// String taday = PropertiesParse.parse("taday", propertiesName); // String yesterday = PropertiesParse.parse("yesterday", propertiesName); public void oper(String time, int setNum) { // 获取数据库连接配置 DBHelper.setFileName(propertiesName); String sqlBlog = "SELECT CHANNEL from wk_facebook_data_channel_date where DATETIME = '" + time + "'"; List<Map<String, Object>> list = null; try { list = DBHelper.getQueryRunner().query(sqlBlog, new MapListHandler()); System.out.println(list.size()); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(list)) { // 生成channel中间表 String sql = "SELECT e.CHANNEL, sum(`e`.`VIEWCOUNT`) AS `VIEWCOUNT`,sum(`e`.`GOODCOUNT`) AS `GOODCOUNT`,sum(`e`.`BADCOUNT`) AS `BADCOUNT`,sum(`e`.`SHARECOUNT`) AS `SHARECOUNT`,sum(`e`.`REVIEWCOUNT`) AS `REVIEWCOUNT`,count(`e`.`URL`) AS `CITEMS`,e.DATETIME from wk_facebook_data_paste e WHERE DATETIME='" + time + "' and UPLOADTIME>= DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL " + setNum + " DAY) GROUP BY CHANNEL"; List<Map<String, Object>> mapList = null; try { mapList = DBHelper.getQueryRunner().query(sql, new MapListHandler()); System.out.println(mapList.size()); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } DBUtil.addListMap(mapList, "wk_facebook_data_channel_date"); // 生成channel表 String channelSql = "SELECT a.*,a.id as top_id,d.VIEWCOUNT AS view_count, d.GOODCOUNT as good_count, d.BADCOUNT AS bad_count , d.SHARECOUNT AS share_count , d.REVIEWCOUNT as review_count ,d.CITEMS as citems_count,d.DATETIME as update_time FROM ufeng_tops as a JOIN ufeng_tops_to_channel as b on a.id= b.tops_id JOIN ufeng_tops_channel as c on c.id = b.channel_id JOIN wk_facebook_data_channel_date as d on c.code=d.channel and d.DATETIME='" + time + "'"; List<Map<String, Object>> channelMapList = null; try { channelMapList = DBHelper.getQueryRunner().query(channelSql, new MapListHandler()); System.out.println("插入ufeng_facebook_tops_class_count大小:" + channelMapList.size()); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } DBUtil.addListMapForClassCount(channelMapList, "ufeng_facebook_tops_class_count"); // 生成Tv表 new TvQueryFaceBook().oper(time); } else { System.out.println("channel 中间表 已经生成"); } // } System.out.println("操作完成!"); }
public void operNew(String time, int setNum) { // 获取数据库连接配置 DBHelper.setFileName(propertiesName); String sqlBlog = "SELECT CHANNEL from wk_facebook_data_channel_date where DATETIME = '" + time + "'"; List<Map<String, Object>> list = null; try { list = DBHelper.getQueryRunner().query(sqlBlog, new MapListHandler()); System.out.println(list.size()); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(list)) { if (time.equals("2015-08-23")) { String sql = "SELECT e.CHANNEL, sum(`e`.`VIEWCOUNT`) AS `VIEWCOUNT`,sum(`e`.`GOODCOUNT`) AS `GOODCOUNT`,sum(`e`.`BADCOUNT`) AS `BADCOUNT`,sum(`e`.`SHARECOUNT`) AS `SHARECOUNT`,sum(`e`.`REVIEWCOUNT`) AS `REVIEWCOUNT`,count(`e`.`URL`) AS `CITEMS`,e.DATETIME from wk_facebook_data_2015_35 e WHERE DATETIME='" + time + "' and UPLOADTIME>= DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL " + setNum + " DAY) GROUP BY CHANNEL"; List<Map<String, Object>> mapList = null; try { mapList = DBHelper.getQueryRunner().query(sql, new MapListHandler()); System.out.println(mapList.size()); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } DBUtil.addListMap(mapList, "wk_facebook_data_channel_date"); // 生成channel表 String channelSql = "SELECT a.*,a.id as top_id,d.VIEWCOUNT AS view_count, d.GOODCOUNT as good_count, d.BADCOUNT AS bad_count ,d.REVIEWCOUNT as review_count ,d.SHARECOUNT AS share_count ,d.CITEMS as citems_count,d.DATETIME as update_time FROM ufeng_tops as a JOIN ufeng_tops_to_channel as b on a.id= b.tops_id JOIN ufeng_tops_channel as c on c.id = b.channel_id JOIN wk_facebook_data_channel_date as d on c.code=d.channel and d.DATETIME='" + time + "'"; List<Map<String, Object>> channelMapList = null; try { channelMapList = DBHelper.getQueryRunner().query(channelSql, new MapListHandler()); System.out.println("插入ufeng_facebook_tops_class_count大小:" + channelMapList.size()); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } DBUtil.addListMapForClassCount(channelMapList, "ufeng_facebook_tops_class_count"); // 生成Tv表 new TvQueryFaceBook().oper(time); } else { Date myDate1 = null; try { myDate1 = sdf.parse(time); } catch (ParseException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } // 判断当前日期属于本年内第几周 TimeUtil tu = new TimeUtil(); intList = tu.getWeekOfYearFR(myDate1); String paramYear = String.valueOf(intList.get(0)); String paramWeek = String.valueOf(intList.get(1)); System.out.println( "查询表为:" + "wk_facebook_data_" + paramYear + "_" + paramWeek + " 传入time为:" + time); String sql = "SELECT e.CHANNEL, sum(`e`.