public void createControlPoint(BlockCoord absCoord) { Location centerLoc = absCoord.getLocation(); /* Build the bedrock tower. */ // for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { Block b = centerLoc.getBlock(); ItemManager.setTypeId(b, CivData.FENCE); ItemManager.setData(b, 0); StructureBlock sb = new StructureBlock(new BlockCoord(b), this); this.addStructureBlock(sb.getCoord(), true); // } /* Build the control block. */ b = centerLoc.getBlock().getRelative(0, 1, 0); ItemManager.setTypeId(b, CivData.OBSIDIAN); sb = new StructureBlock(new BlockCoord(b), this); this.addStructureBlock(sb.getCoord(), true); int townhallControlHitpoints; try { townhallControlHitpoints = CivSettings.getInteger(CivSettings.warConfig, "war.control_block_hitpoints_townhall"); } catch (InvalidConfiguration e) { e.printStackTrace(); townhallControlHitpoints = 100; } BlockCoord coord = new BlockCoord(b); this.controlPoints.put(coord, new ControlPoint(coord, this, townhallControlHitpoints)); }
public void build_trade_outpost_tower() throws CivException { /* Add trade good to town. */ /* this.good is set by the good's load function or by the onBuild function. */ TradeGood good = this.good; if (good == null) { throw new CivException("Couldn't find trade good at location:" + good); } /* Build the 'trade good tower' */ /* This is always set on post build using the post build sync task. */ if (tradeOutpostTower == null) { throw new CivException("Couldn't find trade outpost tower."); } Location centerLoc = tradeOutpostTower.getLocation(); /* Build the bedrock tower. */ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Block b = centerLoc.getBlock().getRelative(0, i, 0); ItemManager.setTypeId(b, CivData.BEDROCK); ItemManager.setData(b, 0); StructureBlock sb = new StructureBlock(new BlockCoord(b), this); this.addStructureBlock(sb.getCoord(), false); // CivGlobal.addStructureBlock(sb.getCoord(), this); } /* Place the sign. */ Block b = centerLoc.getBlock().getRelative(1, 2, 0); ItemManager.setTypeId(b, CivData.WALL_SIGN); ItemManager.setData(b, CivData.DATA_SIGN_EAST); Sign s = (Sign) b.getState(); s.setLine(0, good.getInfo().name); s.update(); StructureBlock sb = new StructureBlock(new BlockCoord(b), this); // CivGlobal.addStructureBlock(sb.getCoord(), this); this.addStructureBlock(sb.getCoord(), false); /* Place the itemframe. */ b = centerLoc.getBlock().getRelative(1, 1, 0); this.addStructureBlock(new BlockCoord(b), false); Block b2 = b.getRelative(0, 0, 0); Entity entity = CivGlobal.getEntityAtLocation(b2.getLocation()); this.addStructureBlock(new BlockCoord(b2), false); if (entity == null || (!(entity instanceof ItemFrame))) { this.frameStore = new ItemFrameStorage(b.getLocation(), BlockFace.EAST); } else { this.frameStore = new ItemFrameStorage((ItemFrame) entity, b.getLocation()); } this.frameStore.setBuildable(this); }
public void fancyDestroyStructureBlocks() { for (BlockCoord coord : this.structureBlocks.keySet()) { if (CivGlobal.getStructureChest(coord) != null) { continue; } if (CivGlobal.getStructureSign(coord) != null) { continue; } if (ItemManager.getId(coord.getBlock()) == CivData.BEDROCK || ItemManager.getId(coord.getBlock()) == CivData.AIR) { // Be a bit more careful not to destroy any of the item frames.. continue; } Random rand = new Random(); // Each block has a 10% chance to turn into gravel if (rand.nextInt(100) <= 10) { ItemManager.setTypeId(coord.getBlock(), CivData.GRAVEL); continue; } // Each block has a 50% chance of starting a fire if (rand.nextInt(100) <= 50) { ItemManager.setTypeId(coord.getBlock(), CivData.FIRE); continue; } // Each block has a 1% chance of launching an explosion effect if (rand.nextInt(100) <= 1) { FireworkEffect effect = FireworkEffect.builder() .with(org.bukkit.FireworkEffect.Type.BURST) .withColor(Color.ORANGE) .withColor(Color.RED) .withTrail() .withFlicker() .build(); FireworkEffectPlayer fePlayer = new FireworkEffectPlayer(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { try { fePlayer.playFirework(coord.getBlock().getWorld(), coord.getLocation(), effect); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } }
public void regenControlBlocks() { for (BlockCoord coord : this.controlPoints.keySet()) { ItemManager.setTypeId(coord.getBlock(), CivData.OBSIDIAN); ControlPoint cp = this.controlPoints.get(coord); cp.setHitpoints(cp.getMaxHitpoints()); } }
public void onControlBlockCannonDestroy(ControlPoint cp, Player player, StructureBlock hit) { // Should always have a resident and a town at this point. Resident attacker = CivGlobal.getResident(player); ItemManager.setTypeId(hit.getCoord().getLocation().getBlock(), CivData.AIR); boolean allDestroyed = true; for (ControlPoint c : this.controlPoints.values()) { if (c.isDestroyed() == false) { allDestroyed = false; break; } } CivMessage.sendTownSound(hit.getTown(), Sound.AMBIENCE_CAVE, 1.0f, 0.5f); if (allDestroyed) { if (this.getTown().getCiv().getCapitolName().equals(this.getTown().getName())) { CivColor.LightBlue + ChatColor.BOLD + "The civilization of " + this.getTown().getCiv().getName() + " has been conquered by " + attacker.getCiv().getName() + "!"); for (Town town : this.getTown().getCiv().getTowns()) { town.defeated = true; } War.transferDefeated(this.getTown().getCiv(), attacker.getTown().getCiv()); WarStats.logCapturedCiv(attacker.getTown().getCiv(), this.getTown().getCiv()); War.saveDefeatedCiv(this.getCiv(), attacker.getTown().getCiv()); if (CivGlobal.isCasualMode()) { HashMap<Integer, ItemStack> leftovers = player .getInventory() .addItem( this.getCiv() .getRandomLeaderSkull("Victory Over " + this.getCiv().getName() + "!")); for (ItemStack stack : leftovers.values()) { player.getWorld().dropItem(player.getLocation(), stack); } } } else { CivColor.Yellow + ChatColor.BOLD + "The town of " + getTown().getName() + " in " + this.getCiv().getName() + " has been conquered by " + attacker.getCiv().getName() + "!"); // this.getTown().onDefeat(attacker.getTown().getCiv()); this.getTown().defeated = true; // War.defeatedTowns.put(this.getTown().getName(), attacker.getTown().getCiv()); WarStats.logCapturedTown(attacker.getTown().getCiv(), this.getTown()); War.saveDefeatedTown(this.getTown().getName(), attacker.getTown().getCiv()); } } else { CivMessage.sendTown( hit.getTown(), CivColor.Rose + "One of our Town Hall's Control Points has been destroyed!"); CivMessage.sendCiv( attacker.getTown().getCiv(), CivColor.LightGreen + "We've destroyed a control block in " + hit.getTown().getName() + "!"); CivMessage.sendCiv( hit.getTown().getCiv(), CivColor.Rose + "A control block in " + hit.getTown().getName() + " has been destroyed!"); } }
public void onControlBlockDestroy( ControlPoint cp, World world, Player player, StructureBlock hit) { // Should always have a resident and a town at this point. Resident attacker = CivGlobal.getResident(player); ItemManager.setTypeId(hit.getCoord().getLocation().getBlock(), CivData.AIR); world.playSound(hit.getCoord().getLocation(), Sound.ANVIL_BREAK, 1.0f, -1.0f); world.playSound(hit.getCoord().getLocation(), Sound.EXPLODE, 1.0f, 1.0f); FireworkEffect effect = FireworkEffect.builder() .with(Type.BURST) .withColor(Color.YELLOW) .withColor(Color.RED) .withTrail() .withFlicker() .build(); FireworkEffectPlayer fePlayer = new FireworkEffectPlayer(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { try { fePlayer.playFirework(world, hit.getCoord().getLocation(), effect); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } boolean allDestroyed = true; for (ControlPoint c : this.controlPoints.values()) { if (c.isDestroyed() == false) { allDestroyed = false; break; } } CivMessage.sendTownSound(hit.getTown(), Sound.AMBIENCE_CAVE, 1.0f, 0.5f); if (allDestroyed) { if (this.getTown().getCiv().getCapitolName().equals(this.getTown().getName())) { CivColor.LightBlue + ChatColor.BOLD + "The civilization of " + this.getTown().getCiv().getName() + " has been conquered by " + attacker.getCiv().getName() + "!"); for (Town town : this.getTown().getCiv().getTowns()) { town.defeated = true; } War.transferDefeated(this.getTown().getCiv(), attacker.getTown().getCiv()); WarStats.logCapturedCiv(attacker.getTown().getCiv(), this.getTown().getCiv()); War.saveDefeatedCiv(this.getCiv(), attacker.getTown().getCiv()); if (CivGlobal.isCasualMode()) { HashMap<Integer, ItemStack> leftovers = player .getInventory() .addItem( this.getCiv() .getRandomLeaderSkull("Victory Over " + this.getCiv().getName() + "!")); for (ItemStack stack : leftovers.values()) { player.getWorld().dropItem(player.getLocation(), stack); } } } else { CivColor.Yellow + ChatColor.BOLD + "The town of " + getTown().getName() + " in " + this.getCiv().getName() + " has been conquered by " + attacker.getCiv().getName() + "!"); // this.getTown().onDefeat(attacker.getTown().getCiv()); this.getTown().defeated = true; // War.defeatedTowns.put(this.getTown().getName(), attacker.getTown().getCiv()); WarStats.logCapturedTown(attacker.getTown().getCiv(), this.getTown()); War.saveDefeatedTown(this.getTown().getName(), attacker.getTown().getCiv()); } } else { CivMessage.sendTown( hit.getTown(), CivColor.Rose + "One of our Town Hall's Control Points has been destroyed!"); CivMessage.sendCiv( attacker.getTown().getCiv(), CivColor.LightGreen + "We've destroyed a control block in " + hit.getTown().getName() + "!"); CivMessage.sendCiv( hit.getTown().getCiv(), CivColor.Rose + "A control block in " + hit.getTown().getName() + " has been destroyed!"); } }
public void createGoodieItemFrame(BlockCoord absCoord, int slotId, int direction) { if (slotId >= MAX_GOODIE_FRAMES) { return; } /* * Make sure there isn't another frame here. We have the position of the sign, but the entity's * position is the block it's attached to. We'll use the direction from the sign data to determine * which direction to look for the entity. */ Block attachedBlock; BlockFace facingDirection; switch (direction) { case CivData.DATA_SIGN_EAST: attachedBlock = absCoord.getBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.WEST); facingDirection = BlockFace.EAST; break; case CivData.DATA_SIGN_WEST: attachedBlock = absCoord.getBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.EAST); facingDirection = BlockFace.WEST; break; case CivData.DATA_SIGN_NORTH: attachedBlock = absCoord.getBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.SOUTH); facingDirection = BlockFace.NORTH; break; case CivData.DATA_SIGN_SOUTH: attachedBlock = absCoord.getBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.NORTH); facingDirection = BlockFace.SOUTH; break; default: CivLog.error("Bad sign data for /itemframe sign in town hall."); return; } Block itemFrameBlock = absCoord.getBlock(); if (ItemManager.getId(itemFrameBlock) != CivData.AIR) { ItemManager.setTypeId(itemFrameBlock, CivData.AIR); } ItemFrameStorage itemStore; ItemFrame frame = null; Entity entity = CivGlobal.getEntityAtLocation(absCoord.getBlock().getLocation()); if (entity == null || (!(entity instanceof ItemFrame))) { itemStore = new ItemFrameStorage(attachedBlock.getLocation(), facingDirection); } else { try { frame = (ItemFrame) entity; itemStore = new ItemFrameStorage(frame, attachedBlock.getLocation()); } catch (CivException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } if (facingDirection != BlockFace.EAST) { itemStore.setFacingDirection(facingDirection); } } itemStore.setBuildable(this); goodieFrames.add(itemStore); }