@Test public void sendDependencyTransaction() throws Exception { int size = 10; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Transaction t = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("SQL", "User.select" + i % 10); Cat.getProducer().newEvent("SQL.Method", "Select").setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); Cat.getProducer() .newEvent("SQL.Database", "jdbc:mysql://" + i % 4) .setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); t.addData("select * from hostinfo"); t.setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); t.complete(); } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Transaction t = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("PigeonCall", "Method3"); Cat.getProducer().newEvent("PigeonCall.server", ""); t.addData("key and value"); Thread.sleep(1); t.complete(); } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Transaction t = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("PigeonService", "Method6"); Cat.getProducer().newEvent("PigeonService.client", ""); t.addData("key and value"); Thread.sleep(51); t.complete(); } }
private void processExceptionRule() { List<ThresholdRule> rules = m_manager.getAllExceptionRules(); Transaction t = Cat.newTransaction("Alarm", "ProcessExceptionRule"); for (ThresholdRule rule : rules) { try { String connectUrl = rule.getConnectUrl(); ThresholdDataEntity entity = m_connector.fetchAlarmData(connectUrl); if (entity != null) { entity.setDomain(rule.getDomain()); Cat.getProducer().logEvent("AlarmUrl", connectUrl, Event.SUCCESS, entity.toString()); ExceptionDataEvent event = new ExceptionDataEvent(entity); m_dispatcher.dispatch(event); } } catch (Exception e) { t.setStatus(e); Cat.logError(e); } } t.setStatus(Transaction.SUCCESS); t.complete(); }
@Override public void encode(MessageTree tree, ChannelBuffer buf) { Message message = tree.getMessage(); if (message instanceof Transaction) { int count = 0; int index = buf.writerIndex(); BufferHelper helper = m_bufferHelper; Transaction t = (Transaction) message; Locator locator = new Locator(); Ruler ruler = new Ruler((int) t.getDurationInMicros()); ruler.setWidth(1400); ruler.setHeight(18 * calculateLines(t) + 10); ruler.setOffsetX(200); ruler.setOffsetY(10); buf.writeInt(0); // place-holder count += helper.table1(buf); count += helper.crlf(buf); count += encodeHeader(tree, buf, ruler); count += encodeRuler(buf, locator, ruler); count += encodeTransaction(tree, t, buf, locator, ruler); count += encodeFooter(tree, buf); count += helper.table2(buf); buf.setInt(index, count); } }
@Override public void run() { boolean active = true; while (active) { Date date = TimeUtil.getCurrentDay(); long time = date.getTime(); if (time > m_end) { Transaction t = Cat.newTransaction("ReportReload", "Week"); try { reload(); t.setStatus(Transaction.SUCCESS); } catch (Exception e) { Cat.logError(e); t.setStatus(e); } finally { t.complete(); } } try { Thread.sleep(60 * 60 * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { active = false; } } }
@Test public void sendLongSQLTransaction() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Transaction t = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("SQL", "Method6"); t.addData("key and value"); Thread.sleep(102); t.complete(); } }
@Test public void sendMessage() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Transaction t = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("Test", "Test"); t.addData("key and value"); t.complete(); } Thread.sleep(1000); }
@Test public void sendPigeonServerTransaction() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Transaction t = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("PigeonService", "Method6"); Cat.getProducer().newEvent("PigeonService.client", ""); t.addData("key and value"); Thread.sleep(51); t.complete(); } for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { Transaction t = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("PigeonService", "Method8"); Cat.getProducer().newEvent("PigeonService.client", ""); t.addData("key and value"); Thread.sleep(1); t.complete(); } for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++) { Transaction t = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("PigeonService", "Method5"); Cat.getProducer().newEvent("PigeonService.client", ""); t.addData("key and value"); Thread.sleep(1); t.complete(); } Thread.sleep(100); }
@Test public void sendSendSqlErrorMessage() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Transaction t = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("SQL", "Test"); t.addData("key and value"); t.setStatus(new NullPointerException()); t.complete(); } Thread.sleep(1000); }
