예제 #1
  private void initMorphia_() {
    Properties c = Play.configuration;

    String dbName = c.getProperty(PREFIX + "name");
    if (null == dbName) {
      warn("mongodb name not configured! using [test] db");
      dbName = "test";
    DB db = mongo_.getDB(dbName);
    if (c.containsKey(PREFIX + "username") && c.containsKey(PREFIX + "password")) {
      String username = c.getProperty(PREFIX + "username");
      String password = c.getProperty(PREFIX + "password");
      if (!db.isAuthenticated() && !db.authenticate(username, password.toCharArray())) {
        throw new RuntimeException("MongoDB authentication failed: " + dbName);

    String loggerClass = c.getProperty("morphia.logger");
    Class<? extends LogrFactory> loggerClazz = SilentLogrFactory.class;
    if (null != loggerClass) {
      final Pattern P_PLAY = Pattern.compile("(play|enable|true|yes|on)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
      final Pattern P_SILENT =
          Pattern.compile("(silent|disable|false|no|off)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
      if (P_PLAY.matcher(loggerClass).matches()) {
        loggerClazz = PlayLogrFactory.class;
      } else if (!P_SILENT.matcher(loggerClass).matches()) {
        try {
          loggerClazz = (Class<? extends LogrFactory>) Class.forName(loggerClass);
        } catch (Exception e) {
              "Cannot init morphia logger factory using %s. Use PlayLogrFactory instead",
    loggerRegistered_ = false;
    morphia_ = new Morphia();
    loggerRegistered_ = true;
    ds_ = morphia_.createDatastore(mongo_, dbName);
    dataStores_.put(dbName, ds_);

    String uploadCollection = c.getProperty("morphia.collection.upload", "uploads");

    if (getBooleanProperty("gridfs.enabled")) {
      gridfs = new GridFS(MorphiaPlugin.ds().getDB(), uploadCollection);

            new AbstractEntityInterceptor() {
              public void preLoad(Object ent, DBObject dbObj, Mapper mapr) {
                if (ent instanceof Model) {
                  PlayPlugin.postEvent(MorphiaEvent.ON_LOAD.getId(), ent);
                  ((Model) ent)._h_OnLoad();

              public void postLoad(Object ent, DBObject dbObj, Mapper mapr) {
                if (ent instanceof Model) {
                  Model m = (Model) ent;
                  PlayPlugin.postEvent(MorphiaEvent.LOADED.getId(), ent);
예제 #2
 static {
예제 #3
 * A generic (type-safe) wrapper around mongodb collections
 * @author Scott Hernandez
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "deprecation"})
public class DatastoreImpl implements Datastore, AdvancedDatastore {
  private static final Logr log = MorphiaLoggerFactory.get(DatastoreImpl.class);

  //	final protected Morphia morphia;
  protected final Mapper mapr;
  protected final Mongo mongo;
  protected final DB db;
  protected WriteConcern defConcern = WriteConcern.SAFE;

  public DatastoreImpl() {
    // added by franck for WLED
    mongo = null;
    mapr = null;
    db = null;

  public DatastoreImpl(Morphia morphia, Mongo mongo) {
    this(morphia, mongo, null);

  public DatastoreImpl(
      Morphia morphia, Mongo mongo, String dbName, String username, char[] password) {
    //		this.morphia = morphia;
    this.mapr = morphia.getMapper();
    this.mongo = mongo;
    this.db = mongo.getDB(dbName);
    if (username != null)
      if (!this.db.authenticate(username, password))
        throw new AuthenticationException(
            "User '"
                + username
                + "' cannot be authenticated with the given password for database '"
                + dbName
                + "'");

    // VERY discussable

  public DatastoreImpl(Morphia morphia, Mongo mongo, String dbName) {
    this(morphia, mongo, dbName, null, null);

  public <T, V> DBRef createRef(Class<T> clazz, V id) {
    if (id == null) throw new MappingException("Could not get id for " + clazz.getName());
    return new DBRef(getDB(), getCollection(clazz).getName(), id);

  public <T> DBRef createRef(T entity) {
    entity = ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity);
    Object id = getId(entity);
    if (id == null)
      throw new MappingException("Could not get id for " + entity.getClass().getName());
    return createRef(entity.getClass(), id);

  protected Object getId(Object entity) {
    return mapr.getId(entity);

  @Deprecated // use mapper instead.
  public <T> Key<T> getKey(T entity) {
    return mapr.getKey(entity);

  protected <T, V> WriteResult delete(DBCollection dbColl, V id, WriteConcern wc) {
    WriteResult wr;
    if (wc == null) wr = dbColl.remove(BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().add(Mapper.ID_KEY, id).get());
    else wr = dbColl.remove(BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().add(Mapper.ID_KEY, id).get(), wc);

    throwOnError(wc, wr);

    return wr;

  public <T> WriteResult delete(String kind, T id) {
    DBCollection dbColl = getCollection(kind);
    return delete(dbColl, id, defConcern);

  public <T, V> WriteResult delete(Class<T> clazz, V id, WriteConcern wc) {
    DBCollection dbColl = getCollection(clazz);
    return delete(dbColl, id, wc);

  public <T, V> WriteResult delete(Class<T> clazz, V id) {
    return delete(clazz, id, getWriteConcern(clazz));

  public <T, V> WriteResult delete(Class<T> clazz, Iterable<V> ids) {
    Query<T> q = find(clazz).disableValidation().filter(Mapper.ID_KEY + " in", ids);
    return delete(q);

  public <T> WriteResult delete(T entity) {
    return delete(entity, getWriteConcern(entity));

  public <T> WriteResult delete(T entity, WriteConcern wc) {
    entity = ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity);
    if (entity instanceof Class<?>)
      throw new MappingException(
          "Did you mean to delete all documents? -- delete(ds.createQuery(???.class))");
    try {
      Object id = getId(entity);
      return delete(entity.getClass(), id, wc);

