/** @see android.app.Activity#onCreate(android.os.Bundle) */ @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); SharedPreferences myPreferences = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("PREFERENCE", MODE_PRIVATE); boolean firstrun = myPreferences.getBoolean("firstrun", true); if (firstrun) { new AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setTitle("Warning") .setMessage( "This app and its developer(s) are not affliated or endorsed by " + "the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.\n\nThis application obtains your current location " + "and can use it to obtain your three closest stations, then directions to the station you select. To The PATH And Back does not " + "use your location for any other purpose. In addition, neither the location obtained by your device or location " + "you manually entered are stored anywhere by this application.\n\nThe directions provided by this application is obtained from " + "OpenStreetMap via Open MapQuest. The developer(s) of this app, MapQuest and OpenStreetMap, " + "cannot guarentee that the directions given to you are 100% accurate. Use them at your own risk.\n\nFinally, " + "please be aware that the developer(s) cannot guarantee that the station and/or entrance that you want " + "directions for will be open or accurately placed. Again, use the directions and locations provided by this app at your own risk.\n\nAds " + "provided by Google's AdMob/AdSense will be displayed under the tabs in the action bar as well " + "as in the bottom of the screen where you'll select the station you want directions to.") .setNeutralButton("OK", null) .show(); myPreferences.edit().putBoolean("firstrun", false).commit(); myPreferences.edit().putBoolean("imperialUnits", true).commit(); } unitMeasurement = myPreferences.getString("unitMeasurement", ""); if (unitMeasurement.isEmpty()) { myPreferences .edit() .putString("unitMeasurement", "m") .commit(); // Imperial units is the default unit of measurement unitMeasurement = myPreferences.getString("unitMeasurement", ""); } AppRater.app_launched(this); pathStations = new DatabaseHandler(this); getAllStopsAndTrips(); getAppKey(); addTabs(); adView = (AdView) this.findViewById(R.id.adViewMain); AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().addTestDevice("949F5429A9EC251C1DD4395558D33531").build(); // AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().build(); adView.loadAd(adRequest); }