@Override protected void allocateVnet( Network network, NetworkVO implemented, long dcId, long physicalNetworkId, String reservationId) throws InsufficientVirtualNetworkCapcityException { if (network.getBroadcastUri() == null) { String vnet = _dcDao.allocateVnet( dcId, physicalNetworkId, network.getAccountId(), reservationId, UseSystemGuestVlans.valueIn(network.getAccountId())); if (vnet == null) { throw new InsufficientVirtualNetworkCapcityException( "Unable to allocate vnet as a part of network " + network + " implement ", DataCenter.class, dcId); } implemented.setBroadcastUri(BroadcastDomainType.Vswitch.toUri(vnet)); ActionEventUtils.onCompletedActionEvent( CallContext.current().getCallingUserId(), network.getAccountId(), EventVO.LEVEL_INFO, EventTypes.EVENT_ZONE_VLAN_ASSIGN, "Assigned Zone Vlan: " + vnet + " Network Id: " + network.getId(), 0); } else { implemented.setBroadcastUri(network.getBroadcastUri()); } }
@Override public Network design( final NetworkOffering offering, final DeploymentPlan plan, final Network userSpecified, final Account owner) { // Check of the isolation type of the related physical network is supported final PhysicalNetworkVO physnet = physicalNetworkDao.findById(plan.getPhysicalNetworkId()); final DataCenter dc = _dcDao.findById(plan.getDataCenterId()); if (!canHandle(offering, dc.getNetworkType(), physnet)) { s_logger.debug("Refusing to design this network"); return null; } final List<NiciraNvpDeviceVO> devices = niciraNvpDao.listByPhysicalNetwork(physnet.getId()); if (devices.isEmpty()) { s_logger.error("No NiciraNvp Controller on physical network " + physnet.getName()); return null; } s_logger.debug( "Nicira Nvp " + devices.get(0).getUuid() + " found on physical network " + physnet.getId()); s_logger.debug( "Physical isolation type is supported, asking GuestNetworkGuru to design this network"); final NetworkVO networkObject = (NetworkVO) super.design(offering, plan, userSpecified, owner); if (networkObject == null) { return null; } networkObject.setBroadcastDomainType(BroadcastDomainType.Lswitch); return networkObject; }
/** * @param networks * @param offerings * @throws ConcurrentOperationException */ private void mockMgrs() throws ConcurrentOperationException { final Service service = Service.Connectivity; testNetwork.setState(Network.State.Implementing); testNetwork.setTrafficType(TrafficType.Guest); when(_networkMdl.isProviderEnabledInPhysicalNetwork(0L, "VirtualRouter")).thenReturn(true); when(_networkMdl.isProviderSupportServiceInNetwork( testNetwork.getId(), service, Network.Provider.VirtualRouter)) .thenReturn(true); when(_networkMdl.isProviderForNetwork(Network.Provider.VirtualRouter, 0L)).thenReturn(true); when(testVMProfile.getType()).thenReturn(VirtualMachine.Type.User); when(testVMProfile.getHypervisorType()).thenReturn(HypervisorType.XenServer); final List<NetworkVO> networks = new ArrayList<NetworkVO>(1); networks.add(testNetwork); final List<NetworkOfferingVO> offerings = new ArrayList<NetworkOfferingVO>(1); offerings.add(testOffering); doReturn(offerings) .when(_networkModel) .getSystemAccountNetworkOfferings(NetworkOffering.SystemControlNetwork); doReturn(networks) .when(_networkMgr) .setupNetwork( any(Account.class), any(NetworkOffering.class), any(DeploymentPlan.class), any(String.class), any(String.class), anyBoolean()); // being anti-social and testing my own case first doReturn(HypervisorType.XenServer).when(_resourceMgr).getDefaultHypervisor(anyLong()); doReturn(new AccountVO()).when(_accountMgr).getAccount(testNetwork.getAccountId()); }
public DomainRouterVO deployLoadBalancerVM(Long networkId, IPAddressVO ipAddr, Long accountId) { NetworkVO network = _networkDao.findById(networkId); DataCenter dc = _dcDao.findById(network.getDataCenterId()); Long podId = getPodIdForDirectIp(ipAddr); Pod pod = podId == null ? null : _podDao.findById(podId); Map<VirtualMachineProfile.Param, Object> params = new HashMap<VirtualMachineProfile.Param, Object>(1); params.put(VirtualMachineProfile.Param.ReProgramGuestNetworks, true); Account owner = _accountService.getActiveAccountByName("system", new Long(1)); DeployDestination dest = new DeployDestination(dc, pod, null, null); s_logger.debug("About to deploy ELB vm "); try { DomainRouterVO elbVm = deployELBVm(network, dest, owner, params); if (elbVm == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Could not deploy or find existing ELB VM"); } s_logger.debug("Deployed ELB vm = " + elbVm); return elbVm; } catch (Throwable t) { s_logger.warn("Error while deploying ELB VM: ", t); return null; } }
/** @param network */ private void mockDAOs(final NetworkVO network, final NetworkOfferingVO offering) { when(_networkDao.acquireInLockTable( network.getId(), NetworkOrchestrationService.NetworkLockTimeout.value())) .thenReturn(network); when(_networksDao.acquireInLockTable( network.getId(), NetworkOrchestrationService.NetworkLockTimeout.value())) .thenReturn(network); when(_physicalProviderDao.findByServiceProvider(0L, "VirtualRouter")) .thenReturn(new PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO()); when(_vrProviderDao.findByNspIdAndType(0L, Type.VirtualRouter)) .thenReturn(new VirtualRouterProviderVO()); when(_networkOfferingDao.findById(0L)).thenReturn(offering); // watchit: (in this test) there can be only one when(_routerDao.getNextInSequence(Long.class, "id")).thenReturn(0L); final ServiceOfferingVO svcoff = new ServiceOfferingVO( "name", /* cpu */ 1, /* ramsize */ 1024 * 1024, /* (clock?)speed */ 1024 * 1024 * 1024, /* rateMbps */ 1, /* multicastRateMbps */ 0, /* offerHA */ false, "displayText", ProvisioningType.THIN, /* useLocalStorage */ false, /* recreatable */ false, "tags", /* systemUse */ false, VirtualMachine.Type.DomainRouter, /* defaultUse */ false); when(_serviceOfferingDao.findById(0L)).thenReturn(svcoff); final DomainRouterVO router = new DomainRouterVO( /* id */ 1L, /* serviceOfferingId */ 1L, /* elementId */ 0L, "name", /* templateId */ 0L, HypervisorType.XenServer, /* guestOSId */ 0L, /* domainId */ 0L, /* accountId */ 1L, /* userId */ 1L, /* isRedundantRouter */ false, RedundantState.UNKNOWN, /* haEnabled */ false, /* stopPending */ false, /* vpcId */ null); when(_routerDao.getNextInSequence(Long.class, "id")).thenReturn(1L); when(_templateDao.findRoutingTemplate( HypervisorType.XenServer, "SystemVM Template (XenServer)")) .thenReturn(new VMTemplateVO()); when(_routerDao.persist(any(DomainRouterVO.class))).thenReturn(router); when(_routerDao.findById(router.getId())).thenReturn(router); }
@Override public void shutdown(NetworkProfile profile, NetworkOffering offering) { NetworkVO networkObject = _networkDao.findById(profile.getId()); if (networkObject.getBroadcastDomainType() != BroadcastDomainType.Vswitch || networkObject.getBroadcastUri() == null) { s_logger.warn( "BroadcastUri is empty or incorrect for guestnetwork " + networkObject.getDisplayText()); return; } super.shutdown(profile, offering); }
@Override public boolean applyDefaultEgressFirewallRule(Long networkId, boolean defaultPolicy) throws ResourceUnavailableException { if (defaultPolicy == false) { // If default policy is false no need apply rules on backend because firewall provider blocks // by default return true; } s_logger.debug("applying default firewall egress rules "); NetworkVO network = _networkDao.findById(networkId); List<String> sourceCidr = new ArrayList<String>(); sourceCidr.add(NetUtils.ALL_CIDRS); FirewallRuleVO ruleVO = new FirewallRuleVO( null, null, null, null, "all", networkId, network.getAccountId(), network.getDomainId(), Purpose.Firewall, sourceCidr, null, null, null, FirewallRule.TrafficType.Egress, FirewallRuleType.System); List<FirewallRuleVO> rules = new ArrayList<FirewallRuleVO>(); rules.add(ruleVO); try { // this is not required to store in db because we don't to add this rule along with the normal // rules if (!applyRules(rules, false, false)) { return false; } } catch (ResourceUnavailableException ex) { s_logger.warn("Failed to apply default egress rules for guest network due to ", ex); return false; } return true; }
@Override public void shutdown(final NetworkProfile profile, final NetworkOffering offering) { final NetworkVO networkObject = networkDao.findById(profile.getId()); if (networkObject.getBroadcastDomainType() != BroadcastDomainType.Lswitch || networkObject.getBroadcastUri() == null) { s_logger.warn( "BroadcastUri is empty or incorrect for guestnetwork " + networkObject.getDisplayText()); return; } final List<NiciraNvpDeviceVO> devices = niciraNvpDao.listByPhysicalNetwork(networkObject.getPhysicalNetworkId()); if (devices.isEmpty()) { s_logger.error( "No NiciraNvp Controller on physical network " + networkObject.getPhysicalNetworkId()); return; } final NiciraNvpDeviceVO niciraNvpDevice = devices.get(0); final HostVO niciraNvpHost = hostDao.findById(niciraNvpDevice.getHostId()); final DeleteLogicalSwitchCommand cmd = new DeleteLogicalSwitchCommand( BroadcastDomainType.getValue(networkObject.getBroadcastUri())); final DeleteLogicalSwitchAnswer answer = (DeleteLogicalSwitchAnswer) agentMgr.easySend(niciraNvpHost.getId(), cmd); if (answer == null || !answer.getResult()) { s_logger.error("DeleteLogicalSwitchCommand failed"); } super.shutdown(profile, offering); }
@Override public boolean release( NicProfile nic, VirtualMachineProfile<? extends VirtualMachine> vm, String reservationId) { if (Boolean.parseBoolean(_configDao.getValue(Config.OvsTunnelNetwork.key()))) { return true; } NetworkVO network = _networkDao.findById(nic.getNetworkId()); if (network != null && _networkModel.networkIsConfiguredForExternalNetworking( network.getDataCenterId(), network.getId())) { return true; } else { return super.release(nic, vm, reservationId); } }
@Override public Network design( NetworkOffering offering, DeploymentPlan plan, Network userSpecified, Account owner) { PhysicalNetworkVO physnet = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(plan.getPhysicalNetworkId()); DataCenter dc = _dcDao.findById(plan.getDataCenterId()); if (!canHandle(offering, dc.getNetworkType(), physnet)) { s_logger.debug("Refusing to design this network"); return null; } NetworkVO config = (NetworkVO) super.design(offering, plan, userSpecified, owner); if (config == null) { return null; } config.setBroadcastDomainType(BroadcastDomainType.Vswitch); return config; }
@Override public boolean applyNetworkACL(long aclId) throws ResourceUnavailableException { boolean handled = true; boolean aclApplyStatus = true; List<NetworkACLItemVO> rules = _networkACLItemDao.listByACL(aclId); // Find all networks using this ACL and apply the ACL List<NetworkVO> networks = _networkDao.listByAclId(aclId); for (NetworkVO network : networks) { if (!applyACLItemsToNetwork(network.getId(), rules)) { handled = false; break; } } List<VpcGatewayVO> vpcGateways = _vpcGatewayDao.listByAclIdAndType(aclId, VpcGateway.Type.Private); for (VpcGatewayVO vpcGateway : vpcGateways) { PrivateGateway privateGateway = _vpcMgr.getVpcPrivateGateway(vpcGateway.getId()); if (!applyACLToPrivateGw(privateGateway)) { aclApplyStatus = false; s_logger.debug( "failed to apply network acl item on private gateway " + privateGateway.getId() + "acl id " + aclId); break; } } if (handled && aclApplyStatus) { for (NetworkACLItem rule : rules) { if (rule.getState() == NetworkACLItem.State.Revoke) { removeRule(rule); } else if (rule.getState() == NetworkACLItem.State.Add) { NetworkACLItemVO ruleVO = _networkACLItemDao.findById(rule.getId()); ruleVO.setState(NetworkACLItem.State.Active); _networkACLItemDao.update(ruleVO.getId(), ruleVO); } } } return handled && aclApplyStatus; }
@Override public Network design( NetworkOffering offering, DeploymentPlan plan, Network userSpecified, Account owner) { if (Boolean.parseBoolean(_configDao.getValue(Config.OvsTunnelNetwork.key()))) { return null; } NetworkVO config = (NetworkVO) super.design(offering, plan, userSpecified, owner); if (config == null) { return null; } else if (_networkModel.networkIsConfiguredForExternalNetworking( plan.getDataCenterId(), config.getId())) { /* In order to revert userSpecified network setup */ config.setState(State.Allocated); } return config; }
@Override public boolean replaceNetworkACL(NetworkACL acl, NetworkVO network) throws ResourceUnavailableException { NetworkOffering guestNtwkOff = _entityMgr.findById(NetworkOffering.class, network.getNetworkOfferingId()); if (guestNtwkOff == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException( "Can't find network offering associated with network: " + network.getUuid()); } // verify that ACLProvider is supported by network offering if (!_ntwkModel.areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering( guestNtwkOff.getId(), Service.NetworkACL)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException( "Cannot apply NetworkACL. Network Offering does not support NetworkACL service"); } if (network.getNetworkACLId() != null) { // Revoke ACL Items of the existing ACL if the new ACL is empty // Existing rules won't be removed otherwise List<NetworkACLItemVO> aclItems = _networkACLItemDao.listByACL(acl.getId()); if (aclItems == null || aclItems.isEmpty()) { s_logger.debug("New network ACL is empty. Revoke existing rules before applying ACL"); if (!revokeACLItemsForNetwork(network.getId())) { throw new CloudRuntimeException( "Failed to replace network ACL. Error while removing existing ACL items for network: " + network.getId()); } } } network.setNetworkACLId(acl.getId()); // Update Network ACL if (_networkDao.update(network.getId(), network)) { s_logger.debug( "Updated network: " + network.getId() + " with Network ACL Id: " + acl.getId() + ", Applying ACL items"); // Apply ACL to network return applyACLToNetwork(network.getId()); } return false; }
@Override public Network implement( Network network, NetworkOffering offering, DeployDestination dest, ReservationContext context) throws InsufficientVirtualNetworkCapcityException { assert (network.getState() == State.Implementing) : "Why are we implementing " + network; long dcId = dest.getDataCenter().getId(); NetworkType nwType = dest.getDataCenter().getNetworkType(); // get physical network id Long physicalNetworkId = network.getPhysicalNetworkId(); // physical network id can be null in Guest Network in Basic zone, so // locate the physical network if (physicalNetworkId == null) { physicalNetworkId = _networkModel.findPhysicalNetworkId(dcId, offering.getTags(), offering.getTrafficType()); } PhysicalNetworkVO physnet = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(physicalNetworkId); if (!canHandle(offering, nwType, physnet)) { s_logger.debug("Refusing to design this network"); return null; } NetworkVO implemented = (NetworkVO) super.implement(network, offering, dest, context); if (network.getGateway() != null) { implemented.setGateway(network.getGateway()); } if (network.getCidr() != null) { implemented.setCidr(network.getCidr()); } String name = network.getName(); if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) { name = ((NetworkVO) network).getUuid(); } // do we need to create switch right now? implemented.setBroadcastDomainType(BroadcastDomainType.Vswitch); return implemented; }
private boolean preparePxeInBasicZone( VirtualMachineProfile profile, NicProfile nic, DeployDestination dest, ReservationContext context) throws AgentUnavailableException, OperationTimedoutException { NetworkVO nwVO = _nwDao.findById(nic.getNetworkId()); QueryBuilder<BaremetalPxeVO> sc = QueryBuilder.create(BaremetalPxeVO.class); sc.and(sc.entity().getDeviceType(), Op.EQ, BaremetalPxeType.KICK_START.toString()); sc.and(sc.entity().getPhysicalNetworkId(), Op.EQ, nwVO.getPhysicalNetworkId()); BaremetalPxeVO pxeVo = sc.find(); if (pxeVo == null) { throw new CloudRuntimeException( "No kickstart PXE server found in pod: " + dest.getPod().getId() + ", you need to add it before starting VM"); } VMTemplateVO template = _tmpDao.findById(profile.getTemplateId()); List<String> tuple = parseKickstartUrl(profile); String ks = tuple.get(0); String kernel = tuple.get(1); String initrd = tuple.get(2); PrepareKickstartPxeServerCommand cmd = new PrepareKickstartPxeServerCommand(); cmd.setKsFile(ks); cmd.setInitrd(initrd); cmd.setKernel(kernel); cmd.setMac(nic.getMacAddress()); cmd.setTemplateUuid(template.getUuid()); Answer aws = _agentMgr.send(pxeVo.getHostId(), cmd); if (!aws.getResult()) { s_logger.warn( "Unable to set host: " + dest.getHost().getId() + " to PXE boot because " + aws.getDetails()); return false; } return true; }
@Override public Network implement( final Network network, final NetworkOffering offering, final DeployDestination dest, final ReservationContext context) throws InsufficientVirtualNetworkCapacityException { assert network.getState() == State.Implementing : "Why are we implementing " + network; final long dcId = dest.getDataCenter().getId(); Long physicalNetworkId = network.getPhysicalNetworkId(); // physical network id can be null in Guest Network in Basic zone, so locate the physical // network if (physicalNetworkId == null) { physicalNetworkId = networkModel.findPhysicalNetworkId(dcId, offering.getTags(), offering.getTrafficType()); } final NetworkVO implemented = new NetworkVO( network.getTrafficType(), network.getMode(), network.getBroadcastDomainType(), network.getNetworkOfferingId(), State.Allocated, network.getDataCenterId(), physicalNetworkId, offering.getRedundantRouter()); if (network.getGateway() != null) { implemented.setGateway(network.getGateway()); } if (network.getCidr() != null) { implemented.setCidr(network.getCidr()); } // Name is either the given name or the uuid String name = network.getName(); if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) { name = ((NetworkVO) network).getUuid(); } if (name.length() > MAX_NAME_LENGTH) { name = name.substring(0, MAX_NAME_LENGTH - 1); } final List<NiciraNvpDeviceVO> devices = niciraNvpDao.listByPhysicalNetwork(physicalNetworkId); if (devices.isEmpty()) { s_logger.error("No NiciraNvp Controller on physical network " + physicalNetworkId); return null; } final NiciraNvpDeviceVO niciraNvpDevice = devices.get(0); final HostVO niciraNvpHost = hostDao.findById(niciraNvpDevice.getHostId()); hostDao.loadDetails(niciraNvpHost); final String transportzoneuuid = niciraNvpHost.getDetail("transportzoneuuid"); final String transportzoneisotype = niciraNvpHost.getDetail("transportzoneisotype"); final