/** Generates the set of Java library rules under test. */ private static ImmutableSet<JavaLibrary> getRulesUnderTest(Iterable<TestRule> tests) { ImmutableSet.Builder<JavaLibrary> rulesUnderTest = ImmutableSet.builder(); // Gathering all rules whose source will be under test. for (TestRule test : tests) { if (test instanceof JavaTest) { JavaTest javaTest = (JavaTest) test; ImmutableSet<BuildRule> sourceUnderTest = javaTest.getSourceUnderTest(); for (BuildRule buildRule : sourceUnderTest) { if (buildRule instanceof JavaLibrary) { JavaLibrary javaLibrary = (JavaLibrary) buildRule; rulesUnderTest.add(javaLibrary); } else { throw new HumanReadableException( "Test '%s' is a java_test() " + "but it is testing module '%s' " + "which is not a java_library()!", test.getBuildTarget(), buildRule.getBuildTarget()); } } } } return rulesUnderTest.build(); }
private String formatMockTestRules(List<TestRule> testRules) { List<String> testNames = Lists.newArrayList(); for (TestRule testRule : testRules) { testNames.add(testRule.getBuildTarget().getFullyQualifiedName()); } return "{" + Joiner.on(", ").join(testNames) + "}"; }
@VisibleForTesting static boolean isTestRunRequiredForTest( TestRule test, BuildEngine cachingBuildEngine, ExecutionContext executionContext, TestRuleKeyFileHelper testRuleKeyFileHelper, boolean isResultsCacheEnabled, boolean isRunningWithTestSelectors) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { boolean isTestRunRequired; BuildResult result; if (executionContext.isDebugEnabled()) { // If debug is enabled, then we should always run the tests as the user is expecting to // hook up a debugger. isTestRunRequired = true; } else if (isRunningWithTestSelectors) { // As a feature to aid developers, we'll assume that when we are using test selectors, // we should always run each test (and never look at the cache.) // TODO(user) When #3090004 and #3436849 are closed we can respect the cache again. isTestRunRequired = true; } else if (((result = cachingBuildEngine.getBuildRuleResult(test.getBuildTarget())) != null) && result.getSuccess() == BuildRuleSuccessType.MATCHING_RULE_KEY && isResultsCacheEnabled && test.hasTestResultFiles(executionContext) && testRuleKeyFileHelper.isRuleKeyInDir(test)) { // If this build rule's artifacts (which includes the rule's output and its test result // files) are up to date, then no commands are necessary to run the tests. The test result // files will be read from the XML files in interpretTestResults(). isTestRunRequired = false; } else { isTestRunRequired = true; } return isTestRunRequired; }
private int runTestsExternal( final CommandRunnerParams params, Build build, Iterable<String> command, Iterable<TestRule> testRules) throws InterruptedException, IOException { TestRunningOptions options = getTestRunningOptions(params); // Walk the test rules, collecting all the specs. List<ExternalTestRunnerTestSpec> specs = Lists.newArrayList(); for (TestRule testRule : testRules) { if (!(testRule instanceof ExternalTestRunnerRule)) { params .getBuckEventBus() .post( ConsoleEvent.severe( String.format( "Test %s does not support external test running", testRule.getBuildTarget()))); return 1; } ExternalTestRunnerRule rule = (ExternalTestRunnerRule) testRule; specs.add(rule.getExternalTestRunnerSpec(build.getExecutionContext(), options)); } // Serialize the specs to a file to pass into the test runner. Path infoFile = params .getCell() .getFilesystem() .resolve(BuckConstant.SCRATCH_PATH.resolve("external_runner_specs.json")); Files.createDirectories(infoFile.getParent()); Files.deleteIfExists(infoFile); params.getObjectMapper().writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValue(infoFile.toFile(), specs); // Launch and run the external test runner, forwarding it's stdout/stderr to the console. // We wait for it to complete then returns its error code. ListeningProcessExecutor processExecutor = new ListeningProcessExecutor(); ProcessExecutorParams processExecutorParams = ProcessExecutorParams.builder() .addAllCommand(command) .addAllCommand(withDashArguments) .addCommand("--buck-test-info", infoFile.toString()) .setDirectory(params.getCell().getFilesystem().getRootPath().toFile()) .build(); ForwardingProcessListener processListener = new ForwardingProcessListener( Channels.newChannel(params.getConsole().getStdOut()), Channels.newChannel(params.getConsole().getStdErr())); ListeningProcessExecutor.LaunchedProcess process = processExecutor.launchProcess(processExecutorParams, processListener); try { return processExecutor.waitForProcess(process, Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.DAYS); } finally { processExecutor.destroyProcess(process, /* force */ false); processExecutor.waitForProcess(process, Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.DAYS); } }
private void printMatchingTestRules(Console console, Iterable<TestRule> testRules) { PrintStream out = console.getStdOut(); ImmutableList<TestRule> list = ImmutableList.copyOf(testRules); out.println(String.format("MATCHING TEST RULES (%d):", list.size())); out.println(""); if (list.isEmpty()) { out.println(" (none)"); } else { for (TestRule testRule : testRules) { out.println(" " + testRule.getBuildTarget()); } } out.println(""); }
@VisibleForTesting Iterable<TestRule> filterTestRules( BuckConfig buckConfig, ImmutableSet<BuildTarget> explicitBuildTargets, Iterable<TestRule> testRules) { ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<TestRule> builder = ImmutableSortedSet.orderedBy( new Comparator<TestRule>() { @Override public int compare(TestRule o1, TestRule o2) { return o1.getBuildTarget() .getFullyQualifiedName() .compareTo(o2.getBuildTarget().getFullyQualifiedName()); } }); for (TestRule rule : testRules) { boolean explicitArgument = explicitBuildTargets.contains(rule.getBuildTarget()); boolean matchesLabel = isMatchedByLabelOptions(buckConfig, rule.getLabels()); // We always want to run the rules that are given on the command line. Always. Unless we don't // want to. if (shouldExcludeWin() && !matchesLabel) { continue; } // The testRules Iterable contains transitive deps of the arguments given on the command line, // filter those out if such is the user's will. if (shouldExcludeTransitiveTests() && !explicitArgument) { continue; } // Normal behavior is to include all rules that match the given label as well as any that // were explicitly specified by the user. if (explicitArgument || matchesLabel) { builder.add(rule); } } return builder.build(); }
@SuppressWarnings("PMD.EmptyCatchBlock") public static int runTests( final CommandRunnerParams params, Iterable<TestRule> tests, BuildContext buildContext, ExecutionContext executionContext, final TestRunningOptions options, ListeningExecutorService service, BuildEngine buildEngine, final StepRunner stepRunner) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { if (options.isUsingOneTimeOutputDirectories()) { BuckConstant.setOneTimeTestSubdirectory(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); } ImmutableSet<JavaLibrary> rulesUnderTest; // If needed, we first run instrumentation on the class files. if (options.isCodeCoverageEnabled()) { rulesUnderTest = getRulesUnderTest(tests); if (!rulesUnderTest.isEmpty()) { try { stepRunner.runStepForBuildTarget( new MakeCleanDirectoryStep(JUnitStep.JACOCO_OUTPUT_DIR), Optional.<BuildTarget>absent()); } catch (StepFailedException e) { params.getConsole().printBuildFailureWithoutStacktrace(e); return 1; } } } else { rulesUnderTest = ImmutableSet.of(); } final ImmutableSet<String> testTargets = FluentIterable.from(tests) .transform(HasBuildTarget.TO_TARGET) .transform(Functions.toStringFunction()) .toSet(); final int totalNumberOfTests = Iterables.size(tests); params .getBuckEventBus() .post( TestRunEvent.started( options.isRunAllTests(), options.getTestSelectorList(), options.shouldExplainTestSelectorList(), testTargets)); // Start running all of the tests. The result of each java_test() rule is represented as a // ListenableFuture. List<ListenableFuture<TestResults>> results = Lists.newArrayList(); // Unless `--verbose 0` is specified, print out test results as they become available. // Failures with the