    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);

  public <T> WriteResult delete(Query<T> query) {
    return delete(query, getWriteConcern(query.getEntityClass()));

  public <T> WriteResult delete(Query<T> query, WriteConcern wc) {
    QueryImpl<T> q = (QueryImpl<T>) query;

    DBCollection dbColl = q.getCollection();
    // TODO remove this after testing.
    if (dbColl == null) dbColl = getCollection(q.getEntityClass());

    WriteResult wr;

    if (q.getSortObject() != null || q.getOffset() != 0 || q.getLimit() > 0)
      throw new QueryException("Delete does not allow sort/offset/limit query options.");

    if (q.getQueryObject() != null)
      if (wc == null) wr = dbColl.remove(q.getQueryObject());
      else wr = dbColl.remove(q.getQueryObject(), wc);
    else if (wc == null) wr = dbColl.remove(new BasicDBObject());
    else wr = dbColl.remove(new BasicDBObject(), wc);

    throwOnError(wc, wr);

    return wr;

  public <T> void ensureIndex(Class<T> type, String fields) {
    ensureIndex(type, null, fields, false, false);

  public <T> void ensureIndex(
      Class<T> clazz, String name, IndexFieldDef[] defs, boolean unique, boolean dropDupsOnCreate) {
    ensureIndex(clazz, name, defs, unique, dropDupsOnCreate, false);

  public <T> void ensureIndex(
      Class<T> clazz, String name, String fields, boolean unique, boolean dropDupsOnCreate) {
        clazz, name, QueryImpl.parseSortString(fields), unique, dropDupsOnCreate, false, false);

  public <T> void ensureIndex(
      Class<T> clazz,
      String name,
      String fields,
      boolean unique,
      boolean dropDupsOnCreate,
      boolean background) {

  protected <T> void ensureIndex(
      Class<T> clazz,
      String name,
      BasicDBObject fields,
      boolean unique,
      boolean dropDupsOnCreate,
      boolean background,
      boolean sparse) {
    // validate field names and translate them to the stored values
    BasicDBObject keys = new BasicDBObject();
    for (Entry<String, Object> entry : fields.entrySet()) {
      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(entry.getKey());
      Mapper.validate(clazz, mapr, sb, FilterOperator.IN, "", true, false);
      keys.put(sb.toString(), entry.getValue());

    BasicDBObjectBuilder keyOpts = new BasicDBObjectBuilder();
    if (name != null && name.length() > 0) {
      keyOpts.add("name", name);
    if (unique) {
      keyOpts.add("unique", true);
      if (dropDupsOnCreate) keyOpts.add("dropDups", true);

    if (background) keyOpts.add("background", true);
    if (sparse) keyOpts.add("sparse", true);

    DBCollection dbColl = getCollection(clazz);

    BasicDBObject opts = (BasicDBObject) keyOpts.get();
    if (opts.isEmpty()) {
      log.debug("Ensuring index for " + dbColl.getName() + " with keys:" + keys);
    } else {
          "Ensuring index for " + dbColl.getName() + " with keys:" + keys + " and opts:" + opts);
      dbColl.ensureIndex(keys, opts);

    // TODO: remove this once using 2.4 driver does this in ensureIndex
    CommandResult cr = dbColl.getDB().getLastError();

  public void ensureIndex(
      Class clazz,
      String name,
      IndexFieldDef[] defs,
      boolean unique,
      boolean dropDupsOnCreate,
      boolean background) {
    BasicDBObjectBuilder keys = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start();

    for (IndexFieldDef def : defs) {
      String fieldName = def.getField();
      IndexDirection dir = def.getDirection();
      keys.add(fieldName, dir.toIndexValue());

        clazz, name, (BasicDBObject) keys.get(), unique, dropDupsOnCreate, background, false);

  public <T> void ensureIndex(Class<T> type, String name, IndexDirection dir) {
    ensureIndex(type, new IndexFieldDef(name, dir));

  public <T> void ensureIndex(Class<T> type, IndexFieldDef... fields) {
    ensureIndex(type, null, fields, false, false);

  public <T> void ensureIndex(Class<T> type, boolean background, IndexFieldDef... fields) {
    ensureIndex(type, null, fields, false, false, background);

  protected void ensureIndexes(MappedClass mc, boolean background) {
    ensureIndexes(mc, background, new ArrayList<MappedClass>(), new ArrayList<MappedField>());

  protected void ensureIndexes(
      MappedClass mc,
      boolean background,
      ArrayList<MappedClass> parentMCs,
      ArrayList<MappedField> parentMFs) {
    if (parentMCs.contains(mc)) return;

    // skip embedded types
    if (mc.getEmbeddedAnnotation() != null && (parentMCs == null || parentMCs.isEmpty())) return;

    // Ensure indexes from class annotation
    Indexes idxs = (Indexes) mc.getAnnotation(Indexes.class);
    if (idxs != null && idxs.value() != null && idxs.value().length > 0)
      for (Index index : idxs.value()) {
        BasicDBObject fields = QueryImpl.parseSortString(index.value());
            index.background() ? index.background() : background,
            index.sparse() ? index.sparse() : false);

    // Ensure indexes from field annotations, and embedded entities
    for (MappedField mf : mc.getPersistenceFields()) {
      if (mf.hasAnnotation(Indexed.class)) {
        Indexed index = mf.getAnnotation(Indexed.class);
        StringBuilder field = new StringBuilder();
        Class<?> indexedClass = (parentMCs.isEmpty() ? mc : parentMCs.get(0)).getClazz();
        if (!parentMCs.isEmpty())
          for (MappedField pmf : parentMFs) field.append(pmf.getNameToStore()).append(".");


            new BasicDBObject(field.toString(), index.value().toIndexValue()),
            index.background() ? index.background() : background,
            index.sparse() ? index.sparse() : false);

      if (!mf.isTypeMongoCompatible()
          && !mf.hasAnnotation(Reference.class)
          && !mf.hasAnnotation(Serialized.class)) {
        ArrayList<MappedClass> newParentClasses = (ArrayList<MappedClass>) parentMCs.clone();
        ArrayList<MappedField> newParents = (ArrayList<MappedField>) parentMFs.clone();
            mapr.getMappedClass(mf.isSingleValue() ? mf.getType() : mf.getSubClass()),

