예제 #1
		boolean uploadPicture(Picture p) {
			try {
				//transferListener.currentFile = p.toString();

				status(su, StatusUpdate.LEVEL_UPLOAD_ONE, GRI18n.getString(MODULE, "upPrep"));

				MultipartEntity entity = new MultipartEntity();

				Charset utf8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
				JSONObject jsonEntity = new JSONObject();
				jsonEntity.put("type", "photo");
				if (p.getName() != null)
					jsonEntity.put("name", p.getName());
				if (p.getTitle() != null)
					jsonEntity.put("title", p.getTitle());
				if (p.getDescription() != null)
					jsonEntity.put("description", p.getDescription());
				entity.addPart("entity", new StringBody(jsonEntity.toJSONString(), utf8));

				ContentBody body = new FileBody(p.getUploadSource());
				entity.addPart("file", body);

				BufferedReader entityReader = sendRequest(p.getParentAlbum().getUrl(), "post", entity);

				String url = ((JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(entityReader)).get("url").toString();
				status(su, StatusUpdate.LEVEL_UPLOAD_ONE, GRI18n.getString(MODULE, "upSucc"));

				Log.log(Log.LEVEL_INFO, "Uploaded " + p.getUploadSource().toString() + " to " + url);

				return true;
				// set auto-rotate only if we do the rotation in GR, otherwise we'd be overriding the server setting
//				if (p.getAngle() != 0) {
//					opts[5] = new NVPair("auto_rotate", "no");
//				}

				// set up extra fields
//				if (p.getExtraFieldsMap() != null && p.getExtraFieldsMap().size() > 0) {
//					ArrayList optsList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(opts));
//					Iterator it = p.getExtraFieldsMap().keySet().iterator();
//					while (it.hasNext()) {
//						String name = (String) it.next();
//						String value = p.getExtraField(name);
//							optsList.add(new NVPair("extrafield." + name, value, utf8?"UTF-8":null));
//						}
//					}
//					opts = (NVPair[]) optsList.toArray(opts);
//				}

				// load and validate the response
//				Properties props = requestResponse(hdrs, data, g.getGalleryUrl(scriptName), true, su, this, transferListener);
//				if (props.getProperty("status").equals(GR_STAT_SUCCESS)) {
//					status(su, StatusUpdate.LEVEL_UPLOAD_ONE, GRI18n.getString(MODULE, "upSucc"));
//					String newItemName = props.getProperty("item_name");
//					if (newItemName != null) {
//						su.doneUploading(newItemName, picture);
//					}
//					return true;
//				} else {
//					Object[] params = {props.getProperty("status_text")};
//					error(su, GRI18n.getString(MODULE, "upErr", params));
//					return false;
//				}
			} catch (GR2Exception gr2e) {
				Log.logException(Log.LEVEL_ERROR, MODULE, gr2e);
				Object[] params = {gr2e.getMessage()};
				error(su, p.toString() + ": " + GRI18n.getString(MODULE, "error", params));
			} catch (IOException ioe) {
				Log.logException(Log.LEVEL_ERROR, MODULE, ioe);
				Object[] params = {ioe.toString()};
				error(su, p.toString() + ": " + GRI18n.getString(MODULE, "error", params));

			return false;