`VIEWCOUNT`) AS `VIEWCOUNT`,sum(`e`.`GOODCOUNT`) AS `GOODCOUNT`,sum(`e`.`BADCOUNT`) AS `BADCOUNT`,sum(`e`.`SHARECOUNT`) AS `SHARECOUNT`,sum(`e`.`REVIEWCOUNT`) AS `REVIEWCOUNT`,count(`e`.`URL`) AS `CITEMS`,e.DATETIME from wk_facebook_data_" + paramYear + "_" + paramWeek + " e WHERE DATETIME='" + time + "' and UPLOADTIME>= DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL " + setNum + " DAY) GROUP BY CHANNEL"; List<Map<String, Object>> mapList = null; try { mapList = DBHelper.getQueryRunner().query(sql, new MapListHandler()); System.out.println(mapList.size()); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } DBUtil.addListMap(mapList, "wk_facebook_data_channel_date"); // 生成channel表 String channelSql = "SELECT a.*,a.id as top_id,d.VIEWCOUNT AS view_count, d.GOODCOUNT as good_count, d.BADCOUNT AS bad_count ,d.REVIEWCOUNT as review_count ,d.SHARECOUNT AS share_count ,d.CITEMS as citems_count,d.DATETIME as update_time FROM ufeng_tops as a JOIN ufeng_tops_to_channel as b on a.id= b.tops_id JOIN ufeng_tops_channel as c on c.id = b.channel_id JOIN wk_facebook_data_channel_date as d on c.code=d.channel and d.DATETIME='" + time + "'"; List<Map<String, Object>> channelMapList = null; try { channelMapList = DBHelper.getQueryRunner().query(channelSql, new MapListHandler()); System.out.println(channelMapList.size()); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } DBUtil.addListMapForClassCount(channelMapList, "ufeng_facebook_tops_class_count"); // 生成Tv表 new TvQueryFaceBook().oper(time); } } else { System.out.println("channel 中间表 已经生成"); } // } System.out.println("操作完成!"); }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void operFromTemp(String time, int setNum) { Date myDate1 = null; Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); try { myDate1 = sdf.parse(time); } catch (ParseException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } // 判断当前日期属于本年内第几周 TimeUtil tu = new TimeUtil(); intList = tu.getWeekOfYearFR(myDate1); String paramYear = String.valueOf(intList.get(0)); String paramWeek = String.valueOf(intList.get(1)); cal.setTime(myDate1); String month = String.valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1); System.out.println( "当前时间为:" + paramYear + "年" + month + "月" + paramWeek + " 周... 传入time为:" + time); // 根据今天时间获取上月时间 Date lastMonth = new Date(); String lastMonthStr = null; cal.setTime(myDate1); cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1); lastMonth = cal.getTime(); lastMonthStr = String.valueOf(lastMonth.getMonth() + 1); cal.set(Calendar.DATE, 1); cal.roll(Calendar.DATE, -1); // System.out.println("此月最后一天为:"+); int totalDay = cal.get(Calendar.DATE); System.out.println("上个月为:" + lastMonthStr + "月,本月共有" + totalDay + "天"); // 获取数据库连接配置 DBHelper.setFileName(propertiesName); try { String channelJudge = "SELECT month from ufeng_ggplus_tops_tv_count_month where month='" + lastMonthStr + "' limit 0,10"; List<Map<String, Object>> judgeMapList = null; judgeMapList = DBHelper.getQueryRunner().query(channelJudge, new MapListHandler()); if (judgeMapList != null && judgeMapList.size() > 1) { System.out.println("已生成" + lastMonthStr + "月数据!!!"); } else { // 生成channel展示表 String channelSql = "SELECT a.*,a.id as top_id,b.month as month," + "sum(b.view_count) as view_count,sum(b.view_count_interval) as view_count_interval," + "sum(b.good_count) as good_count ,sum(b.good_count_interval) as good_count_interval," + "sum(b.bad_count) as bad_count,sum(b.bad_count_interval) as bad_count_interval," + "sum(b.share_count) as share_count,sum(b.share_count_interval) as share_count_interval," + "sum(b.review_count) as review_count,sum(b.review_count_interval) as review_count_interval," + "sum(b.citems_count) as citems_count,sum(b.citems_count_interval) as citems_count_interval," + "b.update_time FROM ufeng_tops as a " + "LEFT JOIN ufeng_ggplus_tops_class_count_month as b " + "ON a.id = b.pid and b.month ='" + lastMonthStr + "' WHERE a.level='1' GROUP BY id"; ; List<Map<String, Object>> channelMapList = null; channelMapList = DBHelper.getQueryRunner().query(channelSql, new MapListHandler()); System.out.println("插入ufeng_ggplus_tops_tv_count_month表大小为:" + channelMapList.size()); DBUtil.addListMapForTVCount(channelMapList, "ufeng_ggplus_tops_tv_count_month"); System.out.println("插入ufeng_ggplus_tops_tv_count_month表大小为:" + channelMapList.size()); } System.out.println("操作完成!"); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }