@Test public void bloom() throws Exception { ECKey key1 = group.freshKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.RECEIVE_FUNDS); ECKey key2 = new ECKey(); BloomFilter filter = group.getBloomFilter( group.getBloomFilterElementCount(), 0.001, (long) (Math.random() * Long.MAX_VALUE)); assertTrue(filter.contains(key1.getPubKeyHash())); assertTrue(filter.contains(key1.getPubKey())); assertFalse(filter.contains(key2.getPubKey())); // Check that the filter contains the lookahead buffer and threshold zone. for (int i = 0; i < LOOKAHEAD_SIZE + group.getLookaheadThreshold(); i++) { ECKey k = group.freshKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.RECEIVE_FUNDS); assertTrue(filter.contains(k.getPubKeyHash())); } // We ran ahead of the lookahead buffer. assertFalse(filter.contains(group.freshKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.RECEIVE_FUNDS).getPubKey())); group.importKeys(key2); filter = group.getBloomFilter( group.getBloomFilterElementCount(), 0.001, (long) (Math.random() * Long.MAX_VALUE)); assertTrue(filter.contains(key1.getPubKeyHash())); assertTrue(filter.contains(key1.getPubKey())); assertTrue(filter.contains(key2.getPubKey())); }
@Test public void deterministicUpgradeUnencrypted() throws Exception { // Check that a group that contains only random keys has its HD chain created using the private // key bytes of // the oldest random key, so upgrading the same wallet twice gives the same outcome. group = new KeyChainGroup(params); group.setLookaheadSize(LOOKAHEAD_SIZE); // Don't want slow tests. ECKey key1 = new ECKey(); Utils.rollMockClock(86400); ECKey key2 = new ECKey(); group.importKeys(key2, key1); List<Protos.Key> protobufs = group.serializeToProtobuf(); group.upgradeToDeterministic(0, null); assertFalse(group.isDeterministicUpgradeRequired()); DeterministicKey dkey1 = group.freshKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.RECEIVE_FUNDS); DeterministicSeed seed1 = group.getActiveKeyChain().getSeed(); assertNotNull(seed1); group = KeyChainGroup.fromProtobufUnencrypted(params, protobufs); group.upgradeToDeterministic(0, null); // Should give same result as last time. DeterministicKey dkey2 = group.freshKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.RECEIVE_FUNDS); DeterministicSeed seed2 = group.getActiveKeyChain().getSeed(); assertEquals(seed1, seed2); assertEquals(dkey1, dkey2); // Check we used the right (oldest) key despite backwards import order. byte[] truncatedBytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(key1.getSecretBytes(), 0, 16); assertArrayEquals(seed1.getEntropyBytes(), truncatedBytes); }
@Test public void deterministicUpgradeEncrypted() throws Exception { group = new KeyChainGroup(params); final ECKey key = new ECKey(); group.importKeys(key); final KeyCrypterScrypt crypter = new KeyCrypterScrypt(); final KeyParameter aesKey = crypter.deriveKey("abc"); assertTrue(group.isDeterministicUpgradeRequired()); group.encrypt(crypter, aesKey); assertTrue(group.isDeterministicUpgradeRequired()); try { group.upgradeToDeterministic(0, null); fail(); } catch (DeterministicUpgradeRequiresPassword e) { // Expected. } group.upgradeToDeterministic(0, aesKey); assertFalse(group.isDeterministicUpgradeRequired()); final DeterministicSeed deterministicSeed = group.getActiveKeyChain().getSeed(); assertNotNull(deterministicSeed); assertTrue(deterministicSeed.isEncrypted()); byte[] entropy = checkNotNull(group.getActiveKeyChain().toDecrypted(aesKey).getSeed()).getEntropyBytes(); // Check we used the right key: oldest non rotating. byte[] truncatedBytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(key.getSecretBytes(), 0, 16); assertArrayEquals(entropy, truncatedBytes); }
private void loadWalletFromProtobuf() { if (walletFile.exists()) { final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); FileInputStream walletStream = null; try { walletStream = new FileInputStream(walletFile); wallet = new WalletProtobufSerializer().readWallet(walletStream); log.info( "wallet loaded from: '" + walletFile + "', took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms"); } catch (final FileNotFoundException x) { log.error("problem loading wallet", x); Toast.makeText(WalletApplication.this, x.getClass().getName(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); wallet = restoreWalletFromBackup(); } catch (final UnreadableWalletException x) { log.error("problem loading wallet", x); Toast.makeText(WalletApplication.this, x.getClass().getName(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); wallet = restoreWalletFromBackup(); } finally { if (walletStream != null) { try { walletStream.close(); } catch (final IOException x) { // swallow } } } if (!wallet.isConsistent()) { Toast.makeText(this, "inconsistent wallet: " + walletFile, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); wallet = restoreWalletFromBackup(); } if (!wallet.getParams().equals(Constants.NETWORK_PARAMETERS)) throw new Error("bad wallet network parameters: " + wallet.getParams().getId()); } else { wallet = new Wallet(Constants.NETWORK_PARAMETERS); log.info("new wallet created"); } // this check is needed so encrypted wallets won't get their private keys removed accidently for (final ECKey key : wallet.getKeys()) if (key.getPrivKeyBytes() == null) throw new Error( "found read-only key, but wallet is likely an encrypted wallet from the future"); }
