public void givetech_cmd() throws CivException { Civilization civ = getNamedCiv(1); if (args.length < 3) { throw new CivException(CivSettings.localize.localizedString("adcmd_civ_giveTechPrompt")); } ConfigTech tech = CivSettings.techs.get(args[2]); if (tech == null) { throw new CivException( CivSettings.localize.localizedString("adcmd_civ_giveTechInvalid") + args[2]); } if (civ.hasTechnology( { throw new CivException( CivSettings.localize.localizedString( "var_adcmd_civ_giveTechAlreadyhas", civ.getName(),; } civ.addTech(tech);; CivMessage.sendSuccess( sender, CivSettings.localize.localizedString( "var_adcmd_civ_giveTechSuccess",, civ.getName())); }
public void setgov_cmd() throws CivException { Civilization civ = getNamedCiv(1); if (args.length < 3) { throw new CivException(CivSettings.localize.localizedString("adcmd_civ_setgovPrompt")); } ConfigGovernment gov = CivSettings.governments.get(args[2]); if (gov == null) { throw new CivException( CivSettings.localize.localizedString("adcmd_civ_setGovInvalidGov") + " gov_monarchy, gov_depostism... etc"); } // Remove any anarchy timers String key = "changegov_" + civ.getId(); CivGlobal.getSessionDB().delete_all(key); civ.setGovernment(; CivSettings.localize.localizedString( "var_adcmd_civ_setGovSuccessBroadcast", civ.getName(), CivSettings.governments.get(; CivMessage.sendSuccess(sender, CivSettings.localize.localizedString("adcmd_civ_setGovSuccess")); }
public void bankrupt_cmd() throws CivException { Civilization civ = getNamedCiv(1); if (args.length < 3) { CivMessage.send( sender, CivColor.Yellow + ChatColor.BOLD + CivSettings.localize.localizedString("adcmd_civ_bankruptConfirmPrompt")); CivMessage.send(sender, CivSettings.localize.localizedString("adcmd_civ_bankruptConfirmCmd")); } civ.getTreasury().setBalance(0); for (Town town : civ.getTowns()) { town.getTreasury().setBalance(0);; for (Resident resident : town.getResidents()) { resident.getTreasury().setBalance(0);; } }; CivMessage.sendSuccess( sender, CivSettings.localize.localizedString("var_adcmd_civ_bankruptSuccess", civ.getName())); }
public void setvotes_cmd() throws CivException { Civilization civ = getNamedCiv(1); Integer votes = getNamedInteger(2); EndConditionDiplomacy.setVotes(civ, votes); CivMessage.sendSuccess( sender, CivSettings.localize.localizedString( "var_adcmd_civ_setVotesSuccess", civ.getName(), votes)); }
public void conquered_cmd() throws CivException { Civilization civ = getNamedCiv(1); civ.setConquered(true); CivGlobal.removeCiv(civ); CivGlobal.addConqueredCiv(civ);; CivMessage.sendSuccess( sender, CivSettings.localize.localizedString("adcmd_civ_conqueredSuccess")); }
public void toggleadminciv_cmd() throws CivException { Civilization civ = getNamedCiv(1); civ.setAdminCiv(!civ.isAdminCiv());; CivMessage.sendSuccess( sender, CivSettings.localize.localizedString( "var_adcmd_civ_toggleAdminCivSuccess", civ.getName(), civ.isAdminCiv())); }
public void beakerrate_cmd() throws CivException { Civilization civ = getNamedCiv(1); Double amount = getNamedDouble(2); civ.setBaseBeakers(amount);; CivMessage.sendSuccess( sender, CivSettings.localize.localizedString( "var_adcmd_civ_beakerRateSuccess", civ.getName(), amount)); }
public void disband_cmd() throws CivException { Civilization civ = getNamedCiv(1); CivMessage.sendCiv(civ, CivSettings.localize.localizedString("adcmd_civ_disbandAlert")); try { civ.delete(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } CivMessage.sendSuccess( sender, CivSettings.localize.localizedString("adcmd_civ_disbandSuccess")); }
public void addleader_cmd() throws CivException { Civilization civ = getNamedCiv(1); Resident resident = getNamedResident(2); civ.getLeaderGroup().addMember(resident); civ.getLeaderGroup().save();; CivMessage.sendSuccess( sender, CivSettings.localize.localizedString( "var_adcmd_civ_addLeaderSuccess", resident.getName(), civ.getName())); }
public void alltech_cmd() throws CivException { Civilization civ = getNamedCiv(1); for (ConfigTech tech : CivSettings.techs.values()) { civ.addTech(tech); }; CivMessage.sendSuccess( sender, CivSettings.localize.localizedString("adcmd_civ_alltechSuccess")); }