@Test public void sendMetric() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Transaction t = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("Type", "Name"); Cat.logMetric("name", "key1", "value1", "key2", "value2"); t.complete(); } Thread.sleep(1000); }
@Test public void sentHackPigenTransaction() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { Transaction t = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("PigeonCall", "Method3"); Cat.getProducer().newEvent("PigeonCall.server", ""); Cat.getProducer().logEvent("RemoteCall", "Pigeon", Message.SUCCESS, "MessageID"); t.addData("key and value"); Thread.sleep(1); Cat.getManager().getThreadLocalMessageTree().setDomain("Pigeon"); Cat.getManager().getThreadLocalMessageTree().setMessageId("Cat-c0a81a38-374214-1203"); t.complete(); } }
@Test public void testTaggedTransaction() throws Exception { Transaction t = Cat.newTransaction("TaggedRoot", "Root"); Cat.newTaggedTransaction("TaggedChild", "Child1", "Tag1"); Cat.newTaggedTransaction("TaggedChild", "Child2", "Tag2"); Threads.forGroup().start(new TaggedThread(500, "Tag1")); Threads.forGroup().start(new TaggedThread(100, "Tag2")); TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(200); t.setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); t.complete(); }
@Test public void testForkedTransaction() throws Exception { Transaction t = Cat.newTransaction("ForkedRoot", "Root"); ForkedTransaction t1 = Cat.newForkedTransaction("ForkedChild", "Child1"); ForkedTransaction t2 = Cat.newForkedTransaction("ForkedChild", "Child2"); Threads.forGroup().start(new TimedThread(t1, 500)); // will run away Threads.forGroup().start(new TimedThread(t2, 100)); // will be back in time TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(200); t.setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); t.complete(); }
@Override public void run() { Transaction t = Cat.newTransaction("TaggedThread", m_tag); try { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(m_timeout); t.setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); Cat.getManager().bind(m_tag, "Child Tagged Thread"); } catch (Exception e) { Cat.logError(e); t.setStatus(e); } finally { t.complete(); } }
private int processLongSql( Machine machine, Transaction transaction, MessageTree tree, int count) { long duration = transaction.getDurationInMillis(); String domain = tree.getDomain(); long nomarizeDuration = computeLongDuration(duration, domain, m_defaultLongSqlDuration, m_longSqlThresholds); if (nomarizeDuration > 0) { String type = ProblemType.LONG_SQL.getName(); String status = transaction.getName(); Entry entry = findOrCreateEntry(machine, type, status); updateEntry(tree, entry, (int) nomarizeDuration); count++; } return count; }
@Override public void run() { boolean active = true; try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { active = false; } while (active) { Transaction t = Cat.newTransaction("AlertDatabase", TimeHelper.getMinuteStr()); long current = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { Map<String, ProductLine> productLines = m_productLineConfigManager.getCompany().getProductLines(); for (ProductLine productLine : productLines.values()) { try { if (productLine.isDatabaseMonitorDashboard()) { processProductLine(productLine); } } catch (Exception e) { Cat.logError(e); } } t.setStatus(Transaction.SUCCESS); } catch (Exception e) { t.setStatus(e); } finally { m_currentReports.clear(); m_lastReports.clear(); t.complete(); } long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - current; try { if (duration < DURATION) { Thread.sleep(DURATION - duration); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { active = false; } } }
private int[] getTransactionDurationSegments(Transaction t) { String data = t.getData().toString(); if (data.startsWith("_m=")) { int pos = data.indexOf('&'); String str; if (pos < 0) { str = data.substring(3); } else { str = data.substring(3, pos); } List<String> parts = Splitters.by(',').split(str); int len = parts.size(); int[] segments = new int[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { String part = parts.get(i); try { segments[i] = Integer.parseInt(part) * 1000; } catch (Exception e) { // ignore it } } return segments; } else if (data.startsWith("_u=")) { int pos = data.indexOf('&'); String str; if (pos < 0) { str = data.substring(3); } else { str = data.substring(3, pos); } List<String> parts = Splitters.by(',').split(str); int len = parts.size(); int[] segments = new int[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { String part = parts.get(i); try { segments[i] = Integer.parseInt(part); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore it } } return segments; } else { return null; } }
private int processTransaction(Machine machine, Transaction transaction, MessageTree tree) { int count = 0; String transactionType = transaction.getType(); if (transactionType.startsWith("Cache.")) { count = processLongCache(machine, transaction, tree, count); } else if (transactionType.equals("SQL")) { count = processLongSql(machine, transaction, tree, count); } List<Message> messageList = transaction.getChildren(); for (Message message : messageList) { if (message instanceof Transaction) { count += processTransaction(machine, (Transaction) message, tree); } } return count; }
protected int encodeMessage( MessageTree tree, Message message, ChannelBuffer buf, int level, LineCounter counter) { if (message instanceof Transaction) { Transaction transaction = (Transaction) message; List<Message> children = transaction.getChildren(); if (children.isEmpty()) { if (transaction.getDurationInMillis() < 0) { return encodeLine(tree, transaction, buf, 't', Policy.WITHOUT_STATUS, level, counter); } else { return encodeLine(tree, transaction, buf, 'A', Policy.WITH_DURATION, level, counter); } } else { int count = 0; count += encodeLine(tree, transaction, buf, 't', Policy.WITHOUT_STATUS, level, counter); for (Message child : children) { count += encodeMessage(tree, child, buf, level + 1, counter); } count += encodeLine(tree, transaction, buf, 'T', Policy.WITH_DURATION, level, counter); return count; } } else if (message instanceof Event) { String type = message.getType(); if ("RemoteCall".equals(type)) { return encodeLogViewLink(tree, message, buf, level, counter); } else { return encodeLine(tree, message, buf, 'E', Policy.DEFAULT, level, counter); } } else if (message instanceof Metric) { return encodeLine(tree, message, buf, 'M', Policy.DEFAULT, level, counter); } else if (message instanceof Heartbeat) { return encodeLine(tree, message, buf, 'H', Policy.DEFAULT, level, counter); } else { throw new RuntimeException( String.format("Unsupported message type: %s.", message.getClass())); } }
@Test public void sendException() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Transaction t = Cat.newTransaction("Midas", "XXName"); try { t.setStatus("Fail"); DefaultMessageTree tree = (DefaultMessageTree) Cat.getManager().getThreadLocalMessageTree(); tree.setDomain("rs-mapi-web"); } catch (Exception e) { t.setStatus(Transaction.SUCCESS); Cat.logError(e); throw e; } finally { t.complete(); } } Thread.sleep(10000); }
@Override public void run() { boolean active = true; try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { active = false; } while (active) { Transaction t = Cat.newTransaction("AlertApp", TimeHelper.getMinuteStr()); long current = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { MonitorRules monitorRules = m_appRuleConfigManager.getMonitorRules(); Map<String, Rule> rules = monitorRules.getRules(); for (Entry<String, Rule> entry : rules.entrySet()) { try { processRule(entry.getValue()); } catch (Exception e) { Cat.logError(e); } } t.setStatus(Transaction.SUCCESS); } catch (Exception e) { t.setStatus(e); Cat.logError(e); } finally { t.complete(); } long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - current; try { if (duration < DURATION) { Thread.sleep(DURATION - duration); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { active = false; } } }
protected List<Message> getVisibleChildren(Transaction parent) { List<Message> children = new ArrayList<Message>(); for (Message child : parent.getChildren()) { if (child instanceof Transaction) { children.add(child); } else if (child instanceof Event && "RemoteCall".equals(child.getType())) { children.add(child); } } return children; }
@Test public void sendTraceInfo() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Transaction t = Cat.newTransaction("Trace", "Test" + i); try { Cat.logTrace("Trace", "Info"); Cat.logTrace("Trace", "Dubug", Trace.SUCCESS, "sss"); Trace trace = Cat.newTrace("Trace", "Error"); trace.setStatus(Trace.SUCCESS); trace.addData("errorTrace"); t.setStatus("Fail"); } catch (Exception e) { t.setStatus(Transaction.SUCCESS); Cat.logError(e); throw e; } finally { t.complete(); } } Thread.sleep(10000); }
private int processLongCache( Machine machine, Transaction transaction, MessageTree tree, int count) { long duration = ((Transaction) transaction).getDurationInMillis(); if (duration > m_defaultCacheThreshold) { String type = ProblemType.LONG_CACHE.getName(); String status = transaction.getName(); Entry entry = findOrCreateEntry(machine, type, status); updateEntry(tree, entry, 0); count++; } return count; }
