public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm actionForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws javax.servlet.ServletException, { formErrors = new ArrayList(); MiscCashReceiptsForm form = (MiscCashReceiptsForm) actionForm; ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); HttpSession session = request.getSession(); DbUserSession sessionUser = SessionHelpers.getUserSession(request); DatabaseTransaction t = null; DbHistory dbHistory = null; if (form.getSubmitButton() != null && form.getSubmitButton().equals("exit")) { ActionForward actionForward = mapping.findForward("financial"); return actionForward; } try { t = (DatabaseTransaction) DatabaseTransaction.getTransaction(sessionUser); // AppLog.trace("ProcessMiscCashReceipts submit ="+form.getSubmitButton()); // --- HANDLE PRINTING A RECEIPT --- if (form.getFormId() != null && form.getFormId().trim().length() > 0 && (!form.getFormId().equals("None"))) { // AppLog.trace("ProcessMiscCashReceipts printing receipt form: "+form.getFormId()); if (FormatNumber.parseInteger(form.getFormId()) < 1) { // AppLog.error("ProcessMiscCashReceipts - No receipt type selected."); errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("error.tables.noselect")); formErrors.add("formId"); t.closeConnection(); return (new ActionForward(mapping.getInput())); } } if (form.getSubmitButton().equals("save")) { dbHistory = new DbHistory(); dbHistory.setNew(); validateData(form, errors); if (errors.isEmpty()) { setHistory(t, sessionUser, dbHistory, form, errors); if (errors.isEmpty()) {; } else { // AppLog.criticalError("Exception in ProcessMiscCashReceipts.setHistory."); } } else { // AppLog.trace("Validation Errors in ProcessMiscCashReceipts; returning to // MiscCashReceipts form."); } } // --- HANDLE PRINTING A RECEIPT --- if (errors.isEmpty() && FormatNumber.parseInteger(form.getFormId()) > 0) { String crystalFlag = UtilSingleton.getInstance() .getProperty(sessionUser.getConfigID(), "CrystalServer.useReportingService"); String pageName = null; if (crystalFlag != null && "true".equals(crystalFlag)) { CrystalReportManagerBean crystalServerReport = new CrystalReportManagerBean(sessionUser.getConfigID()); pageName = crystalServerReport.printReport( sessionUser, FormatNumber.parseInteger(form.getFormId()), "", "", null, "", Integer.toString(dbHistory.getId()), true); } else { ExportReport crystal = new ExportReport(); crystal.setRecordIdSelParam(dbHistory.getId()); // selection parameter pageName = crystal.printForm( sessionUser, FormatNumber.parseInteger(form.getFormId()), "", "", null, "", request, response, servlet.getServletContext()); } form = new MiscCashReceiptsForm(); setNewForm(request, sessionUser, session, form, errors); form.setPreviewFile(pageName); // AppLog.trace("Setting miscCashReceipts collection arrays into session scope."); session.setAttribute("miscCashReceipts", form); ActionForward actionForward = mapping.findForward("showMiscCashReceipts"); return actionForward; } } catch (PersistenceException pe) { logger.error("Persistence Exception in ProcessMiscCashReceipts.doPerform. " + pe); errors.add( ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("error.PersistenceException", pe.getCause())); } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Exception in ProcessMiscCashReceipts.doPerform. ", pe); errors.add( ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("error.GeneralException", pe.getMessage())); } finally { if (t != null) { t.closeConnection(); } } // Action Forward Logic ActionForward actionForward = mapping.findForward("showMiscCashReceiptsGlobal"); if (!errors.isEmpty()) { //"ProcessMiscCashReceipts Invoking forward mapping getInput() "); saveErrors(request, errors); request.setAttribute("formErrors", formErrors); actionForward = new ActionForward(mapping.getInput()); } logger.debug("Leaving ProcessMiscCashReceipts."); return actionForward; }