CreateLogicalSwitchCommand cmd = new CreateLogicalSwitchCommand( transportzoneuuid, transportzoneisotype, name, context.getDomain().getName() + "-" + context.getAccount().getAccountName()); final CreateLogicalSwitchAnswer answer = (CreateLogicalSwitchAnswer) agentMgr.easySend(niciraNvpHost.getId(), cmd); if (answer == null || !answer.getResult()) { s_logger.error("CreateLogicalSwitchCommand failed"); return null; } try { implemented.setBroadcastUri(new URI("lswitch", answer.getLogicalSwitchUuid(), null)); implemented.setBroadcastDomainType(BroadcastDomainType.Lswitch); s_logger.info( "Implemented OK, network linked to = " + implemented.getBroadcastUri().toString()); } catch (final URISyntaxException e) { s_logger.error( "Unable to store logical switch id in broadcast uri, uuid = " + implemented.getUuid(), e); return null; } return implemented; }
@Override public boolean finalizeVirtualMachineProfile( VirtualMachineProfile<DomainRouterVO> profile, DeployDestination dest, ReservationContext context) { DomainRouterVO elbVm = profile.getVirtualMachine(); List<NicProfile> elbNics = profile.getNics(); Long guestNtwkId = null; for (NicProfile routerNic : elbNics) { if (routerNic.getTrafficType() == TrafficType.Guest) { guestNtwkId = routerNic.getNetworkId(); break; } } NetworkVO guestNetwork = _networkDao.findById(guestNtwkId); DataCenter dc = dest.getDataCenter(); StringBuilder buf = profile.getBootArgsBuilder(); buf.append(" template=domP type=" + _systemVmType); buf.append(" name=").append(profile.getHostName()); NicProfile controlNic = null; String defaultDns1 = null; String defaultDns2 = null; for (NicProfile nic : profile.getNics()) { int deviceId = nic.getDeviceId(); buf.append(" eth").append(deviceId).append("ip=").append(nic.getIp4Address()); buf.append(" eth").append(deviceId).append("mask=").append(nic.getNetmask()); if (nic.isDefaultNic()) { buf.append(" gateway=").append(nic.getGateway()); defaultDns1 = nic.getDns1(); defaultDns2 = nic.getDns2(); } if (nic.getTrafficType() == TrafficType.Management) { buf.append(" localgw=").append(dest.getPod().getGateway()); } else if (nic.getTrafficType() == TrafficType.Control) { // control command is sent over management network in VMware if (dest.getHost().getHypervisorType() == HypervisorType.VMware) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info( "Check if we need to add management server explicit route to ELB vm. pod cidr: " + dest.getPod().getCidrAddress() + "/" + dest.getPod().getCidrSize() + ", pod gateway: " + dest.getPod().getGateway() + ", management host: " + _mgmtHost); } if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Added management server explicit route to ELB vm."); } // always add management explicit route, for basic networking setup buf.append(" mgmtcidr=").append(_mgmtCidr); buf.append(" localgw=").append(dest.getPod().getGateway()); if (dc.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Basic) { // ask elb vm to setup SSH on guest network buf.append(" sshonguest=true"); } } controlNic = nic; } } String domain = guestNetwork.getNetworkDomain(); if (domain != null) { buf.append(" domain=" + domain); } buf.append(" dns1=").append(defaultDns1); if (defaultDns2 != null) { buf.append(" dns2=").append(defaultDns2); } if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Boot Args for " + profile + ": " + buf.toString()); } if (controlNic == null) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Didn't start a control port"); } return true; }