protected int calculateLines(Transaction t) { int count = 1; for (Message child : t.getChildren()) { if (child instanceof Transaction) { count += calculateLines((Transaction) child); } else if (child instanceof Event) { if (child.getType().equals("RemoteCall")) { count++; } } } return count; }
@Test public void sendLongCacheTransaction() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Transaction t = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("Cache.kvdb", "Method6"); Cat.getProducer().newEvent("PigeonService.client", ""); t.addData("key and value"); Thread.sleep(11); Transaction t2 = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("Cache.local", "Method"); Cat.getProducer().newEvent("PigeonService.client", ""); t2.addData("key and value"); Thread.sleep(11); t2.complete(); t.complete(); } }
@Test public void sendMaxMessage() throws Exception { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); int i = 10; while (i > 0) { i++; Transaction total = Cat.newTransaction("Cat", "Test"); Transaction t = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("Cache.kvdb", "Method" + i % 10); t.setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); Cat.getProducer().newEvent("Cache.kvdb", "Method" + i % 10 + ":missed"); t.addData("key and value"); Transaction t2 = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("Cache.web", "Method" + i % 10); Cat.getProducer().newEvent("Cache.web", "Method" + i % 10 + ":missed"); t2.addData("key and value"); t2.setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); t2.complete(); Transaction t3 = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("Cache.memcached", "Method" + i % 10); t3.addData("key and value"); t3.setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); t3.complete(); Transaction t4 = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("Cache.memcached", "Method" + i % 10); t4.addData("key and value"); t4.setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); t4.complete(); Transaction t5 = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("Cache.memcached", "Method" + i % 10); t5.addData("key and value"); t5.setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); t5.complete(); Transaction t6 = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("Cache.memcached", "Method" + i % 10); t6.addData("key and value"); t6.setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); t6.complete(); Transaction t7 = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("Cache.memcached", "Method" + i % 10); t7.addData("key and value"); t7.setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); t7.complete(); Transaction t8 = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("Cache.memcached", "Method" + i % 10); t8.addData("key and value"); t8.setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); t8.complete(); Transaction t9 = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("Cache.memcached", "Method" + i % 10); t9.addData("key and value"); t9.setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); t9.complete(); t.complete(); total.setStatus(Transaction.SUCCESS); t.complete(); if (i % 10000 == 0) { long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - time; System.out.println( "[" + duration + "ms]" + "[total]" + i + "[每秒" + i / duration * 1000 + "]"); } } Thread.sleep(10 * 1000); }
@Test public void sendCacheTransactionWithMissed() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 130; i++) { Transaction t = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("Cache.kvdb", "Method" + i % 10); Cat.getProducer().newEvent("Cache.kvdb", "Method" + i % 10 + ":missed"); t.addData("key and value"); Transaction t2 = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("Cache.web", "Method" + i % 10); Cat.getProducer().newEvent("Cache.web", "Method" + i % 10 + ":missed"); t2.addData("key and value"); Thread.sleep(2); t2.complete(); t.complete(); Transaction t3 = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("Cache.memcached", "Method" + i % 10); t3.addData("key and value"); Thread.sleep(3); t3.complete(); } Transaction t2 = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("Cache.web", "Method"); t2.addData("key and value"); Thread.sleep(2); t2.complete(); Thread.sleep(1000); }