@Test public void testCreateMultiSigInputScript() throws AddressFormatException { // Setup transaction and signatures ECKey key1 = new DumpedPrivateKey(params, "cVLwRLTvz3BxDAWkvS3yzT9pUcTCup7kQnfT2smRjvmmm1wAP6QT") .getKey(); ECKey key2 = new DumpedPrivateKey(params, "cTine92s8GLpVqvebi8rYce3FrUYq78ZGQffBYCS1HmDPJdSTxUo") .getKey(); ECKey key3 = new DumpedPrivateKey(params, "cVHwXSPRZmL9adctwBwmn4oTZdZMbaCsR5XF6VznqMgcvt1FDDxg") .getKey(); Script multisigScript = ScriptBuilder.createMultiSigOutputScript(2, Arrays.asList(key1, key2, key3)); byte[] bytes = Hex.decode( "01000000013df681ff83b43b6585fa32dd0e12b0b502e6481e04ee52ff0fdaf55a16a4ef61000000006b483045022100a84acca7906c13c5895a1314c165d33621cdcf8696145080895cbf301119b7cf0220730ff511106aa0e0a8570ff00ee57d7a6f24e30f592a10cae1deffac9e13b990012102b8d567bcd6328fd48a429f9cf4b315b859a58fd28c5088ef3cb1d98125fc4e8dffffffff02364f1c00000000001976a91439a02793b418de8ec748dd75382656453dc99bcb88ac40420f000000000017a9145780b80be32e117f675d6e0ada13ba799bf248e98700000000"); Transaction transaction = new Transaction(params, bytes); TransactionOutput output = transaction.getOutput(1); Transaction spendTx = new Transaction(params); Address address = new Address(params, "n3CFiCmBXVt5d3HXKQ15EFZyhPz4yj5F3H"); Script outputScript = ScriptBuilder.createOutputScript(address); spendTx.addOutput(output.getValue(), outputScript); spendTx.addInput(output); Sha256Hash sighash = spendTx.hashForSignature(0, multisigScript, SigHash.ALL, false); ECKey.ECDSASignature party1Signature = key1.sign(sighash); ECKey.ECDSASignature party2Signature = key2.sign(sighash); TransactionSignature party1TransactionSignature = new TransactionSignature(party1Signature, SigHash.ALL, false); TransactionSignature party2TransactionSignature = new TransactionSignature(party2Signature, SigHash.ALL, false); // Create p2sh multisig input script Script inputScript = ScriptBuilder.createP2SHMultiSigInputScript( ImmutableList.of(party1TransactionSignature, party2TransactionSignature), multisigScript.getProgram()); // Assert that the input script contains 4 chunks assertTrue(inputScript.getChunks().size() == 4); // Assert that the input script created contains the original multisig // script as the last chunk ScriptChunk scriptChunk = inputScript.getChunks().get(inputScript.getChunks().size() - 1); Assert.assertArrayEquals(scriptChunk.data, multisigScript.getProgram()); // Create regular multisig input script inputScript = ScriptBuilder.createMultiSigInputScript( ImmutableList.of(party1TransactionSignature, party2TransactionSignature)); // Assert that the input script only contains 3 chunks assertTrue(inputScript.getChunks().size() == 3); // Assert that the input script created does not end with the original // multisig script scriptChunk = inputScript.getChunks().get(inputScript.getChunks().size() - 1); Assert.assertThat(scriptChunk.data, IsNot.not(IsEqual.equalTo(multisigScript.getProgram()))); }
/** * Creates the initial multisig contract and incomplete refund transaction which can be requested * at the appropriate time using {@link PaymentChannelClientState#getIncompleteRefundTransaction} * and {@link PaymentChannelClientState#getMultisigContract()}. The way the contract is crafted * can be adjusted by overriding {@link * PaymentChannelClientState#editContractSendRequest(com.google.bitcoin.core.Wallet.SendRequest)}. * By default unconfirmed coins are allowed to be used, as for micropayments the risk should be * relatively low. * * @throws ValueOutOfRangeException if the value being used is too small to be accepted by the * network * @throws InsufficientMoneyException if the wallet doesn't contain enough balance to initiate */ public synchronized void initiate() throws ValueOutOfRangeException, InsufficientMoneyException { final NetworkParameters params = wallet.getParams(); Transaction template = new Transaction(params); // We always place the client key before the server key because, if either side wants some // privacy, they can // use a fresh key for the the multisig contract and nowhere else List<ECKey> keys = Lists.newArrayList(myKey, serverMultisigKey); // There is also probably a change output, but we don't bother shuffling them as it's obvious // from the // format which one is the change. If we start obfuscating the change output better in future // this may // be worth revisiting. TransactionOutput multisigOutput = template.addOutput(totalValue, ScriptBuilder.createMultiSigOutputScript(2, keys)); if (multisigOutput.getMinNonDustValue().compareTo(totalValue) > 0) throw new ValueOutOfRangeException("totalValue too small to use"); Wallet.SendRequest req = Wallet.SendRequest.forTx(template); req.coinSelector = AllowUnconfirmedCoinSelector.get(); editContractSendRequest(req); req.shuffleOutputs = false; // TODO: Fix things so shuffling is usable. wallet.completeTx(req); Coin multisigFee = req.tx.getFee(); multisigContract = req.tx; // Build a refund transaction that protects us in the case of a bad server that's just trying to // cause