@Override public Network implement( Network config, NetworkOffering offering, DeployDestination dest, ReservationContext context) throws InsufficientVirtualNetworkCapcityException { assert (config.getState() == State.Implementing) : "Why are we implementing " + config; if (Boolean.parseBoolean(_configDao.getValue(Config.OvsTunnelNetwork.key()))) { return null; } if (!_networkModel.networkIsConfiguredForExternalNetworking( config.getDataCenterId(), config.getId())) { return super.implement(config, offering, dest, context); } DataCenter zone = dest.getDataCenter(); NetworkVO implemented = new NetworkVO( config.getTrafficType(), config.getMode(), config.getBroadcastDomainType(), config.getNetworkOfferingId(), State.Allocated, config.getDataCenterId(), config.getPhysicalNetworkId()); // Get a vlan tag int vlanTag; if (config.getBroadcastUri() == null) { String vnet = _dcDao.allocateVnet( zone.getId(), config.getPhysicalNetworkId(), config.getAccountId(), context.getReservationId()); try { vlanTag = Integer.parseInt(vnet); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new CloudRuntimeException( "Obtained an invalid guest vlan tag. Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } implemented.setBroadcastUri(BroadcastDomainType.Vlan.toUri(vlanTag)); ActionEventUtils.onCompletedActionEvent( UserContext.current().getCallerUserId(), config.getAccountId(), EventVO.LEVEL_INFO, EventTypes.EVENT_ZONE_VLAN_ASSIGN, "Assigned Zone Vlan: " + vnet + " Network Id: " + config.getId(), 0); } else { vlanTag = Integer.parseInt(config.getBroadcastUri().getHost()); implemented.setBroadcastUri(config.getBroadcastUri()); } // Determine the new gateway and CIDR String[] oldCidr = config.getCidr().split("/"); String oldCidrAddress = oldCidr[0]; int cidrSize = Integer.parseInt(oldCidr[1]); long newCidrAddress = (NetUtils.ip2Long(oldCidrAddress)); // if the implementing network is for vpc, no need to generate newcidr, use the cidr that came // from super cidr if (config.getVpcId() != null) { implemented.setGateway(config.getGateway()); implemented.setCidr(config.getCidr()); implemented.setState(State.Implemented); } else { // Determine the offset from the lowest vlan tag int offset = getVlanOffset(config.getPhysicalNetworkId(), vlanTag); cidrSize = getGloballyConfiguredCidrSize(); // If the offset has more bits than there is room for, return null long bitsInOffset = 32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(offset); if (bitsInOffset > (cidrSize - 8)) { throw new CloudRuntimeException( "The offset " + offset + " needs " + bitsInOffset + " bits, but only have " + (cidrSize - 8) + " bits to work with."); } newCidrAddress = (NetUtils.ip2Long(oldCidrAddress) & 0xff000000) | (offset << (32 - cidrSize)); implemented.setGateway(NetUtils.long2Ip(newCidrAddress + 1)); implemented.setCidr(NetUtils.long2Ip(newCidrAddress) + "/" + cidrSize); implemented.setState(State.Implemented); } // Mask the Ipv4 address of all nics that use this network with the new guest VLAN offset List<NicVO> nicsInNetwork = _nicDao.listByNetworkId(config.getId()); for (NicVO nic : nicsInNetwork) { if (nic.getIp4Address() != null) { long ipMask = getIpMask(nic.getIp4Address(), cidrSize); nic.setIp4Address(NetUtils.long2Ip(newCidrAddress | ipMask)); _nicDao.persist(nic); } } // Mask the destination address of all port forwarding rules in this network with the new guest // VLAN offset List<PortForwardingRuleVO> pfRulesInNetwork = _pfRulesDao.listByNetwork(config.getId()); for (PortForwardingRuleVO pfRule : pfRulesInNetwork) { if (pfRule.getDestinationIpAddress() != null) { long ipMask = getIpMask(pfRule.getDestinationIpAddress().addr(), cidrSize); String maskedDestinationIpAddress = NetUtils.long2Ip(newCidrAddress | ipMask); pfRule.setDestinationIpAddress(new Ip(maskedDestinationIpAddress)); _pfRulesDao.update(pfRule.getId(), pfRule); } } return implemented; }