public MenuItem(Menu parentMenu, String text, Skin skin) { this.parentMenu = parentMenu; style = skin.get(MenuItemStyle.class); labelStyle = new LabelStyle(); labelStyle.font = style.font; labelStyle.fontColor = style.fontColor; this.label = new Label(text, labelStyle); contextMenu = new ContextMenu(skin); contextMenu.setVisible(false); addActor(this.label); addActor(contextMenu); addListener( new ClickListener() { @Override public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { if (contextMenu.isVisible()) { MenuItem.this.parentMenu.selected(null, true); } else { MenuItem.this.parentMenu.selected(MenuItem.this, true); } event.stop(); return false; } @Override public void enter(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, Actor fromActor) { MenuItem.this.parentMenu.selected(MenuItem.this, false); } }); }
public void addScore() { LabelStyle style = new LabelStyle(); style.font = new BitmapFont( Gdx.files.internal("data/flappyfont.fnt"), Gdx.files.internal("data/flappyfont.png"), false); labelScore = new Label("0", style); labelScore.setPosition( Flappybird.VIEWPORT.x / 2 - labelScore.getWidth() / 2, Flappybird.VIEWPORT.y - labelScore.getHeight()); stage.addActor(labelScore); }
@Override public void setStyle(ButtonStyle style) { if (!(style instanceof MenuItemStyle)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("style must be a MenuItemStyle."); super.setStyle(style); = (MenuItemStyle) style; if (label != null) { TextButtonStyle textButtonStyle = (TextButtonStyle) style; LabelStyle labelStyle = label.getStyle(); labelStyle.font = textButtonStyle.font; labelStyle.fontColor = textButtonStyle.fontColor; label.setStyle(labelStyle); } }
public void setStyle(ButtonStyle style) { if (!(style instanceof ImageTextButtonStyle)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("style must be a ImageTextButtonStyle."); super.setStyle(style); = (ImageTextButtonStyle) style; if (image != null) updateImage(); if (label != null) { ImageTextButtonStyle textButtonStyle = (ImageTextButtonStyle) style; LabelStyle labelStyle = label.getStyle(); labelStyle.font = textButtonStyle.font; labelStyle.fontColor = textButtonStyle.fontColor; label.setStyle(labelStyle); } }
@Override public void resize(int width, int height) { if (stage == null) { stage = new Stage(width, height, true); } stage.clear(); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); TextButtonStyle butStyle = new TextButtonStyle(); butStyle.up = butSkin.getDrawable("butdown"); butStyle.down = butSkin.getDrawable("butup"); butStyle.font = font1; LabelStyle labelStyle = new LabelStyle(); labelStyle.font = font1; mainButton = new TextButton("Start Game!", butStyle); closeButton = new TextButton("Do nothing", butStyle); mainButton.setWidth(400); mainButton.setHeight(100); mainButton.setX( / 2 - mainButton.getWidth() / 2); mainButton.setY( / 2 - 2 * (mainButton.getHeight() / 1.2f)); closeButton.setWidth(400); closeButton.setHeight(100); closeButton.setX( / 2 - closeButton.getWidth() / 2); closeButton.setY( / 2 - 2 * (closeButton.getHeight() / 1.2f) - (closeButton.getHeight() + 5)); mainButton.addListener( new InputListener() { public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { System.out.println("down"); return true; } public void touchUp(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { golf.setCall(false); // disable splash screen after first use golf.setScreen(golf.hole, 1); } }); stage.addActor(mainButton); stage.addActor(closeButton); }
@Override public void create() { w =; h =; margin = 10; stage = new Stage(); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); Skin skin = new Skin(Gdx.files.internal("data/uiskin.json")); FreeTypeFontGenerator generator = new FreeTypeFontGenerator(Gdx.files.internal("data/arial.ttf")); BitmapFont font15 = generator.generateFont(15); generator.dispose(); LabelStyle lblStyle = new LabelStyle(skin.get(LabelStyle.class)); lblStyle.font = font15; lblStyle.fontColor = Color.BLACK; lblStyle.background = null; LabelStyle lblOutStyle = new LabelStyle(skin.get(LabelStyle.class)); lblOutStyle.font = font15; lblOutStyle.fontColor = Color.BLACK; lblOutStyle.background = new ColorDrawable(new HSV_Color(Color.WHITE)); TextButtonStyle btnStyle = skin.get(TextButtonStyle.class); btnStyle.font = font15; btnStyle.fontColor = Color.BLACK; lblMsg = new Label(Msg, lblStyle); stage.addActor(lblMsg); lblOut = new Label("", lblOutStyle); // lblOut = new Label("", lblStyle); lblOut.setText(" "); stage.addActor(lblOut); btnRunLibGdx = new TextButton("", btnStyle); stage.addActor(btnRunLibGdx); btnRunTranslations = new TextButton("download and copy latest translations", btnStyle); btnRunTranslations.addListener(runListenerTranslations); stage.addActor(btnRunTranslations); btnRunTexturePacker = new TextButton("Pack and copy Texture Images", btnStyle); btnRunTexturePacker.addListener(runListenerTexture); stage.addActor(btnRunTexturePacker); TeePrintStream tee = new TeePrintStream(System.out); System.setOut(tee); chkSource(); layout(); }
public OptionScreen(Anvil anvil) { super(anvil); Skin skin = new Skin(Gdx.files.internal(Systems.Skin)); back = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal(Locale.SYSTEM_UI_PATH + "marble.png")); background = new Image(back); FreeTypeFontGenerator gen = new FreeTypeFontGenerator(Gdx.files.internal(Locale.FONT_BASE + "Canted Comic.ttf")); FreeTypeFontParameter par = new FreeTypeFontParameter(); par.size = 20; par.borderColor = Color.BLACK; par.color = Color.WHITE; par.borderWidth = 2; BitmapFont font = gen.generateFont(par); LabelStyle ls = new LabelStyle(); ls.font = font; CheckBox vsync = new CheckBox("VSync", skin); vsync.setChecked(getBool("Graphics", "useVsync")); vsync.addListener( new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) { bVsync = vsync.isChecked(); vsync.setChecked(vsync.isChecked() ? false : true); } }); Separator sep = new Separator(); CheckBox controller = new CheckBox("Use Controller", skin); controller.setChecked(getBool("Controls", "useController")); controller.addListener( new ClickListener() { public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) {} }); TextButton okay = new TextButton("Apply", skin); okay.addListener( new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) { save(); anvil.setScreen(new MenuScreen(anvil)); } }); Table opt = new Table(skin); opt.setFillParent(true); opt.setBackground(background.getDrawable()); opt.add(new Label("Graphics", ls)).row(); opt.add(sep); opt.add(vsync).row(); opt.add().row(); opt.add().row(); opt.add().row(); opt.add(okay).align(Align.bottomLeft); stage.addActor(opt); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); }
@Override public void setDisabled(boolean isDisabled) { this.disabled = isDisabled; labelStyle.fontColor = disabled && style.fontColorDisabled != null ? style.fontColorDisabled : style.fontColor; }
@Override public void start() { super.start(); if (this.type == FinalStage.TYPE_GAME_OVER) { StageScreen.getInstance().getTracker().trackScreen("gameOverScreen"); } else { StageScreen.getInstance().getTracker().trackScreen("gameWinScreen"); } = Manager.getInstance().get(musicFile, Music.class);;; TextureAtlas atlas = Manager.getInstance().get("img/menu.pack", TextureAtlas.class); LabelStyle headerStyle = new LabelStyle(); headerStyle.font = Config.getInstance().headerFont; headerStyle.fontColor = Config.getInstance().textColor; String labelText = (type == FinalStage.TYPE_GAME_OVER) ? "game.over" : ""; Label text = new Label(Translator.getInstance().translate(labelText), headerStyle); text.setBounds( 50, 150, Config.getInstance().gameWidth - 100, Config.getInstance().gameHeight - 150); text.setAlignment(; text.setWrap(true); text.getColor().a = 0; text.addAction(fadeIn(2f)); this.addActor(text); AtlasRegion btnBg = atlas.findRegion("btn-bg"); AtlasRegion btnBgTouched = atlas.findRegion("btn-bg-touched"); Color btnColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); Color btnColorTouched = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1); TextButton newGame = new TextButton( btnBg, btnBgTouched, Translator.getInstance().translate(""), Config.getInstance().bigFont, btnColor, btnColorTouched); newGame.setHeight(btnHeight); newGame.setPosition(50, 50); newGame.addListener( new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) { StageScreen.getInstance().setStage(new SlideStage(SlideStage.TYPE_INTRO)); } }); this.addActor(newGame); TextButton exit = new TextButton( btnBg, btnBgTouched, Translator.getInstance().translate("btn.exit"), Config.getInstance().bigFont, btnColor, btnColorTouched); exit.setHeight(btnHeight); exit.setPosition(Config.getInstance().gameWidth - exit.getWidth() - 50, 50); exit.addListener( new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) { StageScreen.getInstance().setStage(new MenuStage()); } }); this.addActor(exit); }