private LineDataSet createSet() { LineDataSet set = new LineDataSet(null, "Dynamic Data"); set.setAxisDependency(YAxis.AxisDependency.LEFT); set.setColor(ColorTemplate.getHoloBlue()); set.setCircleColor(Color.WHITE); set.setLineWidth(2f); set.setCircleSize(4f); set.setFillAlpha(65); set.setFillColor(ColorTemplate.getHoloBlue()); set.setHighLightColor(Color.rgb(244, 117, 117)); set.setValueTextColor(Color.WHITE); set.setValueTextSize(9f); set.setDrawValues(false); return set; }
private void setData(int start, int count, float range) { ArrayList<String> xVals = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { xVals.add((start + i) + "日"); } ArrayList<Entry> vals1 = new ArrayList<Entry>(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { vals1.add(new Entry(TurnControl.PunchPerDay[9 - i], i)); } // create a dataset and give it a type LineDataSet set1 = new LineDataSet(vals1, "近期打卡情况"); set1.setDrawCubic(true); set1.setCubicIntensity(0.2f); set1.setDrawFilled(true); set1.setDrawCircles(true); set1.setLineWidth(2f); set1.setCircleSize(5f); set1.setHighLightColor(Color.rgb(244, 117, 117)); set1.setColor(Color.rgb(104, 241, 175)); set1.setFillColor(ColorTemplate.getHoloBlue()); // create a data object with the datasets LineData data = new LineData(xVals, set1); data.setValueTypeface(tf); data.setValueTextSize(9f); data.setDrawValues(false); // set data mChart.setData(data); }
private LineDataSet createSet() { LineDataSet set = new LineDataSet(null, "Realtime Beschleunigungskraefte"); set.setDrawCubic(true); set.setCubicIntensity(0.2f); set.setAxisDependency(YAxis.AxisDependency.LEFT); set.setColor(ColorTemplate.getHoloBlue()); set.setCircleColor(Color.BLACK); set.setLineWidth(2f); set.setCircleSize(4f); set.setFillAlpha(65); set.setFillColor(ColorTemplate.getHoloBlue()); set.setHighLightColor(Color.rgb(244, 117, 117)); set.setValueTextColor(Color.BLACK); set.setValueTextSize(10f); return set; }
private SpannableString generateCenterText() { SpannableString s = new SpannableString("Food Waste\\ndistribution"); s.setSpan(new RelativeSizeSpan(1.6f), 0, 14, 0); s.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(ColorTemplate.VORDIPLOM_COLORS[0]), 0, 14, 0); s.setSpan(new RelativeSizeSpan(1.4f), 25, s.length(), 0); s.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(ColorTemplate.getHoloBlue()), 25, s.length(), 0); return s; }
private void setData() { // LINE-CHART RealmResults<Score> results = mRealm.allObjects(Score.class); RealmLineDataSet<Score> lineDataSet = new RealmLineDataSet<Score>(results, "totalScore", "scoreNr"); lineDataSet.setDrawCubic(false); lineDataSet.setLabel("Realm LineDataSet"); lineDataSet.setDrawCircleHole(false); lineDataSet.setColor(ColorTemplate.rgb("#FF5722")); lineDataSet.setCircleColor(ColorTemplate.rgb("#FF5722")); lineDataSet.setLineWidth(1.8f); lineDataSet.setCircleSize(3.6f); ArrayList<ILineDataSet> dataSets = new ArrayList<ILineDataSet>(); dataSets.add(lineDataSet); RealmLineData lineData = new RealmLineData(results, "playerName", dataSets); styleData(lineData); // set data lineChart.setData(lineData); lineChart.animateY(1400, Easing.EasingOption.EaseInOutQuart); // BAR-CHART RealmBarDataSet<Score> barDataSet = new RealmBarDataSet<Score>(results, "totalScore", "scoreNr"); barDataSet.setColors(new int[] {ColorTemplate.rgb("#FF5722"), ColorTemplate.rgb("#03A9F4")}); barDataSet.setLabel("Realm BarDataSet"); ArrayList<IBarDataSet> barDataSets = new ArrayList<IBarDataSet>(); barDataSets.add(barDataSet); RealmBarData barData = new RealmBarData(results, "playerName", barDataSets); styleData(barData); barChart.setData(barData); barChart.animateY(1400, Easing.EasingOption.EaseInOutQuart); }
