private CharSequence iterableContext(Iterable<?> context, Options options) throws IOException { if (options.isFalsy(context)) { return options.inverse(); } StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); Iterator<?> iterator = reverse(context); int index = 0; Context parent = options.context; while (iterator.hasNext()) { Object element =; boolean first = index == 0; boolean even = index % 2 == 0; boolean last = !iterator.hasNext(); Context current = Context.newContext(parent, element) .data("index", index) .data("first", first ? "first" : "") .data("last", last ? "last" : "") .data("odd", even ? "" : "odd") .data("even", even ? "even" : ""); buffer.append(options.fn(current)); index++; } return buffer; }
@Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { File basedir = new File(prefix); TemplateLoader loader = new FileTemplateLoader(basedir, suffix); Handlebars handlebars = new Handlebars(loader); File output = new File(this.output); PrintWriter writer = null; boolean error = true; InputStream runtimeIS = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/handlebars.runtime.js"); try { writer = new PrintWriter(output); if (includeRuntime) { IOUtil.copy(runtimeIS, writer); } List<File> files = FileUtils.getFiles(basedir, "/**/*" + suffix, null); getLog().info("Compiling templates..."); getLog().debug("Options:"); getLog().debug(" output: " + output); getLog().debug(" prefix: " + prefix); getLog().debug(" suffix: " + suffix); getLog().debug(" minimize: " + minimize); getLog().debug(" includeRuntime: " + includeRuntime); Context nullContext = Context.newContext(null); for (File file : files) { String templateName = file.getPath().replace(prefix, "").replace(suffix, ""); if (templateName.startsWith("/")) { templateName = templateName.substring(1); } getLog().debug("compiling: " + templateName); Template template = handlebars.compileInline("{{precompile \"" + templateName + "\"}}"); Options opts = new Options.Builder(handlebars, TagType.VAR, nullContext, template).build(); writer.append("// Source: ").append(file.getPath()).append("\n"); writer.append(PrecompileHelper.INSTANCE.apply(templateName, opts)).append("\n\n"); } writer.flush(); IOUtil.close(writer); if (minimize) { minimize(output); } if (files.size() > 0) { getLog().info(" templates were saved in: " + output); error = false; } else { getLog().warn(" no templates were found"); } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new MojoFailureException("Can't scan directory " + basedir, ex); } finally { IOUtil.close(runtimeIS); IOUtil.close(writer); if (error) { output.delete(); } } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected void merge(final Context context, final Writer writer) throws IOException { if (body == null) { return; } final String helperName; Helper<Object> helper = helper(name); Template template = body; final Object childContext; Context currentScope = context; if (helper == null) { childContext = transform(context.get(name)); if (inverted) { helperName = UnlessHelper.NAME; } else if (childContext instanceof Iterable) { helperName = EachHelper.NAME; } else if (childContext instanceof Boolean) { helperName = IfHelper.NAME; } else if (childContext instanceof Lambda) { helperName = WithHelper.NAME; template = Lambdas.compile( handlebars, (Lambda<Object, Object>) childContext, context, template, startDelimiter, endDelimiter); } else { helperName = WithHelper.NAME; currentScope = Context.newContext(context, childContext); } // A built-in helper might be override it. helper = handlebars.helper(helperName); } else { helperName = name; childContext = transform(determineContext(context)); } Options options = new Options.Builder(handlebars, helperName, TagType.SECTION, currentScope, template) .setInverse(inverse == null ? Template.EMPTY : inverse) .setParams(params(currentScope)) .setHash(hash(context)) .build();, this.params.size()); CharSequence result = helper.apply(childContext, options); if (!isEmpty(result)) { writer.append(result); } }
private CharSequence hashContext(Object context, Options options) throws IOException { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); Context parent = options.context; Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object>> iterator = reverse(options.propertySet(context)); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, Object> entry =; Context current = Context.newContext(parent, entry.getValue()).data("key", entry.getKey()); buffer.append(options.fn(current)); } return buffer; }
@Override protected void doExecute() throws Exception { notNull(bundle, "The bundle's name parameter is required."); notNull(output, "The output parameter is required."); Handlebars handlebars = new Handlebars(); Context context = Context.newContext(null); URL[] classpath = projectClasspath(); new File(output).mkdirs(); getLog().info("Converting bundles..."); getLog().debug("Options:"); getLog().debug(" output: " + output); getLog().debug(" merge: " + merge); getLog().debug(" amd: " + amd); getLog().debug(" classpath: " + join(classpath, File.pathSeparator)); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); // 1. find all the bundles List<File> bundles = bundles(this.bundle, classpath); // 2. hash for i18njs helper Map<String, Object> hash = new HashMap<String, Object>(); hash.put("wrap", false); if (classpath.length > 0) { hash.put("classLoader", new URLClassLoader(classpath, getClass().getClassLoader())); } // 3. get the base name from the bundle String basename = FileUtils.removePath(this.bundle.replace(".", "/")); Collections.sort(bundles); for (File bundle : bundles) { // bundle name String bundleName = FileUtils.removeExtension(bundle.getName()); getLog().debug("converting: " + bundle.getName()); // extract locale from bundle name String locale = bundleName.substring(basename.length()); if (locale.startsWith("_")) { locale = locale.substring(1); } // set bundle name hash.put("bundle", this.bundle); Options options = new Options.Builder(handlebars, TagType.VAR, context, Template.EMPTY) .setHash(hash) .build(); // convert to JS buffer.append(I18nHelper.i18nJs.apply(locale, options)); if (!merge) { FileUtils.fileWrite( new File(output, bundleName + ".js"), encoding, wrap(bundleName, buffer, amd)); buffer.setLength(0); getLog().debug(" => " + bundleName + ".js"); } else { buffer.append("\n"); } } if (merge && buffer.length() > 0) { FileUtils.fileWrite(new File(output, basename + ".js"), wrap(basename, buffer, amd)); getLog().debug(" =>" + basename + ".js"); } }