@Override void doSave() { int order; try { order = Integer.parseInt(listOrderEd.getText().trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Window.alert( "Enter an integer to indicate the order that this season will appear in a drop down selection box"); listOrderEd.setFocus(true); return; } if (seasonEd.getText().trim().length() == 0) { Window.alert("Enter a Season"); return; } TSe season = new TSe(); if (editRb.getValue()) { season.setId(getLookupId()); } season.setListOrder(order); season.setSeason(seasonEd.getText()); saveBtn.setEnabled(false); service.saveSeason(season); }
private void applyChanges( final GenericColumnCommand refreshGrid, final ActionRetractFactCol52 col, final boolean isNew) { if (null == editingCol.getHeader() || "".equals(editingCol.getHeader())) { Window.alert( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.YouMustEnterAColumnHeaderValueDescription()); return; } if (isNew) { if (!unique(editingCol.getHeader())) { Window.alert( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.ThatColumnNameIsAlreadyInUsePleasePickAnother()); return; } } else { if (!col.getHeader().equals(editingCol.getHeader())) { if (!unique(editingCol.getHeader())) { Window.alert( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE .ThatColumnNameIsAlreadyInUsePleasePickAnother()); return; } } } // Pass new\modified column back for handling refreshGrid.execute(editingCol); hide(); }
/** * Exported the selected item. * * @param item Item to export. * @param eventListener <tt>Event Listener</tt> for the export operation. */ public static void exportSelectedItem( TreeItem item, GetFileNameDialogEventListener eventListener) { if (item == null) { // TODO add message for internationalization purposes Window.alert("Please select the item to export."); return; } if (((Editable) item.getUserObject()).isNew()) { // TODO add message for internationalization purposes Window.alert("Please first save this item."); return; } String name = ""; Object studyItem = item.getUserObject(); if (studyItem instanceof StudyDef) name = ((StudyDef) studyItem).getName(); else if (studyItem instanceof FormDef) name = ((StudyDef) item.getParentItem().getUserObject()).getName() + "-" + ((FormDef) studyItem).getName(); else if (studyItem instanceof FormDefVersion) name = ((StudyDef) item.getParentItem().getParentItem().getUserObject()).getName() + "-" + ((FormDef) item.getParentItem().getUserObject()).getName() + "-" + ((FormDefVersion) studyItem).getName(); name = name.replace(" ", ""); new GetFileNameDialog( eventListener, constants.label_export_as(), constants.label_export(), name) .center(); }
private static boolean needToUpgrade(int srcYaVersion) { // Compare the source file's YoungAndroid version with the system's YoungAndroid version. final int sysYaVersion = YaVersion.YOUNG_ANDROID_VERSION; if (srcYaVersion > sysYaVersion) { // The source file's version is newer than the system's version. // This can happen if the user is using (or in the past has used) a non-production version of // App Inventor. // This can also happen if the user is connected to a new version of App Inventor and then // later is connected to an old version of App Inventor. // We'll try to load the project but there may be compatibility issues if the project uses // future components or other features that the current system doesn't understand. Window.alert(MESSAGES.newerVersionProject()); return false; } if (srcYaVersion == 0) { // The source file doesn't have a YoungAndroid version number. // There are two situations that cause this: // 1. The project may have been downloaded from alpha (androidblocks.googlelabs.com) and // uploaded to beta (appinventor.googlelabs.com), which is illegal. // 2. The project may have been created with beta (appinventor.googlelabs.com) before we // started putting version numbers into the source file, which is legal, and nothing // really changed between version 0 and version 1. // // For a limited time, we assume #2, show a warning, and proceed. // TODO(lizlooney) - after the limited time is up (when we think that all appinventor // projects have been upgraded), we may decide to refuse to load the project. Window.alert(MESSAGES.veryOldProject()); } return (srcYaVersion < sysYaVersion); }
