protected TraceFormatting traces() { TraceFormatting traces = new TraceFormatting(); try { traces = RandomizedContext.current().getRunner().getTraceFormatting(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // Ignore if no context. } return traces; }
@Test public void testDeadlock() throws Exception { LuceneTestCase.assumeFalse( "This test fails on UNIX with Turkish default locale (", new Locale("tr").getLanguage().equals(Locale.getDefault().getLanguage())); // pick random codec names for stress test in separate process: final Random rnd = RandomizedContext.current().getRandom(); Set<String> avail; final String codecName = new ArrayList<>(avail = Codec.availableCodecs()).get(rnd.nextInt(avail.size())); final String pfName = new ArrayList<>(avail = PostingsFormat.availablePostingsFormats()) .get(rnd.nextInt(avail.size())); final String dvfName = new ArrayList<>(avail = DocValuesFormat.availableDocValuesFormats()) .get(rnd.nextInt(avail.size())); // spawn separate JVM: final Process p = new ProcessBuilder( Paths.get(System.getProperty("java.home"), "bin", "java").toString(), "-cp", System.getProperty("java.class.path"), getClass().getName(), codecName, pfName, dvfName) .inheritIO() .start(); final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(new NamedThreadFactory("processKiller")); final ScheduledFuture<?> f = scheduler.schedule( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { p.destroy(); } }, 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); try { final int exitCode = p.waitFor(); if (f.cancel(false)) { assertEquals("Process died abnormally", 0, exitCode); } else { fail("Process did not exit after 30 secs -> classloader deadlock?"); } } finally { scheduler.shutdown(); while (!scheduler.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)) ; } }
@Override protected void before() throws Exception { // enable this by default, for IDE consistency with ant tests (as its the default from ant) // TODO: really should be in solr base classes, but some extend LTC directly. // we do this in beforeClass, because some tests currently disable it restoreProperties.put("solr.directoryFactory", System.getProperty("solr.directoryFactory")); if (System.getProperty("solr.directoryFactory") == null) { System.setProperty("solr.directoryFactory", "org.apache.solr.core.MockDirectoryFactory"); } // Restore more Solr properties. restoreProperties.put("solr.solr.home", System.getProperty("solr.solr.home")); restoreProperties.put("", System.getProperty("")); // if verbose: print some debugging stuff about which codecs are loaded. if (VERBOSE) { Set<String> codecs = Codec.availableCodecs(); for (String codec : codecs) { System.out.println( "Loaded codec: '" + codec + "': " + Codec.forName(codec).getClass().getName()); } Set<String> postingsFormats = PostingsFormat.availablePostingsFormats(); for (String postingsFormat : postingsFormats) { System.out.println( "Loaded postingsFormat: '" + postingsFormat + "': " + PostingsFormat.forName(postingsFormat).getClass().getName()); } } savedInfoStream = InfoStream.getDefault(); final Random random = RandomizedContext.current().getRandom(); final boolean v = random.nextBoolean(); if (INFOSTREAM) { InfoStream.setDefault(new ThreadNameFixingPrintStreamInfoStream(System.out)); } else if (v) { InfoStream.setDefault(new NullInfoStream()); } Class<?> targetClass = RandomizedContext.current().getTargetClass(); avoidCodecs = new HashSet<String>(); if (targetClass.isAnnotationPresent(SuppressCodecs.class)) { SuppressCodecs a = targetClass.getAnnotation(SuppressCodecs.class); avoidCodecs.addAll(Arrays.asList(a.value())); } // set back to default LuceneTestCase.PREFLEX_IMPERSONATION_IS_ACTIVE = false; LuceneTestCase.OLD_FORMAT_IMPERSONATION_IS_ACTIVE = false; savedCodec = Codec.getDefault(); int randomVal = random.nextInt(10); if ("Lucene3x".equals(TEST_CODEC) || ("random".equals(TEST_CODEC) && "random".equals(TEST_POSTINGSFORMAT) && "random".equals(TEST_DOCVALUESFORMAT) && randomVal == 3 && !shouldAvoidCodec("Lucene3x"))) { // preflex-only setup codec = Codec.forName("Lucene3x"); assert (codec instanceof PreFlexRWCodec) : "fix your classpath to have tests-framework.jar before lucene-core.jar"; LuceneTestCase.PREFLEX_IMPERSONATION_IS_ACTIVE = true; } else if ("Lucene40".equals(TEST_CODEC) || ("random".equals(TEST_CODEC) && "random".equals(TEST_POSTINGSFORMAT) && randomVal == 0 && !shouldAvoidCodec("Lucene40"))) { // 4.0 setup codec = Codec.forName("Lucene40"); LuceneTestCase.OLD_FORMAT_IMPERSONATION_IS_ACTIVE = true; assert codec instanceof Lucene40RWCodec : "fix your classpath to have tests-framework.jar before lucene-core.jar"; assert (PostingsFormat.forName("Lucene40") instanceof Lucene40RWPostingsFormat) : "fix your classpath to have tests-framework.jar