private WALEntry createEntry(byte[] table, int row, KeyValue.Type type, List<Cell> cells) { byte[] fam = Bytes.equals(table, TABLE_NAME1) ? FAM_NAME1 : FAM_NAME2; byte[] rowBytes = Bytes.toBytes(row); // Just make sure we don't get the same ts for two consecutive rows with // same key try { Thread.sleep(1); } catch (InterruptedException e) {"Was interrupted while sleep, meh", e); } final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); KeyValue kv = null; if (type.getCode() == KeyValue.Type.Put.getCode()) { kv = new KeyValue(rowBytes, fam, fam, now, KeyValue.Type.Put, Bytes.toBytes(row)); } else if (type.getCode() == KeyValue.Type.DeleteColumn.getCode()) { kv = new KeyValue(rowBytes, fam, fam, now, KeyValue.Type.DeleteColumn); } else if (type.getCode() == KeyValue.Type.DeleteFamily.getCode()) { kv = new KeyValue(rowBytes, fam, null, now, KeyValue.Type.DeleteFamily); } WALEntry.Builder builder = WALEntry.newBuilder(); builder.setAssociatedCellCount(1); WALKey.Builder keyBuilder = WALKey.newBuilder(); UUID.Builder uuidBuilder = UUID.newBuilder(); uuidBuilder.setLeastSigBits(HConstants.DEFAULT_CLUSTER_ID.getLeastSignificantBits()); uuidBuilder.setMostSigBits(HConstants.DEFAULT_CLUSTER_ID.getMostSignificantBits()); keyBuilder.setClusterId(; keyBuilder.setTableName(HBaseZeroCopyByteString.wrap(table)); keyBuilder.setWriteTime(now); keyBuilder.setEncodedRegionName(HBaseZeroCopyByteString.wrap(HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY)); keyBuilder.setLogSequenceNumber(-1); builder.setKey(; cells.add(kv); return; }
static CellProtos.Cell getStartCode(final ByteString row) { CellProtos.Cell.Builder cellBuilder = getBaseCellBuilder(row); cellBuilder.setQualifier(HBaseZeroCopyByteString.wrap(HConstants.STARTCODE_QUALIFIER)); // TODO: cellBuilder.setValue( HBaseZeroCopyByteString.wrap(Bytes.toBytes(META_SERVERNAME.getStartcode()))); return; }
static ScanResponse doMetaScanResponse( final SortedMap<byte[], Pair<HRegionInfo, ServerName>> meta, final AtomicLong sequenceids, final ScanRequest request) { ScanResponse.Builder builder = ScanResponse.newBuilder(); int max = request.getNumberOfRows(); int count = 0; Map<byte[], Pair<HRegionInfo, ServerName>> tail = request.hasScan() ? meta.tailMap(request.getScan().getStartRow().toByteArray()) : meta; ClientProtos.Result.Builder resultBuilder = ClientProtos.Result.newBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<byte[], Pair<HRegionInfo, ServerName>> e : tail.entrySet()) { // Can be 0 on open of a scanner -- i.e. rpc to setup scannerid only. if (max <= 0) break; if (++count > max) break; HRegionInfo hri = e.getValue().getFirst(); ByteString row = HBaseZeroCopyByteString.wrap(hri.getRegionName()); resultBuilder.clear(); resultBuilder.addCell(getRegionInfo(row, hri)); resultBuilder.addCell(getServer(row, e.getValue().getSecond())); resultBuilder.addCell(getStartCode(row)); builder.addResults(; // Set more to false if we are on the last region in table. if (hri.getEndKey().length <= 0) builder.setMoreResults(false); else builder.setMoreResults(true); } // If no scannerid, set one. builder.setScannerId( request.hasScannerId() ? request.getScannerId() : sequenceids.incrementAndGet()); return; }
@Test public void testExecuteSerialization() throws Exception { Service.ExecuteRequest executeRequest = new Service.ExecuteRequest( new StatementHandle("connection", 12345, getSignature()), getTypedValues(), 0); Requests.ExecuteRequest pbExecuteRequest = executeRequest.serialize(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024); pbExecuteRequest.writeTo(baos); byte[] serialized = baos.toByteArray(); baos.reset(); WireMessage wireMsg = WireMessage.newBuilder() .setName(Requests.ExecuteRequest.class.getName()) .setWrappedMessage(HBaseZeroCopyByteString.wrap(serialized)) .build(); wireMsg.writeTo(baos); serialized = baos.toByteArray(); ProtobufTranslation translator = new ProtobufTranslationImpl(); Request newRequest = translator.parseRequest(serialized); Assert.assertEquals(executeRequest, newRequest); }