public PlayerWidget(String url) { SimplePanel panel = new SimplePanel(); // create panel to hold the player player = null; try { // create the player, specifing URL of media player = new WinMediaPlayer(url, true, "450px", "550px"); player.showLogger(true); panel.setWidget(player); // add player to panel. } catch (LoadException e) { try { player = new QuickTimePlayer(url, true, "450px", "550px"); panel.setWidget(player); // add player to panel. // catch loading exception and alert user Window.alert("An error occured while loading"); } catch (LoadException ep) { try { player = new FlashMP3Player(url, true, "450px", "550px"); panel.setWidget(player); // add player to panel. // catch loading exception and alert user Window.alert("An error occured while loading"); } catch (LoadException exp) { // catch loading exception and alert user Window.alert("An error occured while loading"); } catch (PluginVersionException exp) { // required plugin version is not available, alert user possibly providing a link // to the plugin download page. panel.setWidget( new HTML(".. some nice message telling the user to download plugin first ..")); } catch (PluginNotFoundException exp) { // catch PluginNotFoundException and tell user to download plugin, possibly providing // a link to the plugin download page. panel.setWidget( new HTML(".. another nice message telling the user to download plugin..")); } } catch (PluginVersionException ep) { // required plugin version is not available, alert user possibly providing a link // to the plugin download page. panel.setWidget( new HTML(".. some nice message telling the user to download plugin first ..")); } catch (PluginNotFoundException ep) { // catch PluginNotFoundException and tell user to download plugin, possibly providing // a link to the plugin download page. panel.setWidget(new HTML(".. another nice message telling the user to download plugin..")); } } catch (PluginVersionException e) { // required plugin version is not available, alert user possibly providing a link // to the plugin download page. panel.setWidget( new HTML(".. some nice message telling the user to download plugin first ..")); } catch (PluginNotFoundException e) { // catch PluginNotFoundException and tell user to download plugin, possibly providing // a link to the plugin download page. panel.setWidget(new HTML(".. another nice message telling the user to download plugin..")); } initWidget(panel); }
private void bindWebGL() { // Adds the Surface3D to the document. Surface3D surface = new Surface3D(500, 500); RootPanel.get().add(surface); final GL2 gl = surface.getGL(); if (gl == null) { Window.alert("No WebGL context found. Exiting."); return; } // Sets up the GL context. gl.clearColor(0.0f, 0f, 0f, 1f); gl.clearDepth(1); gl.viewport(0, 0, surface.getWidth(), surface.getHeight()); gl.enable(EnableCap.DEPTH_TEST); gl.depthFunc(DepthFunction.LEQUAL); gl.clear(ClearBufferMask.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, ClearBufferMask.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Creates a lambertian shader. LambertianShader shader = new LambertianShader(); try { shader.init(gl); } catch (ShaderException e) { Window.alert("Error loading the shader."); return; } // Binds the shader. shader.bind(); // Creates a sphere. StaticMesh mesh = new StaticMesh(gl, PrimitiveFactory.makeSphere(30, 30)); mesh.setPositionIndex(shader.getAttributePosition()); mesh.setNormalIndex(shader.getAttributeNormal()); shader.setLightPosition(0, 5, 5); shader.setDiffuseColor(1, 0, 0, 1); // Sets up the model view matrix. MatrixStack.MODELVIEW.push(); MatrixStack.MODELVIEW.translate(0, 0, -5); shader.setModelViewMatrix(MatrixStack.MODELVIEW.get()); MatrixStack.MODELVIEW.pop(); // Sets up a basic camera for projection. MatrixStack.PROJECTION.pushIdentity(); MatrixStack.PROJECTION.perspective(45, 1, .1f, 100); shader.setProjectionMatrix(MatrixStack.PROJECTION.get()); MatrixStack.PROJECTION.pop(); // Draws the mesh. mesh.draw(); mesh.dispose(); shader.dispose(); }
@Override public void onSuccess(String result) { if (result == null) { Window.alert("添加失败!!!"); } if ("existedExecuteOrder".equals(result)) { Window.alert("部分路由工单已经创建过!!!"); } }
private void checkEvent(ClickEvent eventObject) { boolean keyMaskPassed = this.clickHandler.checkModifiers(eventObject); if (keyMaskPassed) { Window.alert("Selected keys are pressed."); } else { Window.alert("Selected keys don't match!"); } }
@Override public void onActionFailure(Throwable caught, String message) { if (message != null) { Window.alert(message); } else { Window.alert(caught.getMessage() != null ? caught.getMessage() : caught.toString()); } if (box != null) { box.hide(); box = null; } }
private boolean validateFormInput() { if (inputNoteTitle.getText().trim().length() == 0) { Window.alert("Please enter a title for the new note!"); inputNoteTitle.setFocus(true); return false; } if (inputNoteText.getText().trim().length() == 0) { Window.alert("Please enter a text for the new note!"); inputNoteText.setFocus(true); return false; } return true; }
private boolean validate(String newFormName) { // Check that it meets the formatting requirements. if (!TextValidators.isValidIdentifier(newFormName)) { Window.alert(MESSAGES.malformedFormNameError()); return false; } // Check that it's unique. if (otherFormNames.contains(newFormName)) { Window.alert(MESSAGES.duplicateFormNameError()); return false; } return true; }
protected void applyImages(String folderId, String selectedImageId, JSONObject json) { JSONObject jsonObj = JSONHelper.getObject(json, "data"); totalImagesCount = JSONHelper.getInteger(jsonObj, "totalImagesCount"); prevImageId = JSONHelper.getString(jsonObj, "prevImageId"); nextImageId = JSONHelper.getString(jsonObj, "nextImageId"); startIndex = JSONHelper.getPrimitiveInt(jsonObj, "startIndex"); // parse images List<ClientImage> images = JSONHelper.getArray( jsonObj, "images", new ValueParser<ClientImage>() { @Override public ClientImage parse(JSONValue jsonValue) { JSONObject json = jsonValue.isObject(); String id = JSONHelper.getString(json, "id"); return new ClientImage(id); } }); if (GWTUtils.isEmpty(images)) { Window.alert("Failed to load images list"); return; } loadedImages.clear(); loadedImages.addAll(images); // parse folder JSONObject folderJson = JSONHelper.getObject(jsonObj, "folder"); if (folderJson == null) { Window.alert("Failed to get images list!"); return; } String folderCaption = JSONHelper.getString(folderJson, "caption"); long folderSize = JSONHelper.getPrimitiveLong(json, "folderSize"); int imagesCount = JSONHelper.getPrimitiveInt(json, "imagesCount"); selectedFolder = new ClientFolder(folderId, folderCaption, null, folderSize, imagesCount); if (GWTUtils.isEmpty(selectedImageId)) { selectedImageId = loadedImages.get(0).getId(); History.newItem(folderId + "/" + selectedImageId, false); } // paint folder, big photo, small images showImages(selectedFolder, selectedImageId, images, true); }
protected void performOperation() { final String url = GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + "plugin/reporting/api/cache/clear"; // $NON-NLS-1$ RequestBuilder requestBuilder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, url); requestBuilder.setHeader("accept", "text/text"); requestBuilder.setHeader("If-Modified-Since", "01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"); try { requestBuilder.sendRequest( null, new RequestCallback() { public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) { // showError(exception); } public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) { MessageDialogBox dialogBox = new MessageDialogBox( Messages.getString("info"), Messages.getString("reportingDataCacheFlushedSuccessfully"), false, false, true); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ dialogBox.center(); } }); } catch (RequestException e) { Window.alert(e.getMessage()); // showError(e); } }
public void getAnnotationList(String annotates, final boolean forceDecorate) { if (annotates.contains("?")) { annotates = annotates.substring(0, annotates.indexOf('?')); } String url = controller.getAnnoteaServerUrl() + "?w3c_annotates=" + annotates; RequestBuilder getRequest = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET, URL.encode(url)); try { getRequest.sendRequest( null, new RequestCallback() { public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {} public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) { responseManager.processAnnotationListResponse(response.getText()); if (forceDecorate) { // Force all the annotations to be redecorated controller.updateAnnotations(true); } } }); } catch (RequestException e) { GWT.log("Error while requesting annotations: " + url, e); Log.debug("Error while requesting annotations: " + url, e); Window.alert(e.toString()); } }
public void setVideo(String url) { try { player.loadMedia(url); } catch (LoadException e) { Window.alert("An error occured while loading"); } }
/** * Ajoute une tache dans la table des tâches. Déclenchée par un click sur le addTaskButton ou par * la touche Enter depuis le champ newTaskTextBox. */ private void addTask() { String symbol = newTaskTextBox.getText().trim(); newTaskTextBox.setFocus(true); // Stock code must be between 1 and 10 chars that are numbers, letters, or dots. if (symbol.length() < 3) { Window.alert("le nom de la tâche doit faire plus de 3 caractères."); newTaskTextBox.selectAll(); return; } newTaskTextBox.setText(""); // Rename the task if it's already in the table. if (tasks.contains(symbol)) { int n = 1; while (tasks.contains(symbol + " (" + n + ")")) { n++; } symbol = symbol + " (" + n + ")"; } final String finalSymbol = symbol; addStock(symbol); }
private void delete() { final ClientParamSet setToDelete = getSelectedParamSet(); if (selectionController.getClientParamSets().size() <= 1) { Window.alert("Cannot delete all parameter sets - at least one must remain."); } else { if (Window.confirm( "Do you really want to delete parameter set " + setToDelete.getName() + "?")) { serviceAsync.delete( new Service.Token(true), selector.getSelectedParamSet(), new AsyncCallback<Void>() { public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) { handleGlobalError(throwable); } public void onSuccess(Void aVoid) { selectionController.refresh( new ParamSetSelectionController.Callback() { public void refreshed() { final List<ClientParamSet> paramSets = selectionController.getClientParamSets(); selectionController.select(paramSets.get(0)); } }); } }); } } }
public void deleteFolder(final FileNode object) { String filename = getCanonicalName(object); String url = this.repo.getUri() + "/folder?filename=" + URL.encodeQueryString(filename); // Send request to server and catch any errors. RequestBuilder builder = AuthenticatedRequestFactory.newRequest(RequestBuilder.DELETE, url); try { Request request = builder.sendRequest( null, new RequestCallback() { public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) { // displayError("Couldn't retrieve JSON "+exception.getMessage()); } public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) { GWT.log(response.getStatusCode() + " " + response.getText()); if (200 != response.getStatusCode()) { Window.alert( "Delete failure: " + response.getStatusText() + " " + response.getText()); } } }); } catch (RequestException e) { Window.alert("Delete exception: " + e.toString()); } }
@Override public void saveClicked() { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Attempting save of Person."); final PersonDriver personDriver = this.personEditView.getPersonDriver(); RequestContext context = personDriver.flush(); if (personDriver.hasErrors()) { Window.alert("ERRORS"); return; } context.fire( new Receiver<Void>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Void arg0) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Person save successful."); placeController.goTo(PersonPlace.list()); } @Override public void onFailure(ServerFailure error) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Person save failed. " + error.getMessage()); Window.alert("FAILURE\n\n" + error.getMessage()); } @Override public void onViolation(Set<Violation> errors) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Person save failed. Violation errors present."); personDriver.setViolations(errors); } }); }
@UiHandler("buttonBuy") public void acceptBuy(ClickEvent e) { // RootPanel.get("page2"); Window.alert( "Le système de paiement est actuellement en maintenance, merci de votre compréhension."); List<Reservation> l = new ArrayList<Reservation>(); for (Offre o : listOffers.getList()) { Reservation r = new Reservation(); r.setIdOffre(o.getId()); r.setIdUtilisateur(4); l.add(r); } service.doReservation( "", l, "09090909090", new AsyncCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) {} }); }
private void caricaTabellaDati() { try { if (smplcmbxSede.isValid()) { String sede = smplcmbxSede.getRawValue().toString(); AdministrationService.Util.getInstance() .getRiepilogoDatiCostiPersonale( sede, new AsyncCallback<List<RiepilogoCostiDipendentiModel>>() { @Override public void onSuccess(List<RiepilogoCostiDipendentiModel> result) { if (result == null) Window.alert("Impossibile accedere ai dati sui costi dipendenti!"); else loadTable(result); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert("Errore connessione on getRiepilogoDatiCostiPersonale();"); caught.printStackTrace(); } }); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Window.alert("Problemi durante il caricamento dei dati sui costi personale."); } }
private static List<Invoice> parser(String text) { JsArray<InvoiceJavaScript> modulosJS = InvoiceJavaScript.eval(text); List<Invoice> invoices = new ArrayList<Invoice>(); for (int i = 0, j = modulosJS.length(); i < j; i++) { InvoiceJavaScript invoiceJavaScript = modulosJS.get(i); Invoice invoice = new Invoice(); invoice.setCode(invoiceJavaScript.getCode()); invoice.setContractId(invoiceJavaScript.getContractId()); invoice.setContractName(invoiceJavaScript.getContractName()); invoice.setId(invoiceJavaScript.getId()); invoice.setInvoiceStatusId(invoiceJavaScript.getInvoiceStatusId()); invoice.setInvoiceStatusName(invoiceJavaScript.getInvoiceStatusName()); invoice.setClientId(invoiceJavaScript.getClientId()); invoice.setClientName(invoiceJavaScript.getClientName()); invoice.setAmount(invoiceJavaScript.getAmount()); try { invoice.setDate(invoiceJavaScript.getDate()); } catch (IllegalValueException e) { Window.alert("Error con las fechas de contrato: " + e.getMessage()); } invoices.add(invoice); } return invoices; }
@Override protected boolean okAction() { if (automaticRadioButton.isChecked()) { property.setValue(CONST_AUTOMATIC); } else if (fillParentRadioButton.isChecked()) { property.setValue(CONST_FILL_PARENT); } else { // Custom length String text = customLengthField.getText(); // Make sure it's a non-negative number. It is important // that this check stay within the custom length case because // CONST_AUTOMATIC and CONST_FILL_PARENT are deliberately negative. boolean success = false; try { if (Integer.parseInt(text) >= 0) { success = true; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // fall through with success == false } if (!success) { Window.alert(MESSAGES.nonnumericInputError()); return false; } property.setValue(text); } return true; }
private void calculateHoursInclTravel() { try { int mgmtHours = Integer.parseInt(display.getMgmtHours().getText().toString()); int workManHours = Integer.parseInt(display.getFieldWorkManHours().getText().toString()); // Total Working Man Hours = Field Work Man Hours + mgmt hrs display.getTotalWorkingManHours().setText(String.valueOf((mgmtHours + workManHours))); int travelDays = Integer.parseInt( display .getTravelingDaysListBox() .getItemText(display.getTravelingDaysListBox().getSelectedIndex())); // Hours inclusive of travel = Total working man hours + travelling days*8 display .getHoursInclusiveOfTravel() .setText(String.valueOf(mgmtHours + workManHours + travelDays * 8)); } catch (Exception e) { Window.alert("Please enter only numbers in numeric fields"); } }
private void caricaFieldSet(List<IntervalliCommesseModel> result) { String descrizioneCompleta = new String(); List<IntervalliCommesseModel> lista = new ArrayList<IntervalliCommesseModel>(); Collections.sort( result, new Comparator<IntervalliCommesseModel>() { public int compare(IntervalliCommesseModel s1, IntervalliCommesseModel s2) { return s1.getNumeroCommessa().compareToIgnoreCase(s2.getNumeroCommessa()); } }); lista.addAll(result); int size; size = lista.size(); if (size < 0) { Window.alert("error: Impossibile accedere alla tabella AssociazioniDipendente;"); } else { if (size == 0) { txtNoCommesse.setText("Nessuna Commessa Associata!"); txtNoCommesse.setVisible(true); } else { removeAll(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { String num = String.valueOf(i); frmInsCommesse = new FormInserimentoIntervalloCommessa("2"); frmInsCommesse.setItemId(num); // frmInsCommesse.txtfldNumeroCommessa.setValue(result.get(i).getNumeroCommessa()); frmInsCommesse.txtfldOreIntervallo.setValue(result.get(i).getOreLavoro()); frmInsCommesse.txtfldOreViaggio.setValue(result.get(i).getOreViaggio()); frmInsCommesse.txtOreTotLavoro.setText( "Totale nel Mese: " + result.get(i).getTotOreLavoro()); frmInsCommesse.txtOreTotViaggio.setText( "Totale nel Mese: " + result.get(i).getTotOreViaggio()); descrizioneCompleta = result.get(i).getNumeroCommessa() + " (" + result.get(i).getDescrizione().toLowerCase() + ") "; // frmInsCommesse.txtDescrizione.setText(result.get(i).getDescrizione().toLowerCase()); frmInsCommesse.txtDescrizione.setText(descrizioneCompleta); add(frmInsCommesse); } } add(buttonBar); layout(); } }