  public <T> void ensureIndexes(Class<T> clazz) {
    ensureIndexes(clazz, false);

  public <T> void ensureIndexes(Class<T> clazz, boolean background) {
    MappedClass mc = mapr.getMappedClass(clazz);
    ensureIndexes(mc, background);

  public void ensureIndexes() {

  public void ensureIndexes(boolean background) {
    // loops over mappedClasses and call ensureIndex for each @Entity object
    // (for now)
    for (MappedClass mc : mapr.getMappedClasses()) {
      ensureIndexes(mc, background);

  public void ensureCaps() {
    for (MappedClass mc : mapr.getMappedClasses())
      if (mc.getEntityAnnotation() != null && mc.getEntityAnnotation().cap().value() > 0) {
        CappedAt cap = mc.getEntityAnnotation().cap();
        String collName = mapr.getCollectionName(mc.getClazz());
        BasicDBObjectBuilder dbCapOpts = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("capped", true);
        if (cap.value() > 0) dbCapOpts.add("size", cap.value());
        if (cap.count() > 0) dbCapOpts.add("max", cap.count());
        DB db = getDB();
        if (db.getCollectionNames().contains(collName)) {
          DBObject dbResult = db.command(BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("collstats", collName).get());
          if (dbResult.containsField("capped")) {
            // TODO: check the cap options.
            log.warning("DBCollection already exists is cap'd already; doing nothing. " + dbResult);
          } else {
                "DBCollection already exists with same name("
                    + collName
                    + ") and is not cap'd; not creating cap'd version!");
        } else {
          getDB().createCollection(collName, dbCapOpts.get());
          log.debug("Created cap'd DBCollection (" + collName + ") with opts " + dbCapOpts);

  public <T> Query<T> createQuery(Class<T> clazz) {
    return new QueryImpl<T>(clazz, getCollection(clazz), this);

  public <T> Query<T> createQuery(Class<T> kind, DBObject q) {
    return new QueryImpl<T>(kind, getCollection(kind), this, q);

  public <T> Query<T> createQuery(String kind, Class<T> clazz, DBObject q) {
    return new QueryImpl<T>(clazz, db.getCollection(kind), this, q);

  public <T> Query<T> createQuery(String kind, Class<T> clazz) {
    return new QueryImpl<T>(clazz, db.getCollection(kind), this);

  public <T> Query<T> find(String kind, Class<T> clazz) {
    return new QueryImpl<T>(clazz, getCollection(kind), this);

  public <T> Query<T> find(Class<T> clazz) {
    return createQuery(clazz);

  public <T, V> Query<T> find(Class<T> clazz, String property, V value) {
    Query<T> query = createQuery(clazz);
    return query.filter(property, value);

  public <T, V> Query<T> find(
      String kind, Class<T> clazz, String property, V value, int offset, int size) {
    Query<T> query = find(kind, clazz);
    return query.filter(property, value);

  public <T, V> Query<T> find(Class<T> clazz, String property, V value, int offset, int size) {
    Query<T> query = createQuery(clazz);
    return query.filter(property, value);

  public <T> T get(Class<T> clazz, DBRef ref) {
    return (T) mapr.fromDBObject(clazz, ref.fetch(), createCache());

  public <T, V> Query<T> get(Class<T> clazz, Iterable<V> ids) {
    return find(clazz).disableValidation().filter(Mapper.ID_KEY + " in", ids);

  /** Queries the server to check for each DBRef */
  public <T> List<Key<T>> getKeysByRefs(List<DBRef> refs) {
    ArrayList<Key<T>> tempKeys = new ArrayList<Key<T>>(refs.size());

    Map<String, List<DBRef>> kindMap = new HashMap<String, List<DBRef>>();
    for (DBRef ref : refs) {
      if (kindMap.containsKey(ref.getRef())) kindMap.get(ref.getRef()).add(ref);
      else kindMap.put(ref.getRef(), new ArrayList<DBRef>(Collections.singletonList((DBRef) ref)));
    for (String kind : kindMap.keySet()) {
      List<Object> objIds = new ArrayList<Object>();
      List<DBRef> kindRefs = kindMap.get(kind);
      for (DBRef key : kindRefs) {
      List<Key<T>> kindResults =
          this.<T>find(kind, null).disableValidation().filter("_id in", objIds).asKeyList();

    // put them back in order, minus the missing ones.
    ArrayList<Key<T>> keys = new ArrayList<Key<T>>(refs.size());
    for (DBRef ref : refs) {
      Key<T> testKey = mapr.refToKey(ref);
      if (tempKeys.contains(testKey)) keys.add(testKey);
    return keys;

  public <T> List<T> getByKeys(Iterable<Key<T>> keys) {
    return this.getByKeys((Class<T>) null, keys);

  public <T> List<T> getByKeys(Class<T> clazz, Iterable<Key<T>> keys) {

    Map<String, List<Key>> kindMap = new HashMap<String, List<Key>>();
    List<T> entities = new ArrayList<T>();
    // String clazzKind = (clazz==null) ? null :
    // getMapper().getCollectionName(clazz);
    for (Key<?> key : keys) {

      // if (clazzKind != null && !key.getKind().equals(clazzKind))
      // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Types are not equal (" +
      // clazz + "!=" + key.getKindClass() +
      // ") for key and method parameter clazz");
      if (kindMap.containsKey(key.getKind())) kindMap.get(key.getKind()).add(key);
      else kindMap.put(key.getKind(), new ArrayList<Key>(Collections.singletonList((Key) key)));
    for (String kind : kindMap.keySet()) {
      List<Object> objIds = new ArrayList<Object>();
      List<Key> kindKeys = kindMap.get(kind);
      for (Key key : kindKeys) {
      List kindResults = find(kind, null).disableValidation().filter("_id in", objIds).asList();