/** Test client behavior w/o setting up a cluster. Mock up cluster emissions. */ @Category(SmallTests.class) public class TestClientNoCluster extends Configured implements Tool { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestClientNoCluster.class); private Configuration conf; public static final ServerName META_SERVERNAME = ServerName.valueOf("", 60010, 12345); @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { this.conf = HBaseConfiguration.create(); // Run my HConnection overrides. Use my little HConnectionImplementation below which // allows me insert mocks and also use my Registry below rather than the default zk based // one so tests run faster and don't have zk dependency. this.conf.set("hbase.client.registry.impl", SimpleRegistry.class.getName()); } /** Simple cluster registry inserted in place of our usual zookeeper based one. */ static class SimpleRegistry implements Registry { final ServerName META_HOST = META_SERVERNAME; @Override public void init(HConnection connection) {} @Override public HRegionLocation getMetaRegionLocation() throws IOException { return new HRegionLocation(HRegionInfo.FIRST_META_REGIONINFO, META_HOST); } @Override public String getClusterId() { return HConstants.CLUSTER_ID_DEFAULT; } @Override public boolean isTableOnlineState(TableName tableName, boolean enabled) throws IOException { return enabled; } @Override public int getCurrentNrHRS() throws IOException { return 1; } } /** * Remove the @Ignore to try out timeout and retry asettings * * @throws IOException */ @Ignore @Test public void testTimeoutAndRetries() throws IOException { Configuration localConfig = HBaseConfiguration.create(this.conf); // This override mocks up our exists/get call to throw a RegionServerStoppedException. localConfig.set("hbase.client.connection.impl", RpcTimeoutConnection.class.getName()); HTable table = new HTable(localConfig, TableName.META_TABLE_NAME); Throwable t = null;"Start"); try { // An exists call turns into a get w/ a flag. table.exists(new Get(Bytes.toBytes("abc"))); } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { // I expect this exception."Got expected exception", e); t = e; } catch (RetriesExhaustedException e) { // This is the old, unwanted behavior. If we get here FAIL!!! fail(); } finally { table.close(); }"Stop"); assertTrue(t != null); } /** * Test that operation timeout prevails over rpc default timeout and retries, etc. * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testRocTimeout() throws IOException { Configuration localConfig = HBaseConfiguration.create(this.conf); // This override mocks up our exists/get call to throw a RegionServerStoppedException. localConfig.set("hbase.client.connection.impl", RpcTimeoutConnection.class.getName()); int pause = 10; localConfig.setInt("hbase.client.pause", pause); localConfig.setInt(HConstants.HBASE_CLIENT_RETRIES_NUMBER, 10); // Set the operation timeout to be < the pause. Expectation is that after first pause, we will // fail out of the rpc because the rpc timeout will have been set to the operation tiemout // and it has expired. Otherwise, if this functionality is broke, all retries will be run -- // all ten of them -- and we'll get the RetriesExhaustedException exception. localConfig.setInt(HConstants.HBASE_CLIENT_META_OPERATION_TIMEOUT, pause - 1); HTable table = new HTable(localConfig, TableName.META_TABLE_NAME); Throwable t = null; try { // An exists call turns into a get w/ a flag. table.exists(new Get(Bytes.toBytes("abc"))); } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { // I expect this exception."Got expected exception", e); t = e; } catch (RetriesExhaustedException e) { // This is the old, unwanted behavior. If we get here FAIL!!! fail(); } finally { table.close(); } assertTrue(t != null); } @Test public void testDoNotRetryMetaScanner() throws IOException { this.conf.set( "hbase.client.connection.impl", RegionServerStoppedOnScannerOpenConnection.class.getName()); MetaScanner.metaScan(this.conf, null); } @Test public void testDoNotRetryOnScanNext() throws IOException { this.conf.set( "hbase.client.connection.impl", RegionServerStoppedOnScannerOpenConnection.class.getName()); // Go against meta else we will try to find first region for the table on construction which // means we'll have to do a bunch more mocking. Tests that go against meta only