public Request<GetRecordsRequest> marshall(GetRecordsRequest getRecordsRequest) { if (getRecordsRequest == null) { throw new AmazonClientException("Invalid argument passed to marshall(GetRecordsRequest)"); } Request<GetRecordsRequest> request = new DefaultRequest<GetRecordsRequest>(getRecordsRequest, "AmazonKinesis"); String target = "Kinesis_20131202.GetRecords"; request.addHeader("X-Amz-Target", target); request.setHttpMethod(HttpMethodName.POST); String uriResourcePath = "/"; request.setResourcePath(uriResourcePath); try { StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); AwsJsonWriter jsonWriter = JsonUtils.getJsonWriter(stringWriter); jsonWriter.beginObject(); if (getRecordsRequest.getShardIterator() != null) { String shardIterator = getRecordsRequest.getShardIterator();"ShardIterator"); jsonWriter.value(shardIterator); } if (getRecordsRequest.getLimit() != null) { Integer limit = getRecordsRequest.getLimit();"Limit"); jsonWriter.value(limit); } jsonWriter.endObject(); jsonWriter.close(); String snippet = stringWriter.toString(); byte[] content = snippet.getBytes(UTF8); request.setContent(new StringInputStream(snippet)); request.addHeader("Content-Length", Integer.toString(content.length)); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new AmazonClientException("Unable to marshall request to JSON: " + t.getMessage(), t); } if (!request.getHeaders().containsKey("Content-Type")) { request.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-amz-json-1.1"); } return request; }
/** * Get the records from the particular shard * * @param streamName Name of the stream from where the records to be accessed * @param recordsLimit Number of records to return from shard * @param shId Shard Id of the shard * @param iteratorType Shard iterator type * @param seqNo Record sequence number * @return the list of records from the given shard * @throws AmazonClientException */ public List<Record> getRecords( String streamName, Integer recordsLimit, String shId, ShardIteratorType iteratorType, String seqNo) throws AmazonClientException { assert client != null : "Illegal client"; try { // Create the GetShardIteratorRequest instance and sets streamName, shardId and iteratorType // to it GetShardIteratorRequest iteratorRequest = new GetShardIteratorRequest(); iteratorRequest.setStreamName(streamName); iteratorRequest.setShardId(shId); iteratorRequest.setShardIteratorType(iteratorType); // If the iteratorType is AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER, set the sequence No to the iteratorRequest if (ShardIteratorType.AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER.equals(iteratorType) || ShardIteratorType.AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER.equals(iteratorType)) iteratorRequest.setStartingSequenceNumber(seqNo); // Get the Response from the getShardIterator service method & get the shardIterator from that // response GetShardIteratorResult iteratorResponse = client.getShardIterator(iteratorRequest); // getShardIterator() specifies the position in the shard String iterator = iteratorResponse.getShardIterator(); // Create the GetRecordsRequest instance and set the recordsLimit and iterator GetRecordsRequest getRequest = new GetRecordsRequest(); getRequest.setLimit(recordsLimit); getRequest.setShardIterator(iterator); // Get the Response from the getRecords service method and get the data records from that // response. GetRecordsResult getResponse = client.getRecords(getRequest); return getResponse.getRecords(); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }