/** * Handles the event of an option being selected. * * @param evt, the event associated with the option being selected. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { Object source = evt.getSource(); if (source.equals(miMenuItemShow)) { UITagUsageDialog dlg = new UITagUsageDialog(code, oParent); dlg.setVisible(true); } else if (source.equals(miMenuItemEdit)) { IModel model = ProjectCompendium.APP.getModel(); String sOldName = code.getName(); String sNewName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( LanguageProperties.getString( LanguageProperties.TAGS_BUNDLE, "UITagTreeLeafPopupMenu.edittagname"), sOldName); //$NON-NLS-1$ sNewName = sNewName.trim(); if (!sNewName.equals("")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ try { String sCodeID = code.getId(); // CHECK NAME DOES NOT ALREADY EXIST if (model.codeNameExists(sCodeID, sNewName)) { ProjectCompendium.APP.displayMessage( LanguageProperties.getString( LanguageProperties.TAGS_BUNDLE, "UITagTreeLeafPopupMenu.tagexists") + "\n\n" + sNewName + LanguageProperties.getString( LanguageProperties.TAGS_BUNDLE, "UITagTreeLeafPopupMenu.pleasetryagain") + "\n\n", LanguageProperties.getString( LanguageProperties.TAGS_BUNDLE, "UITagTreeLeafPopupMenu.tagmaintenance")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // //$NON-NLS-3$ } else { code.initialize(model.getSession(), model); code.setName(sNewName); // Updates Database and model as model holds same object. oParent.updateTreeData(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ProjectCompendium.APP.displayError( "UITagTreeLeafPopupMenu.editTagName\n\n" + ex.getMessage()); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } } else if (source.equals(miMenuItemDelete)) { oParent.onDeleteCode(code); } else if (source.equals(miMenuItemRemove)) { oParent.onRemoveCodeFromGroup(code, sGroupID); } else if (source.equals(miMenuItemRemoveTag)) { oParent.onRemoveCodeFromNodes(code); } }
/** Update the arrow head type on the currently selected links. */ private void onUpdateArrowType(int nArrowType) { if (!bJustSetting) { UIViewFrame frame = ProjectCompendium.APP.getCurrentFrame(); Model oModel = (Model) ProjectCompendium.APP.getModel(); if (frame instanceof UIMapViewFrame) { Vector vtUpdateLinks = new Vector(); UIMapViewFrame oMapFrame = (UIMapViewFrame) frame; UIViewPane pane = oMapFrame.getViewPane(); UILink link = null; LinkProperties props = null; for (Enumeration e = pane.getSelectedLinks(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { link = (UILink) e.nextElement(); props = link.getLinkProperties(); if (nArrowType != props.getArrowType()) { vtUpdateLinks.addElement(props); } } if (vtUpdateLinks.size() > 0) { try { ((ViewService) oModel.getViewService()) .setArrowType( oModel.getSession(), pane.getView().getId(), vtUpdateLinks, nArrowType); int count = vtUpdateLinks.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { props = (LinkProperties) vtUpdateLinks.elementAt(i); props.setArrowType(nArrowType); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ProjectCompendium.APP.displayError( LanguageProperties.getString( LanguageProperties.TOOLBARS_BUNDLE, "UIToolBarFormatLink.unableUpdateArrowType") + ":\n\n" + ex.getMessage()); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } } } }
/** * Create the model and the meeting data for the given meeting id. * * @param oMeeting the object holding the meeting data. * @param model the model to add the data to. */ public synchronized void addMeetingData(Meeting oMeeting, com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model model) { Resource meeting = model.createResource(oMeeting.getMeetingID()); meeting.addProperty( model.createProperty(MEETING_NS, "has-transcription"), model.createResource( oMeeting.getMeetingID() + "-" + oMeeting.getMeetingMapID())); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // Define the map owner, 'person', Reource and