should be // good for a bit of testing. HTable table = new HTable(this.conf, TableName.META_TABLE_NAME); ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY); try { Result result = null; while ((result = != null) {; } } finally { scanner.close(); table.close(); } } @Test public void testRegionServerStoppedOnScannerOpen() throws IOException { this.conf.set( "hbase.client.connection.impl", RegionServerStoppedOnScannerOpenConnection.class.getName()); // Go against meta else we will try to find first region for the table on construction which // means we'll have to do a bunch more mocking. Tests that go against meta only should be // good for a bit of testing. HTable table = new HTable(this.conf, TableName.META_TABLE_NAME); ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY); try { Result result = null; while ((result = != null) {; } } finally { scanner.close(); table.close(); } } /** Override to shutdown going to zookeeper for cluster id and meta location. */ static class ScanOpenNextThenExceptionThenRecoverConnection extends HConnectionManager.HConnectionImplementation { final ClientService.BlockingInterface stub; ScanOpenNextThenExceptionThenRecoverConnection( Configuration conf, boolean managed, ExecutorService pool) throws IOException { super(conf, managed); // Mock up my stub so open scanner returns a scanner id and then on next, we throw // exceptions for three times and then after that, we return no more to scan. this.stub = Mockito.mock(ClientService.BlockingInterface.class); long sid = 12345L; try { Mockito.when( stub.scan((RpcController) Mockito.any(), (ClientProtos.ScanRequest) Mockito.any())) .thenReturn(ClientProtos.ScanResponse.newBuilder().setScannerId(sid).build()) .thenThrow(new ServiceException(new RegionServerStoppedException("From Mockito"))) .thenReturn( ClientProtos.ScanResponse.newBuilder() .setScannerId(sid) .setMoreResults(false) .build()); } catch (ServiceException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } @Override public BlockingInterface getClient(ServerName sn) throws IOException { return this.stub; } } /** Override to shutdown going to zookeeper for cluster id and meta location. */ static class RegionServerStoppedOnScannerOpenConnection extends HConnectionManager.HConnectionImplementation { final ClientService.BlockingInterface stub; RegionServerStoppedOnScannerOpenConnection( Configuration conf, boolean managed, ExecutorService pool, User user) throws IOException { super(conf, managed); // Mock up my stub so open scanner returns a scanner id and then on next, we throw // exceptions for three times and then after that, we return no more to scan. this.stub = Mockito.mock(ClientService.BlockingInterface.class); long sid = 12345L; try { Mockito.when( stub.scan((RpcController) Mockito.any(), (ClientProtos.ScanRequest) Mockito.any())) .thenReturn(ClientProtos.ScanResponse.newBuilder().setScannerId(sid).build()) .thenThrow(new ServiceException(new RegionServerStoppedException("From Mockito"))) .thenReturn( ClientProtos.ScanResponse.newBuilder() .setScannerId(sid) .setMoreResults(false) .build()); } catch (ServiceException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } @Override public BlockingInterface getClient(ServerName sn) throws IOException { return this.stub; } } /** Override to check we are setting rpc timeout right. */ static class RpcTimeoutConnection extends HConnectionManager.HConnectionImplementation { final ClientService.BlockingInterface stub; RpcTimeoutConnection(Configuration conf, boolean managed, ExecutorService pool, User user) throws IOException { super(conf, managed); // Mock up my stub so an exists call -- which turns into a get -- throws an exception this.stub = Mockito.mock(ClientService.BlockingInterface.class); try { Mockito.when( stub.get((RpcController) Mockito.any(), (ClientProtos.GetRequest) Mockito.any())) .thenThrow(new ServiceException(new RegionServerStoppedException("From Mockito"))); } catch (ServiceException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } @Override public BlockingInterface getClient(ServerName sn) throws IOException { return this.stub; } } /** Fake many regionservers and many regions on a connection implementation. */ static class ManyServersManyRegionsConnection extends HConnectionManager.HConnectionImplementation { // All access should be synchronized final Map<ServerName, ClientService.BlockingInterface> serversByClient; /** Map of faked-up rows of a 'meta table'. */ final SortedMap<byte[], Pair<HRegionInfo, ServerName>> meta; final AtomicLong sequenceids = new AtomicLong(0); private final Configuration conf; ManyServersManyRegionsConnection( Configuration conf, boolean managed, ExecutorService pool, User user) throws IOException { super(conf, managed, pool, user); int serverCount = conf.getInt("hbase.test.servers", 10); this.serversByClient = new HashMap<ServerName, ClientService.BlockingInterface>(serverCount); this.meta = makeMeta( Bytes.toBytes(conf.get("hbase.test.tablename", Bytes.toString(BIG_USER_TABLE))), conf.getInt("hbase.test.regions", 100), conf.getLong("hbase.test.namespace.span", 1000), serverCount); this.conf = conf; } @Override public ClientService.BlockingInterface getClient(ServerName sn) throws IOException { // if (!sn.toString().startsWith("meta")); ClientService.BlockingInterface stub = null; synchronized (this.serversByClient) { stub = this.serversByClient.get(sn); if (stub == null) { stub = new FakeServer(this.conf, meta, sequenceids); this.serversByClient.put(sn, stub); } } return stub; } } static MultiResponse doMultiResponse( final SortedMap<byte[], Pair<HRegionInfo, ServerName>> meta, final AtomicLong sequenceids, final MultiRequest request) { // Make a response to match the request. Act like there were no failures. ClientProtos.MultiResponse.Builder builder = ClientProtos.MultiResponse.newBuilder(); // Per Region. RegionActionResult.Builder regionActionResultBuilder = RegionActionResult.newBuilder(); ResultOrException.Builder roeBuilder = ResultOrException.newBuilder(); for (RegionAction regionAction : request.getRegionActionList()) { regionActionResultBuilder.clear(); // Per Action in a Region. for (ClientProtos.Action action : regionAction.getActionList()) { roeBuilder.clear(); // Return empty Result and proper index as result. roeBuilder.setResult(ClientProtos.Result.getDefaultInstance()); roeBuilder.setIndex(action.getIndex()); regionActionResultBuilder.addResultOrException(; } builder.addRegionActionResult(; } return; } /** * Fake 'server'. Implements the ClientService responding as though it were a 'server' (presumes a * new ClientService.BlockingInterface made per server). */ static class FakeServer implements ClientService.BlockingInterface { private AtomicInteger multiInvocationsCount = new AtomicInteger(0); private final SortedMap<byte[], Pair<HRegionInfo, ServerName>> meta; private final AtomicLong sequenceids; private final long multiPause; private final int tooManyMultiRequests; FakeServer( final Configuration c, final SortedMap<byte[], Pair<HRegionInfo, ServerName>> meta, final AtomicLong sequenceids) { this.meta = meta; this.sequenceids = sequenceids; // Pause to simulate the server taking time applying the edits. This will drive up the // number of threads used over in client. this.multiPause = c.getLong("hbase.test.multi.pause.when.done", 0); this.tooManyMultiRequests = c.getInt("hbase.test.multi.too.many", 3); } @Override public GetResponse get(RpcController controller, GetRequest request) throws ServiceException { boolean metaRegion = isMetaRegion(request.getRegion().getValue().toByteArray(), request.getRegion().getType()); if (!metaRegion) { return doGetResponse(request); } return doMetaGetResponse(meta, request); } private GetResponse doGetResponse(GetRequest request) { ClientProtos.Result.Builder resultBuilder = ClientProtos.Result.newBuilder(); ByteString row = request.getGet().getRow(); resultBuilder.addCell(getStartCode(row)); GetResponse.Builder builder = GetResponse.newBuilder(); builder.setResult(; return; } @Override public MutateResponse mutate(RpcController controller, MutateRequest request) throws ServiceException { throw new NotImplementedException(); } @Override public ScanResponse scan(RpcController controller, ScanRequest request) throws ServiceException { // Presume it is a scan of meta for now. Not all scans provide a region spec expecting // the server to keep reference by scannerid. TODO. return doMetaScanResponse(meta, sequenceids, request); } @Override public BulkLoadHFileResponse bulkLoadHFile( RpcController controller, BulkLoadHFileRequest request) throws ServiceException { throw new NotImplementedException(); } @Override public CoprocessorServiceResponse execService( RpcController controller, CoprocessorServiceRequest request) throws ServiceException { throw new NotImplementedException(); } @Override public MultiResponse multi(RpcController controller, MultiRequest request) throws ServiceException { int concurrentInvocations = this.multiInvocationsCount.incrementAndGet(); try { if (concurrentInvocations >= tooManyMultiRequests) { throw new ServiceException( new RegionTooBusyException("concurrentInvocations=" + concurrentInvocations)); } Threads.sleep(multiPause); return doMultiResponse(meta, sequenceids, request); } finally { this.multiInvocationsCount.decrementAndGet(); } } } static ScanResponse doMetaScanResponse( final SortedMap<byte[], Pair<HRegionInfo, ServerName>> meta, final AtomicLong sequenceids, final ScanRequest request) { ScanResponse.Builder builder = ScanResponse.newBuilder(); int max = request.getNumberOfRows(); int count = 0; Map<byte[], Pair<HRegionInfo, ServerName>> tail = request.hasScan() ? meta.tailMap(request.getScan().getStartRow().toByteArray()) : meta; ClientProtos.Result.Builder resultBuilder = ClientProtos.Result.newBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<byte[], Pair<HRegionInfo, ServerName>> e : tail.entrySet()) { // Can be 0 on open of a scanner -- i.e. rpc to setup scannerid only. if (max <= 0) break; if (++count > max) break; HRegionInfo hri = e.getValue().getFirst(); ByteString row = HBaseZeroCopyByteString.wrap(hri.getRegionName()); resultBuilder.clear(); resultBuilder.addCell(getRegionInfo(row, hri)); resultBuilder.addCell(getServer(row, e.getValue().getSecond())); resultBuilder.addCell(getStartCode(row)); builder.addResults(; // Set more to false if we are on the last region in table. if (hri.getEndKey().length <= 0) builder.setMoreResults(false); else builder.setMoreResults(true); } // If no scannerid, set one. builder.setScannerId( request.hasScannerId() ? request.getScannerId() : sequenceids.incrementAndGet()); return; } static GetResponse doMetaGetResponse( final SortedMap<byte[], Pair<HRegionInfo, ServerName>> meta, final GetRequest request) { ClientProtos.Result.Builder resultBuilder = ClientProtos.Result.newBuilder(); ByteString row = request.getGet().getRow(); Pair<HRegionInfo, ServerName> p = meta.get(row.toByteArray()); if (p == null) { if (request.getGet().getClosestRowBefore()) { byte[] bytes = row.toByteArray(); SortedMap<byte[], Pair<HRegionInfo, ServerName>> head = bytes != null ? meta.headMap(bytes) : meta; p = head == null ? null : head.get(head.lastKey()); } } if (p != null) { resultBuilder.addCell(getRegionInfo(row, p.getFirst())); resultBuilder.addCell(getServer(row, p.getSecond())); } resultBuilder.addCell(getStartCode(row)); GetResponse.Builder builder = GetResponse.newBuilder(); builder.setResult(; return; } /** * @param name region name or encoded region name. * @param type * @return True if we are dealing with a hbase:meta region. */ static boolean isMetaRegion(final byte[] name, final RegionSpecifierType type) { switch (type) { case REGION_NAME: return Bytes.equals(HRegionInfo.FIRST_META_REGIONINFO.getRegionName(), name); case ENCODED_REGION_NAME: return Bytes.equals(HRegionInfo.FIRST_META_REGIONINFO.getEncodedNameAsBytes(), name); default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } private static final ByteString CATALOG_FAMILY_BYTESTRING = HBaseZeroCopyByteString.wrap(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY); private static final ByteString REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER_BYTESTRING = HBaseZeroCopyByteString.wrap(HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER); private static final ByteString SERVER_QUALIFIER_BYTESTRING = HBaseZeroCopyByteString.wrap(HConstants.SERVER_QUALIFIER); static CellProtos.Cell.Builder getBaseCellBuilder(final ByteString row) { CellProtos.Cell.Builder cellBuilder = CellProtos.Cell.newBuilder(); cellBuilder.setRow(row); cellBuilder.setFamily(CATALOG_FAMILY_BYTESTRING); cellBuilder.setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); return cellBuilder; } static CellProtos.Cell getRegionInfo(final ByteString row, final HRegionInfo hri) { CellProtos.Cell.Builder cellBuilder = getBaseCellBuilder(row); cellBuilder.setQualifier(REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER_BYTESTRING); cellBuilder.setValue(HBaseZeroCopyByteString.wrap(hri.toByteArray())); return; } static CellProtos.Cell getServer(final ByteString row, final ServerName sn) { CellProtos.Cell.Builder cellBuilder = getBaseCellBuilder(row); cellBuilder.setQualifier(SERVER_QUALIFIER_BYTESTRING); cellBuilder.setValue(ByteString.copyFromUtf8(sn.getHostAndPort())); return; } static CellProtos.Cell getStartCode(final ByteString row) { CellProtos.Cell.Builder cellBuilder = getBaseCellBuilder(row); cellBuilder.setQualifier(HBaseZeroCopyByteString.wrap(HConstants.STARTCODE_QUALIFIER)); // TODO: cellBuilder.setValue( HBaseZeroCopyByteString.wrap(Bytes.toBytes(META_SERVERNAME.getStartcode()))); return; } private static final byte[] BIG_USER_TABLE = Bytes.toBytes("t"); /** * Format passed integer. Zero-pad. Copied from hbase-server PE class and small amendment. Make * them share. * * @param number * @return Returns zero-prefixed 10-byte wide decimal version of passed number (Does absolute in * case number is negative). */ private static byte[] format(final long number) { byte[] b = new byte[10]; long d = number; for (int i = b.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { b[i] = (byte) ((d % 10) + '0'); d /= 10; } return b; } /** * @param count * @param namespaceSpan * @return <code>count</code> regions */ private static HRegionInfo[] makeHRegionInfos( final byte[] tableName, final int count, final long namespaceSpan) { byte[] startKey = HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; byte[] endKey = HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; long interval = namespaceSpan / count; HRegionInfo[] hris = new HRegionInfo[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i == 0) { endKey = format(interval); } else { startKey = endKey; if (i == count - 1) endKey = HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; else endKey = format((i + 1) * interval); } hris[i] = new HRegionInfo(TableName.valueOf(tableName), startKey, endKey); } return hris; } /** * @param count * @return Return <code>count</code> servernames. */ private static ServerName[] makeServerNames(final int count) { ServerName[] sns = new ServerName[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { sns[i] = ServerName.valueOf("" + i + "", 60010, i); } return sns; } /** Comparator for meta row keys. */ private static class MetaRowsComparator implements Comparator<byte[]> { private final KeyValue.KVComparator delegate = new KeyValue.MetaComparator(); @Override public int compare(byte[] left, byte[] right) { return delegate.compareRows(left, 0, left.length, right, 0, right.length); } } /** * Create up a map that is keyed by meta row name and whose value is the HRegionInfo and * ServerName to return for this row. * * @return Map with faked hbase:meta content in it. */ static SortedMap<byte[], Pair<HRegionInfo, ServerName>> makeMeta( final byte[] tableName, final int regionCount, final long namespaceSpan, final int serverCount) { // I need a comparator for meta rows so we sort properly. SortedMap<byte[], Pair<HRegionInfo, ServerName>> meta = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<byte[], Pair<HRegionInfo, ServerName>>(new MetaRowsComparator()); HRegionInfo[] hris = makeHRegionInfos(tableName, regionCount, namespaceSpan); ServerName[] serverNames = makeServerNames(serverCount); int per = regionCount / serverCount; int count = 0; for (HRegionInfo hri : hris) { Pair<HRegionInfo, ServerName> p = new Pair<HRegionInfo, ServerName>(hri, serverNames[count++ / per]); meta.put(hri.getRegionName(), p); } return meta; } /** * Code for each 'client' to run. * * @param id * @param c * @param sharedConnection * @throws IOException */ static void cycle(int id, final Configuration c, final HConnection sharedConnection) throws