예제 #1
  /** Blog分页 */
  @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
  public PageConf findBlogPageList(
      int start, int limit, UserInfo userInfo, String type, Integer blogId) throws BlogException {
    try {
      String sql =
          " select temp_0.rowno from (select @rowno := @rowno + 1 as rowno , module.id as id from Blog as module "
              + " , (select @rowno := 0 ) as t_rowno ";
      // 通用查询匹配
      if (type != null) {

        // 找到blogId所在位置
        Long indexStart = 0L;
        if (type.equals("friend") && userInfo != null) {
          sql +=
              " and exists ( select friend.friend.id from Friend friend "
                  + " where friend.friend.id = module.userInfo.id and friend.userId = ? ) "
                  + " order by module.createTime desc ";
          List<Object[]> countList = baseDao.findSql(sql, blogId);
          if (countList.iterator().hasNext()) {
            Object[] obj = countList.iterator().next();
            indexStart = (Long) obj[0];
        } else if (type.equals("my") && userInfo != null) {
          // 查询我自己的日志
          sql +=
              " where module.userId = ? order by module.createTime desc ) as temp_0 where temp_0.id = ? ";
          List<Object[]> countList = baseDao.findSql(sql, userInfo.getId(), blogId);
          if (countList.iterator().hasNext()) {
            Object[] obj = countList.iterator().next();
            indexStart = ((Double) obj[0]).longValue();
        } else if (type.equals("all")) {
          sql += " order by module.createTime desc ) as temp_0 where temp_0.id = ? ";
          List<Object[]> countList = baseDao.findSql(sql, blogId);
          if (countList.iterator().hasNext()) {
            Object[] obj = countList.iterator().next();
            indexStart = ((Double) obj[0]).longValue();
        // 再次进行分页查询
        // 分页是从0开始所以-1
        // 处理第一篇文章
        return findBlogPageList(indexStart.intValue() - 1, limit, userInfo, type);

      } else {
        return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new BlogException("Blog分页异常");