/** OTA Bootloader Get Flash Size Command */ public void OTAGetFlashSizeCmd(byte[] data, String checkSumType, int dataLength) { byte[] commandBytes = new byte[BootLoaderCommands.BASE_CMD_SIZE + dataLength]; int startCommand = 0x01; int dataLength1 = 0x00; commandBytes[0] = (byte) startCommand; commandBytes[1] = (byte) BootLoaderCommands.GET_FLASH_SIZE; commandBytes[2] = (byte) dataLength; commandBytes[3] = (byte) dataLength1; int dataByteLocationStart = 4; int datByteLocationEnd; for (int count = 0; count < dataLength; count++) { commandBytes[dataByteLocationStart] = data[count]; dataByteLocationStart++; } datByteLocationEnd = dataByteLocationStart; String checkSum = Integer.toHexString( BootLoaderUtils.calculateCheckSum2( Integer.parseInt(checkSumType, 16), 4, commandBytes)); long checksum = Long.parseLong(checkSum, 16); commandBytes[datByteLocationEnd] = (byte) checksum; commandBytes[datByteLocationEnd + 1] = (byte) (checksum >> 8); commandBytes[datByteLocationEnd + 2] = (byte) BootLoaderCommands.PACKET_END; Logger.e("OTAGetFlashSizeCmd"); BluetoothLeService.writeOTABootLoaderCommand(mOTACharacteristic, commandBytes); }
/* * * OTA Bootloader Program row Command * */ public void OTAProgramRowCmd( long rowMSB, long rowLSB, int arrayID, byte[] data, String checkSumType) { int COMMAND_DATA_SIZE = 3; int totalSize = BootLoaderCommands.BASE_CMD_SIZE + COMMAND_DATA_SIZE + data.length; int checksum; int i; byte[] commandBytes = new byte[totalSize]; int startCommand = 0x01; commandBytes[0] = (byte) startCommand; commandBytes[1] = (byte) BootLoaderCommands.PROGRAM_ROW; commandBytes[2] = (byte) (data.length + COMMAND_DATA_SIZE); commandBytes[3] = (byte) ((int) ((data.length + COMMAND_DATA_SIZE) >> 8)); commandBytes[4] = (byte) arrayID; commandBytes[5] = (byte) rowMSB; commandBytes[6] = (byte) rowLSB; for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) commandBytes[i + 7] = data[i]; checksum = BootLoaderUtils.calculateCheckSum2( Integer.parseInt(checkSumType, 16), data.length + 7, commandBytes); commandBytes[totalSize - 3] = (byte) checksum; commandBytes[totalSize - 2] = (byte) (checksum >> 8); commandBytes[totalSize - 1] = (byte) BootLoaderCommands.PACKET_END; Logger.e("OTAProgramRowCmd send size--->" + commandBytes.length); BluetoothLeService.writeOTABootLoaderCommand(mOTACharacteristic, commandBytes); }
private void checkConnectionStatus() { if (BluetoothLeService.getConnectionState() == 0) { // Guiding the user back to profile scanning fragment Intent intent = getActivity().getIntent(); getActivity().finish(); getActivity().overridePendingTransition(R.anim.slide_left, R.anim.push_left); startActivity(intent); getActivity().overridePendingTransition(R.anim.slide_right, R.anim.push_right); } }
/* * * OTA Verify CheckSum Command * */ public void OTAVerifyCheckSumCmd(String checkSumType) { int checksum; byte[] commandBytes = new byte[BootLoaderCommands.BASE_CMD_SIZE]; int startCommand = 0x01; commandBytes[0] = (byte) startCommand; commandBytes[1] = (byte) BootLoaderCommands.VERIFY_CHECK_SUM; commandBytes[2] = (byte) (0); commandBytes[3] = (byte) (0); checksum = BootLoaderUtils.calculateCheckSum2( Integer.parseInt(checkSumType, 16), BootLoaderCommands.BASE_CMD_SIZE - 3, commandBytes); commandBytes[4] = (byte) checksum; commandBytes[5] = (byte) (checksum >> 8); commandBytes[6] = (byte) BootLoaderCommands.PACKET_END; Logger.e("OTAVerifyCheckSumCmd"); BluetoothLeService.writeOTABootLoaderCommand(mOTACharacteristic, commandBytes); }