IOException { HTableInterface table = sharedConnection.getTable(BIG_USER_TABLE); table.setAutoFlushTo(false); long namespaceSpan = c.getLong("hbase.test.namespace.span", 1000000); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final int printInterval = 100000; Random rd = new Random(id); boolean get = c.getBoolean("", false); try { Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.start(); for (int i = 0; i < namespaceSpan; i++) { byte[] b = format(rd.nextLong()); if (get) { Get g = new Get(b); table.get(g); } else { Put p = new Put(b); p.add(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, b, b); table.put(p); } if (i % printInterval == 0) {"Put " + printInterval + "/" + stopWatch.elapsedMillis()); stopWatch.reset(); stopWatch.start(); } } "Finished a cycle putting " + namespaceSpan + " in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms"); } finally { table.close(); } } @Override public int run(String[] arg0) throws Exception { int errCode = 0; // TODO: Make command options. // How many servers to fake. final int servers = 1; // How many regions to put on the faked servers. final int regions = 100000; // How many 'keys' in the faked regions. final long namespaceSpan = 50000000; // How long to take to pause after doing a put; make this long if you want to fake a struggling // server. final long multiPause = 0; // Check args make basic sense. if ((namespaceSpan < regions) || (regions < servers)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "namespaceSpan=" + namespaceSpan + " must be > regions=" + regions + " which must be > servers=" + servers); } // Set my many servers and many regions faking connection in place. getConf().set("hbase.client.connection.impl", ManyServersManyRegionsConnection.class.getName()); // Use simple kv registry rather than zk getConf().set("hbase.client.registry.impl", SimpleRegistry.class.getName()); // When to report fails. Default is we report the 10th. This means we'll see log everytime // an exception is thrown -- usually RegionTooBusyException when we have more than // hbase.test.multi.too.many requests outstanding at any time. getConf().setInt("hbase.client.start.log.errors.counter", 0); // Ugly but this is only way to pass in configs.into ManyServersManyRegionsConnection class. getConf().setInt("hbase.test.regions", regions); getConf().setLong("hbase.test.namespace.span", namespaceSpan); getConf().setLong("hbase.test.servers", servers); getConf().set("hbase.test.tablename", Bytes.toString(BIG_USER_TABLE)); getConf().setLong("hbase.test.multi.pause.when.done", multiPause); // Let there be ten outstanding requests at a time before we throw RegionBusyException. getConf().setInt("hbase.test.multi.too.many", 10); final int clients = 2; // Have them all share the same connection so they all share the same instance of // ManyServersManyRegionsConnection so I can keep an eye on how many requests by server. final ExecutorService pool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(Threads.getNamedThreadFactory("p")); // Executors.newFixedThreadPool(servers * 10, Threads.getNamedThreadFactory("p")); // Share a connection so I can keep counts in the 'server' on concurrency. final HConnection sharedConnection = HConnectionManager.createConnection(getConf() /*, pool*/); try { Thread[] ts = new Thread[clients]; for (int j = 0; j < ts.length; j++) { final int id = j; ts[j] = new Thread("" + j) { final Configuration c = getConf(); @Override public void run() { try { cycle(id, c, sharedConnection); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; ts[j].start(); } for (int j = 0; j < ts.length; j++) { ts[j].join(); } } finally { sharedConnection.close(); } return errCode; } /** * Run a client instance against a faked up server. * * @param args TODO * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.exit(, new TestClientNoCluster(), args)); } }
static CellProtos.Cell getRegionInfo(final ByteString row, final HRegionInfo hri) { CellProtos.Cell.Builder cellBuilder = getBaseCellBuilder(row); cellBuilder.setQualifier(REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER_BYTESTRING); cellBuilder.setValue(HBaseZeroCopyByteString.wrap(hri.toByteArray())); return; }