/** * Runs the specified TestCase * * @param testCase the testcase to run * @param context */ protected void runTestCase(WsdlTestCase testCase) { try { log.info("Running TestCase [" + testCase.getName() + "]"); WsdlTestCaseRunner runner = testCase.run(new StringToObjectMap(), false); log.info( "TestCase [" + testCase.getName() + "] finished with status [" + runner.getStatus() + "] in " + (runner.getTimeTaken()) + "ms"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Override public boolean cancel() { if (testCaseRunner != null) { testCaseRunner.cancel("Canceled by calling TestCase"); } return true; }
@Override public String getLabel() { String name = getName(); if (testCaseRunner != null) { name += " - [" + testCaseRunner.getStatus() + "]"; } if (isDisabled()) return name + " (disabled)"; else return name; }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { WsdlTestCaseRunner testCaseRunner = getModelItem().getTestCaseRunner(); if (testCaseRunner != null) testCaseRunner.cancel("Canceled from RunTestCase UI"); }
public TestStepResult run(TestCaseRunner testRunner, TestCaseRunContext testRunContext) { WsdlMessageExchangeTestStepResult result = new WsdlMessageExchangeTestStepResult(this); testCaseRunner = null; if (targetTestCase != null) { Enum runMode = getRunMode(); if (runMode == RunTestCaseRunModeTypeConfig.PARALLELL) { runningTestCase = createTestCase(targetTestCase); } else { runningTestCase = targetTestCase; TestCaseRunner targetTestRunner = SoapUI.getTestMonitor().getTestRunner(targetTestCase); if (targetTestRunner != null && targetTestRunner.getStatus() == TestRunner.Status.RUNNING) { if (runMode == RunTestCaseRunModeTypeConfig.SINGLETON_AND_FAIL) { result.setStatus(TestStepStatus.FAILED); result.addMessage("Target TestCase is already running"); result.stopTimer(); runningTestCase = null; } else { targetTestRunner.waitUntilFinished(); } } } if (runningTestCase != null) { synchronized (runningTestCase) { for (TestRunListener listener : testRunListeners) runningTestCase.addTestRunListener(listener); StringList returnProperties = getReturnProperties(); Map<String, TestProperty> props = getProperties(); for (String key : props.keySet()) { if (runningTestCase.hasProperty(key) && !returnProperties.contains(key)) { String value = props.get(key).getValue(); runningTestCase.setPropertyValue( key, PropertyExpander.expandProperties(testRunContext, value)); } } currentLabel = getLabel(); runningTestCase.addTestRunListener(testRunListener); // StringToObjectMap properties = new StringToObjectMap(); // for( String name : testRunContext.getPropertyNames() ) // properties.put( name, testRunContext.getProperty( name )); result.startTimer(); testCaseRunner = runningTestCase.run(new StringToObjectMap(), true); testCaseRunner.waitUntilFinished(); result.stopTimer(); for (String key : returnProperties) { if (runningTestCase.hasProperty(key)) setPropertyValue(key, runningTestCase.getPropertyValue(key)); } // aggregate results for (TestStepResult testStepResult : testCaseRunner.getResults()) { result.addMessage( testStepResult.getTestStep().getName() + " - " + testStepResult.getStatus() + " - " + testStepResult.getTimeTaken()); for (String msg : testStepResult.getMessages()) { result.addMessage("- " + msg); } if (testStepResult instanceof MessageExchangeTestStepResult) { result.addMessages( ((MessageExchangeTestStepResult) testStepResult).getMessageExchanges()); } } switch (testCaseRunner.getStatus()) { case CANCELED: result.setStatus(TestStepStatus.CANCELED); break; case FAILED: result.setStatus(TestStepStatus.FAILED); break; case FINISHED: result.setStatus(TestStepStatus.OK); break; default: result.setStatus(TestStepStatus.UNKNOWN); break; } for (TestRunListener listener : testRunListeners) runningTestCase.removeTestRunListener(listener); if (runMode == RunTestCaseRunModeTypeConfig.PARALLELL) runningTestCase.release(); runningTestCase = null; testCaseRunner = null; } } } else { result.setStatus(TestStepStatus.FAILED); result.addMessage("Missing testCase in project"); result.stopTimer(); } return result; }
