// VisibleForTesting
    protected void runGeneratorsToFixedPoint(RebindPermutationOracle rpo)
        throws UnableToCompleteException {
      boolean fixedPoint;
      do {

        fixedPoint = runGenerators();
      } while (!fixedPoint);

      // This is a horribly dirty hack to work around the fact that CssResourceGenerator uses a
      // completely nonstandard resource creation and caching mechanism that ignores the
      // GeneratorContext infrastructure. It and GenerateCssAst need to be fixed.
      for (Entry<String, File> entry :
          ResourceGeneratorUtilImpl.getGeneratedFilesByName().entrySet()) {
        String resourcePath = entry.getKey();
        File resourceFile = entry.getValue();
            .addBuildResource(new FileResource(null, resourcePath, resourceFile));