  protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
    if (!mInitialized) return;
    if (mInAnimation) {
    mCenterX = right - left - Util.dpToPixel(IndicatorControlWheelContainer.FULL_WHEEL_RADIUS);
    mCenterY = (bottom - top) / 2;

    // Layout the indicators based on the current level.
    // The icons are spreaded on the left side of the shutter button.
    for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); ++i) {
      View view = getChildAt(i);
      // We still need to show the disabled indicators in the second level.
      double radian = mChildRadians[i];
      double startVisibleRadians =
          mInAnimation ? mStartVisibleRadians[1] : mStartVisibleRadians[mCurrentLevel];
      double endVisibleRadians =
          mInAnimation ? mEndVisibleRadians[1] : mEndVisibleRadians[mCurrentLevel];
      if ((!view.isEnabled() && (mCurrentLevel == 0))
          || (radian < (startVisibleRadians - HIGHLIGHT_RADIANS / 2))
          || (radian > (endVisibleRadians + HIGHLIGHT_RADIANS / 2))) {
      int x = mCenterX + (int) (mWheelRadius * Math.cos(radian));
      int y = mCenterY - (int) (mWheelRadius * Math.sin(radian));
      int width = view.getMeasuredWidth();
      int height = view.getMeasuredHeight();
      if (view == mZoomControl) {
        // ZoomControlWheel matches the size of its parent view.
        view.layout(0, 0, right - left, bottom - top);
      } else {
        view.layout(x - width / 2, y - height / 2, x + width / 2, y + height / 2);