havoc // by locking up peoples money (perhaps as a precursor to a ransom attempt). We time lock it so // the server // has an assurance that we cannot take back our money by claiming a refund before the channel // closes - this // relies on the fact that since Bitcoin 0.8 time locked transactions are non-final. This will // need to change // in future as it breaks the intended design of timelocking/tx replacement, but for now it // simplifies this // specific protocol somewhat. refundTx = new Transaction(params); refundTx .addInput(multisigOutput) .setSequenceNumber(0); // Allow replacement when it's eventually reactivated. refundTx.setLockTime(expiryTime); if (totalValue.compareTo(Coin.CENT) < 0) { // Must pay min fee. final Coin valueAfterFee = totalValue.subtract(Transaction.REFERENCE_DEFAULT_MIN_TX_FEE); if (Transaction.MIN_NONDUST_OUTPUT.compareTo(valueAfterFee) > 0) throw new ValueOutOfRangeException("totalValue too small to use"); refundTx.addOutput(valueAfterFee, myKey.toAddress(params)); refundFees = multisigFee.add(Transaction.REFERENCE_DEFAULT_MIN_TX_FEE); } else { refundTx.addOutput(totalValue, myKey.toAddress(params)); refundFees = multisigFee; } refundTx.getConfidence().setSource(TransactionConfidence.Source.SELF); log.info( "initiated channel with multi-sig contract {}, refund {}", multisigContract.getHashAsString(), refundTx.getHashAsString()); state = State.INITIATED; // Client should now call getIncompleteRefundTransaction() and send it to the server. }
public static ECKey getEncryptedECKey(String decrypted, String password) { try { ECKey key = new DumpedPrivateKey(MainNetParams.get(), decrypted).getKey(); KeyCrypterScrypt crypter = new KeyCrypterScrypt(); return key.encrypt(crypter, crypter.deriveKey(password)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } }
public static List<String> getAddresses() { Blocks blocks = Blocks.getInstance(); List<ECKey> keys = blocks.wallet.getKeys(); List<String> addresses = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ECKey key : keys) { addresses.add(key.toAddress(blocks.params).toString()); } return addresses; }
@Override public void showKey(ECKey key, String dir, boolean testnet) throws IOException { NetworkParameters params = LotteryTx.getNetworkParameters(testnet); writeln("Generated new <public key, secret key> pair" + (testnet ? " (for the testnet)" : "")); writeln("They were saved under the " + dir + " directory"); writeln("The address, public key and the private key are:"); writeln(key.toAddress(params).toString()); writeln(Utils.bytesToHexString(key.getPubKey())); writeln(key.getPrivateKeyEncoded(params).toString()); }
private byte[] determinePaymentRequest(final boolean includeBluetoothMac) { final ECKey key = (ECKey) addressView.getSelectedItem(); final Address address = key.toAddress(Constants.NETWORK_PARAMETERS); return PaymentProtocol.createPaymentRequest( amountCalculatorLink.getAmount(), address, null, includeBluetoothMac && bluetoothMac != null ? "bt:" + bluetoothMac : null) .toByteArray(); }
@Test public void encryptionWhilstEmpty() throws Exception { group = new KeyChainGroup(params); group.setLookaheadSize(5); KeyCrypterScrypt scrypt = new KeyCrypterScrypt(2); final KeyParameter aesKey = scrypt.deriveKey("password"); group.encrypt(scrypt, aesKey); assertTrue(group.freshKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.RECEIVE_FUNDS).isEncrypted()); final ECKey key = group.currentKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.RECEIVE_FUNDS); group.decrypt(aesKey); assertFalse(checkNotNull(group.findKeyFromPubKey(key.getPubKey())).isEncrypted()); }
private String determineBitcoinRequestStr(final boolean includeBluetoothMac) { final ECKey key = (ECKey) addressView.getSelectedItem(); final Address address = key.toAddress(Constants.NETWORK_PARAMETERS); final BigInteger amount = amountCalculatorLink.getAmount(); final StringBuilder uri = new StringBuilder(BitcoinURI.convertToBitcoinURI(address, amount, null, null)); if (includeBluetoothMac && bluetoothMac != null) { uri.append(amount == null ? '?' : '&'); uri.append(Bluetooth.MAC_URI_PARAM).append('=').append(bluetoothMac); } return uri.toString(); }
public static String getPrivateKeyStringFromAllPrivateAddresses() { String content = ""; List<BitherAddressWithPrivateKey> privates = WalletUtils.getPrivateAddressList(); for (int i = 0; i < privates.size(); i++) { BitherAddressWithPrivateKey wallet = privates.get(i); ECKey key = wallet.getKeys().get(0); content += getPrivateKeyString(key.getEncryptedPrivateKey(), key.getKeyCrypter()); if (i < privates.size() - 1) { content += StringUtil.QR_CODE_SPLIT; } } return content; }
public Address determineSelectedAddress() { final String selectedAddress = prefs.getString(Constants.PREFS_KEY_SELECTED_ADDRESS, null); Address firstAddress = null; for (final ECKey key : wallet.getKeys()) { if (!wallet.isKeyRotating(key)) { final Address address = key.toAddress(Constants.NETWORK_PARAMETERS); if (address.toString().equals(selectedAddress)) return address; if (firstAddress == null) firstAddress = address; } } return firstAddress; }
