 public void testBasicSetup() {
   // build injector, but don't make use of it directly, only via the request processor
   Injector i = Guice.createInjector(new TestModule());
   SampleFactory f = RequestFactorySource.create(SampleFactory.class);
   //    final String[] holder = new String[1];
   final AtomicReference<String> holder = new AtomicReference<String>();
       new SimpleEventBus(),
       new RequestTransport() {
         public void send(String arg0, TransportReceiver arg1) {
           // the SIMPLE_REQUEST_PROCESSOR field should have been repopulated by guice
           // and any dependencies satisfied
           String resp = GwtRequestFactoryVisitor.SIMPLE_REQUEST_PROCESSOR.process(arg0);
       .trim("   word   ")
           new Receiver<String>() {
             public void onSuccess(String arg0) {
   Assert.assertEquals("word", holder.get());
 public static SocialwindRequestFactory get() {
   ServiceLayer serviceLayer = ServiceLayer.create();
   SimpleRequestProcessor requestProcessor = new SimpleRequestProcessor(serviceLayer);
   EventBus eventBus = new SimpleEventBus();
   SocialwindRequestFactory swrf = RequestFactorySource.create(SocialwindRequestFactory.class);
   swrf.initialize(eventBus, new InProcessRequestTransport(requestProcessor));
   return swrf;