    // TODO: order them based on the incoming Keys.
    return entities;

  public <T, V> T get(String kind, Class<T> clazz, V id) {
    List<T> results = find(kind, clazz, Mapper.ID_KEY, id, 0, 1).asList();
    if (results == null || results.size() == 0) return null;
    return results.get(0);

  public <T, V> T get(Class<T> clazz, V id) {
    return find(getCollection(clazz).getName(), clazz, Mapper.ID_KEY, id, 0, 1).get();

  public <T> T getByKey(Class<T> clazz, Key<T> key) {
    String kind = mapr.getCollectionName(clazz);
    String keyKind = mapr.updateKind(key);
    if (!kind.equals(keyKind))
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "collection names don't match for key and class: " + kind + " != " + keyKind);

    return get(clazz, key.getId());

  public <T> T get(T entity) {
    entity = ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity);
    Object id = getId(entity);
    if (id == null)
      throw new MappingException("Could not get id for " + entity.getClass().getName());
    return (T) get(entity.getClass(), id);

  public Key<?> exists(Object entityOrKey) {
    entityOrKey = ProxyHelper.unwrap(entityOrKey);
    Key<?> key = getKey(entityOrKey);
    Object id = key.getId();
    if (id == null)
      throw new MappingException("Could not get id for " + entityOrKey.getClass().getName());

    String collName = key.getKind();
    if (collName == null) collName = getCollection(key.getKindClass()).getName();

    return find(collName, key.getKindClass()).filter(Mapper.ID_KEY, key.getId()).getKey();

  public DBCollection getCollection(Class clazz) {
    String collName = mapr.getCollectionName(clazz);
    DBCollection dbC = getDB().getCollection(collName);
    return dbC;

  public DBCollection getCollection(Object obj) {
    if (obj == null) return null;
    return getCollection(obj.getClass());

  protected DBCollection getCollection(String kind) {
    if (kind == null) return null;
    return getDB().getCollection(kind);

  public <T> long getCount(T entity) {
    entity = ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity);
    return getCollection(entity).getCount();

  public <T> long getCount(Class<T> clazz) {
    return getCollection(clazz).getCount();

  public long getCount(String kind) {
    return getCollection(kind).getCount();

  public <T> long getCount(Query<T> query) {
    return query.countAll();

  public Mongo getMongo() {
    return this.mongo;

  public DB getDB() {
    return db;

  public Mapper getMapper() {
    return mapr;

  public <T> Iterable<Key<T>> insert(Iterable<T> entities) {
    // TODO: try not to create two iterators...
    Object first = entities.iterator().next();
    return insert(entities, getWriteConcern(first));

  public <T> Iterable<Key<T>> insert(Iterable<T> entities, WriteConcern wc) {
    ArrayList<DBObject> ents =
        entities instanceof List
            ? new ArrayList<DBObject>(((List<T>) entities).size())
            : new ArrayList<DBObject>();

    Map<Object, DBObject> involvedObjects = new LinkedHashMap<Object, DBObject>();
    T lastEntity = null;
    for (T ent : entities) {
      ents.add(entityToDBObj(ent, involvedObjects));
      lastEntity = ent;

    DBCollection dbColl = getCollection(lastEntity);
    WriteResult wr = null;

    DBObject[] dbObjs = new DBObject[ents.size()];
    dbColl.insert(ents.toArray(dbObjs), wc);

    throwOnError(wc, wr);

    ArrayList<Key<T>> savedKeys = new ArrayList<Key<T>>();
    Iterator<T> entitiesIT = entities.iterator();
    Iterator<DBObject> dbObjsIT = ents.iterator();

    while (entitiesIT.hasNext()) {
      T entity = entitiesIT.next();
      DBObject dbObj = dbObjsIT.next();
      savedKeys.add(postSaveGetKey(entity, dbObj, dbColl, involvedObjects));

    return savedKeys;

  public <T> Iterable<Key<T>> insert(T... entities) {
    return insert(Arrays.asList(entities), getWriteConcern(entities[0]));

  public <T> Key<T> insert(T entity) {
    return insert(entity, getWriteConcern(entity));

  public <T> Key<T> insert(T entity, WriteConcern wc) {
    entity = ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity);
    DBCollection dbColl = getCollection(entity);
    return insert(dbColl, entity, wc);

  public <T> Key<T> insert(String kind, T entity) {
    entity = ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity);
    DBCollection dbColl = getCollection(kind);
    return insert(dbColl, entity, getWriteConcern(entity));

  public <T> Key<T> insert(String kind, T entity, WriteConcern wc) {
    entity = ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity);
    DBCollection dbColl = getCollection(kind);
    return insert(dbColl, entity, wc);

  protected <T> Key<T> insert(DBCollection dbColl, T entity, WriteConcern wc) {
    LinkedHashMap<Object, DBObject> involvedObjects = new LinkedHashMap<Object, DBObject>();
    DBObject dbObj = entityToDBObj(entity, involvedObjects);
    WriteResult wr;
    if (wc == null) wr = dbColl.insert(dbObj);
    else wr = dbColl.insert(dbObj, wc);

    throwOnError(wc, wr);

    return postSaveGetKey(entity, dbObj, dbColl, involvedObjects);

  protected DBObject entityToDBObj(Object entity, Map<Object, DBObject> involvedObjects) {
    entity = ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity);
    DBObject dbObj = mapr.toDBObject(entity, involvedObjects);
    return dbObj;