public void rename_cmd() throws CivException, InvalidNameException { Civilization civ = getNamedCiv(1); String name = getNamedString(2, CivSettings.localize.localizedString("adcmd_civ_newNamePrompt")); if (args.length < 3) { throw new CivException( CivSettings.localize.localizedString("adcmd_civ_renameUseUnderscores")); } civ.rename(name); CivMessage.sendSuccess( sender, CivSettings.localize.localizedString("adcmd_civ_renameCivSuccess")); }
private static void performPirate(Player player, ConfigMission mission) throws CivException { Resident resident = CivGlobal.getResident(player); if (resident == null || !resident.hasTown()) { throw new CivException("Only residents of towns can perform spy missions."); } // Must be within enemy town borders. ChunkCoord coord = new ChunkCoord(player.getLocation()); CultureChunk cc = CivGlobal.getCultureChunk(coord); if (cc == null || cc.getCiv() == resident.getTown().getCiv()) { throw new CivException("Must be in another civilization's borders."); } // Check that the player is within range of the town hall. Structure tradeoutpost = cc.getCiv().getNearestStructureInTowns(player.getLocation()); if (!(tradeoutpost instanceof TradeOutpost)) { throw new CivException("The closest structure to you must be a trade outpost."); } double distance = player .getLocation() .distance(((TradeOutpost) tradeoutpost).getTradeOutpostTower().getLocation()); if (distance > mission.range) { throw new CivException("Too far away from the trade outpost to pirate it."); } TradeOutpost outpost = (TradeOutpost) tradeoutpost; ItemStack stack = outpost.getItemFrameStore().getItem(); if (stack == null || ItemManager.getId(stack) == CivData.AIR) { throw new CivException("No trade goodie item at this location."); } if (processMissionResult(player, cc.getTown(), mission)) { outpost.getItemFrameStore().clearItem(); player.getWorld().dropItem(player.getLocation(), stack); CivMessage.sendSuccess(player, "Arg! Got the booty!"); CivMessage.sendTown( cc.getTown(), CivColor.Rose + "Avast! Someone stole our trade goodie " + outpost.getGood().getInfo().name + " at " + outpost.getCorner()); } }
private static void performStealTreasury(Player player, ConfigMission mission) throws CivException { Resident resident = CivGlobal.getResident(player); if (resident == null || !resident.hasTown()) { throw new CivException("Only residents of towns can perform spy missions."); } // Must be within enemy town borders. ChunkCoord coord = new ChunkCoord(player.getLocation()); TownChunk tc = CivGlobal.getTownChunk(coord); if (tc == null || tc.getTown().getCiv() == resident.getTown().getCiv()) { throw new CivException("Must be in another civilization's town's borders."); } // Check that the player is within range of the town hall. TownHall townhall = tc.getTown().getTownHall(); if (townhall == null) { throw new CivException("This town doesnt have a town hall... that sucks."); } double distance = player.getLocation().distance(townhall.getCorner().getLocation()); if (distance > mission.range) { throw new CivException("Too far away from town hall to steal treasury."); } double failMod = 1.0; if (resident.getTown().getBuffManager().hasBuff("buff_dirty_money")) { failMod = resident.getTown().getBuffManager().getEffectiveDouble("buff_dirty_money"); CivMessage.send( player, CivColor.LightGray + "Your goodie buff 'Dirty Money' will come in handy here."); } if (processMissionResult(player, tc.getTown(), mission, failMod, 1.0)) { double amount = (int) (tc.getTown().getTreasury().getBalance() * 0.2); if (amount > 0) { tc.getTown().getTreasury().withdraw(amount); resident.getTown().getTreasury().deposit(amount); } CivMessage.sendSuccess( player, "Success! Stole " + amount + " coins from " + tc.getTown().getName()); } }
public void rmleader_cmd() throws CivException { Civilization civ = getNamedCiv(1); Resident resident = getNamedResident(2); if (civ.getLeaderGroup().hasMember(resident)) { civ.getLeaderGroup().removeMember(resident);; CivMessage.sendSuccess( sender, CivSettings.localize.localizedString( "var_adcmd_civ_rmLeaderSuccess", resident.getName(), civ.getName())); } else { CivMessage.sendError( sender, CivSettings.localize.localizedString( "var_adcmd_civ_rmLeaderNotInGroup", resident.getName(), civ.getName())); } }
