@Test public void testDelete() { ds.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE); try { Ontology ont = Ontology.loadOntology(ds, testOntologyName); OntologyInstance instance = ont.getInstance(deleteInstanceId); instance.delete(); assertTrue("", instance.getJSONRepresentation().length() == 0); ds.commit(); } finally { ds.end(); } ds.begin(ReadWrite.READ); try { Ontology ont = Ontology.loadOntology(ds, testOntologyName); ont.getInstance(deleteInstanceId); fail("Should throw RuntimeException when getting deleted Instance"); } catch (RuntimeException e) { } finally { ds.end(); } }
@Test public void testUpdate() { ds.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE); try { Ontology ont = Ontology.loadOntology(ds, testOntologyName); JSONObject values = new JSONObject(); OntologyInstance instance = ont.createInstance(simpleClassId, values); JSONObject rep = instance.getJSONRepresentation(); assertTrue(rep.length() == 0); // Add DataProperty values.put(idChar + dataPropId, new JSONArray("[test]")); instance.update(values); rep = instance.getJSONRepresentation(); assertTrue(rep.length() == 1); assertTrue(rep.toString().equals(values.toString())); ds.commit(); } catch (JSONException e) { ds.abort(); fail(e.getMessage()); } finally { ds.end(); } }
@Test public void test_CreateSimpleWithObjectProp() { String classId = simpleClassId; ds.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE); try { Ontology ont = Ontology.loadOntology(ds, testOntologyName); JSONObject values = new JSONObject(); String[] propValue = new String[1]; propValue[0] = existingInstanceId; values.put(idChar + objectPropId, new JSONArray(propValue)); OntologyInstance instance = ont.createInstance(classId, values); JSONObject rep = instance.getJSONRepresentation(); assertTrue("JSON Rep: " + rep, rep.length() == values.length()); assertTrue( "Instance does not have expected data property and value: " + rep, rep.has(idChar + objectPropId) && rep.optJSONArray(idChar + objectPropId).length() == 1 && rep.optJSONArray(idChar + objectPropId).optString(0).equals(propValue[0])); ds.commit(); } catch (JSONException e) { ds.abort(); fail(e.getMessage()); } finally { ds.end(); } }
@Test public void testRead() { ds.begin(ReadWrite.READ); try { Ontology ont = Ontology.loadOntology(ds, testOntologyName); OntologyInstance instance = ont.getInstance(existingInstanceId); JSONObject rep = instance.getJSONRepresentation(); assertTrue("", rep.length() == 0); } finally { ds.end(); } }
@Test public void test_CreateSimple() { String classId = simpleClassId; ds.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE); try { Ontology ont = Ontology.loadOntology(ds, testOntologyName); JSONObject values = new JSONObject(); OntologyInstance instance = ont.createInstance(classId, values); JSONObject rep = instance.getJSONRepresentation(); assertTrue(rep.toString(), rep.length() == values.length()); ds.commit(); } finally { ds.end(); } }