public void testNullability() throws Exception { Module module = new AbstractModule() { @Override protected void configure() { bind(String.class).toProvider(Providers.<String>of(null)); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Provides Integer fail(String foo) { return 1; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Provides Long succeed(@Nullable String foo) { return 2L; } }; Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(module); InjectionPoint fooPoint = InjectionPoint.forMethod( module.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("fail", String.class), TypeLiteral.get(module.getClass())); Dependency<?> fooDependency = Iterables.getOnlyElement(fooPoint.getDependencies()); runNullableTest(injector, fooDependency, module); injector.getInstance(Long.class); }
private void addInjectionPointDependencies(InjectionPoint injectionPoint) { // Do not consider dependencies coming from optional injections. if (injectionPoint.isOptional()) { return; } for (Dependency<?> dependency : injectionPoint.getDependencies()) { Key<?> key = dependency.getKey(); bindingsObserved.add(BindingInfo.create(key)); } }
public static <T> Provider<T> providerForComponentFactory( final ComponentFactory<T> componentFactory) { // This method does exactly the same as // Ensure that we inject all injection points from the delegate provider. Set<InjectionPoint> injectionPoints = InjectionPoint.forInstanceMethodsAndFields(componentFactory.getClass()); if (injectionPoints.isEmpty()) { return new<T>() { @Override public T get() { return componentFactory.newInstance(); } @Override public String toString() { return "ComponentFactory: " + componentFactory.toString(); } }; } else { Set<Dependency<?>> mutableDeps = Sets.newHashSet(); for (InjectionPoint ip : injectionPoints) { mutableDeps.addAll(ip.getDependencies()); } final Set<Dependency<?>> dependencies = ImmutableSet.copyOf(mutableDeps); return new ProviderWithDependencies<T>() { @SuppressWarnings("unused") void initialize(Injector injector) { injector.injectMembers(componentFactory); } @Override public Set<Dependency<?>> getDependencies() { return dependencies; } @Override public T get() { return componentFactory.newInstance(); } @Override public String toString() { return "ComponentFactory: " + componentFactory.toString(); } }; } }
private <T> ProviderMethod<T> createProviderMethod( Binder binder, Method method, Annotation annotation) { binder = binder.withSource(method); Errors errors = new Errors(method); // prepare the parameter providers InjectionPoint point = InjectionPoint.forMethod(method, typeLiteral); List<Dependency<?>> dependencies = point.getDependencies(); List<Provider<?>> parameterProviders = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Dependency<?> dependency : point.getDependencies()) { parameterProviders.add(binder.getProvider(dependency)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Define T as the method's return type. TypeLiteral<T> returnType = (TypeLiteral<T>) typeLiteral.getReturnType(method); Key<T> key = getKey(errors, returnType, method, method.getAnnotations()); try { key = scanner.prepareMethod(binder, annotation, key, point); } catch (Throwable t) { binder.addError(t); } Class<? extends Annotation> scopeAnnotation = Annotations.findScopeAnnotation(errors, method.getAnnotations()); for (Message message : errors.getMessages()) { binder.addError(message); } return ProviderMethod.create( key, method, delegate, ImmutableSet.copyOf(dependencies), parameterProviders, scopeAnnotation, skipFastClassGeneration, annotation); }