(pat); cacheManager.getCache("patients").put(pat.getUserId(), pat); } cacheManager.getCache("users").put(newUser.getUserId(), newUser); }
@Override public boolean update(PaymentGateway item) throws Exception { log.info("update()"); if (item == null) return false; Objectify ofy = objectifyFactory.begin(); log.info( "verify if this PaymentGateway already exist " + "in the datastore: " + item.toString()); boolean thisAddressAlreadyExist = ofy.query(PaymentGateway.class).ancestor(item.getGateway_id()).get() != null; if (thisAddressAlreadyExist) { log.info("Confirmed: this PaymentGateway already exist."); ofy.put(item); return true; } else { log.info( "This PaymentGateway doesn't exist at the datastore or " + "something whas wrong (might be the ancestor reference"); return false; } }
@Override public boolean remove(PaymentGateway item) throws Exception { Objectify ofy = objectifyFactory.begin(); ofy.delete(item); return true; }
@Override public Key<PaymentGateway> create(PaymentGateway item) throws Exception { Objectify ofy = objectifyFactory.begin(); Key<PaymentGateway> paymentGatewayKey = ofy.put(item); return paymentGatewayKey; }
public PaymentGatewayDAOImpl() { if (objectifyFactory != null) log.info( "objectifyFactory was injected succesfully to this dao: " + objectifyFactory.toString()); }
public void removeUser(String userId) { Objectify objectify = objectifyFactory.begin(); objectify.delete(new Key<GaeUser>(GaeUser.class, userId)); }