protected int encodeTransactionLine( MessageTree tree, Transaction t, ChannelBuffer buf, Locator locator, Ruler ruler) { BufferHelper helper = m_bufferHelper; XmlBuilder b = new XmlBuilder(); int width = 6; int height = 18; int x = 0; int y = locator.getLine() * height + ruler.getOffsetY(); String tid = "t" + locator.getLine(); long t0 = tree.getMessage().getTimestamp(); long t1 = t.getTimestamp(); int rx = ruler.calcX((t1 - t0) * 1000); int rw = ruler.calcWidth(t.getDurationInMicros() * 1000); int[] segments = getTransactionDurationSegments(t); b.branch(locator, x, y, width, height); x += locator.getLevel() * width; if (t.getStatus().equals("0")) { b.tag1("text", "x", x, "y", y - 5, "font-weight", "bold", "stroke-width", "0"); } else { b.tag1("text", "x", x, "y", y - 5, "font-weight", "bold", "stroke-width", "0", "fill", "red"); } b.add(t.getType()).newLine(); b.tag( "set", "attributeName", "fill", "to", "red", "begin", tid + ".mouseover", "end", tid + ".mouseout"); b.tag2("text"); if (segments == null) { String durationInMillis = String.format("%.2f %s", t.getDurationInMicros() / 1000.0, t.getName()); b.tag( "rect", "x", rx + 1, "y", y - 15, "width", rw, "height", height - 2, "fill", "#0066ff", "opacity", "0.5"); b.tagWithText( "text", durationInMillis, "x", rx + 5, "y", y - 3, "font-size", "11", "stroke-width", "0"); } else { int index = 0; for (int segment : segments) { int w = ruler.calcWidth(segment); String durationInMillis = String.format("%.2f %s", segment / 1000.0 / 1000.0, index == 0 ? t.getName() : ""); String color = m_colors[index % m_colors.length]; b.tag( "rect", "x", rx + 1, "y", y - 15, "width", w, "height", height - 2, "fill", color, "opacity", "0.5"); b.tagWithText( "text", durationInMillis, "x", rx + 5, "y", y - 3, "font-size", "11", "stroke-width", "0"); index++; rx += w; } } b.tag( "rect", "id", tid, "x", ruler.getOffsetX() + 1, "y", y - 15, "width", ruler.getWidth(), "height", height, "fill", "#ffffff", "stroke-width", "0", "opacity", "0.01"); return helper.write(buf, b.getResult().toString()); }
@Test public void sendPigeonClientTransaction() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Transaction t = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("PigeonCall", "Method3"); Cat.getProducer().newEvent("PigeonCall.server", "192.168.64." + i + ":2280"); t.addData("key and value"); Thread.sleep(1); t.complete(); } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Transaction t = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("PigeonCall", "Method3"); Cat.getProducer().newEvent("PigeonCall.server", ""); t.addData("key and value"); Thread.sleep(1); t.complete(); } for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { Transaction t = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("PigeonCall", "Method3"); Cat.getProducer().newEvent("PigeonCall.server", ""); Cat.getProducer().logEvent("RemoteCall", "Test", Message.SUCCESS, "MessageID"); t.addData("key and value"); Thread.sleep(1); t.complete(); } for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++) { Transaction t = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("PigeonCall", "Method3"); Cat.getProducer().newEvent("PigeonCall.server", ""); t.addData("key and value"); Thread.sleep(1); t.complete(); } Thread.sleep(100); }
@Test public void sendOtherDomainSqlTransaction() throws Exception { for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Transaction t = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("SQL", "User.select" + i % 10); Cat.getProducer().newEvent("SQL.Method", "Select").setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); Cat.getProducer() .newEvent("SQL.Database", "jdbc:mysql://" + k) .setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); t.addData("select * from hostinfo"); t.setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); Cat.getManager().getThreadLocalMessageTree().setDomain("CatDemo"); t.complete(); Transaction t2 = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("SQL", "User.insert" + i % 10); Cat.getProducer().newEvent("SQL.Method", "Update").setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); Cat.getProducer() .newEvent("SQL.Database", "jdbc:mysql://" + k) .setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); t2.addData("update * from hostinfo"); Cat.getManager().getThreadLocalMessageTree().setDomain("CatDemo"); t2.complete(); Transaction t3 = Cat.getProducer().newTransaction("SQL", "User.delete" + i % 10); Cat.getProducer().newEvent("SQL.Method", "Delete").setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); Cat.getProducer() .newEvent("SQL.Database", "jdbc:mysql://" + k) .setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); t3.addData("delete * from hostinfo"); t3.setStatus(Message.SUCCESS); Cat.getManager().getThreadLocalMessageTree().setDomain("CatDemo"); t3.complete(); } } Thread.sleep(1000); }