private BatchMetaDataUpdate saveToBatch( ChangeControl ctl, ChangeUpdate callerUpdate, LabelNormalizer.Result normalized, Timestamp timestamp) throws IOException { Table<Account.Id, String, Optional<Short>> byUser = HashBasedTable.create(); for (PatchSetApproval psa : normalized.updated()) { byUser.put(psa.getAccountId(), psa.getLabel(), Optional.of(psa.getValue())); } for (PatchSetApproval psa : normalized.deleted()) { byUser.put(psa.getAccountId(), psa.getLabel(), Optional.<Short>absent()); } BatchMetaDataUpdate batch = callerUpdate.openUpdate(); for (Account.Id accountId : byUser.rowKeySet()) { if (!accountId.equals(callerUpdate.getUser().getAccountId())) { ChangeUpdate update = updateFactory.create(ctl.forUser(identifiedUserFactory.create(accountId)), timestamp); update.setSubject("Finalize approvals at submit"); putApprovals(update, byUser.row(accountId)); CommitBuilder commit = new CommitBuilder(); commit.setCommitter(new PersonIdent(serverIdent, timestamp)); batch.write(update, commit); } } putApprovals(callerUpdate, byUser.row(callerUpdate.getUser().getAccountId())); return batch; }
private static void putApprovals(ChangeUpdate update, Map<String, Optional<Short>> approvals) { for (Map.Entry<String, Optional<Short>> e : approvals.entrySet()) { if (e.getValue().isPresent()) { update.putApproval(e.getKey(), e.getValue().get()); } else { update.removeApproval(e.getKey()); } } }
private void setMerged(Change c, ChangeMessage msg, ObjectId mergeResultRev) throws OrmException, IOException { logDebug("Setting change {} merged", c.getId()); ChangeUpdate update = null; final PatchSetApproval submitter; PatchSet merged; try { db.changes().beginTransaction(c.getId()); // We must pull the patchset out of commits, because the patchset ID is // modified when using the cherry-pick merge strategy. CodeReviewCommit commit = commits.get(c.getId()); PatchSet.Id mergedId = commit.change().currentPatchSetId(); merged = db.patchSets().get(mergedId); c = setMergedPatchSet(c.getId(), mergedId); submitter = approvalsUtil.getSubmitter(db, commit.notes(), mergedId); ChangeControl control = commit.getControl(); update = updateFactory.create(control, c.getLastUpdatedOn()); // TODO(yyonas): we need to be able to change the author of the message // is not the person for whom the change was made. addMergedMessage // did this in the past. if (msg != null) { cmUtil.addChangeMessage(db, update, msg); } db.commit(); } finally { db.rollback(); } update.commit(); indexer.index(db, c); try { mergedSenderFactory .create(c.getId(), submitter != null ? submitter.getAccountId() : null) .sendAsync(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Cannot email merged notification for " + c.getId(), e); } if (submitter != null && mergeResultRev != null) { try { hooks.doChangeMergedHook( c, accountCache.get(submitter.getAccountId()).getAccount(), merged, db,; } catch (OrmException ex) { logError("Cannot run hook for submitted patch set " + c.getId(), ex); } } }
private void abandonOneChange(Change change) throws OrmException, NoSuchChangeException, IOException { db.changes().beginTransaction(change.getId()); // TODO(dborowitz): support InternalUser in ChangeUpdate ChangeControl control = changeControlFactory.controlFor(change, identifiedUserFactory.create(change.getOwner())); ChangeUpdate update = updateFactory.create(control); try { change = db.changes() .atomicUpdate( change.getId(), new AtomicUpdate<Change>() { @Override public Change update(Change change) { if (change.getStatus().isOpen()) { change.setStatus(Change.Status.ABANDONED); return change; } return null; } }); if (change != null) { ChangeMessage msg = new ChangeMessage( new ChangeMessage.Key(change.getId(), ChangeUtil.messageUUID(db)), null, change.getLastUpdatedOn(), change.currentPatchSetId()); msg.setMessage("Project was deleted."); // TODO(yyonas): atomic change is not propagated. cmUtil.addChangeMessage(db, update, msg); db.commit(); indexer.index(db, change); } } finally { db.rollback(); } update.commit(); }
private BatchMetaDataUpdate approve( ChangeControl control, PatchSet.Id psId, IdentifiedUser user, ChangeUpdate update, Timestamp timestamp) throws OrmException { Map<PatchSetApproval.Key, PatchSetApproval> byKey = Maps.newHashMap(); for (PatchSetApproval psa : approvalsUtil.byPatchSet(db, control, psId)) { if (!byKey.containsKey(psa.getKey())) { byKey.put(psa.getKey(), psa); } } PatchSetApproval submit = new PatchSetApproval( new PatchSetApproval.Key(psId, user.getAccountId(), LabelId.SUBMIT), (short) 1, TimeUtil.nowTs()); byKey.put(submit.getKey(), submit); submit.setValue((short) 1); submit.setGranted(timestamp); // Flatten out existing approvals for this patch set based upon the current // permissions. Once the change is closed the approvals are not updated at // presentation view time, except for zero votes used to indicate a reviewer // was added. So we need to make sure votes are accurate now. This way if // permissions get modified in the future, historical records stay accurate. LabelNormalizer.Result normalized = labelNormalizer.normalize(control, byKey.values()); // TODO(dborowitz): Don't use a label in notedb; just check when status // change happened. update.putApproval(submit.getLabel(), submit.getValue()); logDebug("Adding submit label " + submit); db.patchSetApprovals().upsert(normalized.getNormalized()); db.patchSetApprovals().delete(normalized.deleted()); try { return saveToBatch(control, update, normalized, timestamp); } catch (IOException e) { throw new OrmException(e); } }
private void setApproval(ChangeData cd, IdentifiedUser user) throws OrmException, IOException { Timestamp timestamp = TimeUtil.nowTs(); ChangeControl control = cd.changeControl(); PatchSet.Id psId = cd.currentPatchSet().getId(); PatchSet.Id psIdNewRev = commits.get(cd.change().getId()).change().currentPatchSetId(); logDebug("Add approval for " + cd + " from user " + user); ChangeUpdate update = updateFactory.create(control, timestamp); update.putReviewer(user.getAccountId(), REVIEWER); List<SubmitRecord> record = records.get(cd.change().getId()); if (record != null) { update.merge(record); } db.changes().beginTransaction(cd.change().getId()); try { BatchMetaDataUpdate batch = approve(control, psId, user, update, timestamp); batch.write(update, new CommitBuilder()); // If the submit strategy created a new revision (rebase, cherry-pick) // approve that as well if (!psIdNewRev.equals(psId)) { update.setPatchSetId(psId); update.commit(); // Create a new ChangeUpdate instance because we need to store meta data // on another patch set (psIdNewRev). update = updateFactory.create(control, timestamp); batch = approve(control, psIdNewRev, user, update, timestamp); // Write update commit after all normalized label commits. batch.write(update, new CommitBuilder()); } db.commit(); } finally { db.rollback(); } update.commit(); indexer.index(db, cd.change()); }
private void setNew(ChangeNotes notes, final ChangeMessage msg) throws NoSuchChangeException, IOException { Change c = notes.getChange(); Change change = null; ChangeUpdate update = null; try { db.changes().beginTransaction(c.getId()); try { change = db.changes() .atomicUpdate( c.getId(), new AtomicUpdate<Change>() { @Override public Change update(Change c) { if (c.getStatus().isOpen()) { c.setStatus(Change.Status.NEW); ChangeUtil.updated(c); } return c; } }); ChangeControl control = changeControl(change); // TODO(yyonas): atomic change is not propagated. update = updateFactory.create(control, c.getLastUpdatedOn()); if (msg != null) { cmUtil.addChangeMessage(db, update, msg); } db.commit(); } finally { db.rollback(); } } catch (OrmException err) { logWarn("Cannot record merge failure message", err); } if (update != null) { update.commit(); } indexer.index(db, change); PatchSetApproval submitter = null; try { submitter = approvalsUtil.getSubmitter(db, notes, notes.getChange().currentPatchSetId()); } catch (Exception e) { logError("Cannot get submitter for change " + notes.getChangeId(), e); } if (submitter != null) { try { hooks.doMergeFailedHook( c, accountCache.get(submitter.getAccountId()).getAccount(), db.patchSets().get(c.currentPatchSetId()), msg.getMessage(), db); } catch (OrmException ex) { logError("Cannot run hook for merge failed " + c.getId(), ex); } } }