  /** call postSaveOperations and returns Key for entity */
  protected <T> Key<T> postSaveGetKey(
      T entity, DBObject dbObj, DBCollection dbColl, Map<Object, DBObject> involvedObjects) {
    if (dbObj.get(Mapper.ID_KEY) == null) throw new MappingException("Missing _id after save!");

    postSaveOperations(entity, dbObj, involvedObjects);
    Key<T> key = new Key<T>(dbColl.getName(), getId(entity));
    key.setKindClass((Class<? extends T>) entity.getClass());

    return key;

  public <T> Iterable<Key<T>> save(Iterable<T> entities) {
    Object first = null;
    try {
      first = entities.iterator().next();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // do nothing
    return save(entities, getWriteConcern(first));

  public <T> Iterable<Key<T>> save(Iterable<T> entities, WriteConcern wc) {
    ArrayList<Key<T>> savedKeys = new ArrayList<Key<T>>();
    for (T ent : entities) savedKeys.add(save(ent, wc));
    return savedKeys;

  public <T> Iterable<Key<T>> save(T... entities) {
    ArrayList<Key<T>> savedKeys = new ArrayList<Key<T>>();
    for (T ent : entities) savedKeys.add(save(ent));
    return savedKeys;

  protected <T> Key<T> save(DBCollection dbColl, T entity, WriteConcern wc) {
    MappedClass mc = mapr.getMappedClass(entity);

    WriteResult wr = null;

    // involvedObjects is used not only as a cache but also as a list of what needs to be called for
    // life-cycle methods at the end.
    LinkedHashMap<Object, DBObject> involvedObjects = new LinkedHashMap<Object, DBObject>();
    DBObject dbObj = entityToDBObj(entity, involvedObjects);

    // try to do an update if there is a @Version field
    wr = tryVersionedUpdate(dbColl, entity, dbObj, wc, db, mc);

    if (wr == null)
      if (wc == null) wr = dbColl.save(dbObj);
      else wr = dbColl.save(dbObj, wc);

    throwOnError(wc, wr);
    return postSaveGetKey(entity, dbObj, dbColl, involvedObjects);

  protected <T> WriteResult tryVersionedUpdate(
      DBCollection dbColl, T entity, DBObject dbObj, WriteConcern wc, DB db, MappedClass mc) {
    WriteResult wr = null;
    if (mc.getFieldsAnnotatedWith(Version.class).isEmpty()) return wr;

    MappedField mfVersion = mc.getFieldsAnnotatedWith(Version.class).get(0);
    String versionKeyName = mfVersion.getNameToStore();
    Long oldVersion = (Long) mfVersion.getFieldValue(entity);
    long newVersion = VersionHelper.nextValue(oldVersion);
    dbObj.put(versionKeyName, newVersion);
    if (oldVersion != null && oldVersion > 0) {
      Object idValue = dbObj.get(Mapper.ID_KEY);

      UpdateResults<T> res =
              find((Class<T>) entity.getClass(), Mapper.ID_KEY, idValue)
                  .filter(versionKeyName, oldVersion),

      wr = res.getWriteResult();

      if (res.getUpdatedCount() != 1)
        throw new ConcurrentModificationException(
            "Entity of class "
                + entity.getClass().getName()
                + " (id='"
                + idValue
                + "',version='"
                + oldVersion
                + "') was concurrently updated.");
    } else if (wc == null) wr = dbColl.save(dbObj);
    else wr = dbColl.save(dbObj, wc);

    // update the version.
    mfVersion.setFieldValue(entity, newVersion);
    return wr;

  protected void throwOnError(WriteConcern wc, WriteResult wr) {
    if (wc == null && wr.getLastConcern() == null) {
      CommandResult cr = wr.getLastError();
      if (cr != null && cr.getErrorMessage() != null && cr.getErrorMessage().length() > 0)

  public <T> Key<T> save(String kind, T entity) {
    entity = ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity);
    DBCollection dbColl = getCollection(kind);
    return save(dbColl, entity, getWriteConcern(entity));

  public <T> Key<T> save(T entity) {
    return save(entity, getWriteConcern(entity));

  public <T> Key<T> save(T entity, WriteConcern wc) {
    entity = ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity);
    DBCollection dbColl = getCollection(entity);
    return save(dbColl, entity, wc);

  public <T> UpdateOperations<T> createUpdateOperations(Class<T> clazz) {
    return new UpdateOpsImpl<T>(clazz, getMapper());

  public <T> UpdateOperations<T> createUpdateOperations(Class<T> kind, DBObject ops) {
    UpdateOpsImpl<T> upOps = (UpdateOpsImpl<T>) createUpdateOperations(kind);
    return upOps;

  public <T> UpdateResults<T> update(
      Query<T> query, UpdateOperations<T> ops, boolean createIfMissing) {
    return update(query, ops, createIfMissing, getWriteConcern(query.getEntityClass()));

  public <T> UpdateResults<T> update(
      Query<T> query, UpdateOperations<T> ops, boolean createIfMissing, WriteConcern wc) {
    return update(query, ops, createIfMissing, false);

  public <T> UpdateResults<T> update(T ent, UpdateOperations<T> ops) {
    MappedClass mc = mapr.getMappedClass(ent);
    Query<T> q = (Query<T>) createQuery(mc.getClazz());
    q.disableValidation().filter(Mapper.ID_KEY, getId(ent));

    if (mc.getFieldsAnnotatedWith(Version.class).size() > 0) {
      MappedField versionMF = mc.getFieldsAnnotatedWith(Version.class).get(0);
      Long oldVer = (Long) versionMF.getFieldValue(ent);
      q.filter(versionMF.getNameToStore(), oldVer);
      ops.set(versionMF.getNameToStore(), VersionHelper.nextValue(oldVer));

    return update(q, ops);

  public <T> UpdateResults<T> update(Key<T> key, UpdateOperations<T> ops) {
    Class<T> clazz = (Class<T>) key.getKindClass();
    if (clazz == null) clazz = (Class<T>) mapr.getClassFromKind(key.getKind());
    return updateFirst(
        createQuery(clazz).disableValidation().filter(Mapper.ID_KEY, key.getId()), ops);

  public <T> UpdateResults<T> update(Query<T> query, UpdateOperations<T> ops) {
    return update(query, ops, false, true);

  public <T> UpdateResults<T> updateFirst(Query<T> query, UpdateOperations<T> ops) {
    return update(query, ops, false, false);

  public <T> UpdateResults<T> updateFirst(
      Query<T> query, UpdateOperations<T> ops, boolean createIfMissing) {
    return update(query, ops, createIfMissing, getWriteConcern(query.getEntityClass()));

  public <T> UpdateResults<T> updateFirst(
      Query<T> query, UpdateOperations<T> ops, boolean createIfMissing, WriteConcern wc) {
    return update(query, ops, createIfMissing, false, wc);

  public <T> UpdateResults<T> updateFirst(Query<T> query, T entity, boolean createIfMissing) {
    LinkedHashMap<Object, DBObject> involvedObjects = new LinkedHashMap<Object, DBObject>();
    DBObject dbObj = mapr.toDBObject(entity, involvedObjects);