@Test public void earliestKeyTime() throws Exception { long now = Utils.currentTimeSeconds(); // mock long yesterday = now - 86400; assertEquals(now, group.getEarliestKeyCreationTime()); Utils.rollMockClock(10000); group.freshKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.RECEIVE_FUNDS); Utils.rollMockClock(10000); group.freshKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.RECEIVE_FUNDS); // Check that all keys are assumed to be created at the same instant the seed is. assertEquals(now, group.getEarliestKeyCreationTime()); ECKey key = new ECKey(); key.setCreationTimeSeconds(yesterday); group.importKeys(key); assertEquals(yesterday, group.getEarliestKeyCreationTime()); }
@Override public void parse() { if (input.startsWith("bitcoin:")) { try { final BitcoinURI bitcoinUri = new BitcoinURI(null, input); final Address address = bitcoinUri.getAddress(); final String addressLabel = bitcoinUri.getLabel(); final BigInteger amount = bitcoinUri.getAmount(); final String bluetoothMac = (String) bitcoinUri.getParameterByName(Bluetooth.MAC_URI_PARAM); bitcoinRequest(address, addressLabel, amount, bluetoothMac); } catch (final BitcoinURIParseException x) { error(R.string.input_parser_invalid_bitcoin_uri, input); } } else if (PATTERN_BITCOIN_ADDRESS.matcher(input).matches()) { try { final Address address = new Address(Constants.NETWORK_PARAMETERS, input); bitcoinRequest(address, null, null, null); } catch (final AddressFormatException x) { error(R.string.input_parser_invalid_address); } } else if (PATTERN_PRIVATE_KEY.matcher(input).matches()) { try { final ECKey key = new DumpedPrivateKey(Constants.NETWORK_PARAMETERS, input).getKey(); final Address address = new Address(Constants.NETWORK_PARAMETERS, key.getPubKeyHash()); bitcoinRequest(address, null, null, null); } catch (final AddressFormatException x) { error(R.string.input_parser_invalid_address); } } else if (PATTERN_TRANSACTION.matcher(input).matches()) { try { final Transaction tx = new Transaction(Constants.NETWORK_PARAMETERS, Qr.decodeBinary(input)); directTransaction(tx); } catch (final IOException x) { error(R.string.input_parser_invalid_transaction, x.getMessage()); } catch (final ProtocolException x) { error(R.string.input_parser_invalid_transaction, x.getMessage()); } } else { cannotClassify(input); } }
@Test public void deterministicUpgradeRotating() throws Exception { group = new KeyChainGroup(params); group.setLookaheadSize(LOOKAHEAD_SIZE); // Don't want slow tests. long now = Utils.currentTimeSeconds(); ECKey key1 = new ECKey(); Utils.rollMockClock(86400); ECKey key2 = new ECKey(); Utils.rollMockClock(86400); ECKey key3 = new ECKey(); group.importKeys(key2, key1, key3); group.upgradeToDeterministic(now + 10, null); DeterministicSeed seed = group.getActiveKeyChain().getSeed(); assertNotNull(seed); // Check we used the right key: oldest non rotating. byte[] truncatedBytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(key2.getSecretBytes(), 0, 16); assertArrayEquals(seed.getEntropyBytes(), truncatedBytes); }
private synchronized Transaction makeUnsignedChannelContract(Coin valueToMe) throws ValueOutOfRangeException { Transaction tx = new Transaction(wallet.getParams()); tx.addInput(multisigContract.getOutput(0)); // Our output always comes first. // TODO: We should drop myKey in favor of output key + multisig key separation // (as its always obvious who the client is based on T2 output order) tx.addOutput(valueToMe, myKey.toAddress(wallet.getParams())); return tx; }
public void sweepKey(ECKey key, long fee, int accountId, JSONArray outputs) { mLogger.info("sweepKey starting"); mLogger.info("key addr " + key.toAddress(mParams).toString()); Transaction tx = new Transaction(mParams); long balance = 0; ArrayList<Script> scripts = new ArrayList<Script>(); try { for (int ii = 0; ii < outputs.length(); ++ii) { JSONObject output; output = outputs.getJSONObject(ii); String tx_hash = output.getString("tx_hash"); int tx_output_n = output.getInt("tx_output_n"); String script = output.getString("script"); // Reverse byte order, create hash. Sha256Hash hash = new Sha256Hash(WalletUtil.msgHexToBytes(tx_hash)); tx.addInput( new TransactionInput( mParams, tx, new byte[] {}, new TransactionOutPoint(mParams, tx_output_n, hash))); scripts.add(new Script(Hex.decode(script))); balance += output.getLong("value"); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("trouble parsing unspent outputs"); } // Compute balance - fee. long amount = balance - fee; mLogger.info(String.format("sweeping %d", amount)); // Figure out the destination address. Address to = mHDWallet.nextReceiveAddress(accountId); mLogger.info("sweeping to " + to.toString()); // Add output. tx.addOutput(BigInteger.valueOf(amount), to); WalletUtil.signTransactionInputs(tx, Transaction.SigHash.ALL, key, scripts); mLogger.info("tx bytes: " + new String(Hex.encode(tx.bitcoinSerialize()))); // mKit.peerGroup().broadcastTransaction(tx); broadcastTransaction(mKit.peerGroup(), tx); mLogger.info("sweepKey finished"); }
