예제 #1
   * Get the records from the particular shard
   * @param streamName Name of the stream from where the records to be accessed
   * @param recordsLimit Number of records to return from shard
   * @param shId Shard Id of the shard
   * @param iteratorType Shard iterator type
   * @param seqNo Record sequence number
   * @return the list of records from the given shard
   * @throws AmazonClientException
  public List<Record> getRecords(
      String streamName,
      Integer recordsLimit,
      String shId,
      ShardIteratorType iteratorType,
      String seqNo)
      throws AmazonClientException {
    assert client != null : "Illegal client";
    try {
      // Create the GetShardIteratorRequest instance and sets streamName, shardId and iteratorType
      // to it
      GetShardIteratorRequest iteratorRequest = new GetShardIteratorRequest();

      // If the iteratorType is AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER, set the sequence No to the iteratorRequest
      if (ShardIteratorType.AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER.equals(iteratorType)
          || ShardIteratorType.AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER.equals(iteratorType))

      // Get the Response from the getShardIterator service method & get the shardIterator from that
      // response
      GetShardIteratorResult iteratorResponse = client.getShardIterator(iteratorRequest);
      // getShardIterator() specifies the position in the shard
      String iterator = iteratorResponse.getShardIterator();

      // Create the GetRecordsRequest instance and set the recordsLimit and iterator
      GetRecordsRequest getRequest = new GetRecordsRequest();

      // Get the Response from the getRecords service method and get the data records from that
      // response.
      GetRecordsResult getResponse = client.getRecords(getRequest);
      return getResponse.getRecords();
    } catch (AmazonClientException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);