    UpdateResults<T> res = update(query, dbObj, createIfMissing, false, getWriteConcern(entity));

    // update _id field
    CommandResult gle = res.getWriteResult().getCachedLastError();
    if (gle != null && res.getInsertedCount() > 0) dbObj.put(Mapper.ID_KEY, res.getNewId());

    postSaveOperations(entity, dbObj, involvedObjects);
    return res;

  public <T> Key<T> merge(T entity) {
    return merge(entity, getWriteConcern(entity));

  public <T> Key<T> merge(T entity, WriteConcern wc) {
    LinkedHashMap<Object, DBObject> involvedObjects = new LinkedHashMap<Object, DBObject>();
    DBObject dbObj = mapr.toDBObject(entity, involvedObjects);
    Key<T> key = getKey(entity);
    entity = ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity);
    Object id = getId(entity);
    if (id == null)
      throw new MappingException("Could not get id for " + entity.getClass().getName());
    Query<T> query = (Query<T>) createQuery(entity.getClass()).filter(Mapper.ID_KEY, id);

    // remove (immutable) _id field for update.
    UpdateResults<T> res = update(query, new BasicDBObject("$set", dbObj), false, false, wc);

    // check for updated count if we have a gle
    CommandResult gle = res.getWriteResult().getCachedLastError();
    if (gle != null && res.getUpdatedCount() == 0) throw new UpdateException("Not updated: " + gle);

    postSaveOperations(entity, dbObj, involvedObjects);
    return key;

  private <T> void postSaveOperations(
      Object entity, DBObject dbObj, Map<Object, DBObject> involvedObjects) {
    mapr.updateKeyInfo(entity, dbObj, createCache());

    // call PostPersist on all involved entities (including the entity)
    for (Map.Entry<Object, DBObject> e : involvedObjects.entrySet()) {
      Object ent = e.getKey();
      DBObject dbO = e.getValue();
      MappedClass mc = mapr.getMappedClass(entity);
      mc.callLifecycleMethods(PostPersist.class, ent, dbO, mapr);

  private <T> UpdateResults<T> update(
      Query<T> query,
      UpdateOperations ops,
      boolean createIfMissing,
      boolean multi,
      WriteConcern wc) {
    DBObject u = ((UpdateOpsImpl) ops).getOps();
    if (((UpdateOpsImpl) ops).isIsolated()) {
      Query<T> q = query.clone();
      q.disableValidation().filter("$atomic", true);
      return update(q, u, createIfMissing, multi, wc);
    return update(query, u, createIfMissing, multi, wc);

  private <T> UpdateResults<T> update(
      Query<T> query, UpdateOperations ops, boolean createIfMissing, boolean multi) {
    return update(query, ops, createIfMissing, multi, getWriteConcern(query.getEntityClass()));

  private <T> UpdateResults<T> update(
      Query<T> query, DBObject u, boolean createIfMissing, boolean multi, WriteConcern wc) {
    QueryImpl<T> qi = (QueryImpl<T>) query;

    DBCollection dbColl = qi.getCollection();
    // TODO remove this after testing.
    if (dbColl == null) dbColl = getCollection(qi.getEntityClass());

    if (qi.getSortObject() != null
        && qi.getSortObject().keySet() != null
        && !qi.getSortObject().keySet().isEmpty())
      throw new QueryException("sorting is not allowed for updates.");
    if (qi.getOffset() > 0) throw new QueryException("a query offset is not allowed for updates.");
    if (qi.getLimit() > 0) throw new QueryException("a query limit is not allowed for updates.");

    DBObject q = qi.getQueryObject();
    if (q == null) q = new BasicDBObject();

    if (log.isTraceEnabled())
          "Executing update("
              + dbColl.getName()
              + ") for query: "
              + q
              + ", ops: "
              + u
              + ", multi: "
              + multi
              + ", upsert: "
              + createIfMissing);

    WriteResult wr;
    if (wc == null) wr = dbColl.update(q, u, createIfMissing, multi);
    else wr = dbColl.update(q, u, createIfMissing, multi, wc);

    throwOnError(wc, wr);

    return new UpdateResults<T>(wr);

  public <T> T findAndDelete(Query<T> query) {
    DBCollection dbColl = ((QueryImpl<T>) query).getCollection();
    // TODO remove this after testing.
    if (dbColl == null) dbColl = getCollection(((QueryImpl<T>) query).getEntityClass());

    QueryImpl<T> qi = ((QueryImpl<T>) query);
    EntityCache cache = createCache();

    if (log.isTraceEnabled())
      log.trace("Executing findAndModify(" + dbColl.getName() + ") with delete ...");

    DBObject result =

    if (result != null) {
      T entity = (T) mapr.fromDBObject(qi.getEntityClass(), result, cache);
      return entity;

    return null;

  public <T> T findAndModify(Query<T> q, UpdateOperations<T> ops) {
    return findAndModify(q, ops, false);

  public <T> T findAndModify(Query<T> query, UpdateOperations<T> ops, boolean oldVersion) {
    return findAndModify(query, ops, oldVersion, false);

  public <T> T findAndModify(
      Query<T> query, UpdateOperations<T> ops, boolean oldVersion, boolean createIfMissing) {
    QueryImpl<T> qi = (QueryImpl<T>) query;

    DBCollection dbColl = qi.getCollection();
    // TODO remove this after testing.
    if (dbColl == null) dbColl = getCollection(qi.getEntityClass());

    if (log.isTraceEnabled())
      log.info("Executing findAndModify(" + dbColl.getName() + ") with update ");