public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm actionForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws javax.servlet.ServletException, { logger.debug("********************************************"); logger.debug("*** Entering ProcessFirstCallInformation ***"); CemAnStatus form = (CemAnStatus) actionForm; ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); formErrors = new ArrayList(); HttpSession session = request.getSession(); DbUserSession sessionUser = (DbUserSession) session.getAttribute(SessionValueKeys.DB_USER); logger.debug("ExecutorSame request value : " + request.getParameter("executorSame")); DatabaseTransaction t = null; FdmsDb fdmsdb = null; DbVitalsDeceased deceased = null; DbVitalsInformant informant = null; DbVitalsFirstCall firstCall = null; DbCase caseinfo = null; DbVitalsNextKin nextkin = null; DbPreneed preneed = null; DbVitalsSchedule sched = null; DbVitalsExecutor executor = null; DbCemAtneed cematneed = null; boolean addmode = false; int vitalsid = 0; String directive = form.getDirective(); // Try to set the vitalsid from the form. try { vitalsid = FormatNumber.parseInteger(form.getVitalsId()); } catch (Exception e) { vitalsid = 0; } cematneed = new DbCemAtneed(); cematneed.setNew(); if (directive.equals("cancel")) { // go back to case status unless no vitalsid then, show introduction. vitalsid = SessionHelpers.getVitalsIdFromSession(request, sessionUser); if (vitalsid > 0) { return mapping.findForward("showCaseStatusGlobal"); } else { return mapping.findForward("ShowIntroductionGlobal"); } } if (directive.equals("help")) { return mapping.findForward("usingHelp"); } // From this point, we need to access the database try { t = (DatabaseTransaction) DatabaseTransaction.getTransaction(sessionUser); fdmsdb = FdmsDb.getInstance(); if (directive.equals("redisplay")) { redisplayForm(t, sessionUser, form, errors); form.setDirective(" "); session.setAttribute("cemAnStatus", form); return new ActionForward(mapping.getInput()); } validateForm(t, sessionUser, form, errors); // if errors found, return to input screen without saving anything if (!errors.isEmpty()) { //"ProcessFirstCall Invoking forward mapping getInput() after validation."); saveErrors(request, errors); request.setAttribute("formErrors", formErrors); form.setDirective(" "); session.setAttribute("cemAnStatus", form); return new ActionForward(mapping.getInput()); } else { // AppLog.trace("ProcessFirstCall past validation."); } // Get the DbVitalDeceased and DbVitalsFirstCall objects if (vitalsid == 0) { deceased = new DbVitalsDeceased(); deceased.setNew(); addmode = true; } else { deceased = fdmsdb.getVitalsDeceased(t, vitalsid); } // Set the data in the DbVitalsDeceased and DbVitalsFirstCall records setVitalsDeceased(deceased, informant, form, errors); // if errors found, return to input screen without saving anything if (!errors.isEmpty()) { //"ProcessFirstCall Invoking forward mapping getInput() after // setVitalsDeceased."); saveErrors(request, errors); request.setAttribute("formErrors", formErrors); session.setAttribute("cemAnStatus", form); form.setDirective(" "); return new ActionForward(mapping.getInput()); } else { // AppLog.trace("ProcessFirstCall past setVitalsDeceased."); } if (vitalsid == 0) { t.addPersistent(deceased);; t.closeConnection(); t = null; vitalsid = deceased.getId(); form.setVitalsId(String.valueOf(vitalsid)); sessionUser.setCurrentCaseID(vitalsid); // Need another transaction to continue with add t = (DatabaseTransaction) DatabaseTransaction.getTransaction(sessionUser); // increment next contract number if user did not change it // and assign to this case // if user changed contract# then use the one they entered. if (form.getContractNumber().equals(form.getNextContractNumber())) { int newnextno = SessionHelpers.nextContractNumber(sessionUser.getDbLookup(), sessionUser.getRegion()); form.setContractNumber(String.valueOf(newnextno)); form.setNextContractNumber(form.getContractNumber()); // need