public void update(float delta) { // we dont have an idle animation, so we just dont animate until we need to if (isExecuting) { animationState.update(delta); animationState.apply(skeleton); skeleton.updateWorldTransform(); } }
@Override public void act(float delta) { super.act(delta); skeleton.setX(getX()); skeleton.setY(getY()); skeleton.getRootBone().setScaleX(getScaleX()); skeleton.getRootBone().setScaleY(getScaleY()); animationState.update(delta); animationState.apply(skeleton); skeleton.updateWorldTransform(); }
public void updateTitle(float delta) { // System.out.println("update title"); batch.begin(); switch (level) { case 0: batch.draw(swiat00tlo, 0, 0); break; case 1: batch.draw(swiat01tlo, 0, 0); break; case 2: batch.draw(swiat02tlo, 0, 0); break; case 3: batch.draw(swiat03tlo, 0, 0); break; } // total power numbers font.draw(batch, "total: ", 35, 100); font.draw(batch, pulaGracza + "", 50, 70, 50,, false); font.draw(batch, "total: ", 1160, 100); font.draw(batch, pulaPrzeciwnika + "", 1175, 70, 50,, false); // actual hp font.draw( batch, game.player.playerHp + "", playerIcon.getX() - 25, playerIcon.getY() + 260, 50,, false); if (enemys.size > 0) { font.draw( batch, enemys.peek().getHp() + "", enemys.peek().getX() - 15, enemys.peek().getY() + 260); } batch.end(); // draw kotara batch.begin(); kotaraState.update(; kotaraState.apply(kotaraSkeleton); kotaraSkeleton.updateWorldTransform(); sr.draw(batch, kotaraSkeleton); batch.end(); // sprawdz czy kotara sie odslonila if (kotaraState.getCurrent(0) == null) { currentState = GameState.MAP; } stage.act(delta); stage.draw(); }
public void updateMap(float delta) { // System.out.println("update map"); // draw kotara batch.begin(); kotaraState.update(; kotaraState.apply(kotaraSkeleton); kotaraSkeleton.updateWorldTransform(); sr.draw(batch, kotaraSkeleton); batch.end(); stage.act(delta); stage.draw(); }
@Override public void draw(Batch batch, float parentAlpha) { super.draw(batch, parentAlpha); batch.end(); batch.begin(); state.update(; state.apply( skeleton); // Poses skeleton using current animations. This sets the bones' local SRT. skeleton.updateWorldTransform(); // Uses the bones' local SRT to compute their world SRT. renderer.draw(batch, skeleton); batch.end(); batch.begin(); batch.draw(texture, this.getX(), this.getY() + 20f); }
public void render() {; float delta =; // Draw skeleton origin lines. ShapeRenderer shapes = debugRenderer.getShapeRenderer(); if (state != null) { shapes.setColor(Color.DARK_GRAY); shapes.begin(ShapeType.Line); shapes.line(skeleton.x, -99999, skeleton.x, 99999); shapes.line(-99999, skeleton.y, 99999, skeleton.y); shapes.end(); } if (skeleton != null) { // Reload if skeleton file was modified. if (reloadTimer <= 0) { lastModifiedCheck -= delta; if (lastModifiedCheck < 0) { lastModifiedCheck = checkModifiedInterval; long time = skeletonFile.lastModified(); if (time != 0 && lastModified != time) reloadTimer = reloadDelay; } } else { reloadTimer -= delta; if (reloadTimer <= 0) { loadSkeleton(skeletonFile); ui.toast("Reloaded."); } } // Pose and render skeleton. state.getData().setDefaultMix(ui.mixSlider.getValue()); renderer.setPremultipliedAlpha(ui.premultipliedCheckbox.isChecked()); skeleton.setFlip(ui.flipXCheckbox.isChecked(), ui.flipYCheckbox.isChecked()); skeleton.setPosition(skeletonX, skeletonY); delta = Math.min(delta, 