    DBObject res =
            ((UpdateOpsImpl<T>) ops).getOps(),

    if (res == null) return null;
    else return (T) mapr.fromDBObject(qi.getEntityClass(), res, createCache());

  public <T> MapreduceResults<T> mapReduce(
      MapreduceType type,
      Query query,
      String map,
      String reduce,
      String finalize,
      Map<String, Object> scopeFields,
      Class<T> outputType) {
    Assert.parametersNotNull("map", map);
    Assert.parameterNotEmpty(map, "map");
    Assert.parametersNotNull("reduce", reduce);
    Assert.parameterNotEmpty(reduce, "reduce");

    QueryImpl<T> qi = (QueryImpl<T>) query;

    DBCollection dbColl = qi.getCollection();
    // TODO remove this after testing.
    if (dbColl == null) dbColl = getCollection(qi.getEntityClass());

    if (log.isTraceEnabled())
          "Executing mapReduce("
              + dbColl.getName()
              + ") with query("
              + qi.toString()
              + ") map("
              + map
              + ") reduce("
              + reduce
              + ") finalize("
              + finalize
              + ") scope("
              + scopeFields
              + ")");

    // TODO replace this with the 2.4 driver impl.
    String outColl = mapr.getCollectionName(outputType);
    BasicDBObjectBuilder bldr =
        BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("mapreduce", mapr.getCollectionName(qi.getEntityClass()));

    switch (type) {
      case REDUCE:
        bldr.push("out").add("reduce", outColl).pop();
      case MERGE:
        bldr.push("out").add("merge", outColl).pop();
      case INLINE:
        bldr.push("out").add("inline", 1).pop();
        bldr.add("out", outColl);

    if (qi.getOffset() != 0 || qi.getFieldsObject() != null)
      throw new QueryException(
          "mapReduce does not allow the offset/retrievedFields query options.");

    if (qi.getQueryObject() != null) bldr.add("query", qi.getQueryObject());
    if (qi.getLimit() > 0) bldr.add("limit", qi.getLimit());
    if (qi.getSortObject() != null) bldr.add("sort", qi.getSortObject());

    bldr.add("map", map);
    bldr.add("reduce", reduce);

    if (finalize != null && finalize.length() > 0) bldr.add("finalize", finalize);

    if (scopeFields != null && scopeFields.size() > 0)
      bldr.add("scope", mapr.toMongoObject(null, null, scopeFields));

    DBObject dbObj = bldr.get();
    CommandResult cr = dbColl.getDB().command(dbObj);
    MapreduceResults mrRes =
        (MapreduceResults) mapr.fromDBObject(MapreduceResults.class, cr, createCache());

    QueryImpl baseQ = null;
    if (!MapreduceType.INLINE.equals(type))
      baseQ = new QueryImpl(outputType, db.getCollection(mrRes.getOutputCollectionName()), this);
    // TODO Handle inline case and create an iterator/able.

    mrRes.setBits(type, baseQ);
    return mrRes;

  /** Converts a list of keys to refs */
  public static <T> List<DBRef> keysAsRefs(List<Key<T>> keys, Mapper mapr) {
    ArrayList<DBRef> refs = new ArrayList<DBRef>(keys.size());
    for (Key<T> key : keys) refs.add(mapr.keyToRef(key));
    return refs;

  /** Converts a list of refs to keys */
  public static <T> List<Key<T>> refsToKeys(Mapper mapr, List<DBRef> refs, Class<T> c) {
    ArrayList<Key<T>> keys = new ArrayList<Key<T>>(refs.size());
    for (DBRef ref : refs) {
      keys.add((Key<T>) mapr.refToKey(ref));
    return keys;

  private EntityCache createCache() {
    return mapr.createEntityCache();
  /** Gets the write concern for entity or returns the default write concern for this datastore */
  public WriteConcern getWriteConcern(Object clazzOrEntity) {
    WriteConcern wc = defConcern;
    if (clazzOrEntity != null) {
      Entity entityAnn = getMapper().getMappedClass(clazzOrEntity).getEntityAnnotation();
      if (entityAnn != null && !"".equals(entityAnn.concern()))
        wc = WriteConcern.valueOf(entityAnn.concern());

    return wc;

  public WriteConcern getDefaultWriteConcern() {
    return defConcern;

  public void setDefaultWriteConcern(WriteConcern wc) {
    defConcern = wc;
 * Default encoders
 * @author Uwe Schaefer, ([email protected])
 * @author scotthernandez
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
public class DefaultConverters {
  private static final Logr log = MorphiaLoggerFactory.get(DefaultConverters.class);

  private List<TypeConverter> untypedTypeEncoders = new LinkedList<TypeConverter>();
  private Map<Class, List<TypeConverter>> tcMap =
      new ConcurrentHashMap<Class, List<TypeConverter>>();
  private List<Class<? extends TypeConverter>> registeredConverterClasses =
      new LinkedList<Class<? extends TypeConverter>>();

  private Mapper mapr;

  public DefaultConverters() {
    // some converters are commented out since the pass-through converter is enabled, at the end of
    // the list.
    // Re-enable them if that changes.
    //		addConverter(new PassthroughConverter(DBRef.class));

    // Pass-through DBObject or else the MapOfValuesConverter will process it.
    addConverter(new PassthroughConverter(DBObject.class, BasicDBObject.class));
    // Pass-through byte[] for the driver to handle
    addConverter(new PassthroughConverter(byte[].class));
    addConverter(new EnumSetConverter());
    addConverter(new EnumConverter());
    addConverter(new StringConverter());
    addConverter(new CharacterConverter());
    addConverter(new ByteConverter());
    addConverter(new BooleanConverter());
    addConverter(new DoubleConverter());
    addConverter(new FloatConverter());
    addConverter(new LongConverter());
    addConverter(new LocaleConverter());
    addConverter(new ShortConverter());
    addConverter(new IntegerConverter());
    addConverter(new SerializedObjectConverter());
    addConverter(new CharArrayConverter());
    addConverter(new DateConverter());
    addConverter(new KeyConverter());
    addConverter(new MapOfValuesConverter(this));
    addConverter(new IterableConverter(this));
    addConverter(new ClassConverter());
    addConverter(new ObjectIdConverter());
    addConverter(new TimestampConverter());

