@Override public void cmdExecute(Message msg, ServerConnection servConn, long start) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { servConn.setAsTrue(REQUIRES_RESPONSE); if (logger.fineEnabled()) { logger.fine( servConn.getName() + ": Received get pdx id for enum request (" + msg.getNumberOfParts() + " parts) from " + servConn.getSocketString()); } int noOfParts = msg.getNumberOfParts(); EnumInfo enumInfo = (EnumInfo) msg.getPart(0).getObject(); int enumId = msg.getPart(1).getInt(); try { GemFireCacheImpl cache = (GemFireCacheImpl) servConn.getCache(); TypeRegistry registry = cache.getPdxRegistry(); registry.addRemoteEnum(enumId, enumInfo); } catch (Exception e) { writeException(msg, e, false, servConn); servConn.setAsTrue(RESPONDED); return; } writeReply(msg, servConn); servConn.setAsTrue(RESPONDED); }
@Override public void cmdExecute(Message msg, ServerConnection servConn, long start) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Part regionNamePart = null, keyPart = null, valuePart = null, callbackArgPart = null; String regionName = null; Object callbackArg = null, key = null; Part eventPart = null; String errMessage = ""; CachedRegionHelper crHelper = servConn.getCachedRegionHelper(); CacheServerStats stats = servConn.getCacheServerStats(); if (crHelper.emulateSlowServer() > 0) { // this.logger.fine("SlowServer", new Exception()); boolean interrupted = Thread.interrupted(); try { Thread.sleep(crHelper.emulateSlowServer()); } catch (InterruptedException ugh) { interrupted = true; } finally { if (interrupted) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } ; } // requiresResponse = true; servConn.setAsTrue(REQUIRES_RESPONSE); { long oldStart = start; start = DistributionStats.getStatTime(); stats.incReadPutRequestTime(start - oldStart); } // Retrieve the data from the message parts regionNamePart = msg.getPart(0); keyPart = msg.getPart(1); valuePart = msg.getPart(2); eventPart = msg.getPart(3); // callbackArgPart = null; (redundant assignment) if (msg.getNumberOfParts() > 4) { callbackArgPart = msg.getPart(4); try { callbackArg = callbackArgPart.getObject(); } catch (Exception e) { writeException(msg, e, false, servConn); servConn.setAsTrue(RESPONDED); return; } } regionName = regionNamePart.getString(); try { key = keyPart.getStringOrObject(); } catch (Exception e) { writeException(msg, e, false, servConn); servConn.setAsTrue(RESPONDED); return; } if (logger.finestEnabled()) { logger.finest( servConn.getName() + ": Received put request (" + msg.getPayloadLength() + " bytes) from " + servConn.getSocketString() + " for region " + regionName + " key " + key + " value " + valuePart); } // Process the put request if (key == null || regionName == null) { if (key == null) { if (logger.warningEnabled()) { logger.warning( LocalizedStrings.Put_0_THE_INPUT_KEY_FOR_THE_PUT_REQUEST_IS_NULL, servConn.getName()); } errMessage = LocalizedStrings.Put_THE_INPUT_KEY_FOR_THE_PUT_REQUEST_IS_NULL.toLocalizedString(); } if (regionName == null) { if (logger.warningEnabled()) { logger.warning( LocalizedStrings.Put_0_THE_INPUT_REGION_NAME_FOR_THE_PUT_REQUEST_IS_NULL, servConn.getName()); } errMessage = LocalizedStrings.Put_THE_INPUT_REGION_NAME_FOR_THE_PUT_REQUEST_IS_NULL .toLocalizedString(); } writeErrorResponse(msg, MessageType.PUT_DATA_ERROR, errMessage.toString(), servConn); servConn.setAsTrue(RESPONDED); } else { LocalRegion region = (LocalRegion) crHelper.getRegion(regionName); if (region == null) { String reason = LocalizedStrings.Put_REGION_WAS_NOT_FOUND_DURING_PUT_REQUEST.toLocalizedString(); writeRegionDestroyedEx(msg, regionName, reason, servConn); servConn.setAsTrue(RESPONDED); } else if (valuePart.isNull() && region.containsKey(key)) { // Invalid to 'put' a null value in an existing key if (logger.infoEnabled()) { logger.info( LocalizedStrings.Put_0_ATTEMPTED_TO_PUT_A_NULL_VALUE_FOR_EXISTING_KEY_1, new Object[] {servConn.getName(), key}); } errMessage = LocalizedStrings.Put_ATTEMPTED_TO_PUT_A_NULL_VALUE_FOR_EXISTING_KEY_0 .toLocalizedString(); writeErrorResponse(msg, MessageType.PUT_DATA_ERROR, errMessage, servConn); servConn.setAsTrue(RESPONDED); } else { // try { // this.eventId = (EventID)eventPart.getObject(); ByteBuffer eventIdPartsBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(eventPart.getSerializedForm()); long threadId = EventID.readEventIdPartsFromOptmizedByteArray(eventIdPartsBuffer); long sequenceId = EventID.readEventIdPartsFromOptmizedByteArray(eventIdPartsBuffer); EventID eventId = new EventID(servConn.getEventMemberIDByteArray(), threadId, sequenceId); // } catch (Exception e) { // writeException(msg, e, false); // responded = true; // continue; // } try { byte[] value = valuePart.getSerializedForm(); boolean isObject = valuePart.isObject(); AuthorizeRequest authzRequest = servConn.getAuthzRequest(); if (authzRequest != null) { // TODO SW: This is to handle DynamicRegionFactory create // calls. Rework this when the semantics of DynamicRegionFactory are // cleaned up. if (DynamicRegionFactory.regionIsDynamicRegionList(regionName)) { authzRequest.createRegionAuthorize((String) key); } // Allow PUT operations on meta regions (bug #38961) else if (!region.isUsedForMetaRegion()) { PutOperationContext putContext = authzRequest.putAuthorize(regionName, key, value, isObject, callbackArg); value = putContext.getSerializedValue(); isObject = putContext.isObject(); callbackArg = putContext.getCallbackArg(); } } // If the value is 1 byte and the byte represents null, // attempt to create the entry. This test needs to be // moved to DataSerializer or DataSerializer.NULL needs // to be publicly accessible. boolean result = false; if (value == null) { // Create the null entry. Since the value is null, the value of the // isObject // the true after null doesn't matter and is not used. result = region.basicBridgeCreate( key, null, true, callbackArg, servConn.getProxyID(), true, new EntryEventImpl(eventId), false); } else { // Put the entry result = region.basicBridgePut( key, value, null, isObject, callbackArg, servConn.getProxyID(), true, servConn.isGemFireXDSystem(), new EntryEventImpl(eventId)); } if (result) { servConn.setModificationInfo(true, regionName, key); } else { StringId message = LocalizedStrings.PUT_0_FAILED_TO_PUT_ENTRY_FOR_REGION_1_KEY_2_VALUE_3; Object[] messageArgs = new Object[] {servConn.getName(), regionName, key, valuePart}; if (logger.infoEnabled()) { logger.info(message, messageArgs); } throw new Exception(message.toLocalizedString(messageArgs)); } } catch (RegionDestroyedException rde) { writeException(msg, rde, false, servConn); servConn.setAsTrue(RESPONDED); return; } catch (ResourceException re) { writeException(msg, re, false, servConn); servConn.setAsTrue(RESPONDED); return; } catch (Exception ce) { // If an interrupted exception is thrown , rethrow it checkForInterrupt(servConn, ce); // If an exception occurs during the put, preserve the connection writeException(msg, ce, false, servConn); servConn.setAsTrue(RESPONDED); if (ce instanceof GemFireSecurityException) { // Fine logging for security exceptions since these are already // logged by the security logger if (logger.fineEnabled()) { logger.fine(servConn.getName() + ": Unexpected Security exception", ce); } } else if (logger.warningEnabled()) { logger.warning(LocalizedStrings.PUT_0_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION, servConn.getName(), ce); } return; } finally { long oldStart = start; start = DistributionStats.getStatTime(); stats.incProcessPutTime(start - oldStart); } // Increment statistics and write the reply writeReply(msg, servConn); servConn.setAsTrue(RESPONDED); if (logger.fineEnabled()) { logger.fine( servConn.getName() + ": Sent put response back to " + servConn.getSocketString() + " for region " + regionName + " key " + key + " value " + valuePart); } stats.incWritePutResponseTime(DistributionStats.getStatTime() - start); } } }
@Override public void cmdExecute(Message msg, ServerConnection servConn, long start) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Part regionNamePart = null, keyPart = null, callbackArgPart = null; String regionName = null; Object callbackArg = null, key = null; Part eventPart = null; CachedRegionHelper crHelper = servConn.getCachedRegionHelper(); CacheServerStats stats = servConn.getCacheServerStats(); servConn.setAsTrue(REQUIRES_RESPONSE); { long oldStart = start; start = DistributionStats.getStatTime(); stats.incReadInvalidateRequestTime(start - oldStart); } // Retrieve the data from the message parts regionNamePart = msg.getPart(0); keyPart = msg.getPart(1); eventPart = msg.getPart(2); // callbackArgPart = null; (redundant assignment) if (msg.getNumberOfParts() > 3) { callbackArgPart = msg.getPart(3); try { callbackArg = callbackArgPart.getObject(); } catch (Exception e) { writeException(msg, e, false, servConn); servConn.setAsTrue(RESPONDED); return; } } regionName = regionNamePart.getString(); try { key = keyPart.getStringOrObject(); } catch (Exception e) { writeException(msg, e, false, servConn); servConn.setAsTrue(RESPONDED); return; } if (logger.fineEnabled()) { logger.fine( servConn.getName() + ": Received invalidate request (" + msg.getPayloadLength() + " bytes) from " + servConn.getSocketString() + " for region " + regionName + " key " + key); } // Process the invalidate request if (key == null || regionName == null) { StringBuilder errMessage = new StringBuilder(); if (key == null) { if (logger.warningEnabled()) { logger.warning( LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand__THE_INPUT_KEY_FOR_THE_0_REQUEST_IS_NULL, "invalidate"); } errMessage.append( LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand__THE_INPUT_KEY_FOR_THE_0_REQUEST_IS_NULL.toLocalizedString( "invalidate")); } if (regionName == null) { if (logger.warningEnabled()) { logger.warning( LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand__THE_INPUT_REGION_NAME_FOR_THE_0_REQUEST_IS_NULL, "invalidate"); } errMessage.append( LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand__THE_INPUT_REGION_NAME_FOR_THE_0_REQUEST_IS_NULL .toLocalizedString("invalidate")); } writeErrorResponse(msg, MessageType.DESTROY_DATA_ERROR, errMessage.toString(), servConn); servConn.setAsTrue(RESPONDED); } else { LocalRegion region = (LocalRegion) crHelper.getRegion(regionName); if (region == null) { String reason = LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand__0_WAS_NOT_FOUND_DURING_1_REQUEST.toLocalizedString( regionName, "invalidate"); writeRegionDestroyedEx(msg, regionName, reason, servConn); servConn.setAsTrue(RESPONDED); } else { // Invalidate the entry ByteBuffer eventIdPartsBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(eventPart.getSerializedForm()); long threadId = EventID.readEventIdPartsFromOptmizedByteArray(eventIdPartsBuffer); long sequenceId = EventID.readEventIdPartsFromOptmizedByteArray(eventIdPartsBuffer); EventID eventId = new EventID(servConn.getEventMemberIDByteArray(), threadId, sequenceId); Breadcrumbs.setEventId(eventId); VersionTag tag = null; try { /* * * txtodo: doesn't seem like there is any notion of authzInvalidate */ AuthorizeRequest authzRequest = servConn.getAuthzRequest(); if (authzRequest != null) { InvalidateOperationContext invalidateContext = authzRequest.invalidateAuthorize(regionName, key, callbackArg); callbackArg = invalidateContext.getCallbackArg(); } EntryEventImpl clientEvent = new EntryEventImpl(eventId); // msg.isRetry might be set by v7.0 and later clients if (msg.isRetry()) { // if (logger.fineEnabled()) { // logger.fine("DEBUG: encountered isRetry in Invalidate"); // } clientEvent.setPossibleDuplicate(true); if (region.getAttributes().getConcurrencyChecksEnabled()) { // recover the version tag from other servers clientEvent.setRegion(region); if (!recoverVersionTagForRetriedOperation(clientEvent)) { clientEvent.setPossibleDuplicate(false); // no-one has seen this event } } } region.basicBridgeInvalidate(key, callbackArg, servConn.getProxyID(), true, clientEvent); tag = clientEvent.getVersionTag(); servConn.setModificationInfo(true, regionName, key); } catch (EntryNotFoundException e) { // Don't send an exception back to the client if this // exception happens. Just log it and continue. if (logger.infoEnabled()) { logger.info( LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand_DURING_0_NO_ENTRY_WAS_FOUND_FOR_KEY_1, new Object[] {"invalidate", key}); } } catch (RegionDestroyedException rde) { writeException(msg, rde, false, servConn); servConn.setAsTrue(RESPONDED); return; } catch (Exception e) { // If an interrupted exception is thrown , rethrow it checkForInterrupt(servConn, e); // If an exception occurs during the destroy, preserve the connection writeException(msg, e, false, servConn); servConn.setAsTrue(RESPONDED); if (e instanceof GemFireSecurityException) { // Fine logging for security exceptions since these are already // logged by the security logger if (logger.fineEnabled()) logger.fine(servConn.getName() + ": Unexpected Security exception", e); } else if (logger.warningEnabled()) { logger.warning( LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand_0_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION, servConn.getName(), e); } return; } // Update the statistics and write the reply { long oldStart = start; start = DistributionStats.getStatTime(); stats.incProcessInvalidateTime(start - oldStart); } if (region instanceof PartitionedRegion) { PartitionedRegion pr = (PartitionedRegion) region; if (pr.isNetworkHop() != (byte) 0) { writeReplyWithRefreshMetadata(msg, servConn, pr, pr.isNetworkHop(), tag); pr.setIsNetworkHop((byte) 0); pr.setMetadataVersion(Byte.valueOf((byte) 0)); } else { writeReply(msg, servConn, tag); } } else { writeReply(msg, servConn, tag); } servConn.setAsTrue(RESPONDED); if (logger.fineEnabled()) { logger.fine( servConn.getName() + ": Sent invalidate response for region " + regionName + " key " + key); } stats.incWriteInvalidateResponseTime(DistributionStats.getStatTime() - start); } } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void cmdExecute(Message msg, ServerConnection servConn, long start) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { String regionFullPath = null; CachedRegionHelper crHelper = servConn.getCachedRegionHelper(); regionFullPath = msg.getPart(0).getString(); String errMessage = ""; if (regionFullPath == null) { logger.warn( LocalizedMessage.create( LocalizedStrings.GetClientPartitionAttributes_THE_INPUT_REGION_PATH_IS_NULL)); errMessage = LocalizedStrings.GetClientPartitionAttributes_THE_INPUT_REGION_PATH_IS_NULL .toLocalizedString(); writeErrorResponse( msg, MessageType.GET_CLIENT_PARTITION_ATTRIBUTES_ERROR, errMessage.toString(), servConn); servConn.setAsTrue(RESPONDED); } else { Region region = crHelper.getRegion(regionFullPath); if (region == null) { logger.warn( LocalizedMessage.create( LocalizedStrings .GetClientPartitionAttributes_REGION_NOT_FOUND_FOR_SPECIFIED_REGION_PATH, regionFullPath)); errMessage = LocalizedStrings.GetClientPartitionAttributes_REGION_NOT_FOUND.toLocalizedString() + regionFullPath; writeErrorResponse( msg, MessageType.GET_CLIENT_PARTITION_ATTRIBUTES_ERROR, errMessage.toString(), servConn); servConn.setAsTrue(RESPONDED); } else { try { Message responseMsg = servConn.getResponseMessage(); responseMsg.setTransactionId(msg.getTransactionId()); responseMsg.setMessageType(MessageType.RESPONSE_CLIENT_PARTITION_ATTRIBUTES); PartitionedRegion prRgion = (PartitionedRegion) region; PartitionResolver partitionResolver = prRgion.getPartitionResolver(); int numParts = 2; // MINUMUM PARTS if (partitionResolver != null) { numParts++; } responseMsg.setNumberOfParts(numParts); // PART 1 responseMsg.addObjPart(prRgion.getTotalNumberOfBuckets()); // PART 2 if (partitionResolver != null) { responseMsg.addObjPart(partitionResolver.getClass().toString().substring(6)); } // PART 3 String leaderRegionPath = null; PartitionedRegion leaderRegion = null; String leaderRegionName = prRgion.getColocatedWith(); if (leaderRegionName != null) { Cache cache = prRgion.getCache(); while (leaderRegionName != null) { leaderRegion = (PartitionedRegion) cache.getRegion(leaderRegionName); if (leaderRegion.getColocatedWith() == null) { leaderRegionPath = leaderRegion.getFullPath(); break; } else { leaderRegionName = leaderRegion.getColocatedWith(); } } } responseMsg.addObjPart(leaderRegionPath); responseMsg.send(); msg.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { writeException(msg, e, false, servConn); } finally { servConn.setAsTrue(Command.RESPONDED); } } } }