@Override public void afterStep( TestCaseRunner testRunner, TestCaseRunContext runContext, TestStepResult result) { super.afterStep(testRunner, runContext, result); TestStep currentStep = runContext.getCurrentStep(); if (currentStep instanceof Assertable) { Assertable requestStep = (Assertable) currentStep; for (int c = 0; c < requestStep.getAssertionCount(); c++) { TestAssertion assertion = requestStep.getAssertionAt(c); log.info("Assertion [" + assertion.getName() + "] has status " + assertion.getStatus()); if (assertion.getStatus() == AssertionStatus.FAILED) { for (AssertionError error : assertion.getErrors()) { log.error("ASSERTION FAILED -> " + error.getMessage()); } assertions.add(assertion); assertionResults.put(assertion, (WsdlTestStepResult) result); } testAssertionCount++; } } String countPropertyName = currentStep.getName() + " run count"; Long count = (Long) runContext.getProperty(countPropertyName); if (count == null) { count = new Long(0); } runContext.setProperty(countPropertyName, new Long(count.longValue() + 1)); if (result.getStatus() == TestStepStatus.FAILED || exportAll) { try { String exportSeparator = System.getProperty(SOAPUI_EXPORT_SEPARATOR, "-"); TestCase tc = currentStep.getTestCase(); String nameBase = StringUtils.createFileName(tc.getTestSuite().getName(), '_') + exportSeparator + StringUtils.createFileName(tc.getName(), '_') + exportSeparator + StringUtils.createFileName(currentStep.getName(), '_') + "-" + count.longValue() + "-" + result.getStatus(); WsdlTestCaseRunner callingTestCaseRunner = (WsdlTestCaseRunner) runContext.getProperty("#CallingTestCaseRunner#"); if (callingTestCaseRunner != null) { WsdlTestCase ctc = callingTestCaseRunner.getTestCase(); WsdlRunTestCaseTestStep runTestCaseTestStep = (WsdlRunTestCaseTestStep) runContext.getProperty("#CallingRunTestCaseStep#"); nameBase = StringUtils.createFileName(ctc.getTestSuite().getName(), '_') + exportSeparator + StringUtils.createFileName(ctc.getName(), '_') + exportSeparator + StringUtils.createFileName(runTestCaseTestStep.getName(), '_') + exportSeparator + StringUtils.createFileName(tc.getTestSuite().getName(), '_') + exportSeparator + StringUtils.createFileName(tc.getName(), '_') + exportSeparator + StringUtils.createFileName(currentStep.getName(), '_') + "-" + count.longValue() + "-" + result.getStatus(); } String absoluteOutputFolder = getAbsoluteOutputFolder(ModelSupport.getModelItemProject(tc)); String fileName = absoluteOutputFolder + File.separator + nameBase + ".txt"; if (result.getStatus() == TestStepStatus.FAILED) { log.error(currentStep.getName() + " failed, exporting to [" + fileName + "]"); } new File(fileName).getParentFile().mkdirs(); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fileName); result.writeTo(writer); writer.close(); // write attachments if (result instanceof MessageExchange) { Attachment[] attachments = ((MessageExchange) result).getResponseAttachments(); if (attachments != null && attachments.length > 0) { for (int c = 0; c < attachments.length; c++) { fileName = nameBase + "-attachment-" + (c + 1) + "."; Attachment attachment = attachments[c]; String contentType = attachment.getContentType(); if (!"application/octet-stream".equals(contentType) && contentType != null && contentType.indexOf('/') != -1) { fileName += contentType.substring(contentType.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); } else { fileName += "dat"; } fileName = absoluteOutputFolder + File.separator + fileName; FileOutputStream outFile = new FileOutputStream(fileName); Tools.writeAll(outFile, attachment.getInputStream()); outFile.close(); } } } exportCount++; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error saving failed result: " + e, e); } } testStepCount++; }