MissingFieldValueException(DocumentField field, Set<String> namesOfDocsWithMissing) { super( BiocodeUtilities.getCountString("document", namesOfDocsWithMissing.size()) + " did not have an annotated " + field.getName() + ". \n\n" + "Make sure to run Biocode -> Annotate from FIMS/LIMS Data first."); this.field = field; this.namesOfDocsWithMissing = namesOfDocsWithMissing; }
/** * Displays a Dialog to the user explaining the problem and listing the documents that are missing * a value for the field. */ void showDialog() { Dialogs.DialogOptions dialogOptions = new Dialogs.DialogOptions(Dialogs.OK_ONLY, field.getName() + "s Missing"); dialogOptions.setMoreOptionsButtonText("Show Document List", "Hide Document List"); Dialogs.showMoreOptionsDialog( dialogOptions, BiocodeUtilities.getCountString("document", namesOfDocsWithMissing.size()) + " did not have an annotated " + field.getName() + ". \n\n" + "Make sure to run Biocode -> Annotate from FIMS/LIMS Data first.", StringUtilities.join("\n", namesOfDocsWithMissing)); }