@Test public void freshCurrentKeys() throws Exception { int numKeys = ((group.getLookaheadSize() + group.getLookaheadThreshold()) * 2) // * 2 because of internal/external + 1 // keys issued + 3 /* account key + int/ext parent keys */; assertEquals(numKeys, group.numKeys()); assertEquals(2 * numKeys, group.getBloomFilterElementCount()); ECKey r1 = group.currentKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.RECEIVE_FUNDS); assertEquals(numKeys, group.numKeys()); assertEquals(2 * numKeys, group.getBloomFilterElementCount()); ECKey i1 = new ECKey(); group.importKeys(i1); numKeys++; assertEquals(numKeys, group.numKeys()); assertEquals(2 * numKeys, group.getBloomFilterElementCount()); ECKey r2 = group.currentKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.RECEIVE_FUNDS); assertEquals(r1, r2); ECKey c1 = group.currentKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.CHANGE); assertNotEquals(r1, c1); ECKey r3 = group.freshKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.RECEIVE_FUNDS); assertNotEquals(r1, r3); ECKey c2 = group.freshKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.CHANGE); assertNotEquals(r3, c2); // Current key has not moved and will not under marked as used. ECKey r4 = group.currentKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.RECEIVE_FUNDS); assertEquals(r2, r4); ECKey c3 = group.currentKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.CHANGE); assertEquals(c1, c3); // Mark as used. Current key is now different. group.markPubKeyAsUsed(r4.getPubKey()); ECKey r5 = group.currentKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.RECEIVE_FUNDS); assertNotEquals(r4, r5); }
private static RawKeyBytes deriveChildKeyBytesFromPublic( DeterministicKey parent, ChildNumber childNumber) throws HDDerivationException { checkArgument(!childNumber.isHardened(), "Can't use private derivation with public keys only."); byte[] parentPublicKey = ECKey.compressPoint(parent.getPubKeyPoint()).getEncoded(); assert parentPublicKey.length == 33 : parentPublicKey.length; ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.allocate(37); data.put(parentPublicKey); data.putInt(childNumber.i()); byte[] i = HDUtils.hmacSha512(parent.getChainCode(), data.array()); assert i.length == 64 : i.length; byte[] il = Arrays.copyOfRange(i, 0, 32); byte[] chainCode = Arrays.copyOfRange(i, 32, 64); BigInteger ilInt = new BigInteger(1, il); assertLessThanN(ilInt, "Illegal derived key: I_L >= n"); ECPoint Ki = ECKey.CURVE.getG().multiply(ilInt).add(parent.getPubKeyPoint()); assertNonInfinity(Ki, "Illegal derived key: derived public key equals infinity."); return new RawKeyBytes(Ki.getEncoded(true), chainCode); }
public void setUp(BlockStore blockStore) throws Exception { BriefLogFormatter.init(); unitTestParams = UnitTestParams.get(); Wallet.SendRequest.DEFAULT_FEE_PER_KB = BigInteger.ZERO; this.blockStore = blockStore; wallet = new Wallet(unitTestParams); key = new ECKey(); address = key.toAddress(unitTestParams); wallet.addKey(key); blockChain = new BlockChain(unitTestParams, wallet, blockStore); startPeerServers(); if (clientType == ClientType.NIO_CLIENT_MANAGER || clientType == ClientType.BLOCKING_CLIENT_MANAGER) { channels.startAsync(); channels.awaitRunning(); } socketAddress = new InetSocketAddress("", 1111); }
public static ECKey getECKeyFromSingleString(String str, String password) { String[] strs = str.split(StringUtil.QR_CODE_SPLIT); if (strs.length != 3) { Log.e("Backup", "PrivateKeyFromString format error"); return null; } EncryptedPrivateKey epk = new EncryptedPrivateKey( StringUtil.hexStringToByteArray(strs[1]), StringUtil.hexStringToByteArray(strs[0])); byte[] salt = StringUtil.hexStringToByteArray(strs[2]); KeyCrypterScrypt crypter = new KeyCrypterScrypt( ScryptParameters.newBuilder().setSalt(ByteString.copyFrom(salt)).build()); try { byte[] pub = ECKey.publicKeyFromPrivate( new BigInteger(1, crypter.decrypt(epk, crypter.deriveKey(password))), true); return new ECKey(epk, pub, crypter); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
private static RawKeyBytes deriveChildKeyBytesFromPrivate( DeterministicKey parent, ChildNumber childNumber) throws HDDerivationException { checkArgument(parent.hasPrivKey(), "Parent key must have private key bytes for this method."); byte[] parentPublicKey = ECKey.compressPoint(parent.getPubKeyPoint()).getEncoded(); assert parentPublicKey.length == 33 : parentPublicKey.length; ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.allocate(37); if (childNumber.isHardened()) { data.put(parent.getPrivKeyBytes33()); } else { data.put(parentPublicKey); } data.putInt(childNumber.i()); byte[] i = HDUtils.hmacSha512(parent.getChainCode(), data.array()); assert i.length == 64 : i.length; byte[] il = Arrays.copyOfRange(i, 0, 32); byte[] chainCode = Arrays.copyOfRange(i, 32, 64); BigInteger ilInt = new BigInteger(1, il); assertLessThanN(ilInt, "Illegal derived key: I_L >= n"); final BigInteger priv = parent.getPrivKey(); BigInteger ki = priv.add(ilInt).mod(ECKey.CURVE.getN()); assertNonZero(ki, "Illegal derived key: derived private key equals 0."); return new RawKeyBytes(ki.toByteArray(), chainCode); }
@Test public void testReplayManagerSyncSingleWallet() throws Exception { // Get the system property runFunctionalTest to see if the functional // tests need running. String runFunctionalTests = System.getProperty(Constants.RUN_FUNCTIONAL_TESTS_PARAMETER); if (Boolean.TRUE.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(runFunctionalTests)) { // Date format is UTC with century, T time separator and Z for UTC // timezone. formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", Locale.ENGLISH); formatter.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); // Initialise replay manager ReplayManager replayManager = ReplayManager.INSTANCE; assertNotNull(replayManager); replayManager.initialise(controller, true); String replayWalletPath = multiBitDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "replay.wallet"; // Create a new wallet. Wallet replayWallet = new Wallet(NetworkParameters.prodNet()); // Add in the replay key. DumpedPrivateKey replayDumpedPrivateKey = new DumpedPrivateKey(NetworkParameters.prodNet(), REPLAY1_PRIVATE_KEY); ECKey replayKey = replayDumpedPrivateKey.getKey(); replayKey.setCreationTimeSeconds(formatter.parse(START_OF_REPLAY_PERIOD).getTime() / 1000); log.debug("replayPrivateKey getCreationTimeSeconds = " + replayKey.getCreationTimeSeconds()); replayWallet.addKey(replayKey); WalletData perWalletModelData = new WalletData(); perWalletModelData.setWalletInfo( new WalletInfoData(replayWalletPath, replayWallet, MultiBitWalletVersion.PROTOBUF)); perWalletModelData.setWallet(replayWallet); perWalletModelData.setWalletFilename(replayWalletPath); perWalletModelData.setWalletDescription("testReplayManagerSyncSingleWallet test"); controller.getModel().getPerWalletModelDataList().add(perWalletModelData); log.debug("Replay wallet before replay = \n" + replayWallet.toString()); assertEquals(BALANCE_AT_START, replayWallet.getBalance()); log.debug("Replaying blockchain"); // Create a ReplayTask to replay the replay wallet from the // START_OF_REPLAY_PERIOD. List<WalletData> perWalletModelDataList = new ArrayList<WalletData>(); perWalletModelDataList.add(perWalletModelData); ReplayTask replayTask = new ReplayTask( perWalletModelDataList, formatter.parse(START_OF_REPLAY_PERIOD), ReplayTask.UNKNOWN_START_HEIGHT); replayManager.offerReplayTask(replayTask); // Run for a while. log.debug("Twiddling thumbs for 60 seconds ..."); Thread.sleep(60000); log.debug("... 60 seconds later."); // Check the wallet - there should be some transactions in there. if (replayWallet.getTransactions(true).size() > 0) { // We are done. } else { // Run for a while longer. log.debug("Twiddling thumbs for another 60 seconds ..."); Thread.sleep(60000); log.debug("... 60 seconds later."); if (replayWallet.getTransactions(true).size() > 0) { // We are done. } else { if (simpleViewSystem.getNumberOfBlocksDownloaded() > 0) { // Well it tried but probably got a slow connection - // give it a pass. } else { fail("No blocks were downloaded on replay"); } } } // Print out replay wallet after replay. log.debug("Replay wallet after replay = \n" + replayWallet); } else { log.debug( "Not running functional test: ReplayManagerTest#testReplayManagerSyncSingleWallet. Add '-DrunFunctionalTests=true' to run"); } }
public void encryption(boolean withImported) throws Exception { Utils.rollMockClock(0); long now = Utils.currentTimeSeconds(); ECKey a = group.freshKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.RECEIVE_FUNDS); assertEquals(now, group.getEarliestKeyCreationTime()); Utils.rollMockClock(-86400); long yesterday = Utils.currentTimeSeconds(); ECKey b = new ECKey(); assertFalse(group.isEncrypted()); try { group.checkPassword("foo"); // Cannot check password of an unencrypted group. fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { } if (withImported) { assertEquals(now, group.getEarliestKeyCreationTime()); group.importKeys(b); assertEquals(yesterday, group.getEarliestKeyCreationTime()); } KeyCrypterScrypt scrypt = new KeyCrypterScrypt(2); final KeyParameter aesKey = scrypt.deriveKey("password"); group.encrypt(scrypt, aesKey); assertTrue(group.isEncrypted()); assertTrue(group.checkPassword("password")); assertFalse(group.checkPassword("wrong password")); final ECKey ea = group.findKeyFromPubKey(a.getPubKey()); assertTrue(checkNotNull(ea).isEncrypted()); if (withImported) { assertTrue(checkNotNull(group.findKeyFromPubKey(b.getPubKey())).isEncrypted()); assertEquals(yesterday, group.getEarliestKeyCreationTime()); } else { assertEquals(now, group.getEarliestKeyCreationTime()); } try { ea.sign(Sha256Hash.ZERO_HASH); fail(); } catch (ECKey.KeyIsEncryptedException e) { // Ignored. } if (withImported) { ECKey c = new ECKey(); try { group.importKeys(c); fail(); } catch (KeyCrypterException e) { } group.importKeysAndEncrypt(ImmutableList.of(c), aesKey); ECKey ec = group.findKeyFromPubKey(c.getPubKey()); try { group.importKeysAndEncrypt(ImmutableList.of(ec), aesKey); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } try { group.decrypt(scrypt.deriveKey("WRONG PASSWORD")); fail(); } catch (KeyCrypterException e) { } group.decrypt(aesKey); assertFalse(group.isEncrypted()); assertFalse(checkNotNull(group.findKeyFromPubKey(a.getPubKey())).isEncrypted()); if (withImported) { assertFalse(checkNotNull(group.findKeyFromPubKey(b.getPubKey())).isEncrypted()); assertEquals(yesterday, group.getEarliestKeyCreationTime()); } else { assertEquals(now, group.getEarliestKeyCreationTime()); } }
/** * Converts the given wallet to the object representation of the protocol buffers. This can be * modified, or additional data fields set, before serialization takes place. */ public Protos.Wallet walletToProto(Wallet wallet) { Protos.Wallet.Builder walletBuilder = Protos.Wallet.newBuilder(); walletBuilder.setNetworkIdentifier(wallet.getNetworkParameters().getId()); if (wallet.getDescription() != null) { walletBuilder.setDescription(wallet.getDescription()); } for (WalletTransaction wtx : wallet.getWalletTransactions()) { Protos.Transaction txProto = makeTxProto(wtx); walletBuilder.addTransaction(txProto); } for (ECKey key : wallet.getKeys()) { Protos.Key.Builder keyBuilder = Protos.Key.newBuilder() .setCreationTimestamp(key.getCreationTimeSeconds() * 1000) // .setLabel() TODO .setType(Protos.Key.Type.ORIGINAL); if (key.getPrivKeyBytes() != null) keyBuilder.setPrivateKey(ByteString.copyFrom(key.getPrivKeyBytes())); EncryptedPrivateKey encryptedPrivateKey = key.getEncryptedPrivateKey(); if (encryptedPrivateKey != null) { // Key is encrypted. Protos.EncryptedPrivateKey.Builder encryptedKeyBuilder = Protos.EncryptedPrivateKey.newBuilder() .setEncryptedPrivateKey( ByteString.copyFrom(encryptedPrivateKey.getEncryptedBytes())) .setInitialisationVector( ByteString.copyFrom(encryptedPrivateKey.getInitialisationVector())); if (key.getKeyCrypter() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "The encrypted key " + key.toString() + " has no KeyCrypter."); } else { // If it is a Scrypt + AES encrypted key, set the persisted key type. if (key.getKeyCrypter().getUnderstoodEncryptionType() == Protos.Wallet.EncryptionType.ENCRYPTED_SCRYPT_AES) { keyBuilder.setType(Protos.Key.Type.ENCRYPTED_SCRYPT_AES); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The key " + key.toString() + " is encrypted with a KeyCrypter of type " + key.getKeyCrypter().getUnderstoodEncryptionType() + ". This WalletProtobufSerialiser does not understand that type of encryption."); } } keyBuilder.setEncryptedPrivateKey(encryptedKeyBuilder); } // We serialize the public key even if the private key is present for speed reasons: we don't // want to do // lots of slow EC math to load the wallet, we prefer to store the redundant data instead. It // matters more // on mobile platforms. keyBuilder.setPublicKey(ByteString.copyFrom(key.getPubKey())); walletBuilder.addKey(keyBuilder); } // Populate the lastSeenBlockHash field. Sha256Hash lastSeenBlockHash = wallet.getLastBlockSeenHash(); if (lastSeenBlockHash != null) { walletBuilder.setLastSeenBlockHash(hashToByteString(lastSeenBlockHash)); walletBuilder.setLastSeenBlockHeight(wallet.getLastBlockSeenHeight()); } // Populate the scrypt parameters. KeyCrypter keyCrypter = wallet.getKeyCrypter(); if (keyCrypter == null) { // The wallet is unencrypted. walletBuilder.setEncryptionType(EncryptionType.UNENCRYPTED); } else { // The wallet is encrypted. walletBuilder.setEncryptionType(keyCrypter.getUnderstoodEncryptionType()); if (keyCrypter instanceof KeyCrypterScrypt) { KeyCrypterScrypt keyCrypterScrypt = (KeyCrypterScrypt) keyCrypter; walletBuilder.setEncryptionParameters(keyCrypterScrypt.getScryptParameters()); } else { // Some other form of encryption has been specified that we do not know how to persist. throw new RuntimeException( "The wallet has encryption of type '" + keyCrypter.getUnderstoodEncryptionType() + "' but this WalletProtobufSerializer does not know how to persist this."); } } populateExtensions(wallet, walletBuilder); // Populate the wallet version. walletBuilder.setVersion(wallet.getVersion()); return walletBuilder.build(); }
/** * Loads wallet data from the given protocol buffer and inserts it into the given Wallet object. * This is primarily useful when you wish to pre-register extension objects. Note that if loading * fails the provided Wallet object may be in an indeterminate state and should be thrown away. * * @throws IOException if there is a problem reading the stream. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the wallet is corrupt. */ public void readWallet(Protos.Wallet walletProto, Wallet wallet) throws IOException { // TODO: This method should throw more specific exception types than IllegalArgumentException. // Read the scrypt parameters that specify how encryption and decryption is performed. if (walletProto.hasEncryptionParameters()) { Protos.ScryptParameters encryptionParameters = walletProto.getEncryptionParameters(); wallet.setKeyCrypter(new KeyCrypterScrypt(encryptionParameters)); } if (walletProto.hasDescription()) { wallet.setDescription(walletProto.getDescription()); } // Read all keys for (Protos.Key keyProto : walletProto.getKeyList()) { if (!(keyProto.getType() == Protos.Key.Type.ORIGINAL || keyProto.getType() == Protos.Key.Type.ENCRYPTED_SCRYPT_AES)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown key type in wallet, type = " + keyProto.getType()); } byte[] privKey = keyProto.hasPrivateKey() ? keyProto.getPrivateKey().toByteArray() : null; EncryptedPrivateKey encryptedPrivateKey = null; if (keyProto.hasEncryptedPrivateKey()) { Protos.EncryptedPrivateKey encryptedPrivateKeyProto = keyProto.getEncryptedPrivateKey(); encryptedPrivateKey = new EncryptedPrivateKey( encryptedPrivateKeyProto.getInitialisationVector().toByteArray(), encryptedPrivateKeyProto.getEncryptedPrivateKey().toByteArray()); } byte[] pubKey = keyProto.hasPublicKey() ? keyProto.getPublicKey().toByteArray() : null; ECKey ecKey; final KeyCrypter keyCrypter = wallet.getKeyCrypter(); if (keyCrypter != null && keyCrypter.getUnderstoodEncryptionType() != EncryptionType.UNENCRYPTED) { // If the key is encrypted construct an ECKey using the encrypted private key bytes. ecKey = new ECKey(encryptedPrivateKey, pubKey, keyCrypter); } else { // Construct an unencrypted private key. ecKey = new ECKey(privKey, pubKey); } ecKey.setCreationTimeSeconds((keyProto.getCreationTimestamp() + 500) / 1000); wallet.addKey(ecKey); } // Read all transactions and insert into the txMap. for (Protos.Transaction txProto : walletProto.getTransactionList()) { readTransaction(txProto, wallet.getParams()); } // Update transaction outputs to point to inputs that spend them for (Protos.Transaction txProto : walletProto.getTransactionList()) { WalletTransaction wtx = connectTransactionOutputs(txProto); wallet.addWalletTransaction(wtx); } // Update the lastBlockSeenHash. if (!walletProto.hasLastSeenBlockHash()) { wallet.setLastBlockSeenHash(null); } else { wallet.setLastBlockSeenHash(byteStringToHash(walletProto.getLastSeenBlockHash())); } if (!walletProto.hasLastSeenBlockHeight()) { wallet.setLastBlockSeenHeight(-1); } else { wallet.setLastBlockSeenHeight(walletProto.getLastSeenBlockHeight()); } loadExtensions(wallet, walletProto); if (walletProto.hasVersion()) { wallet.setVersion(walletProto.getVersion()); } // Make sure the object can be re-used to read another wallet without corruption. txMap.clear(); }
@Test public void findKey() throws Exception { ECKey a = group.freshKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.RECEIVE_FUNDS); ECKey b = group.freshKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.CHANGE); ECKey c = new ECKey(); ECKey d = new ECKey(); // Not imported. group.importKeys(c); assertTrue(group.hasKey(a)); assertTrue(group.hasKey(b)); assertTrue(group.hasKey(c)); assertFalse(group.hasKey(d)); ECKey result = group.findKeyFromPubKey(a.getPubKey()); assertEquals(a, result); result = group.findKeyFromPubKey(b.getPubKey()); assertEquals(b, result); result = group.findKeyFromPubHash(a.getPubKeyHash()); assertEquals(a, result); result = group.findKeyFromPubHash(b.getPubKeyHash()); assertEquals(b, result); result = group.findKeyFromPubKey(c.getPubKey()); assertEquals(c, result); result = group.findKeyFromPubHash(c.getPubKeyHash()); assertEquals(c, result); assertNull(group.findKeyFromPubKey(d.getPubKey())); assertNull(group.findKeyFromPubHash(d.getPubKeyHash())); }
@Override public void parse() { if (input.startsWith("MINTCOIN:-")) { try { final byte[] serializedPaymentRequest = Qr.decodeBinary(input.substring(9)); parseAndHandlePaymentRequest(serializedPaymentRequest); } catch (final IOException x) { log.info("i/o error while fetching payment request", x); error(R.string.input_parser_io_error, x.getMessage()); } catch (final PkiVerificationException x) { log.info("got unverifyable payment request", x); error(R.string.input_parser_unverifyable_paymentrequest, x.getMessage()); } catch (final PaymentRequestException x) { log.info("got invalid payment request", x); error(R.string.input_parser_invalid_paymentrequest, x.getMessage()); } } if (input.startsWith("mintcoin:")) { try { final BitcoinURI bitcoinUri = new BitcoinURI(null, input); final Address address = bitcoinUri.getAddress(); if (address == null) throw new BitcoinURIParseException("missing address"); if (address.getParameters().equals(Constants.NETWORK_PARAMETERS)) handlePaymentIntent(PaymentIntent.fromBitcoinUri(bitcoinUri)); else error(R.string.input_parser_invalid_address, input); } catch (final BitcoinURIParseException x) { log.info("got invalid mintcoin uri: '" + input + "'", x); error(R.string.input_parser_invalid_bitcoin_uri, input); } } else if (PATTERN_BITCOIN_ADDRESS.matcher(input).matches()) { try { final Address address = new Address(Constants.NETWORK_PARAMETERS, input); handlePaymentIntent(PaymentIntent.fromAddress(address, null)); } catch (final AddressFormatException x) { log.info("got invalid address", x); error(R.string.input_parser_invalid_address); } } else if (PATTERN_PRIVATE_KEY.matcher(input).matches()) { try { final ECKey key = new DumpedPrivateKey(Constants.NETWORK_PARAMETERS, input).getKey(); final Address address = new Address(Constants.NETWORK_PARAMETERS, key.getPubKeyHash()); handlePaymentIntent(PaymentIntent.fromAddress(address, null)); } catch (final AddressFormatException x) { log.info("got invalid address", x); error(R.string.input_parser_invalid_address); } } else if (PATTERN_TRANSACTION.matcher(input).matches()) { try { final Transaction tx = new Transaction(Constants.NETWORK_PARAMETERS, Qr.decodeDecompressBinary(input)); handleDirectTransaction(tx); } catch (final IOException x) { log.info("i/o error while fetching transaction", x); error(R.string.input_parser_invalid_transaction, x.getMessage()); } catch (final ProtocolException x) { log.info("got invalid transaction", x); error(R.string.input_parser_invalid_transaction, x.getMessage()); } } else { cannotClassify(input); } }