before lucene-core.jar"; } else if ("Lucene41".equals(TEST_CODEC) || ("random".equals(TEST_CODEC) && "random".equals(TEST_POSTINGSFORMAT) && "random".equals(TEST_DOCVALUESFORMAT) && randomVal == 1 && !shouldAvoidCodec("Lucene41"))) { codec = Codec.forName("Lucene41"); LuceneTestCase.OLD_FORMAT_IMPERSONATION_IS_ACTIVE = true; assert codec instanceof Lucene41RWCodec : "fix your classpath to have tests-framework.jar before lucene-core.jar"; } else if ("Lucene42".equals(TEST_CODEC) || ("random".equals(TEST_CODEC) && "random".equals(TEST_POSTINGSFORMAT) && "random".equals(TEST_DOCVALUESFORMAT) && randomVal == 2 && !shouldAvoidCodec("Lucene42"))) { codec = Codec.forName("Lucene42"); LuceneTestCase.OLD_FORMAT_IMPERSONATION_IS_ACTIVE = true; assert codec instanceof Lucene42RWCodec : "fix your classpath to have tests-framework.jar before lucene-core.jar"; } else if ("Lucene45".equals(TEST_CODEC) || ("random".equals(TEST_CODEC) && "random".equals(TEST_POSTINGSFORMAT) && "random".equals(TEST_DOCVALUESFORMAT) && randomVal == 5 && !shouldAvoidCodec("Lucene45"))) { codec = Codec.forName("Lucene45"); LuceneTestCase.OLD_FORMAT_IMPERSONATION_IS_ACTIVE = true; assert codec instanceof Lucene45RWCodec : "fix your classpath to have tests-framework.jar before lucene-core.jar"; } else if (("random".equals(TEST_POSTINGSFORMAT) == false) || ("random".equals(TEST_DOCVALUESFORMAT) == false)) { // the user wired postings or DV: this is messy // refactor into RandomCodec.... final PostingsFormat format; if ("random".equals(TEST_POSTINGSFORMAT)) { format = PostingsFormat.forName("Lucene41"); } else { format = PostingsFormat.forName(TEST_POSTINGSFORMAT); } final DocValuesFormat dvFormat; if ("random".equals(TEST_DOCVALUESFORMAT)) { dvFormat = DocValuesFormat.forName("Lucene45"); } else { dvFormat = DocValuesFormat.forName(TEST_DOCVALUESFORMAT); } codec = new Lucene46Codec() { @Override public PostingsFormat getPostingsFormatForField(String field) { return format; } @Override public DocValuesFormat getDocValuesFormatForField(String field) { return dvFormat; } @Override public String toString() { return super.toString() + ": " + format.toString() + ", " + dvFormat.toString(); } }; } else if ("SimpleText".equals(TEST_CODEC) || ("random".equals(TEST_CODEC) && randomVal == 9 && LuceneTestCase.rarely(random) && !shouldAvoidCodec("SimpleText"))) { codec = new SimpleTextCodec(); } else if ("Appending".equals(TEST_CODEC) || ("random".equals(TEST_CODEC) && randomVal == 8 && !shouldAvoidCodec("Appending"))) { codec = new AppendingRWCodec(); LuceneTestCase.OLD_FORMAT_IMPERSONATION_IS_ACTIVE = true; // this is really just Lucene40 with some minor changes } else if ("CheapBastard".equals(TEST_CODEC) || ("random".equals(TEST_CODEC) && randomVal == 8 && !shouldAvoidCodec("CheapBastard") && !shouldAvoidCodec("Lucene41"))) { // we also avoid this codec if Lucene41 is avoided, since thats the postings format it uses. codec = new CheapBastardCodec(); } else if ("Asserting".equals(TEST_CODEC) || ("random".equals(TEST_CODEC) && randomVal == 6 && !shouldAvoidCodec("Asserting"))) { codec = new AssertingCodec(); } else if ("Compressing".equals(TEST_CODEC) || ("random".equals(TEST_CODEC) && randomVal == 5 && !shouldAvoidCodec("Compressing"))) { codec = CompressingCodec.randomInstance(random); } else if (!"random".equals(TEST_CODEC)) { codec = Codec.forName(TEST_CODEC); } else if ("random".equals(TEST_POSTINGSFORMAT)) { codec = new RandomCodec(random, avoidCodecs); } else { assert false; } Codec.setDefault(codec); // Initialize locale/ timezone. String testLocale = System.getProperty("tests.locale", "random"); String testTimeZone = System.getProperty("tests.timezone", "random"); // Always pick a random one for consistency (whether tests.locale was specified or not). savedLocale = Locale.getDefault(); Locale randomLocale = randomLocale(random); locale = testLocale.equals("random") ? randomLocale : localeForName(testLocale); Locale.setDefault(locale); // TimeZone.getDefault will set user.timezone to the default timezone of the user's locale. // So store the original property value and restore it at end. restoreProperties.put("user.timezone", System.getProperty("user.timezone")); savedTimeZone = TimeZone.getDefault(); TimeZone randomTimeZone = randomTimeZone(random()); timeZone = testTimeZone.equals("random") ? randomTimeZone : TimeZone.getTimeZone(testTimeZone); TimeZone.setDefault(timeZone); similarity = random().nextBoolean() ? new DefaultSimilarity() : new RandomSimilarityProvider(random()); // Check codec restrictions once at class level. try { checkCodecRestrictions(codec); } catch (AssumptionViolatedException e) { System.err.println( "NOTE: " + e.getMessage() + " Suppressed codecs: " + Arrays.toString(avoidCodecs.toArray())); throw e; } }