public void addData() { ArrayList<Entry> yVals1 = new ArrayList<Entry>(); for (int i = 0; i < yData.length; i++) yVals1.add(new Entry(yData[i], i)); ArrayList<String> xVals = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < xData.length; i++) xVals.add(xData[i]); // create pie data set PieDataSet dataSet = new PieDataSet(yVals1, "Sentiment"); dataSet.setSliceSpace(3); dataSet.setSelectionShift(5); // add many colors ArrayList<Integer> colors = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int c : ColorTemplate.VORDIPLOM_COLORS) colors.add(c); for (int c : ColorTemplate.JOYFUL_COLORS) colors.add(c); for (int c : ColorTemplate.COLORFUL_COLORS) colors.add(c); for (int c : ColorTemplate.LIBERTY_COLORS) colors.add(c); for (int c : ColorTemplate.PASTEL_COLORS) colors.add(c); colors.add(ColorTemplate.getHoloBlue()); dataSet.setColors(colors); // instantiate pie data object PieData data = new PieData(xVals, dataSet); data.setValueFormatter(new PercentFormatter()); data.setValueTextSize(11f); data.setValueTextColor(Color.GRAY); mChart.setData(data); // undo all highlights mChart.highlightValue(null); // update pie chart mChart.invalidate(); /* FloatingActionButton fab = (FloatingActionButton) findViewById(; fab.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { Snackbar.make(view, "Replace with your own action", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG) .setAction("Action", null).show(); } });*/ }
private void setData() { RealmResults<RealmDemoData> result = mRealm.where(RealmDemoData.class).findAll(); RealmLineDataSet<RealmDemoData> set = new RealmLineDataSet<RealmDemoData>(result, "xValue", "yValue"); set.setDrawCubic(false); set.setLabel("Realm LineDataSet"); set.setDrawCircleHole(false); set.setColor(ColorTemplate.rgb("#FF5722")); set.setCircleColor(ColorTemplate.rgb("#FF5722")); set.setLineWidth(1.8f); // set.setCircleSize(3.6f); // TODO ArrayList<ILineDataSet> dataSets = new ArrayList<ILineDataSet>(); dataSets.add(set); // add the dataset // create a data object with the dataset list LineData data = new LineData(dataSets); styleData(data); // set data mChart.setData(data); mChart.animateY(1400, Easing.EasingOption.EaseInOutQuart); }
/** * Busca o dataset para colocar no grafico PIE * * @param gastos gastos do pollitico selecionado * @return dataset */ public PieData pieDataGastos(List<ParseObject> gastos) { ArrayList<Entry> yVals1 = new ArrayList<Entry>(); // IMPORTANT: In a PieChart, no values (Entry) should have the same // xIndex (even if from different DataSets), since no values can be // drawn above each other. for (int i = 0; i < gastos.size(); i++) { yVals1.add(new Entry(gastos.get(i).getNumber("total").floatValue(), i)); } ArrayList<String> xVals = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < gastos.size(); i++) xVals.add(gastos.get(i).getString("tpCota")); PieDataSet dataSet = new PieDataSet(yVals1, "Gastos"); dataSet.setSliceSpace(2f); dataSet.setSelectionShift(5f); // add a lot of colors ArrayList<Integer> colors = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // for (int c : ColorTemplate.VORDIPLOM_COLORS) // colors.add(c); for (int c : ColorTemplate.JOYFUL_COLORS) colors.add(c); for (int c : ColorTemplate.COLORFUL_COLORS) colors.add(c); for (int c : ColorTemplate.LIBERTY_COLORS) colors.add(c); for (int c : ColorTemplate.PASTEL_COLORS) colors.add(c); colors.add(ColorTemplate.getHoloBlue()); dataSet.setColors(colors); // dataSet.setSelectionShift(0f); PieData data = new PieData(xVals, dataSet); data.setValueFormatter(new PercentFormatter()); data.setValueTextSize(11f); data.setValueTextColor(Color.WHITE); data.setValueTypeface(tf); return data; }
private void initPieChartData() { // add a lot of colors for (int c : ColorTemplate.JOYFUL_COLORS) { colors.add(c); } for (int c : ColorTemplate.VORDIPLOM_COLORS) { colors.add(c); } for (int c : ColorTemplate.COLORFUL_COLORS) { colors.add(c); } for (int c : ColorTemplate.LIBERTY_COLORS) { colors.add(c); } for (int c : ColorTemplate.PASTEL_COLORS) { colors.add(c); } colors.add(ColorTemplate.getHoloBlue()); new QueryDataTask().execute(); }
