/** * Internal method which is called when the user clicks on an editable title field. * * <p> */ protected void editTitle() { m_title.setVisible(false); final TextBox box = new TextBox(); box.setText(m_title.getText()); box.getElement().setAttribute("size", "45"); box.addStyleName(I_CmsInputLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.inputCss().labelInput()); box.addStyleName(I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.listItemWidgetCss().titleInput()); final String originalTitle = m_title.getText(); // wrap the boolean flag in an array so we can change it from the event handlers final boolean[] checked = new boolean[] {false}; box.addBlurHandler( new BlurHandler() { /** * @see * com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.BlurHandler#onBlur(com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.BlurEvent) */ public void onBlur(BlurEvent event) { if (checked[0]) { return; } onEditTitleTextBox(box); checked[0] = true; } }); box.addKeyPressHandler( new KeyPressHandler() { /** * @see * com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.KeyPressHandler#onKeyPress(com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.KeyPressEvent) */ public void onKeyPress(KeyPressEvent event) { if (checked[0]) { return; } int keycode = event.getNativeEvent().getKeyCode(); if ((keycode == 10) || (keycode == 13)) { onEditTitleTextBox(box); checked[0] = true; } if (keycode == 27) { box.setText(originalTitle); onEditTitleTextBox(box); checked[0] = true; } } }); m_titleRow.insert(box, 1); box.setFocus(true); }
/** * Update members. * * @return true, if successful */ private boolean updateMembers() { boolean cansync = true; name.removeStyleName(errorfieldstyle); if (editlogin != null) { login.removeStyleName(errorfieldstyle); } password.removeStyleName(errorfieldstyle); String sometext = name.getText().trim(); if (sometext.isEmpty()) { cansync = false; name.addStyleName(errorfieldstyle); } user.setUsername(sometext); if (editlogin == null) { sometext = login.getText().trim(); if (sometext.isEmpty()) { cansync = false; login.addStyleName(errorfieldstyle); } user.setLogin(sometext); } sometext = password.getText(); if ((editlogin == null) && sometext.isEmpty()) { cansync = false; password.addStyleName(errorfieldstyle); } user.setPassword(sometext); user.setActive(isactive.getValue()); UserRole role = new UserRole(); if (isadmin.getValue()) { role.setAdmin(); } if (isdocuments.getValue()) { role.setDocuments(); } if (isfinances.getValue()) { role.setFinances(); } if (ismanager.getValue()) { role.setManager(); } user.setUserrole(role); return cansync; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @seecom.google.gwt.widgetideas.table.client.filter.ColumnFilter# * createFilterWidget() */ public Widget createFilterWidget() { filterTextBox = new TextBox(); filterTextBox.addStyleName("textBox"); filterTextBox.addKeyboardListener( new KeyboardListener() { public void onKeyDown(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers) {} public void onKeyPress(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers) {} public void onKeyUp(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers) { fireColumnFilterChanged( new TextColumnFilterInfo(getColumn(), filterTextBox.getText(), operator)); } }); if (supportedOperators.length > 1) { operatorButton = new PushButton(); setButtonText(operatorButton, operator); operatorButton.addClickListener(clickListener); operatorButton.addStyleName("operatorButton"); HorizontalPanel horizontalPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); horizontalPanel.addStyleName("columnTextFilter"); horizontalPanel.setVerticalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); horizontalPanel.add(operatorButton); horizontalPanel.add(filterTextBox); horizontalPanel.setCellWidth(operatorButton, "30px"); horizontalPanel.setCellWidth(filterTextBox, "100%"); horizontalPanel.setSpacing(2); return horizontalPanel; } else { return filterTextBox; } }
public DBInfoWidget(final InstallWizardServiceAsync wizardService, InstallWizardInfo info) { super(wizardService, info); FlowPanel layout = new FlowPanel(); initWidget(layout); driverNameTextBox = new TextBox(); driverNameTextBox.addStyleName("db-text"); urlTextBox = new TextBox(); urlTextBox.addStyleName("db-text"); usernameTextBox = new TextBox(); usernameTextBox.addStyleName("db-text"); passwordTextBox1 = new PasswordTextBox(); passwordTextBox1.addStyleName("db-text"); passwordTextBox2 = new PasswordTextBox(); passwordTextBox2.addStyleName("db-text"); driverNameTextBox.setText("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); urlTextBox.setText("jdbc:mysql://DBHOST/ALERTSCAPE_DATABASE"); usernameTextBox.setText("alertscape"); checkButton = new Button("Check"); checkButton.addClickListener(new SchemaCheckClickListener()); checkButton.setEnabled(false); errorLabel = new Label(); ValidChangeListener listener = new ValidChangeListener(); driverNameTextBox.addChangeListener(listener); urlTextBox.addChangeListener(listener); usernameTextBox.addChangeListener(listener); passwordTextBox1.addChangeListener(listener); passwordTextBox2.addChangeListener(listener); g = new Grid(5, 2); int row = 0; setRow(row++, "Driver class:", driverNameTextBox); setRow(row++, "JDBC URL:", urlTextBox); setRow(row++, "Username:"******"Password:"******"Password (again):", passwordTextBox2); layout.add(g); layout.add(checkButton); layout.add(errorLabel); }
@Override public void onBlur(BlurEvent event) { if (name.getValue().equals("")) { name.setValue(defaultValue); name.addStyleName(style.nameDefaultText()); } else { name.removeStyleName(style.nameDefaultText()); } }
public void setInProgress(boolean inProgress) { if (inProgress) { searchButtonImage.addStyleName("istore-search-button-progress"); searchBox.addStyleName("istore-search-box-progress"); } else { searchButtonImage.removeStyleName("istore-search-button-progress"); searchBox.removeStyleName("istore-search-box-progress"); } searchBox.setReadOnly(inProgress); }
/** * Enables or disables the "ghost mode" style. * * <p>This *only* changes the style, not the actual mode. * * @param enabled true if the ghost mode style should be enabled, false if it should be disabled */ public void setGhostStyleEnabled(boolean enabled) { if (enabled) { m_textbox.addStyleName(CSS.textboxGhostMode()); } else { m_textbox.removeStyleName(CSS.textboxGhostMode()); if (m_clearOnChangeMode) { setText(""); } } }
public TextBox insertTextWidget(String key, String width) { int row = table.getRowCount(); TextBox box = new TextBox(); if (width != null) box.setWidth(width); box.addStyleName("neo-TextBox"); table.setWidget(row, 0, new Label(key)); table.setWidget(row, 1, box); table.getFlexCellFormatter().addStyleName(row, 0, "property-Table-Key"); table.getFlexCellFormatter().addStyleName(row, 1, "property-Table-Value"); return box; }
private void checkInputLabel_key(boolean click) { if (getConsumerKey().length() == 0 && click == false) { tbConsumerKey.setText(inputLabel_ConsumerKey); tbConsumerKey.addStyleName("login-Ui-InputLabel"); } else if (getConsumerKey().equals(inputLabel_ConsumerKey) == true) { tbConsumerKey.setText(""); tbConsumerKey.removeStyleName("login-Ui-InputLabel"); } }
@Inject public EditDocumentModelPlaceView(EventBus eventBus) { super(eventBus); initWidget(uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this)); this.setPlaceTitle("Éditeur de modèle"); this.setHelpFromFlowPanel(helpContainer); toolbar = new RichTextToolbar(new RichTextToolbarView()); toolbar.setTextArea(richTextArea); richTextArea.setHeight("100%"); toolbar.bind(); toolbarContainer.add(toolbar.getView().asWidget()); name.addStyleName(style.nameDefaultText()); name.addFocusHandler(this); name.addBlurHandler(this); resizer = new ToBottomResizer(textContainer, eventBus); }
public PhoneNumberGenerator(ChangeHandler handler, KeyPressHandler keyListener) { number.addStyleName(StylesDefs.INPUT_FIELD_REQUIRED); number.addChangeHandler(handler); number.addKeyPressHandler(keyListener); }
private void drawInputLabel_key() { tbConsumerKey.setText(inputLabel_ConsumerKey); tbConsumerKey.addStyleName("login-Ui-InputLabel"); }
private void drawInputLabel_secret() { tbConsumerSecret.setText(inputLabel_consumerSecret); tbConsumerSecret.addStyleName("login-Ui-InputLabel"); }
@Override public void showNameError() { projectName.addStyleName(style.inputError()); }
private void drawLoginInputs() { // default tbConsumerSecret.setVisible(true); tbConsumerSecretPass.setVisible(false); // reset ui pUi.clear(); cbRemberMe.setText("Remember Me"); hAccountCreate = new Hyperlink("Create Account", "account_Create"); tbConsumerKey.setTitle(inputLabel_ConsumerKey); tbConsumerSecret.setTitle(inputLabel_consumerSecret); tbConsumerSecretPass.setTitle(inputLabel_consumerSecret); // hide loading by default hideLoading(); // main login inputs HorizontalPanel ploginItems = new HorizontalPanel(); ploginItems.setWidth("100%"); ploginItems.add(tbConsumerKey); ploginItems.add(tbConsumerSecret); ploginItems.add(tbConsumerSecretPass); ploginItems.add(bLogin); // login options HorizontalPanel pOptions = new HorizontalPanel(); // pOptions.setSpacing(4); pOptions.add(cbRemberMe); pOptions.add(hForgotPassword); pOptions.add(hAccountCreate); VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel(); vp.setWidth("100%"); vp.add(ploginItems); vp.add(pOptions); // TODO - move this to a floating overlay vp.add(pError); pUi.add(vp); drawInputLabel_key(); drawInputLabel_secret(); tbConsumerKey.addStyleName("login-Ui-InputConsumerKey"); tbConsumerSecret.addStyleName("login-Ui-InputConsumerSecret"); tbConsumerSecretPass.addStyleName("login-Ui-InputConsumerSecret"); pOptions.setCellHorizontalAlignment(hForgotPassword, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_RIGHT); pOptions.setCellHorizontalAlignment(hAccountCreate, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_RIGHT); pOptions.setCellVerticalAlignment(hForgotPassword, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_BOTTOM); pOptions.setCellVerticalAlignment(hAccountCreate, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_BOTTOM); pOptions.addStyleName("login-Ui-InputOptions"); pOptions.setWidth("100%"); // vp.addStyleName("test1"); // pOptions.addStyleName("test2"); }
@Override public void showUrlError(@NotNull String message) { projectUrl.addStyleName(style.inputError()); labelUrlError.setText(message); }
public void setBackgroundText() { textbox.setText(moreInfoText); textbox.addStyleName(backgroundTextStyle); }
/** * Sets the changed style on the text box. * * <p> */ public void setChangedStyle() { m_textbox.addStyleName(CSS.changed()); }
/** * Instantiates a new location field. * * @param form is the form or other HasComponents element that contains the field. * @param permission that controls the visibility of the field. * @param fieldLabel is the optional text to identify the field. * @param buttonLabel the text on the field refresh button. * @param tab index of the field. */ public LocationField( HasComponents form, short[] permission, String fieldLabel, String buttonLabel, int tab) { initialize(panel, form, permission, CSS.cbtLocationField()); if (fieldLabel != null) { this.label = new Label(fieldLabel); this.label.addStyleName(CSS.cbtLocationFieldLabel()); this.label.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { showHelp(); } }); panel.add(this.label); } field.addStyleName(CSS.cbtLocationFieldField()); field.setText(Model.BLANK); field.setTabIndex(tab); panel.add(field); if (buttonLabel != null) { this.button = new Button( buttonLabel, new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { setName(field.getText()); } }); button.addStyleName(CSS.cbtLocationFieldButton()); panel.add(button); } else { field.addBlurHandler( new BlurHandler() { @Override public void onBlur(BlurEvent event) { if (nullable && field.getText().isEmpty()) { setValueAndFireChange(defaultValue); } else { setName(field.getText()); } } }); } field.addKeyDownHandler( new KeyDownHandler() { @Override public void onKeyDown(KeyDownEvent event) { if (event.getNativeKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER) { if (nullable && field.getText().isEmpty()) { setValueAndFireChange(defaultValue); } else { setName(field.getText()); } } } }); panel.add(lock); }
/** * Sets the CSS style of the list. * * @param style the CSS style of the list. */ public void setFieldStyle(String style) { field.addStyleName(style); }
public void ajouterElement(JSONArray parametres, final int x, final int y, final String type) { final FormulaireController gc = FormulaireController.getInstance(); FormulaireBoard cb = gc.getCheckerBoard(); Widget element = null; TextBox label = new TextBox(); label.addStyleName("inputLabel"); JSONValue paramAsJSONValue; if (type.equals("text") || type.equals("date") || type.equals("time") || type.equals("chiffre")) paramAsJSONValue = parametres.get(0); else { JSONValue parametresValue = parametres.get(0); JSONObject parametresObject = parametresValue.isObject(); if (parametresObject.get("nom").isString().stringValue().equals("titre")) paramAsJSONValue = parametres.get(0); else paramAsJSONValue = parametres.get(1); } JSONObject paramAsJSONObject = paramAsJSONValue.isObject(); label.setText(paramAsJSONObject.get("valeur").isString().stringValue()); TextBox choix = null; final DroppableElement cellule = (DroppableElement) cb.getCell(x, y); cellule.type = type; Element elem = new Element(new Position(y, x), "deplace"); elem.getElement().setClassName(elem.getType() + "Style"); Image suppression = new Image(); suppression.setUrl("images/formulaire/delete.png"); suppression.addStyleName("deleteForm"); String id = Utils.generateId(); ; // Création de l'element selon le type if (type.equals("text")) { element = new TextBox(); } if (type.equals("image")) { element = new Image("../images/formulaire/Photo.png"); } else if (type.equals("checkbox")) { CheckBox c = new CheckBox(); // Ajout de l'attribut name pour les champs checkbox et radio cellule.name = "" + CHOICE; element = c; // Ajout du label de choix pour les champs de type checkbox et radio choix = new TextBox(); choix.addStyleName("inputLabel"); choix.getElement().setAttribute("placeholder", "Choix"); } else if (type.equals("radio")) { RadioButton r = new RadioButton("Choix"); cellule.name = "" + CHOICE; element = r; choix = new TextBox(); choix.addStyleName("inputLabel"); choix.getElement().setAttribute("placeholder", "Choix"); } else if (type.equals("combobox")) { OPTION++; // Ajout de l'option pour les champs de type combobox cellule.option = "" + OPTION; element = new ListBox(); } else if (type.equals("chiffre")) { element = new HTML( "<input type='text' class='gwt-TextBox' onkeypress=\"if((event.keyCode < 48 || event.keyCode > 57) && event.keyCode != 46){ event.returnValue=false;}else if(event.keyCode == 46 && (this.value == '' || this.value.indexOf('.') != -1)){ event.returnValue =false;} \" />"); } else if (type.equals("date")) { element = new HTML("<input type='text' id='date" + id + "' class='gwt-TextBox' />"); } else { element = new HTML("<input type='text' id='time" + id + "' class='gwt-TextBox' />"); } HorizontalPanel hp = cellule.getWidgetElement(); hp.add(label); hp.add(element); cellule.choix = false; if (type.equals("checkbox") || type.equals("radio") || type.equals("combobox")) { JSONValue parametresValue = parametres.get(0); JSONObject parametresObject = parametresValue.isObject(); if (parametresObject.get("nom").isString().stringValue().equals("titre")) paramAsJSONValue = parametres.get(1); else paramAsJSONValue = parametres.get(0); paramAsJSONObject = paramAsJSONValue.isObject(); String ch[] = paramAsJSONObject.get("valeur").isString().stringValue().split("\\*_\\*"); if (type.equals("checkbox") || type.equals("radio")) { choix.setText(ch[0]); for (int i = 1; i < ch.length; i++) { DroppableElement.ajouterChoix(x + i, y, type, ch[i]); } CHOICE++; } else { for (int i = 0; i < ch.length; i++) { ((ListBox) element).addItem(ch[i], ch[i]); } } } if (choix != null) hp.add(choix); hp.add(elem); hp.add(suppression); cellule.lock(); if (type.equals("date") || type.equals("time")) FormulaireController.nativeMethod(type + id, type); // Action de la suppression suppression.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { // Vider la cellule cellule.clear(); // Si le champs est de type checkbox ou radio, il faix vider les // champs de choix également if (type.equals("checkbox") || type.equals("radio")) { final FormulaireController gc = FormulaireController.getInstance(); FormulaireBoard c = gc.getCheckerBoard(); boolean end = false; int ligne = x + 1; while (!end) { DroppableElement cellule_choix = (DroppableElement) c.getCell(ligne, y); if (cellule_choix.choix) { cellule_choix.clear(); cellule_choix.type = null; cellule_choix.choix = false; cellule_choix.name = null; cellule_choix.enable(); ligne++; } else end = true; } } // Rendre le champs capable de recevoir des elements puisqu'on // l'a vidé cellule.enable(); cellule.type = null; } }); }
@Override public void addInputStyleName(String style) { textBox.addStyleName(style); }