public void render(OrthographicCamera camera) { // update the world with a fixed time step world.step( * 10, 8, 3); if (mouseJoint != null) mouseJoint.setTarget(bob.getBody().getWorldCenter()); // Destroy mouseJoint? (drop item) if (destroyMousejoint == true) { if (!world.isLocked()) { world.destroyJoint(mouseJoint); mouseJoint = null; destroyMousejoint = false; } } // Delete any bodies up for deletion if (!bodiesToDelete.isEmpty()) { // Make sure it is safe to delete!! if (!world.isLocked()) { for (Body body : bodiesToDelete) { world.destroyBody(body); body.setUserData(null); body = null; } bodiesToDelete.clear(); // Don't forget to clear the null bodies! } } // Create any bodies up for creation if (!bodiesToCreate.isEmpty()) { // Make sure it is safe to create!! if (!world.isLocked()) { for (BodyDef body : bodiesToCreate) { world.createBody(body); } bodiesToCreate.clear(); // Don't forget to clear! } } // Create any joints up for creation if (!jointsToCreate.isEmpty()) { // Make sure it is safe to create!! if (!world.isLocked()) { for (JointDef body : jointsToCreate) { mouseJoint = (MouseJoint) world.createJoint(body); } jointsToCreate.clear(); // Don't forget to clear! } } // render the world using the debug renderer renderer.render(world, camera.combined); }
public void jumpBob(Vector2 jump) { bob.getBody().applyLinearImpulse(jump, bob.getBody().getWorldCenter(), true); }
// Bob-specific methods ************************************************************ public void moveBob(Vector2 direction) { bob.getBody().applyForceToCenter(direction, true); }
public void createPhysicsWorld() { xEngine = new ExplosionEngine(); // create the debug renderer renderer = new Box2DDebugRenderer(); // create the world world = new World(new Vector2(0, -3), true); bob.setBody(createPhysicsObject(bob.getBounds(), ModelType.PLAYER, -1).getBody()); // Create our enemy's physical representations for (Map.Entry<Civilian, Integer> civilian : level.getEnemies().entrySet()) { civilian .getKey() .setFixture( createPhysicsObject( civilian.getKey().getBounds(), ModelType.ENEMY, civilian.getValue())); } // Create our item's physical representations for (Map.Entry<Item, Integer> item : level.getItems().entrySet()) { item.getKey() .setFixture( createPhysicsObject(item.getKey().getBounds(), ModelType.ITEM, item.getValue())); } // Create our level out of blocks for (Block block : level.getBlocks()) { createBoxes(block.getBounds()); } // createDestruction(); world.setContactListener( new ContactListener() { @Override public void beginContact(Contact contact) { // Get our UserData object, and check for contacts UserData dataA = (UserData) contact.getFixtureA().getUserData(); UserData dataB = (UserData) contact.getFixtureA().getUserData(); /** Used for determining if character can jump or not * */ if (dataA.modelType == ModelType.FOOT_SENSOR) { if (dataA.parentId == -1) { // PlayerCharacter's foot bob.setNumFootContacts(1); bob.canJump(true); } } if (dataB.modelType == ModelType.FOOT_SENSOR) { if (dataB.parentId == -1) { // PlayerCharacter's foot bob.setNumFootContacts(1); } } if (dataA.modelType == ModelType.LEFT_SIDE_SENSOR) { if (dataA.parentId == -1) { // PlayerCharacter's foot bob.setNumLeftSideContacts(1); bob.canJump(true); } } if (dataB.modelType == ModelType.LEFT_SIDE_SENSOR) { if (dataB.parentId == -1) { // PlayerCharacter's foot bob.setNumLeftSideContacts(1); } } if (dataA.modelType == ModelType.RIGHT_SIDE_SENSOR) { if (dataA.parentId == -1) { // PlayerCharacter's foot bob.setNumRightSideContacts(1); bob.canJump(true); } } if (dataB.modelType == ModelType.RIGHT_SIDE_SENSOR) { if (dataB.parentId == -1) { // PlayerCharacter's foot bob.setNumRightSideContacts(1); } } /** Touching an item (used for picking up items) * */ if (dataA.modelType == ModelType.PLAYER && dataB.modelType == ModelType.ITEM || dataB.modelType == ModelType.ITEM && dataA.modelType == ModelType.PLAYER) { MouseJointDef def = new MouseJointDef(); def.bodyA = contact.getFixtureA().getBody(); def.bodyB = contact.getFixtureB().getBody(); dataA = (UserData) def.bodyA.getUserData(); def.collideConnected = false;, testPoint.y); if (dataA.modelType == ModelType.PLAYER) {; def.maxForce = 1000.0f * def.bodyA.getMass(); } else {; def.maxForce = 1000.0f * def.bodyB.getMass(); } jointsToCreate.add(def); } } @Override public void endContact(Contact contact) { // Get our UserData object, and check for contacts UserData dataA = (UserData) contact.getFixtureA().getUserData(); UserData dataB = (UserData) contact.getFixtureA().getUserData(); /** Used for determining if character can jump or not * */ if (dataA.modelType == ModelType.FOOT_SENSOR) { if (dataA.parentId == -1) { // PlayerCharacter's foot bob.setNumFootContacts(-1); } } if (dataB.modelType == ModelType.FOOT_SENSOR) { if (dataB.parentId == -1) { // PlayerCharacter's foot bob.setNumFootContacts(-1); } } } @Override public void preSolve(Contact contact, Manifold oldManifold) {} @Override public void postSolve(Contact contact, ContactImpulse impulse) {} }); }