public static class Transformers { public static CollectionTransformer<ScoredDocument, String> ToIds = Expressive.Transformers.transformAllUsing( new ETransformer<ScoredDocument, String>() { @Override public String from(ScoredDocument from) { return from.getId(); } }); }
/** * A common base class for {@link TextSearchService} and {@link IdTextSearchService} implementations * that use the Appengine Full Text Search API. * * @param <T> * @param <K> * @see GaeSearchService * @see IdGaeSearchService */ public abstract class BaseGaeSearchService<T, K> implements SearchExecutor<T, K, SearchImpl<T, K>> { private static final int IntLow = Integer.MIN_VALUE + 1; private static final int IntHigh = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private static final Date DateLow = new Date(0); private static final Date DateHigh = new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE); private static final String StringLow = ""; private static final String StringHigh = "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; private static final Map<Is, String> IsSymbols = createIsSymbolMap(); protected Class<T> type; protected SearchMetadata<T, K> metadata; protected FieldMediatorSet fieldMediators; protected TransformerManager transformerManager; protected IndexTypeLookup indexTypeLookup; protected IndexNamingStrategy indexNamingStrategy; protected String indexName; protected BaseGaeSearchService( Class<T> type, SearchConfig searchConfig, IndexNamingStrategy indexNamingStrategy) { this( type, new SearchMetadata<T, K>(type, searchConfig.getIndexTypeLookup()), searchConfig, indexNamingStrategy); } protected BaseGaeSearchService( Class<T> type, Class<K> keyType, SearchConfig searchConfig, IndexNamingStrategy indexNamingStrategy) { this( type, new SearchMetadata<T, K>(type, keyType, searchConfig.getIndexTypeLookup()), searchConfig, indexNamingStrategy); } protected BaseGaeSearchService( Class<T> type, SearchMetadata<T, K> metadata, SearchConfig searchConfig, IndexNamingStrategy indexNamingStrategy) { this.type = type; this.fieldMediators = searchConfig.getFieldMediators(); this.transformerManager = searchConfig.getTransformerManager(); this.indexTypeLookup = searchConfig.getIndexTypeLookup(); this.indexNamingStrategy = indexNamingStrategy; this.indexName = indexNamingStrategy.getName(type); this.metadata = metadata; } public boolean hasIndexableFields() { return metadata.hasIndexableFields(); } protected IndexOperation index(T object, K id) { Map<String, Object> data = metadata.getData(object); Document document = buildDocument(id, data); Future<PutResponse> putAsync = getIndex().putAsync(document); return new IndexOperation(putAsync); } protected IndexOperation index(Collection<T> objects) { if (Expressive.isEmpty(objects)) { return new IndexOperation(null); } List<Document> documents = new ArrayList<Document>(objects.size()); for (T t : objects) { Map<String, Object> data = metadata.getData(t); K id = metadata.getId(t); Document document = buildDocument(id, data); documents.add(document); } return new IndexOperation(getIndex().putAsync(documents)); } protected IndexOperation index(Map<K, T> objects) { if (Expressive.isEmpty(objects)) { return new IndexOperation(null); } List<Document> documents = new ArrayList<Document>(objects.size()); for (Map.Entry<K, T> entry : objects.entrySet()) { Map<String, Object> data = metadata.getData(entry.getValue()); Document document = buildDocument(entry.getKey(), data); documents.add(document); } return new IndexOperation(getIndex().putAsync(documents)); } protected IndexOperation removeById(K id) { String stringId = convert(id, String.class); Future<Void> deleteAsync = getIndex().deleteAsync(stringId); return new IndexOperation(deleteAsync); } protected IndexOperation removeById(Iterable<K> ids) { List<String> stringIds = convert(ids, String.class); Future<Void> deleteAsync = getIndex().deleteAsync(stringIds); return new IndexOperation(deleteAsync); } protected int removeAll() { int count = 0; Index index = getIndex(); GetRequest request = GetRequest.newBuilder().setReturningIdsOnly(true).setLimit(200).build(); GetResponse<Document> response = index.getRange(request); // can only delete documents in blocks of 200 so we need to iterate until they're all gone while (!response.getResults().isEmpty()) { List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Document document : response) { ids.add(document.getId()); } index.delete(ids); count += ids.size(); response = index.getRange(request); } return count; } protected SearchImpl<T, K> search() { return new SearchImpl<T, K>(this); } @Override public Result<T, K> createSearchResult(SearchImpl<T, K> searchRequest) { String queryString = buildQueryString(searchRequest.query()); SortOptions.Builder sortOptions = buildSortOptions(searchRequest.order()); QueryOptions.Builder queryOptions = QueryOptions.newBuilder(); Integer limit = searchRequest.limit(); int offset = 0; if (limit != null) { offset = searchRequest.offset() == null ? 0 : searchRequest.offset(); int effectiveLimit = limit + offset; if (effectiveLimit > 1000) { Logger.warn( "Currently the Google Search API does not support queries with a limit over 1000. With an offset of %d and a limit of %d, you have an effective limit of %d", offset, limit, effectiveLimit); } limit = effectiveLimit; /* Note, this can't be more than 1000 (Crashes) */ queryOptions = queryOptions.setLimit(limit); } if (searchRequest.accuracy() != null) { queryOptions.setNumberFoundAccuracy(searchRequest.accuracy()); } queryOptions.setSortOptions(sortOptions); Query query = Query.newBuilder().setOptions(queryOptions).build(queryString); Future<Results<ScoredDocument>> searchAsync = getIndex().searchAsync(query); return new ResultImpl<T, K>(this, searchAsync, searchRequest.offset()); } protected SortOptions.Builder buildSortOptions(List<OrderComponent> order) { SortOptions.Builder sortOptions = SortOptions.newBuilder(); for (OrderComponent sort : order) { String fieldName = getEncodedFieldName(sort.getField()); SortExpression.Builder expression = SortExpression.newBuilder().setExpression(fieldName); expression = expression.setDirection( sort.isAscending() ? SortExpression.SortDirection.ASCENDING : SortExpression.SortDirection.DESCENDING); IndexType indexType = metadata.getIndexType(sort.getField()); if (IndexType.SmallDecimal == indexType || IndexType.BigDecimal == indexType) { expression = expression.setDefaultValueNumeric(sort.isDescending() ? IntLow : IntHigh); } else if (IndexType.Date == indexType) { expression = expression.setDefaultValueDate(sort.isDescending() ? DateLow : DateHigh); } else { expression = expression.setDefaultValue(sort.isDescending() ? StringLow : StringHigh); } sortOptions = sortOptions.addSortExpression(expression); } return sortOptions; } protected String buildQueryString(List<QueryComponent> queryComponents) { List<String> stringQueryComponents = new ArrayList<>(); for (QueryComponent queryComponent : queryComponents) { String fragmentString = convertQueryComponentToQueryFragment(queryComponent); stringQueryComponents.add(fragmentString); } return StringUtils.join(stringQueryComponents, " "); } protected String convertQueryComponentToQueryFragment(QueryComponent queryComponent) { if (!queryComponent.isFieldedQuery()) { return queryComponent.getQuery(); } String field = this.getEncodedFieldName(queryComponent.getField()); if (field == null) { throw new SearchException( "Unable to build query string - there is no field named '%s' on %s", queryComponent.getField(), type.getSimpleName()); } String operation = IsSymbols.get(queryComponent.getIs()); if (queryComponent.isCollectionQuery()) { List<String> values = convertValuesToString(field, queryComponent.getCollectionValue()); String stringValue = StringUtils.join(values, " OR "); return String.format("%s:(%s)", field, stringValue); } else { String value = convertValueToString(field, queryComponent.getValue()); return String.format("%s%s%s", field, operation, value); } } protected Document buildDocument(K id, Map<String, Object> fields) { String stringId = convert(id, String.class); Builder documentBuilder = Document.newBuilder(); documentBuilder.setId(stringId); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> fieldData : fields.entrySet()) { Object value = fieldData.getValue(); String fieldName = fieldData.getKey(); for (Object object : getCollectionValues(value)) { try { Field field = buildField(metadata, fieldName, object); documentBuilder.addField(field); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SearchException( e, "Failed to add field '%s' with value '%s' to document with id '%s': %s", fieldName, value.toString(), id, e.getMessage()); } } } return; } <F> Field buildField(SearchMetadata<T, K> metadata, String field, Object value) { fieldBuilder = Field.newBuilder().setName(metadata.getEncodedFieldName(field)); IndexType indexType = metadata.getIndexType(field); FieldMediator<F> fieldMediator = fieldMediators.get(indexType); F normalised = fieldMediator.normalise(transformerManager, value); fieldMediator.setValue(fieldBuilder, normalised); return; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") <O, R> R convert(O input, Class<R> type) { Class<O> inputType = (Class<O>) input.getClass(); if (inputType == type) { return (R) input; } ETransformer<O, R> transformer = transformerManager.getTransformerSafe(inputType, type); return transformer.from(input); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") <O, R> List<R> convert(Iterable<O> inputs, Class<R> type) { Iterator<O> iterator = inputs.iterator(); if (!iterator.hasNext()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<R> results = new ArrayList<R>(); ETransformer<O, R> transformer = null; for (O t : inputs) { if (transformer == null) { Class<O> inputType = (Class<O>) t.getClass(); transformer = transformerManager.getTransformerSafe(inputType, type); } results.add(transformer.from(t)); } return results; } /** * We treat all values as collections. Nulls are treated as an empty collection, Non-collections * are treated as a collection of length 1 * * @param value * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Collection<Object> getCollectionValues(Object value) { if (value == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } Collection<Object> collection =, Collection.class); return collection == null ? Collections.singleton(value) : collection; } @Override public List<K> getResultsAsIds(List<ScoredDocument> results) { EList<String> stringIds = Transformers.ToIds.from(results); return transformerManager.transformAll(String.class, metadata.getKeyType(), stringIds); } @Override public List<T> getResults(List<ScoredDocument> results) { EList<Map<String, Object>> data = toMap.from(results); EList<T> objects = toBean.from(data); return objects; } protected String convertValueToString(String field, Object value) { IndexType indexType = metadata.getIndexType(field); FieldMediator<?> indexTypeFieldBuilder = fieldMediators.get(indexType); return convertSingleValueToString(field, value, metadata, indexTypeFieldBuilder); } protected List<String> convertValuesToString(String field, Collection<Object> values) { IndexType indexType = metadata.getIndexType(field); FieldMediator<?> indexTypeFieldBuilder = fieldMediators.get(indexType); List<String> stringValues = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object value : values) { stringValues.add(convertSingleValueToString(field, value, metadata, indexTypeFieldBuilder)); } return stringValues; } protected String getEncodedFieldName(String field) { return metadata.getEncodedFieldName(field); } /** Extension point allowing the Index implementation to be modified */ protected Index getIndex() { SearchService searchService = SearchServiceFactory.getSearchService(); return searchService.getIndex(IndexSpec.newBuilder().setName(indexName)); } private <V> String convertSingleValueToString( String field, Object value, SearchMetadata<T, ?> metadata, FieldMediator<V> fieldMediator) { try { V normalised = fieldMediator.normalise(transformerManager, value); return fieldMediator.stringify(normalised); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SearchException( "Cannot query the field %s %s - cannot convert the query value %s %s to a %s. You can register extra conversions using the %s", metadata.getFieldType(field).getSimpleName(), field, value.getClass().getSimpleName(), value, fieldMediator.getTargetType().getSimpleName(), TransformerManager.class.getSimpleName()); } } private static Map<Is, String> createIsSymbolMap() { Map<Is, String> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put(Is.EqualTo, "="); map.put(Is.GreaterThan, ">"); map.put(Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, ">="); map.put(Is.Is, ":"); map.put(Is.LessThan, "<"); map.put(Is.LessThanOrEqualTo, "<="); map.put(Is.Like, ":~"); return map; } public static class Transformers { public static CollectionTransformer<ScoredDocument, String> ToIds = Expressive.Transformers.transformAllUsing( new ETransformer<ScoredDocument, String>() { @Override public String from(ScoredDocument from) { return from.getId(); } }); } // TODO - NAO - This is a very naive implementation, a wider more flexible strategy would work // well here private CollectionTransformer<Map<String, Object>, T> toBean = Expressive.Transformers.transformAllUsing( new ETransformer<Map<String, Object>, T>() { @Override public T from(Map<String, Object> from) { try { T instance = type.newInstance(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : from.entrySet()) { String field = metadata.getDecodedFieldName(entry.getKey()); BeanUtil.setDeclaredPropertyForcedSilent(instance, field, entry.getValue()); } return instance; } catch (Exception e) { throw new SearchException( e, "Failed to create a new instance of %s for search results: %s", type.getName(), e.getMessage()); } } }); private CollectionTransformer<ScoredDocument, Map<String, Object>> toMap = Expressive.Transformers.transformAllUsing( new ETransformer<ScoredDocument, Map<String, Object>>() { @Override public Map<String, Object> from(ScoredDocument from) { Map<String, Object> results = new HashMap<String, Object>(); results.put("___id___", from.getId()); for (Field field : from.getFields()) { FieldType fieldType = field.getType(); Object value = null; if (FieldType.TEXT.equals(fieldType)) { value = field.getText(); } else if (FieldType.NUMBER.equals(fieldType)) { value = field.getNumber(); } else if (FieldType.DATE.equals(fieldType)) { value = field.getDate(); } else if (FieldType.ATOM.equals(fieldType)) { value = field.getAtom(); } else if (FieldType.HTML.equals(fieldType)) { value = field.getHTML(); } else if (FieldType.GEO_POINT.equals(fieldType)) { value = field.getGeoPoint(); } results.put(field.getName(), value); } return results; } }); }