add their type, name, and if Compendium created // (always 'true'). UserProfile oUser = oMeeting.getUser(); if (oUser == null) { oUser = ProjectCompendium.APP.getModel().getUserProfile(); } Resource person = model.createResource(MEMETIC_STUB + oUser.getId()); person.addProperty( model.createProperty(RDF_NS, "type"), model.createResource(PORTAL_NS + "Person")); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ person.addProperty( model.createProperty(PORTAL_NS, "full-name"), oUser.getUserName()); // $NON-NLS-1$ person.addProperty( model.createProperty(MEMETIC_NS, "is-compendium-created"), "true"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // UPLOAD THE DATA ABOUT THE MEETING MAP NODE ITSELF MeetingEvent oMeetingEvent = new MeetingEvent( oMeeting.getMeetingID(), false, MeetingEvent.NODE_ADDED_EVENT, (View) oMeeting.getMapNode(), oMeeting.getMapNode()); addNode(oMeetingEvent, model); }
/** * Does Nothing * * @param selected, true to enable, false to disable. */ public void setNodeOrLinkSelected(boolean selected) { if (tbrToolBar != null) { UIViewFrame frame = ProjectCompendium.APP.getCurrentFrame(); if (selected && frame instanceof UIMapViewFrame) { UIMapViewFrame oMapFrame = (UIMapViewFrame) frame; UIViewPane pane = oMapFrame.getViewPane(); int nLinkCount = pane.getNumberOfSelectedLinks(); if (nLinkCount == 0) return; bJustSetting = true; int i = 0; UILink link = null; LinkProperties linkProps = null; boolean bDefaultLinkStyle = false; boolean bDefaultLinkDashed = false; boolean bDefaultLinkWeight = false; boolean bDefaultLinkColour = false; boolean bDefaultArrowType = false; LinkProperties defaultprops = UIUtilities.getLinkProperties(""); int linkstyle = defaultprops.getLinkStyle(); int linkdashed = defaultprops.getLinkDashed(); int linkweight = defaultprops.getLinkWeight(); int linkcolour = defaultprops.getLinkColour(); int arrowtype = defaultprops.getArrowType(); for (Enumeration e = pane.getSelectedLinks(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { link = (UILink) e.nextElement(); linkProps = link.getLinkProperties(); if (i == 0) { linkstyle = linkProps.getLinkStyle(); linkdashed = linkProps.getLinkDashed(); linkweight = linkProps.getLinkWeight(); linkcolour = linkProps.getLinkColour(); arrowtype = linkProps.getArrowType(); i++; } else { if (arrowtype != linkProps.getArrowType()) { bDefaultArrowType = true; } if (linkstyle != linkProps.getLinkStyle()) { bDefaultLinkStyle = true; } if (linkdashed != linkProps.getLinkDashed()) { bDefaultLinkDashed = true; } if (linkweight != linkProps.getLinkWeight()) { bDefaultLinkWeight = true; } if (linkcolour != linkProps.getLinkColour()) { bDefaultLinkColour = true; } } } tbrToolBar.setEnabled(true); if (bDefaultLinkColour) { selectedLinkColour = new Color(defaultprops.getLinkColour()); } else { selectedLinkColour = new Color(linkcolour); } linkColourPanel.setEnabled(true); txtLinkColour.setEnabled(true); cbLineWeight.setEnabled(true); if (bDefaultLinkWeight) { cbLineWeight.setSelectedIndex(defaultprops.getLinkWeight() - 1); } else { cbLineWeight.setSelectedIndex(linkweight - 1); } cbArrows.setEnabled(true); if (bDefaultArrowType) { cbArrows.setSelectedIndex(defaultprops.getArrowType()); } else { cbArrows.setSelectedIndex(arrowtype); } cbLinkStyle.setEnabled(true); if (bDefaultLinkStyle) { cbLinkStyle.setSelectedIndex(defaultprops.getLinkStyle()); } else { cbLinkStyle.setSelectedIndex(linkstyle); } cbLinkDashed.setEnabled(true); if (bDefaultLinkDashed) { cbLinkDashed.setSelectedIndex(defaultprops.getLinkDashed()); } else { cbLinkDashed.setSelectedIndex(linkdashed); } bJustSetting = false; } else if (!selected) { bJustSetting = true; linkColourPanel.setEnabled(false); txtLinkColour.setEnabled(false); tbrToolBar.setEnabled(false); cbArrows.setEnabled(false); cbLineWeight.setEnabled(false); cbLinkStyle.setEnabled(false); cbLinkDashed.setEnabled(false); bJustSetting = false; } } }