public void unconquer_cmd() throws CivException { String conquerCiv = this.getNamedString(1, "conquered civ"); Civilization civ = CivGlobal.getConqueredCiv(conquerCiv); if (civ == null) { civ = CivGlobal.getCiv(conquerCiv); } if (civ == null) { throw new CivException( CivSettings.localize.localizedString("var_adcmd_civ_NoCivByThatNane", conquerCiv)); } civ.setConquered(false); CivGlobal.removeConqueredCiv(civ); CivGlobal.addCiv(civ);; CivMessage.sendSuccess( sender, CivSettings.localize.localizedString("adcmd_civ_unconquerSuccess")); }
public void setrelation_cmd() throws CivException { if (args.length < 4) { throw new CivException( CivSettings.localize.localizedString("Usage") + " [civ] [otherCiv] [NEUTRAL|HOSTILE|WAR|PEACE|ALLY]"); } Civilization civ = getNamedCiv(1); Civilization otherCiv = getNamedCiv(2); Relation.Status status = Relation.Status.valueOf(args[3].toUpperCase()); CivGlobal.setRelation(civ, otherCiv, status); if (status.equals(Status.WAR)) { CivGlobal.setAggressor(civ, otherCiv, civ); CivGlobal.setAggressor(otherCiv, civ, civ); } CivMessage.sendSuccess( sender, CivSettings.localize.localizedString( "var_adcmd_civ_setrelationSuccess", civ.getName(), otherCiv.getName(),; }
public void liberate_cmd() throws CivException { Civilization motherCiv = getNamedCiv(1); /* Liberate the civ. */ for (Town t : CivGlobal.getTowns()) { if (t.getMotherCiv() == motherCiv) { t.changeCiv(motherCiv); t.setMotherCiv(null);; } } motherCiv.setConquered(false); CivGlobal.removeConqueredCiv(motherCiv); CivGlobal.addCiv(motherCiv);; CivMessage.sendSuccess( sender, CivSettings.localize.localizedString("adcmd_civ_liberateSuccess") + " " + motherCiv.getName()); }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private static void performInvestigateTown(Player player, ConfigMission mission) throws CivException { Resident resident = CivGlobal.getResident(player); if (resident == null || !resident.hasTown()) { throw new CivException("Only residents of towns can perform spy missions."); } // Must be within enemy town borders. ChunkCoord coord = new ChunkCoord(player.getLocation()); TownChunk tc = CivGlobal.getTownChunk(coord); if (tc == null || tc.getTown().getCiv() == resident.getTown().getCiv()) { throw new CivException("Must be in another civilization's town's borders."); } if (processMissionResult(player, tc.getTown(), mission)) { ItemStack book = new ItemStack(Material.WRITTEN_BOOK, 1); BookMeta meta = (BookMeta) book.getItemMeta(); ArrayList<String> lore = new ArrayList<String>(); lore.add("Mission Report"); meta.setAuthor("Mission Reports"); meta.setTitle("Investigate Town"); // ArrayList<String> out = new ArrayList<String>(); String out = ""; out += ChatColor.UNDERLINE + "Town:" + tc.getTown().getName() + "\n" + ChatColor.RESET; out += ChatColor.UNDERLINE + "Civ:" + tc.getTown().getCiv().getName() + "\n\n" + ChatColor.RESET; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("M/dd h:mm:ss a z"); out += "Time: " + sdf.format(new Date()) + "\n"; out += ("Treasury: " + tc.getTown().getTreasury().getBalance() + "\n"); out += ("Hammers: " + tc.getTown().getHammers().total + "\n"); out += ("Culture: " + tc.getTown().getCulture().total + "\n"); out += ("Growth: " + tc.getTown().getGrowth().total + "\n"); out += ("Beakers(civ): " + tc.getTown().getBeakers().total + "\n"); if (tc.getTown().getCiv().getResearchTech() != null) { out += ("Researching: " + tc.getTown().getCiv().getResearchTech().name + "\n"); } else { out += ("Researching:Nothing" + "\n"); } BookUtil.paginate(meta, out); out = ChatColor.UNDERLINE + "Upkeep Info\n\n" + ChatColor.RESET; try { out += "From Spread:" + tc.getTown().getSpreadUpkeep() + "\n"; out += "From Structures:" + tc.getTown().getStructureUpkeep() + "\n"; out += "Total:" + tc.getTown().getTotalUpkeep(); BookUtil.paginate(meta, out); } catch (InvalidConfiguration e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new CivException("Internal configuration exception."); } meta.setLore(lore); book.setItemMeta(meta); HashMap<Integer, ItemStack> leftovers = player.getInventory().addItem(book); for (ItemStack stack : leftovers.values()) { player.getWorld().dropItem(player.getLocation(), stack); } player.updateInventory(); CivMessage.sendSuccess(player, "Mission Accomplished"); } }