ListenableFuture should always be printed, as they indicate an error with // Buck, not the test being run. Verbosity verbosity = params.getConsole().getVerbosity(); final boolean printTestResults = (verbosity != Verbosity.SILENT); // For grouping results! final TestResultsGrouper grouper; if (options.isIgnoreFailingDependencies()) { grouper = new TestResultsGrouper(tests); } else { grouper = null; } TestRuleKeyFileHelper testRuleKeyFileHelper = new TestRuleKeyFileHelper(executionContext.getProjectFilesystem(), buildEngine); final AtomicInteger lastReportedTestSequenceNumber = new AtomicInteger(); final List<TestRun> separateTestRuns = Lists.newArrayList(); List<TestRun> parallelTestRuns = Lists.newArrayList(); for (final TestRule test : tests) { // Determine whether the test needs to be executed. boolean isTestRunRequired; isTestRunRequired = isTestRunRequiredForTest( test, buildEngine, executionContext, testRuleKeyFileHelper, options.isResultsCacheEnabled(), !options.getTestSelectorList().isEmpty()); List<Step> steps; if (isTestRunRequired) { params.getBuckEventBus().post(IndividualTestEvent.started(testTargets)); ImmutableList.Builder<Step> stepsBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); Preconditions.checkState(buildEngine.isRuleBuilt(test.getBuildTarget())); final Map<String, UUID> testUUIDMap = new HashMap<>(); List<Step> testSteps = test.runTests( buildContext, executionContext, options.isDryRun(), options.isShufflingTests(), options.getTestSelectorList(), new TestRule.TestReportingCallback() { @Override public void testsDidBegin() { LOG.debug("Tests for rule %s began", test.getBuildTarget()); } @Override public void testDidBegin(String testCaseName, String testName) { LOG.debug( "Test rule %s test case %s test name %s began", test.getBuildTarget(), testCaseName, testName); UUID testUUID = UUID.randomUUID(); // UUID is immutable and thread-safe as of Java 7, so it's // safe to stash in a map and use later: // // http://bugs.java.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=6611830 testUUIDMap.put(testCaseName + ":" + testName, testUUID); params .getBuckEventBus() .post(TestSummaryEvent.started(testUUID, testCaseName, testName)); } @Override public void testDidEnd(TestResultSummary testResultSummary) { LOG.debug( "Test rule %s test did end: %s", test.getBuildTarget(), testResultSummary); UUID testUUID = testUUIDMap.get( testResultSummary.getTestCaseName() + ":" + testResultSummary.getTestName()); Preconditions.checkNotNull(testUUID); params .getBuckEventBus() .post(TestSummaryEvent.finished(testUUID, testResultSummary)); } @Override public void testsDidEnd(List<TestCaseSummary> testCaseSummaries) { LOG.debug( "Test rule %s tests did end: %s", test.getBuildTarget(), testCaseSummaries); } }); if (!testSteps.isEmpty()) { stepsBuilder.addAll(testSteps); stepsBuilder.add(testRuleKeyFileHelper.createRuleKeyInDirStep(test)); } steps = stepsBuilder.build(); } else { steps = ImmutableList.of(); } TestRun testRun = TestRun.of( test, steps, getCachingStatusTransformingCallable( isTestRunRequired, test.interpretTestResults( executionContext, /*isUsingTestSelectors*/ !options.getTestSelectorList().isEmpty(), /*isDryRun*/ options.isDryRun()))); // Always run the commands, even if the list of commands as empty. There may be zero // commands because the rule is cached, but its results must still be processed. if (test.runTestSeparately()) { LOG.debug("Running test %s in serial", test); separateTestRuns.add(testRun); } else { LOG.debug("Running test %s in parallel", test); parallelTestRuns.add(testRun); } } final StepRunner.StepRunningCallback testStepRunningCallback = new StepRunner.StepRunningCallback() { @Override public void stepsWillRun(Optional<BuildTarget> buildTarget) { Preconditions.checkState(buildTarget.isPresent()); LOG.debug("Test steps will run for %s", buildTarget); params.getBuckEventBus().post(TestRuleEvent.started(buildTarget.get())); } @Override public void stepsDidRun(Optional<BuildTarget> buildTarget) { Preconditions.checkState(buildTarget.isPresent()); LOG.debug("Test steps did run for %s", buildTarget); params.getBuckEventBus().post(TestRuleEvent.finished(buildTarget.get())); } }; for (TestRun testRun : parallelTestRuns) { ListenableFuture<TestResults> testResults = stepRunner.runStepsAndYieldResult( testRun.getSteps(), testRun.getTestResultsCallable(), Optional.of(testRun.getTest().getBuildTarget()), service, testStepRunningCallback); results.add( transformTestResults( params, testResults, grouper, testRun.getTest(), testTargets, printTestResults, lastReportedTestSequenceNumber, totalNumberOfTests)); } ListenableFuture<List<TestResults>> parallelTestStepsFuture = Futures.allAsList(results); final List<TestResults> completedResults = Lists.newArrayList(); final ListeningExecutorService directExecutorService = MoreExecutors.newDirectExecutorService(); ListenableFuture<Void> uberFuture = stepRunner.addCallback( parallelTestStepsFuture, new FutureCallback<List<TestResults>>() { @Override public void onSuccess(List<TestResults> parallelTestResults) { LOG.debug("Parallel tests completed, running separate tests..."); completedResults.addAll(parallelTestResults); List<ListenableFuture<TestResults>> separateResultsList = Lists.newArrayList(); for (TestRun testRun : separateTestRuns) { separateResultsList.add( transformTestResults( params, stepRunner.runStepsAndYieldResult( testRun.getSteps(), testRun.getTestResultsCallable(), Optional.of(testRun.getTest().getBuildTarget()), directExecutorService, testStepRunningCallback), grouper, testRun.getTest(), testTargets, printTestResults, lastReportedTestSequenceNumber, totalNumberOfTests)); } ListenableFuture<List<TestResults>> serialResults = Futures.allAsList(separateResultsList); try { completedResults.addAll(serialResults.get()); } catch (ExecutionException e) { LOG.error(e, "Error fetching serial test results"); throw new HumanReadableException(e, "Error fetching serial test results"); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.error(e, "Interrupted fetching serial test results"); try { serialResults.cancel(true); } catch (CancellationException ignored) { // Rethrow original InterruptedException instead. } Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw new HumanReadableException(e, "Test cancelled"); } LOG.debug("Done running serial tests."); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable e) { LOG.error(e, "Parallel tests failed, not running serial tests"); throw new HumanReadableException(e, "Parallel tests failed"); } }, directExecutorService); try { // Block until all the tests have finished running. uberFuture.get(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(params.getConsole().getStdErr()); return 1; } catch (InterruptedException e) { try { uberFuture.cancel(true); } catch (CancellationException ignored) { // Rethrow original InterruptedException instead. } Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw e; } params.getBuckEventBus().post(TestRunEvent.finished(testTargets, completedResults)); // Write out the results as XML, if requested. Optional<String> path = options.getPathToXmlTestOutput(); if (path.isPresent()) { try (Writer writer = Files.newWriter(new File(path.get()), Charsets.UTF_8)) { writeXmlOutput(completedResults, writer); } } // Generate the code coverage report. if (options.isCodeCoverageEnabled() && !rulesUnderTest.isEmpty()) { try { Optional<DefaultJavaPackageFinder> defaultJavaPackageFinderOptional = Optional.fromNullable(params.getBuckConfig().createDefaultJavaPackageFinder()); stepRunner.runStepForBuildTarget( getReportCommand( rulesUnderTest, defaultJavaPackageFinderOptional, params.getRepository().getFilesystem(), JUnitStep.JACOCO_OUTPUT_DIR, options.getCoverageReportFormat()), Optional.<BuildTarget>absent()); } catch (StepFailedException e) { params.getConsole().printBuildFailureWithoutStacktrace(e); return 1; } } boolean failures = Iterables.any( completedResults, new Predicate<TestResults>() { @Override public boolean apply(TestResults results) { LOG.debug("Checking result %s for failure", results); return !results.isSuccess(); } }); return failures ? TEST_FAILURES_EXIT_CODE : 0; }