protected void renderGame() {;; // Clearing screen, positioning camera, rendering map and entities // Positioning camera to the player = 1; Camera.setPosition();; // Rendering map and entities game.batch.setProjectionMatrix(; game.batch.begin(); game.batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); game.batch.draw( currentMap.getParallax(), -1024 + Camera.getCameraX() / 2, -1024 + Camera.getCameraY() / 2, 4096, 4096); game.batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); Camera.setZoom(); BoardShock.setZoom();; game.batch.setProjectionMatrix(; currentMap.render(game.batch, true); ScissorStack.calculateScissors(, game.batch.getTransformMatrix(), clipBounds, scissors); ScissorStack.pushScissors(scissors); if (tutorialOnGoing && tutorial.getCurrentWave().getEvent() == TutorialEvent.POWER_UPS_SHOWN) { if (!tutorial.enemiesHasSpawned()) { Util.writeCentered( game.batch, tutorial.getFont(), "these are power-ups", tutorial.getTextX(), tutorial.getTextY() + 200); if (tutorial.allPowerUpsActivated()) Util.writeCentered( game.batch, tutorial.getFont(), "some can be combined", tutorial.getTextX(), tutorial.getTextY()); } } for (Entity ent : entities) { if (!(ent instanceof Enemy)) ent.render(game.batch); } game.batch.setBlendFunction(GL20.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL20.GL_ONE); for (UpgradeOrb orb : orbs) orb.render(game.batch); for (Particle p : particles) p.render(game.batch); game.batch.setBlendFunction(GL20.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL20.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); for (Entity ent : enemies) { ent.render(game.batch); } if (!gameMode.isGameOver()) player.render(game.batch); game.batch.flush(); ScissorStack.popScissors(); // Re-positioning camera for HUD, 0, 0); = 1;; game.batch.setProjectionMatrix(; if (isPaused) { // Pause menu game.batch.draw( greyPixel, / 2, / 2,,; game.batch.draw(pauseTex, -pauseTex.getWidth() / 2, 100); pauseInputProcessor.getResumeButton().render(); pauseInputProcessor.getToMenuButton().render(); } else { if (!gameMode.isGameOver()) { // Drawing HUD hud.render(game.batch, scoreMultiplierTimer); gameInputProcessor.getShootStick().render(game.batch); gameInputProcessor.getMoveStick().render(game.batch); // Tutorial if (tutorialOnGoing && !showTutorialEnd) tutorial.render(game.batch); // Drawing SCORE in the middle top of the screen Util.writeCentered( game.batch, scoreFont, player.getFormattedScore(), 0, / 2 - 36); // Drawing MULTIPLIER on screen Util.writeCentered( game.batch, multiplierFont, "x" + Math.round(scoreMultiplier), 0, / 2 - 98); // Tutorial end if (showTutorialEnd) { tutorialTicks++; if (tutorialTicks > 120) { scoreFontAlpha = (tutorialTicks - 120) / 180f; scoreFontAlpha = scoreFontAlpha > 1 ? 1 : scoreFontAlpha; game.batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, scoreFontAlpha); game.batch.draw( greyPixel, / 2, / 2,,; game.batch.setColor(Color.WHITE); scoreFont.setColor(1, 0, 0, scoreFontAlpha); Util.writeCentered(game.batch, scoreFont, "tap to continue", 0, -100); } } gameMode.render(game.batch); } else if (gameMode.isGameOver()) { // Game over screen // Manual camera shake, 0, 0); rand.nextFloat() * 100 * Camera.getShakeIntensity(), rand.nextFloat() * 100 * Camera.getShakeIntensity(), 0);; game.batch.setProjectionMatrix(; game.batch.draw( greyPixel, / 2, / 2,,; game.batch.draw(gameOverTex, -gameOverTex.getWidth() / 2, -gameOverTex.getHeight() / 2); // Game Over effects [fade in, camera shake] if (gameOverScoreFont.getScaleX() > 1f) { gameOverScoreFont.scale(-0.1f); gameOverScoreFont.setColor( 1, 0, 0, Math.max((10 - gameOverScoreFont.getScaleX()) / 10f, 0)); } else { gameOverScoreFont.setScale(1); if (!shaken) { Camera.shake(0.5f, 0.02f); shaken = true; } if (player.getScore() >= lastHighscore) { Util.drawCentered(game.batch, newHighscore, 0, 0, 