private static void performPosionGranary(Player player, ConfigMission mission) throws CivException { Resident resident = CivGlobal.getResident(player); if (resident == null || !resident.hasTown()) { throw new CivException("Only residents of towns can perform spy missions."); } // Must be within enemy town borders. ChunkCoord coord = new ChunkCoord(player.getLocation()); TownChunk tc = CivGlobal.getTownChunk(coord); if (tc == null || tc.getTown().getCiv() == resident.getTown().getCiv()) { throw new CivException("Must be in another civilization's town's borders."); } // Check that the player is within range of the town hall. Structure granary = tc.getTown().getNearestStrucutre(player.getLocation()); if (!(granary instanceof Granary)) { throw new CivException("The closest structure to you must be a granary."); } double distance = player.getLocation().distance(granary.getCorner().getLocation()); if (distance > mission.range) { throw new CivException("Too far away from the granary to poison it."); } ArrayList<SessionEntry> entries = CivGlobal.getSessionDB().lookup("posiongranary:" + tc.getTown().getName()); if (entries != null && entries.size() != 0) { throw new CivException("Cannot poison granary, already posioned."); } double failMod = 1.0; if (resident.getTown().getBuffManager().hasBuff("buff_espionage")) { failMod = resident.getTown().getBuffManager().getEffectiveDouble("buff_espionage"); CivMessage.send( player, CivColor.LightGray + "Your goodie buff 'Espionage' will come in handy here."); } if (processMissionResult(player, tc.getTown(), mission, failMod, 1.0)) { int min; int max; try { min = CivSettings.getInteger( CivSettings.espionageConfig, "espionage.poison_granary_min_ticks"); max = CivSettings.getInteger( CivSettings.espionageConfig, "espionage.poison_granary_max_ticks"); } catch (InvalidConfiguration e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new CivException("Invalid configuration error."); } Random rand = new Random(); int posion_ticks = rand.nextInt((max - min)) + min; String value = "" + posion_ticks; CivGlobal.getSessionDB() .add( "posiongranary:" + tc.getTown().getName(), value, tc.getTown().getId(), tc.getTown().getId(), granary.getId()); try { double famine_chance = CivSettings.getDouble( CivSettings.espionageConfig, "espionage.poison_granary_famine_chance"); if (rand.nextInt(100) < (int) (famine_chance * 100)) { for (Structure struct : tc.getTown().getStructures()) { if (struct instanceof Cottage) { ((Cottage) struct).delevel(); } } CivColor.Yellow + "DISASTER!" + CivColor.White + " The cottages in " + tc.getTown().getName() + " have suffered a famine from poison grain! Each cottage loses 1 level."); } } catch (InvalidConfiguration e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new CivException("Invalid configuration."); } CivMessage.sendSuccess(player, "Poisoned the granary for " + posion_ticks + " hours!"); } }
public void set_cmd() throws CivException { Player player = (Player) sender; TownChunk tc = CivGlobal.getTownChunk(player.getLocation()); if (tc == null) { throw new CivException(CivSettings.localize.localizedString("cmd_plot_perm_setnotInTown")); } if (args.length < 4) { showPermCmdHelp(); throw new CivException(CivSettings.localize.localizedString("cmd_plot_perm_setBadArg")); } PermissionNode node = null; switch (args[1].toLowerCase()) { case "build": node =; break; case "destroy": node = tc.perms.destroy; break; case "interact": node = tc.perms.interact; break; case "itemuse": node = tc.perms.itemUse; break; case "reset": // TODO implement permissions reset. break; default: showPermCmdHelp(); throw new CivException(CivSettings.localize.localizedString("cmd_plot_perm_setBadArg")); } if (node == null) { throw new CivException( CivSettings.localize.localizedString("cmd_plot_perm_setInternalError")); } boolean on; if (args[3].equalsIgnoreCase("on") || args[3].equalsIgnoreCase("yes") || args[3].equalsIgnoreCase("1")) { on = true; } else if (args[3].equalsIgnoreCase("off") || args[3].equalsIgnoreCase("no") || args[3].equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { on = false; } else { showPermCmdHelp(); throw new CivException(CivSettings.localize.localizedString("cmd_plot_perm_setBadArg")); } switch (args[2].toLowerCase()) { case "owner": node.setPermitOwner(on); break; case "group": node.setPermitGroup(on); break; case "others": node.setPermitOthers(on); }; CivMessage.sendSuccess( sender, CivSettings.localize.localizedString( "var_cmd_plot_perm_setSuccess", node.getType(), on, args[2])); }