0.032f) * ui.speedSlider.getValue(); skeleton.update(delta); state.update(delta); state.apply(skeleton); skeleton.updateWorldTransform(); batch.setColor(Color.WHITE); batch.begin(); renderer.draw(batch, skeleton); batch.end(); debugRenderer.setBones(ui.debugBonesCheckbox.isChecked()); debugRenderer.setRegionAttachments(ui.debugRegionsCheckbox.isChecked()); debugRenderer.setBoundingBoxes(ui.debugBoundingBoxesCheckbox.isChecked()); debugRenderer.setMeshHull(ui.debugMeshHullCheckbox.isChecked()); debugRenderer.setMeshTriangles(ui.debugMeshTrianglesCheckbox.isChecked()); debugRenderer.setPaths(ui.debugPathsCheckbox.isChecked()); debugRenderer.draw(skeleton); } if (state != null) { // AnimationState status. status.setLength(0); for (int i = 0, n = state.getTracks().size; i < n; i++) { TrackEntry entry = state.getTracks().get(i); if (entry == null) continue; status.append(i); status.append(": [LIGHT_GRAY]"); status(entry); status.append("[WHITE]"); status.append(; status.append('\n'); } ui.statusLabel.setText(status); } // Render UI. ui.render(); // Draw indicator lines for animation and mix times. if (state != null) { TrackEntry entry = state.getCurrent(0); if (entry != null) { shapes.begin(ShapeType.Line); float percent = entry.getAnimationTime() / entry.getAnimationEnd(); float x = ui.window.getRight() + ( - ui.window.getRight()) * percent; shapes.setColor(Color.CYAN); shapes.line(x, 0, x, 12); percent = entry.getMixDuration() == 0 ? 1 : Math.min(1, entry.getMixTime() / entry.getMixDuration()); x = ui.window.getRight() + ( - ui.window.getRight()) * percent; shapes.setColor(Color.RED); shapes.line(x, 0, x, 12); shapes.end(); } } }
public void updateArena(float delta) { // kowadlo if (kowadlo.isDropped() && kowadlo.getY() == 190) { enemys.peek().setDeleted(true); kowadlo.setPosition(1050, 900); kowadlo.setDropped(false); } // gameover, zapraklo hp playerowi if (game.player.playerHp <= 0) { // killEnemy(); fadeOutArena(); } // zabiles wszystkie enemysy if (enemys.size <= 0) { // generujEnemys(); fadeOutArena(); } batch.begin(); switch (level) { case 0: batch.draw(swiat00tlo, 0, 0); break; case 1: batch.draw(swiat01tlo, 0, 0); break; case 2: batch.draw(swiat02tlo, 0, 0); break; case 3: batch.draw(swiat03tlo, 0, 0); break; } // total power numbers font.draw(batch, "total: ", 35, 100); font.draw(batch, pulaGracza + "", 50, 70, 50,, false); font.draw(batch, "total: ", 1160, 100); font.draw(batch, pulaPrzeciwnika + "", 1175, 70, 50,, false); batch.end(); if (heroTurn) { checkHeroDices(); } else { generateEnemyDices(); } stageCharacters.act(delta); stageCharacters.draw(); batch.begin(); // wypisywanie actual hp font.draw( batch, game.player.playerHp + "", playerIcon.getX() - 25, playerIcon.getY() + 260, 50,, false); if (enemys.size > 0) { font.draw( batch, enemys.peek().getHp() + "", enemys.peek().getX() - 15, enemys.peek().getY() + 260); } batch.end(); // rysowanie paskow hp shpr.begin(ShapeType.Filled); playerIcon.renderHp(shpr); if (enemys.size > 0) { enemys.peek().renderHp(shpr); } shpr.end(); // draw kotara batch.begin(); kotaraState.update(; kotaraState.apply(kotaraSkeleton); kotaraSkeleton.updateWorldTransform(); sr.draw(batch, kotaraSkeleton); batch.end(); batch.begin(); // turn info if (heroTurn) { font.draw(batch, "TURA GRACZA", 50, 700); } else { font.draw(batch, "TURA OBCYCH", 1050, 700); } // status przeciwnikow font.draw(batch, enemys.size + "", 600, 700, 50,, false); // kowadlo.draw(batch); batch.end(); stage.act(delta); stage.draw(); // check for deleting enemy from quest for (int i = 0; i < enemys.size; i++) { if (enemys.get(i).isDeleted()) { enemys.get(i).remove(); enemys.removeIndex(i); if (enemys.size > 0) { if (enemys.size >= 45) { game.player.playerHp = game.player.playerHp + 10; playerIcon.setHp(game.player.playerHp); } showEnemy(); } } } }