예제 #1
 protected String getCallbackUrl(final WebClient webClient, final HtmlPage authorizationPage)
     throws Exception {
   HtmlForm form = authorizationPage.getForms().get(0);
   final HtmlTextInput login = form.getInputByName("login_email");
   final HtmlPasswordInput passwd = form.getInputByName("login_password");
   HtmlButton submit = form.getButtonByName("");
   HtmlPage confirmPage = submit.click();
   confirmPage = (HtmlPage) confirmPage.refresh();
   form = confirmPage.getForms().get(0);
   HtmlButton submit2 = form.getButtonByName("allow_access");
   final HtmlPage callbackPage = submit2.click();
   final String callbackUrl = callbackPage.getUrl().toString();
   logger.debug("callbackUrl : {}", callbackUrl);
   return callbackUrl;
예제 #2
      value = JSF_2_2_0_M02,
      excludes = {WEBLOGIC_12_1_4})
  public void testFlash() throws Exception {
    // Get the first page
    HtmlPage page = webClient.getPage(webUrl + "faces/index.xhtml");
    String pageText = page.asXml();
    // (?s) is an "embedded flag expression" for the "DOTALL" operator.
    // It says, "let . match any character including line terminators."
    // Because page.asXml() returns a big string with lots of \r\n chars
    // in it, we need (?s).
    // the page contains a table tag with a frame attribute whose value is hsides.

    // the page contains the following span, with the following id, with no contents

    // Click the reload button
    HtmlSubmitInput button = (HtmlSubmitInput) page.getHtmlElementById("reload");
    page = (HtmlPage) button.click();
    pageText = page.asXml();
    // verify that fooValue is there, indicating that it's been stored in the flash

    // Get the first page, again
    page = webClient.getPage(webUrl + "faces/index.xhtml");

    // the page contains the following span, with the following id, with no contents
    // meaning the flash has no value for foo
    // assertTrue(pageText.matches("(?s)(?m).*<span.*id=\"fooValueId\">\\s*</span>.*"));
    // fill in "addMessage" in the textBox
    HtmlTextInput text = (HtmlTextInput) page.getHtmlElementById("inputText");

    // go to the next page
    button = (HtmlSubmitInput) page.getHtmlElementById("next");
    page = (HtmlPage) button.click();
    pageText = page.asXml();
    // See that it has fooValue
    // See that it has barValue
    // See that it has the message
    assertTrue(-1 != pageText.indexOf("test that this persists across the redirect"));

    // click the reload button
    button = (HtmlSubmitInput) page.getHtmlElementById("reload");
    page = (HtmlPage) button.click();
    pageText = page.asXml();

    // See that it doesn't have the message
    assertTrue(-1 == pageText.indexOf("test that this persists across the redirect"));

    // Click the back button
    button = (HtmlSubmitInput) page.getHtmlElementById("back");
    page = (HtmlPage) button.click();

    // Click the next button
    button = (HtmlSubmitInput) page.getHtmlElementById("next");
    page = (HtmlPage) button.click();
    pageText = page.asXml();

    // See that the page does not have the message
    assertTrue(-1 == pageText.indexOf("test that this persists across the redirect"));

    // Click the next button
    button = (HtmlSubmitInput) page.getHtmlElementById("next");
    page = (HtmlPage) button.click();
    pageText = page.asXml();

    // See that it has banzai

    // Click the next button
    button = (HtmlSubmitInput) page.getHtmlElementById("next");
    page = (HtmlPage) button.click();
    pageText = page.asXml();

    // See that it still has banzai

    // click the link
    HtmlAnchor link = (HtmlAnchor) page.getElementById("link");
    page = link.click();

    // on flash5
    link = (HtmlAnchor) page.getElementById("link");
    page = link.click();

    assertTrue(page.asText().contains("Value is 1."));

    // click the link on the next page
    link = (HtmlAnchor) page.getElementById("link");
    page = link.click();

    assertTrue(page.asText().contains("Value is 1."));

    // click the link on the same page
    link = (HtmlAnchor) page.getElementById("link");
    page = link.click();

    assertTrue(page.asText().contains("Value is 1."));

    // click the link on the same page
    link = (HtmlAnchor) page.getElementById("link");
    page = link.click();

    assertTrue(page.asText().contains("Value is 1."));

    link = (HtmlAnchor) page.getElementById("link2");
    page = link.click();

    assertTrue(page.asText().contains("Value is 1."));

    link = (HtmlAnchor) page.getElementById("link");
    page = link.click();

    // it went away because there was no keep
    assertTrue(page.asText().contains("Value is ."));

    page = webClient.getPage(webUrl + "faces/flash9.xhtml");

    text = (HtmlTextInput) page.getHtmlElementById("valueA");
    text.setValueAttribute("a value");

    text = (HtmlTextInput) page.getHtmlElementById("valueB");
    text.setValueAttribute("b value");

    text = (HtmlTextInput) page.getHtmlElementById("valueC");
    text.setValueAttribute("c value");

    button = (HtmlSubmitInput) page.getHtmlElementById("keep");
    page = (HtmlPage) button.click();

    pageText = page.asText();

    assertTrue(pageText.contains("valueA: a value"));
    assertTrue(pageText.contains("valueB: b value"));
    assertTrue(pageText.contains("valueC: c value"));

    link = (HtmlAnchor) page.getElementById("flash9");
    page = link.click();

    text = (HtmlTextInput) page.getHtmlElementById("valueA");
    assertEquals(text.getValueAttribute(), "a value");

    text = (HtmlTextInput) page.getHtmlElementById("valueB");
    assertEquals(text.getValueAttribute(), "b value");

    text = (HtmlTextInput) page.getHtmlElementById("valueC");
    assertEquals(text.getValueAttribute(), "c value");

    page = webClient.getPage(webUrl + "faces/flash9.xhtml");
    text = (HtmlTextInput) page.getHtmlElementById("valueA");
    assertEquals(text.getValueAttribute(), "");

    text = (HtmlTextInput) page.getHtmlElementById("valueB");
    assertEquals(text.getValueAttribute(), "");

    text = (HtmlTextInput) page.getHtmlElementById("valueC");
    assertEquals(text.getValueAttribute(), "");

    text = (HtmlTextInput) page.getHtmlElementById("valueA");
    text.setValueAttribute("A value");

    text = (HtmlTextInput) page.getHtmlElementById("valueB");
    text.setValueAttribute("B value");

    text = (HtmlTextInput) page.getHtmlElementById("valueC");
    text.setValueAttribute("C value");

    button = (HtmlSubmitInput) page.getHtmlElementById("nokeep");
    page = (HtmlPage) button.click();

    pageText = page.asText();

    assertTrue(pageText.contains("valueA: A value"));
    assertTrue(pageText.contains("valueB: B value"));
    assertTrue(pageText.contains("valueC: C value"));

    button = (HtmlSubmitInput) page.getHtmlElementById("reload");
    page = (HtmlPage) button.click();

    pageText = page.asText();

    assertTrue(!pageText.contains("valueA: A value"));
    assertTrue(!pageText.contains("valueB: B value"));
    assertTrue(!pageText.contains("valueC: C value"));

    // content from Sebastian Hennebrueder
    page = webClient.getPage(webUrl + "faces/flash12.xhtml");
    button = (HtmlSubmitInput) page.getHtmlElementById("start");
    page = (HtmlPage) button.click();

    pageText = page.asText();

    page = (HtmlPage) page.refresh();

    pageText = page.asText();

    // Test for JAVASERVERFACES-2087
    page = webClient.getPage(webUrl + "faces/flash13.xhtml");
    button = (HtmlSubmitInput) page.getHtmlElementById("flashbtn");
    page = (HtmlPage) button.click();

    pageText = page.asText();
    assertTrue(pageText.contains("read strobist"));

    page = webClient.getPage(webUrl + "faces/flash13.xhtml");
    pageText = page.asText();
    assertTrue(!pageText.contains("read strobist"));

    page = webClient.getPage(webUrl + "faces/flash13.xhtml");
    pageText = page.asText();
    assertTrue(!pageText.contains("read strobist"));

    page = webClient.getPage(webUrl + "faces/flash14.xhtml");
    pageText = page.asText();
            "(?s).*\\[received javax.faces.event.PreClearFlashEvent source:\\{\\}\\].*"));