/** Sets the bean info for the generator */ public void setEntityType(EntityType entityType) { _entityType = entityType; _dependencies.addAll(entityType.getDependencies()); for (int i = 0; i < _dependencies.size(); i++) Environment.addDependency(_dependencies.get(i)); }
/** Initialization. */ @PostConstruct public void init() throws ConfigException { if (getClassType() != null) { super.init(); } Environment.addEnvironmentListener(new StartListener()); }
/** Creates the database. */ public Database(Path dir) { Environment.addClassLoaderListener(new CloseListener(this)); _lifecycle.setName(toString()); if (dir != null) setPath(dir); _blockManager = BlockManager.create(); }
/** Initialize the resource. */ @PostConstruct public void init() throws Exception { if (_name == null) throw new ConfigException( L.l( "<jndi-link> configuration needs a <name>. The <name> is the JNDI name where the context will be linked.")); Class factory = _factoryClass; if (factory == null) throw new ConfigException( L.l( "<jndi-link> configuration need a <factory>. The <factory> is the class name of the InitialContextFactory bean.")); Object obj = factory.newInstance(); /* configure(obj); TypeBuilderFactory.init(obj); */ if (obj instanceof ClassLoaderListener) { ClassLoaderListener listener = (ClassLoaderListener) obj; Environment.addClassLoaderListener(listener); } if (obj instanceof EnvironmentListener) { EnvironmentListener listener = (EnvironmentListener) obj; Environment.addEnvironmentListener(listener); } Object proxy = new LinkProxy((InitialContextFactory) obj, _properties, null); if (_name.startsWith("java:comp")) Jndi.bindDeep(_name, proxy); else { Jndi.bindDeep("java:comp/env/" + _name, proxy); } }
/** Creates the deploy. */ public ExpandDeployGenerator( String id, DeployContainer<E> container, Path containerRootDirectory) { super(container); _id = id; _containerRootDirectory = containerRootDirectory; _alarm = new WeakAlarm(this); _checkInterval = Environment.getDependencyCheckInterval(); _cronInterval = Environment.getDependencyCheckInterval(); if (_cronInterval < MIN_CRON_INTERVAL) _cronInterval = MIN_CRON_INTERVAL; _loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); _deployService = DeployControllerService.getCurrent(); _deployService.addUpdateListener(this); _repository = RepositorySystem.getCurrentRepository(); _repository.addListener(id, this); }
public <T> void addDestructor(Contextual<T> comp, T value) { EnvironmentClassLoader loader = Environment.getEnvironmentClassLoader(); if (loader != null) { DestructionListener listener = (DestructionListener) loader.getAttribute("caucho.destroy"); if (listener == null) { listener = new DestructionListener(); loader.setAttribute("caucho.destroy", listener); loader.addListener(listener); } listener.addValue(comp, value); } }
/** Returns the current application scope */ public SingletonScope() { Environment.addCloseListener(_context); }
protected AbstractRolloverLog() { _rolloverListener = new RolloverAlarm(); _rolloverAlarm = new WeakAlarm(_rolloverListener); Environment.addCloseListener(this); }
/** Sets the access log. */ public void setAccessLog(AbstractAccessLog log) { _accessLog = log; Environment.setAttribute("caucho.server.access-log", log); }