@Test public void testDeletePod() throws Exception { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Deleting a Pod " + pod); } getClient().createPod(pod); getClient().deletePod(pod.getId()); assertNull(getClient().getPod(pod.getId())); }
@Test public void testCreatePod() throws Exception { log.info("Testing Pods ...."); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Creating a Pod " + pod); } Pod createPod = getClient().createPod(pod); assertEquals(pod.getId(), createPod.getId()); assertNotNull(getClient().getPod(pod.getId())); assertEquals("Waiting", createPod.getCurrentState().getStatus()); ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); Future<Pod> future = executor.submit( new Callable<Pod>() { public Pod call() throws Exception { Pod newPod; do { log.info("Waiting for Pod to be ready: " + pod.getId()); Thread.sleep(1000); newPod = getClient().getPod(pod.getId()); StateInfo info = newPod.getCurrentState().getInfo("master"); if (info.getState("waiting") != null) { throw new RuntimeException("Pod is waiting due to " + info.getState("waiting")); } } while (!"Running".equals(newPod.getCurrentState().getStatus())); return newPod; } }); try { createPod = future.get(90, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } finally { executor.shutdownNow(); } assertNotNull(createPod.getCurrentState().getInfo("master").getState("running")); assertNotNull(createPod.getCurrentState().getNetInfo().getState("running")); // test recreation from same id try { getClient().createPod(pod); fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } assertNotNull(getClient().getPod(pod.getId())); }
@Test public void testGetAllPods() throws Exception { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Get all Pods "); } getClient().createPod(pod); PodList podList = getClient().getAllPods(); assertNotNull(podList); List<Pod> currentPods; assertNotNull(currentPods = podList.getItems()); boolean match = false; for (Pod pod2 : currentPods) { if (pod.getId().equals(pod2.getId())) { match = true; break; } } assertEquals(true, match); }
private Pod getPod() { Pod pod = new Pod(); pod.setId("kubernetes-test-pod"); pod.setLabels(ImmutableMap.of("name", "kubernetes-test-pod-label", "label1", "value1")); State desiredState = new State(); Manifest m = new Manifest(); m.setId(pod.getId()); Container c = new Container(); c.setName("master"); c.setImage(dockerImage); c.setCommand("tail", "-f", "/dev/null"); Port p = new Port(8379, new Random().nextInt((65535 - 49152) + 1) + 49152, ""); c.setPorts(Collections.singletonList(p)); m.setContainers(Collections.singletonList(c)); desiredState.setManifest(m); pod.setDesiredState(desiredState); return pod; }