    // generic converter that will just pass things through.
    addConverter(new PassthroughConverter());

   * Add a type converter. If it is a duplicate for an existing type, it will override that type.
   * @param tc
  public TypeConverter addConverter(TypeConverter tc) {
    if (tc.getSupportedTypes() != null)
      for (Class c : tc.getSupportedTypes()) addTypedConverter(c, tc);
    else untypedTypeEncoders.add(tc);


    return tc;

  public TypeConverter addConverter(Class<? extends TypeConverter> clazz) {
    return addConverter((TypeConverter) this.mapr.getOptions().objectFactory.createInstance(clazz));

   * Removes the type converter.
   * @param tc
  public void removeConverter(TypeConverter tc) {
    if (tc.getSupportedTypes() == null) untypedTypeEncoders.remove(tc);
      for (List<TypeConverter> tcList : tcMap.values()) if (tcList.contains(tc)) tcList.remove(tc);


  public boolean isRegistered(Class<? extends TypeConverter> tcClass) {
    return registeredConverterClasses.contains(tcClass);

  private void addTypedConverter(Class type, TypeConverter tc) {
    if (tcMap.containsKey(type)) {
      tcMap.get(type).add(0, tc);
      log.warning("Added duplicate converter for " + type + " ; " + tcMap.get(type));
    } else {
      ArrayList<TypeConverter> vals = new ArrayList<TypeConverter>();
      tcMap.put(type, vals);

  public void fromDBObject(final DBObject dbObj, final MappedField mf, final Object targetEntity) {
    Object object = mf.getDbObjectValue(dbObj);
    if (object == null) {
    } else {
      TypeConverter enc = getEncoder(mf);
      Object decodedValue = enc.decode(mf.getType(), object, mf);
      try {
        mf.setFieldValue(targetEntity, decodedValue);
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        throw new MappingException(
            "Error setting value from converter ("
                + enc.getClass().getSimpleName()
                + ") for "
                + mf.getFullName()
                + " to "
                + decodedValue);

  protected void processMissingField(final MappedField mf) {
    // we ignore missing values.

  private TypeConverter getEncoder(MappedField mf) {
    return getEncoder(null, mf);

  private TypeConverter getEncoder(Object val, MappedField mf) {

    List<TypeConverter> tcs = null;

    if (val != null) tcs = tcMap.get(val.getClass());

    if (tcs == null || (tcs.size() > 0 && tcs.get(0) instanceof PassthroughConverter))
      tcs = tcMap.get(mf.getType());

    if (tcs != null) {
      if (tcs.size() > 1)
            "Duplicate converter for " + mf.getType() + ", returning first one from " + tcs);
      return tcs.get(0);

    for (TypeConverter tc : untypedTypeEncoders)
      if (tc.canHandle(mf) || (val != null && tc.isSupported(val.getClass(), mf))) return tc;

    throw new ConverterNotFoundException(
        "Cannot find encoder for " + mf.getType() + " as need for " + mf.getFullName());

  private TypeConverter getEncoder(final Class c) {
    List<TypeConverter> tcs = tcMap.get(c);
    if (tcs != null) {
      if (tcs.size() > 1)
        log.warning("Duplicate converter for " + c + ", returning first one from " + tcs);
      return tcs.get(0);

    for (TypeConverter tc : untypedTypeEncoders) if (tc.canHandle(c)) return tc;

    throw new ConverterNotFoundException("Cannot find encoder for " + c.getName());

  public void toDBObject(
      final Object containingObject,
      final MappedField mf,
      final DBObject dbObj,
      MapperOptions opts) {
    Object fieldValue = mf.getFieldValue(containingObject);
    TypeConverter enc = getEncoder(fieldValue, mf);

    Object encoded = enc.encode(fieldValue, mf);
    if (encoded != null || opts.storeNulls) {
      dbObj.put(mf.getNameToStore(), encoded);

  public Object decode(Class c, Object fromDBObject, MappedField mf) {
    if (c == null) c = fromDBObject.getClass();
    return getEncoder(c).decode(c, fromDBObject, mf);

  public Object decode(Class c, Object fromDBObject) {
    return decode(c, fromDBObject, null);

  public Object encode(Object o) {
    return encode(o.getClass(), o);

  public Object encode(Class c, Object o) {
    return getEncoder(c).encode(o);

  public void setMapper(Mapper mapr) {
    this.mapr = mapr;
    for (List<TypeConverter> tcs : tcMap.values()) for (TypeConverter tc : tcs) tc.setMapper(mapr);
    for (TypeConverter tc : untypedTypeEncoders) tc.setMapper(mapr);

  public boolean hasSimpleValueConverter(MappedField c) {
    TypeConverter conv = getEncoder(c);
    return (conv instanceof SimpleValueConverter);

  public boolean hasSimpleValueConverter(Class c) {
    TypeConverter conv = getEncoder(c);
    return (conv instanceof SimpleValueConverter);

  public boolean hasSimpleValueConverter(Object o) {
    if (o == null) return false;
    if (o instanceof Class) return hasSimpleValueConverter((Class) o);
    else if (o instanceof MappedField) return hasSimpleValueConverter((MappedField) o);
    else return hasSimpleValueConverter(o.getClass());

  public boolean hasDbObjectConverter(MappedField c) {
    TypeConverter conv = getEncoder(c);
    return conv != null
        && !(conv instanceof PassthroughConverter)
        && !(conv instanceof SimpleValueConverter);

  public boolean hasDbObjectConverter(Class c) {
    TypeConverter conv = getEncoder(c);
    return conv != null
        && !(conv instanceof PassthroughConverter)
        && !(conv instanceof SimpleValueConverter);