/** @param node */ public void makePublic(final FileNode node, boolean isPublic) { String url = node.getRepository() + "/permissions"; RequestBuilder builder = AuthenticatedRequestFactory.newRequest(RequestBuilder.POST, url); builder.setHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); StringBuilder args = new StringBuilder(); args.append("isPublic="); args.append(URL.encodeQueryString(Boolean.toString(isPublic))); args.append("&filename="); args.append(URL.encodeQueryString(getCanonicalName(node))); try { Request request = builder.sendRequest( args.toString(), new RequestCallback() { public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) { // displayError("Couldn't retrieve JSON "+exception.getMessage()); } public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) { GWT.log("Got reply"); if (200 == response.getStatusCode()) { GWT.log("Reply is" + response.getText()); GWT.log("Headers is " + response.getHeadersAsString()); GWT.log("Status Text " + response.getStatusText()); fetchFiles(repositoryUri, node.getPath()); } else { Window.alert( "Update failure: " + response.getStatusText() + " " + response.getText()); } } }); } catch (RequestException e) { Window.alert("Update exception: " + e.toString()); } }
public void getRepo(String repoUri) { // Send request to server and catch any errors. this.lastRepoURI = repoUri; // this.lastPrefix = null; RequestBuilder builder = AuthenticatedRequestFactory.newRequest(RequestBuilder.GET, repoUri); try { Request request = builder.sendRequest( null, new RequestCallback() { public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) { // displayError("Couldn't retrieve JSON "+exception.getMessage()); } public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) { GWT.log(response.getStatusCode() + " " + response.getText()); if (200 == response.getStatusCode()) { Repository repo = Repository.asRepository(response.getText()); updateRepo(repo); } else { Window.alert( "Update failure: " + response.getStatusText() + " " + response.getText()); } } }); } catch (RequestException e) { Window.alert("Update exception: " + e.toString()); } }
public boolean creatBarPloterPDF(String username, String fileName, String theData) { RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, "FileSavePlotServlet"); StringBuffer postData = new StringBuffer(); postData.append(URL.encode("username")).append("=").append(URL.encode(username)); postData.append(URL.encode("&")); postData.append(URL.encode("plotFileName")).append("=").append(URL.encode(fileName)); postData.append(URL.encode("&")); postData.append(URL.encode("theData")).append("=").append(URL.encode(theData)); builder.setHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); try { builder.setRequestData(postData.toString()); /* or other RequestCallback impl*/ builder.setCallback(this); com.google.gwt.http.client.Request res = builder.send(); } catch (Exception e) { // handle this Window.alert("Exception..." + e.getMessage()); } return true; }
private void submitMatch() { Match m = new Match( league.getId(), new Date(), league.getSports().get(sportBox.getSelectedIndex()), league.getPlayers().get(player1Box.getSelectedIndex() - 1), league.getPlayers().get(player2Box.getSelectedIndex() - 1)); for (int i = 0; i < player1Score.size(); i++) { try { if (!player1Score.get(i).getText().equals("") && !player2Score.get(i).getText().equals("")) { m.addSet( new Set( m.getSport(), Integer.parseInt(player1Score.get(i).getText()), Integer.parseInt(player2Score.get(i).getText()))); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Window.alert("Failed to parse number: " + e.getMessage()); } } AsyncCallback<Void> callback = new AsyncCallback<Void>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert("Failed to save match."); } public void onSuccess(Void arg) { Spelstegen.showMessage("Match sparad.", false); resetPanel(); } }; ServiceManager.getInstance().saveMatch(m, loggedInPlayer, league, callback); }
@Override public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) { JSONValue j = JSONParser.parseStrict(response.getText()); JSONObject obj = j.isObject(); if (obj != null && obj.containsKey("error")) { Window.alert(obj.get("error").isString().stringValue()); changeButtonSelection(); setTextEnabled(false); clearTextBoxes(); singleSelectionModel.clear(); } else { List<OrganismInfo> organismInfoList = OrganismInfoConverter.convertJSONStringToOrganismInfoList(response.getText()); dataGrid.setSelectionModel(singleSelectionModel); MainPanel.getInstance().getOrganismInfoList().clear(); MainPanel.getInstance().getOrganismInfoList().addAll(organismInfoList); changeButtonSelection(); OrganismChangeEvent organismChangeEvent = new OrganismChangeEvent(organismInfoList); organismChangeEvent.setAction(OrganismChangeEvent.Action.LOADED_ORGANISMS); Annotator.eventBus.fireEvent(organismChangeEvent); // in the case where we just add one . . .we should refresh the app state if (organismInfoList.size() == 1) { MainPanel.getInstance().getAppState(); } } if (savingNewOrganism) { savingNewOrganism = false; setNoSelection(); changeButtonSelection(false); loadingDialog.hide(); } }