/** * OTA Bootloader enter command method * * @param checkSumType */ public void OTAEnterBootLoaderCmd(String checkSumType) { int startCommand = 0x01; int dataLength0 = 0x00; int dataLength1 = 0x00; byte[] commandBytes = new byte[7]; commandBytes[0] = (byte) startCommand; commandBytes[1] = (byte) BootLoaderCommands.ENTER_BOOTLOADER; commandBytes[2] = (byte) dataLength0; commandBytes[3] = (byte) dataLength1; String checkSum = Integer.toHexString( BootLoaderUtils.calculateCheckSum2( Integer.parseInt(checkSumType, 16), 4, commandBytes)); long checksum = Long.parseLong(checkSum, 16); commandBytes[4] = (byte) checksum; commandBytes[5] = (byte) (checksum >> 8); commandBytes[6] = (byte) BootLoaderCommands.PACKET_END; Logger.e("OTAEnterBootLoaderCmd"); BluetoothLeService.writeOTABootLoaderCommand(mOTACharacteristic, commandBytes); }
/* * * Exit BootloaderCommand * * */ public void OTAExitBootloaderCmd(String checkSumType) { int COMMAND_DATA_SIZE = 0x00; int COMMAND_SIZE = BootLoaderCommands.BASE_CMD_SIZE + COMMAND_DATA_SIZE; int checksum; byte[] commandBytes = new byte[BootLoaderCommands.BASE_CMD_SIZE]; int startCommand = 0x01; commandBytes[0] = (byte) startCommand; commandBytes[1] = (byte) BootLoaderCommands.EXIT_BOOTLOADER; commandBytes[2] = (byte) (COMMAND_DATA_SIZE); commandBytes[3] = (byte) (COMMAND_DATA_SIZE >> 8); checksum = BootLoaderUtils.calculateCheckSum2( Integer.parseInt(checkSumType, 16), COMMAND_SIZE - 3, commandBytes); commandBytes[4] = (byte) checksum; commandBytes[5] = (byte) (checksum >> 8); commandBytes[6] = (byte) BootLoaderCommands.PACKET_END; Logger.e("OTAExitBootloaderCmd"); BluetoothLeService.writeOTABootLoaderCommand(mOTACharacteristic, commandBytes, true); }
public void OTAProgramRowSendDataCmd(byte[] data, String checksumType) { int totalSize = BootLoaderCommands.BASE_CMD_SIZE + data.length; int checksum; int i; byte[] commandBytes = new byte[totalSize]; int startCommand = 0x01; commandBytes[0] = (byte) startCommand; commandBytes[1] = (byte) BootLoaderCommands.SEND_DATA; commandBytes[2] = (byte) (data.length); commandBytes[3] = (byte) ((int) ((data.length) >> 8)); for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) commandBytes[i + 4] = data[i]; checksum = BootLoaderUtils.calculateCheckSum2( Integer.parseInt(checksumType, 16), data.length + 4, commandBytes); commandBytes[totalSize - 3] = (byte) checksum; commandBytes[totalSize - 2] = (byte) (checksum >> 8); commandBytes[totalSize - 1] = (byte) BootLoaderCommands.PACKET_END; Logger.e("OTAProgramRowSendDataCmd Send size--->" + commandBytes.length); BluetoothLeService.writeOTABootLoaderCommand(mOTACharacteristic, commandBytes); }
/* * * OTA Bootloader Verify row Command * */ public void OTAVerifyRowCmd( long rowMSB, long rowLSB, OTAFlashRowModel model, String checkSumType) { int COMMAND_DATA_SIZE = 3; int COMMAND_SIZE = BootLoaderCommands.BASE_CMD_SIZE + COMMAND_DATA_SIZE; int checksum; byte[] commandBytes = new byte[COMMAND_SIZE]; int startCommand = 0x01; commandBytes[0] = (byte) startCommand; commandBytes[1] = (byte) BootLoaderCommands.VERIFY_ROW; commandBytes[2] = (byte) (COMMAND_DATA_SIZE); commandBytes[3] = (byte) (COMMAND_DATA_SIZE >> 8); commandBytes[4] = (byte) model.mArrayId; commandBytes[5] = (byte) rowMSB; commandBytes[6] = (byte) rowLSB; checksum = BootLoaderUtils.calculateCheckSum2( Integer.parseInt(checkSumType, 16), COMMAND_SIZE - 3, commandBytes); commandBytes[7] = (byte) checksum; commandBytes[8] = (byte) (checksum >> 8); commandBytes[9] = (byte) BootLoaderCommands.PACKET_END; Logger.e("OTAVerifyRowCmd"); BluetoothLeService.writeOTABootLoaderCommand(mOTACharacteristic, commandBytes); }