private void setPieChartData(Map obj, int sum) { Iterator it = obj.keySet().iterator(); int count = obj.keySet().size(); if (count > 0) { float range = sum; float mult = range; ArrayList<Entry> yVals1 = new ArrayList<Entry>(); ArrayList<String> xVals = new ArrayList<String>(); // for (int i = 0; i < count + 1; i++) // xVals.add("A"); int idx = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { String key =; int value = (int) Float.parseFloat(obj.get(key).toString()); float yVal = (value / mult) * 100; yVals1.add(new Entry((float) yVal, idx)); for (int i = 0; i < mKeywords.size(); i++) { KeywordIcon icon = mKeywords.get(i); if (key.equals(icon.get_id())) { xVals.add(icon.getKeyword()); continue; } } idx++; } PieDataSet dataSet = new PieDataSet(yVals1, ""); dataSet.setSliceSpace(3f); dataSet.setSelectionShift(5f); // add a lot of colors ArrayList<Integer> colors = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int c : ColorTemplate.VORDIPLOM_COLORS) colors.add(c); for (int c : ColorTemplate.JOYFUL_COLORS) colors.add(c); for (int c : ColorTemplate.COLORFUL_COLORS) colors.add(c); for (int c : ColorTemplate.LIBERTY_COLORS) colors.add(c); for (int c : ColorTemplate.PASTEL_COLORS) colors.add(c); colors.add(ColorTemplate.getHoloBlue()); dataSet.setColors(colors); PieData data = new PieData(xVals, dataSet); data.setValueFormatter(new PercentFormatter()); data.setValueTextSize(11f); data.setValueTextColor(Color.BLACK); // data.setValueTypeface(tf); mPieChart.setData(data); // undo all highlights mPieChart.highlightValues(null); mPieChart.invalidate(); } }
// page 页数 receivedMum收到赞或评论个数 sendNum点赞或评论个数 sex性别1男2女 private void setData(int page, int receivedMum, int sendNum, int sex) { switch (page) { case 0: tv_received.setText("收到的赞"); tv_send.setText("发出的赞"); break; case 1: tv_received.setText("收到评论"); tv_send.setText("发出评论"); break; default: break; } switch (sex) { case 1: // 男 switch (page) { case 0: if (receivedMum >= sendNum) { img_head.setImageResource(R.drawable.praise_man); } else { img_head.setImageResource(R.drawable.thumb_up_man); } break; case 1: if (receivedMum >= sendNum) { img_head.setImageResource(R.drawable.good_comments_man); } else { img_head.setImageResource(R.drawable.comments_man); } break; default: break; } break; case 2: // 女 switch (page) { case 0: if (receivedMum >= sendNum) { img_head.setImageResource(R.drawable.praise_women); } else { img_head.setImageResource(R.drawable.thumb_up_women); } break; case 1: if (receivedMum >= sendNum) { img_head.setImageResource(R.drawable.good_comments_women); } else { img_head.setImageResource(R.drawable.comments_women); } break; default: break; } break; default: break; } tv_received_num.setText(receivedMum + ""); tv_send_num.setText(sendNum + ""); ArrayList<Entry> yVals1 = new ArrayList<Entry>(); yVals1.add(new Entry((float) receivedMum / (receivedMum + sendNum), 0)); yVals1.add(new Entry((float) sendNum / (receivedMum + sendNum), 1)); ArrayList<String> xVals = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) xVals.add(mParties[i % mParties.length]); PieDataSet dataSet = new PieDataSet(yVals1, ""); dataSet.setSliceSpace(3f); dataSet.setSelectionShift(5f); ArrayList<Integer> colors = new ArrayList<Integer>(); colors.add(Color.parseColor("#81c31c")); colors.add(Color.parseColor("#3eaedb")); colors.add(ColorTemplate.getHoloBlue()); dataSet.setColors(colors); PieData data = new PieData(xVals, dataSet); data.setValueFormatter(new PercentFormatter()); data.setValueTextSize(15f); data.setValueTextColor(Color.WHITE); mChart.setData(data); mChart.highlightValues(null); mChart.invalidate(); mChart.animateY(2000, Easing.EasingOption.EaseInOutQuad); mChart.getLegend().setEnabled(false); }