0); lastHighscore = player.getScore(); } } // Drawing final score and buttons if (music != null) music.setVolume(0.25f); if (gameOverTicks == GAMEOVERSOUND_TIMER && isSoundEnabled()) {, 1, 0); } Util.writeCentered(game.batch, gameOverScoreFont, player.getFormattedScore(), 0, 100); game.batch.setColor(Color.WHITE); ggInputProcessor.getRetryBtn().render(); ggInputProcessor.getMenuBtn().render(); ggInputProcessor.getHighscoreBtn().render(); if (player.getUpgradePoints() >= 1) { if (!ggInputProcessor.isTouchingUpgradeBtn()) { if (gameOverTicks % 90 < 40) { ggInputProcessor.getUpgradeBtn().setScale(1.00f); ggInputProcessor.getUpgradeBtn().setTouch(true); } else { ggInputProcessor.getUpgradeBtn().setScale(1.0f); ggInputProcessor.getUpgradeBtn().setTouch(false); } } } ggInputProcessor.getUpgradeBtn().render(); } } game.batch.end(); }
@Override public void draw(SpriteBatch batch, float parentAlpha) { if (widget == null) return; validate(); // Setup transform for this group. applyTransform(batch, computeTransform()); if (scrollX) hKnobBounds.x = hScrollBounds.x + (int) ((hScrollBounds.width - hKnobBounds.width) * getScrollPercentX()); if (scrollY) vKnobBounds.y = vScrollBounds.y + (int) ((vScrollBounds.height - vKnobBounds.height) * (1 - getScrollPercentY())); // Calculate the widget's position depending on the scroll state and available widget area. float y = widgetAreaBounds.y; if (!scrollY) y -= (int) maxY; else y -= (int) (maxY - visualAmountY); if (!fadeScrollBars && scrollbarsOnTop && scrollX) { float scrollbarHeight = 0; if (style.hScrollKnob != null) scrollbarHeight = style.hScrollKnob.getMinHeight(); if (style.hScroll != null) scrollbarHeight = Math.max(scrollbarHeight, style.hScroll.getMinHeight()); y += scrollbarHeight; } float x = widgetAreaBounds.x; if (scrollX) x -= (int) visualAmountX; widget.setPosition(x, y); if (widget instanceof Cullable) { widgetCullingArea.x = -widget.getX() + widgetAreaBounds.x; widgetCullingArea.y = -widget.getY() + widgetAreaBounds.y; widgetCullingArea.width = widgetAreaBounds.width; widgetCullingArea.height = widgetAreaBounds.height; ((Cullable) widget).setCullingArea(widgetCullingArea); } // Caculate the scissor bounds based on the batch transform, the available widget area and the // camera transform. We need to // project those to screen coordinates for OpenGL ES to consume. ScissorStack.calculateScissors( getStage().getCamera(), batch.getTransformMatrix(), widgetAreaBounds, scissorBounds); // Draw the background ninepatch. Color color = getColor(); batch.setColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a * parentAlpha); if (style.background != null) style.background.draw(batch, 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); batch.flush(); // Enable scissors for widget area and draw the widget. if (ScissorStack.pushScissors(scissorBounds)) { drawChildren(batch, parentAlpha); ScissorStack.popScissors(); } // Render scrollbars and knobs on top. batch.setColor( color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a * parentAlpha * Interpolation.fade.apply(fadeAlpha / fadeAlphaSeconds)); if (scrollX && scrollY) { if (style.corner != null) { style.corner.draw( batch, hScrollBounds.x + hScrollBounds.width, hScrollBounds.y, vScrollBounds.width, vScrollBounds.y); } } if (scrollX) { if (style.hScroll != null) style.hScroll.draw( batch, hScrollBounds.x, hScrollBounds.y, hScrollBounds.width, hScrollBounds.height); if (style.hScrollKnob != null) style.hScrollKnob.draw( batch, hKnobBounds.x, hKnobBounds.y, hKnobBounds.width, hKnobBounds.height); } if (scrollY) { if (style.vScroll != null) style.vScroll.draw( batch, vScrollBounds.x, vScrollBounds.y, vScrollBounds.width, vScrollBounds.height); if (style.vScrollKnob != null) style.vScrollKnob.draw( batch, vKnobBounds.x, vKnobBounds.y, vKnobBounds.width, vKnobBounds.height); } resetTransform(batch); }