private void toXml(XmppStreamWriter out, DataInstructions instructions) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { out.writeStartElement("instructions"); if (instructions.getValue() != null) out.writeCharacters(instructions.getValue()); out.writeEndElement(); // </instructions> }
private void toXml(XmppStreamWriter out, DataField field) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { out.writeStartElement("field"); if (field.getLabel() != null) out.writeAttribute("label", field.getLabel()); if (field.getType() != null) out.writeAttribute("type", field.getType()); if (field.getVar() != null) out.writeAttribute("var", field.getVar()); if (field.getDesc() != null) { out.writeStartElement("desc"); out.writeCharacters(field.getDesc()); out.writeEndElement(); // </desc> } if (field.isRequired()) { out.writeStartElement("required"); out.writeEndElement(); // </required> } DataValue[] values = field.getValue(); if (values != null) { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { DataValue value = values[i]; out.writeStartElement("value"); out.writeCharacters(value.getValue()); out.writeEndElement(); // </value> } } DataOption[] options = field.getOption(); if (options != null) { for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { toXml(out, options[i]); } } out.writeEndElement(); // </field> }
private void toXml(XmppStreamWriter out, DataOption option) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { out.writeStartElement("option"); if (option.getLabel() != null) out.writeAttribute("label", option.getLabel()); DataValue[] values = option.getValue(); if (values != null) { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { DataValue value = values[i]; out.writeStartElement("value"); out.writeCharacters(value.getValue()); out.writeEndElement(); // </value> } } out.writeEndElement(); // </option> }
/** Serializes the object to XML */ public void toXml(XmppStreamWriter out, Serializable object) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { DataForm form = (DataForm) object; out.writeStartElement("", getLocalName(), getNamespaceURI()); out.writeNamespace("", getNamespaceURI()); if (form.getType() != null) out.writeAttribute("type", form.getType()); if (form.getTitle() != null) { out.writeStartElement("title"); out.writeCharacters(form.getTitle()); out.writeEndElement(); // </title> } DataInstructions[] instructions = form.getInstructions(); if (instructions != null) { for (DataInstructions instruction : instructions) { toXml(out, instruction); } } DataField[] fields = form.getField(); if (fields != null) { for (DataField field : fields) { toXml(out, field); } } if (form.getReported() != null) toXml(out, form.getReported()); DataItem[] items = form.getItem(); if (items != null) { for (DataItem item : items) { toXml(out, item); } } out.writeEndElement(); // </form> }