@Test public void testDrapAndDrop() throws PageException { try { // open w3 schools tutorial driverObj.get(prop.getProperty("w3tutorials_url")); // driverObj.get("file:///C:/Users/P8-03GPQ0/Desktop/Drag_Drop.html"); Thread.sleep(2000); // find draggable element // ITafElement draggable = webpage.findObjectByxPath(".//*[@id='drag1']"); ITafElement draggable = webpage.findObjectById(prop.getProperty("w3tutorials_draggable_text")); Point point1 = draggable.getCoordinates(); // find the drop area ITafElement dropArea = webpage.findObjectById(prop.getProperty("w3tutorials_drop_area")); // drag and drop the text draggable.dragAndDrop(dropArea); Point point2 = draggable.getCoordinates(); Assert.assertNotEquals(point1.getY(), point2.getY()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
@Test public void testSendKeys() { try { // Find sign in button ITafElement signInElement = webpage.findObjectById(prop.getProperty("amazon_signin_link")); Assert.assertEquals("rgba(0, 102, 192, 1)", signInElement.getCssValue("color")); // hover on it signInElement.hover(); // Click on it signInElement.click(); // Find email field ITafElement element = webpage.findObjectById(prop.getProperty("amazon_email_field")); // enter text element.sendKeys("Text"); Assert.assertEquals("Text", element.getAttribute("value")); CommonUtil.sop(element.getAttribute("style")); // clear email field element.clear(); Assert.assertEquals("", element.getAttribute("value")); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error(ex.getMessage()); } }
@Test public void testZoomTo100() throws PageException { // find signin element ITafElement element = webpage.findObjectById(prop.getProperty("amazon_signin_link")); // get coordinates of signin element Point point1 = element.getCoordinates(); CommonUtil.sop(point1.getX() + ", " + point1.getY()); // Zoom out the web page webpage.zoomOut(2); // find the signin element element = webpage.findObjectById(prop.getProperty("amazon_signin_link")); // get its cordinates Point point2 = element.getCoordinates(); CommonUtil.sop(point2.getX() + ", " + point2.getY()); // zoom it to 100% webpage.zoomTo100(); // find the signin element element = webpage.findObjectById(prop.getProperty("amazon_signin_link")); // get its cordinates Point point3 = element.getCoordinates(); CommonUtil.sop(point3.getX() + ", " + point3.getY()); // Assert on element location Assert.assertNotEquals(point1.getX(), point2.getX()); Assert.assertEquals(point1.getX(), point3.getX()); }
@Test public void testFullScrollInSlowMotion() throws InterruptedException, PageException { // Scroll the web page in slow motion webpage.fullScrollInSlowMotion(); // find the text "Amazon Payment Products" ITafElement element = webpage.findObjectByxPath(prop.getProperty("amazon_payment_products")); Assert.assertEquals("Amazon Payment Products", element.getText()); }
@Test public void testScrollToElement() throws PageException { // find the element "Amazon.com Rewards Visa Card" ITafElement element = webpage.findObjectByxPath(prop.getProperty("amazon_rewards_visa_card")); // Scroll to the element webpage.scrollToElement(element); // Assert and click on it Assert.assertEquals("Amazon.com Rewards Visa Card", element.getText()); element.click(); }
@Test public void testSubmit() throws PageException { // Find sign in link ITafElement signInElement = webpage.findObjectById(prop.getProperty("amazon_signin_link")); // hover and click on it signInElement.hover(); signInElement.click(); // find email field ITafElement element = webpage.findObjectById(prop.getProperty("amazon_email_field")); // enter text element.sendKeys("Text"); // find password element = webpage.findObjectById(prop.getProperty("amazon_password_field")); // enter text element.sendKeys("Text"); // find the sign in button element = webpage.findObjectById(prop.getProperty("amazon_signin_submit_button")); // submit it element.submit(); // find the warning message element = webpage.findObjectByxPath(prop.getProperty("amazon_signin_warning_msg")); Assert.assertEquals("Important Message!", element.getText()); }
@Test public void testScrollTopAndBottom() throws PageException { // scroll to bottom webpage.scrollBottom(); // find "Amazon Payment Products" element and assert on it. ITafElement element = webpage.findObjectByxPath(prop.getProperty("amazon_payment_products")); Assert.assertEquals("Amazon Payment Products", element.getText()); // Scroll to Top webpage.scrollTop(); // find sign in text and assert element = webpage.findObjectByxPath(prop.getProperty("amazon_signin_text")); Assert.assertEquals("Hello. Sign in", element.getText()); element.hover(); }
@Test public void testselectDropDownList() throws PageException, InterruptedException { // find the search drop down box ITafElement dorpdown = webpage.findObjectById(prop.getProperty("amazon_search_dropdown_box")); // select "Books" in dropdown dorpdown.selectDropDownList("Books"); // find "Books" element ITafElement element = webpage.findObjectByxPath(prop.getProperty("amazon_search_dropdown_books")); // assert that it is selected Assert.assertTrue(element.isSelected()); // Find the search text box element = webpage.findObjectById(prop.getProperty("amazon_search_text_box")); // enter "fiction novels" element.sendKeys("fiction novels"); // find search button element = webpage.findObjectByxPath(prop.getProperty("amazon_search_submit_button")); // submit it element.submit(); // find the text "fiction novels" in the search results element = webpage.findObjectByxPath(prop.getProperty("amazon_search_result_text")); // Assert on the text Assert.assertEquals("\"fiction novels\"", element.getText()); }
@Test public void testDoubleClick() { try { // find sign in link ITafElement element = webpage.findObjectById(prop.getProperty("amazon_signin_link")); // assert on css value Assert.assertEquals("rgba(0, 102, 192, 1)", element.getCssValue("color")); // double click on signin link element.doubleClick(); ; // Assert on Sign in text String text = webpage.findObjectById(prop.getProperty("amazon_signin_title")).getText(); Assert.assertEquals(text, "Sign In"); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error(ex.getMessage()); } }
@Test public void testHover() { try { // find wishlist link ITafElement element = webpage.findObjectById(prop.getProperty("amazon_wishlist_link")); // hover on it element.hover(); // find hovered box ITafElement hoveredItem = webpage.findObjectById(prop.getProperty("amazon_wishlist_hover_box")); // assert Assert.assertTrue(hoveredItem.isDisplayed()); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error(ex.getMessage()); } }
@Test public void testClick() { try { // Find sign in button ITafElement element = webpage.findObjectById(prop.getProperty("amazon_signin_link")); Assert.assertEquals("rgba(0, 102, 192, 1)", element.getCssValue("color")); // hover on it element.hover(); // Click on it element.click(); // find the sign in element String text = webpage.findObjectById(prop.getProperty("amazon_signin_title")).getText(); Assert.assertEquals(text, "Sign In"); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error(ex.getMessage()); } }