new transaction since save in above method ends that transaction } sched = fdmsdb.getVitalsSchedule(t, vitalsid); sched.setDefaultAtNeedCheckList(sessionUser.getRegion(), sessionUser.getDbLookup()); } else { sched = fdmsdb.getVitalsSchedule(t, vitalsid); } // Now, lets update the other Vitals information SessionHelpers.setVitalsIdInRequest(request, vitalsid); firstCall = fdmsdb.getVitalsFirstCall(t, vitalsid); informant = fdmsdb.getVitalsInformant(t, vitalsid); caseinfo = fdmsdb.getCase(t, vitalsid); nextkin = fdmsdb.getVitalsNextKin(t, vitalsid); executor = fdmsdb.getVitalsExecutor(t, vitalsid); // cematneed = fdmsdb.getCemAtneed(t, vitalsid); if (executor == null) { executor = new DbVitalsExecutor(); executor.setNew(); } setVitalsRest( t, sessionUser, deceased, firstCall, informant, caseinfo, nextkin, executor, cematneed, form, errors); // if errors found, return to input screen without saving anything if (!errors.isEmpty()) { //"ProcessFirstCall Invoking forward mapping getInput() after setVitalsRest."); saveErrors(request, errors); request.setAttribute("formErrors", formErrors); session.setAttribute("cemAnStatus", form); form.setDirective(" "); return new ActionForward(mapping.getInput()); } else { logger.debug("no errors exist in processfirstcall information"); // AppLog.trace("ProcessFirstCall past setVitalsRest."); } // determine whether active preneed or deceased preneed = fdmsdb.getPreneed(t, vitalsid); String relation = "Deceased"; if (preneed.getStatus().equals(DbPreneed.ACTIVE)) { relation = "Preneed"; } t.removePersistent(preneed); // update special survivor information for searching deceased, informant, case#, contract# DbSurvivor.addUpdateSurvivor( t, vitalsid, DbSurvivor.DECEASED, deceased.getSalutation(), deceased.getDecFName(), deceased.getDecMName(), deceased.getDecLName(), deceased.getSuffix(), deceased.getMaidenName(), deceased.getFullName(), deceased.getDecResStreet() + " " + deceased.getDecAptNo(), "", deceased.getDecResMailCity(), deceased.getDecResState(), deceased.getDecResZip(), "", "", "", relation, "", "", ""); DbSurvivor.addUpdateSurvivor( t, vitalsid, DbSurvivor.INFORMANT, informant.getSalutation(), informant.getFname(), informant.getMname(), informant.getLname(), "", "", "", informant.getStreet() + " " + informant.getRoad2() + " " + informant.getRoad3(), "", informant.getCity(), informant.getState(), informant.getZip(), informant.getPhone(), "", informant.getInformantEmail(), "Informant", "", "", ""); DbSurvivor.addUpdateSurvivor( t, vitalsid, DbSurvivor.CONTRACT, "", deceased.getDecLName(), "", caseinfo.getContractCode(), "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", deceased.getDecFName(), "", "", ""); DbSurvivor.addUpdateSurvivor( t, vitalsid, DbSurvivor.CASECODE, "", deceased.getDecLName(), "", caseinfo.getCaseCode(), "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", deceased.getDecFName(), "", "", ""); // add informant and next-of-kin as normal survivors but only during add cycle if (addmode) { // AppLog.trace("Adding informant and NOK as survivors."); DbSurvivor infsurv = new DbSurvivor( vitalsid, informant.getSalutation(), informant.getFname(), informant.getMname(), informant.getLname(), "", "", "", informant.getStreet() + " " + informant.getRoad2() + " " + informant.getRoad3(), "", informant.getCity(), informant.getState(), informant.getZip(), informant.getPhone(), "", informant.getInformantEmail(), informant.getRelated(), "", "", "", ""); t.addPersistent(infsurv); if (!form.getNextKinSame()) { DbSurvivor noksurv = new DbSurvivor( vitalsid, nextkin.getSalutation(), nextkin.getFirstname(), "", nextkin.getLastname(), "", "", "", nextkin.getStreet() + nextkin.getRoad2() + " " + nextkin.getRoad3(), "", nextkin.getCity(), nextkin.getState(), nextkin.getZip(), nextkin.getPhone(), "", "", nextkin.getRelation(), "", "", "", ""); t.addPersistent(noksurv); } } t.addPersistent(cematneed); if (executor != null) t.addPersistent(executor); // Final commit and cleanup; } catch (PersistenceException pe) { logger.error("PersistenceException in doPerform() : ", pe); errors.add( ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("error.PersistenceException", pe.getCause())); } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Error in doPerform() : ", pe); errors.add( ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("error.GeneralException", pe.getMessage())); } finally { if (t != null) { try { t.closeConnection(); t = null; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in closeConnection() : ", e); } } } if (!errors.isEmpty()) { //"ProcessFirstCallInformation Invoking forward mapping getInput()."); saveErrors(request, errors); request.setAttribute("formErrors", formErrors); form.setDirective(" "); session.setAttribute("cemAnStatus", form); return (new ActionForward(mapping.getInput())); } // remove session variables used in FirstCall page SessionHelpers.removeArrangerListFromSession(request); SessionHelpers.removeChapelListInSession(request); session.removeAttribute("cemAnStatus"); SessionHelpers.setVitalsIdInRequest(request, vitalsid); // Since we are forwarding to another ACTION, need to go through this exercise /* ActionMappings mappings = mapping.getMappings(); String returnPath = actionForward.getPath(); int periodpos = returnPath.indexOf(".do"); returnPath = returnPath.substring(0,periodpos); ActionMapping finalMapping = mappings.findMapping(returnPath); Action finalAction = null; try { Class clazz = Class.forName(finalMapping.getType()); finalAction = (Action) clazz.newInstance(); AppLog.trace("chaining to:"+finalAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { AppLog.warning("Could not find chained action: " + e.getMessage()); return forwardGlobalCancel(mapping) ; } return finalAction.perform(finalMapping,form,request,response); */ // return forwardShowCaseStatusGlobal(mapping); if (errors.isEmpty()) { request.setAttribute("redirect", Boolean.TRUE); request.setAttribute("vitalsId", new Integer(vitalsid)); } return new ActionForward(mapping.getInput()); }
/** * Called from ProcessMiscCashReceipts, this Method sets the History record from the * MiscCashReceipts form values. If am error occurs, the error is stored in the errors collection. * Creation date: (8/13/2002 3:41:43 PM) */ public void setHistory( DatabaseTransaction t, DbUserSession sessionUser, DbHistory dbHistory, fdms.ui.struts.form.MiscCashReceiptsForm form, ActionErrors errors) { String errorField = new String(); String formField = null; DbLocale userlocale = null; DatabaseTransaction tlocale = null; int receiptNumber = 0; try { errorField = "VitalsMasterKey"; dbHistory.setLMainKey(0); errorField = "ARAcct"; formField = "arAcct"; dbHistory.setCHistARacct(form.getArAcct()); errorField = "Date"; formField = "dateOfTran"; dbHistory.setCHistDate( new java.sql.Date(FormatDate.convertToDate(form.getDateOfTran()).getTime())); errorField = "Description"; formField = "description"; dbHistory.setCHistDesc(form.getDescription()); errorField = "GLAcct"; formField = "glAcct"; dbHistory.setCHistGLAcct(form.getGlAcct()); errorField = "ManualReceipt"; formField = "manualReceiptNo"; dbHistory.setCHistManualReceipt(form.getManualReceiptNo()); errorField = "OriginalPosting"; formField = ""; dbHistory.setCHistOriginalPosting('N'); errorField = "PayMethod"; formField = "getPayMethod"; dbHistory.setCHistPayMethod(form.getPayMethod()); errorField = "Posted"; formField = ""; dbHistory.setCHistPosted('N'); errorField = "SPF"; formField = ""; dbHistory.setCHistSPF('R'); // Set Receipt Number from locale try { tlocale = (DatabaseTransaction) DatabaseTransaction.getTransaction(sessionUser); userlocale = FdmsDb.getInstance().getLocaleWithLock(tlocale, sessionUser.getRegion()); if (userlocale == null) { throw new java.sql.SQLException("No locale for user region."); } receiptNumber = userlocale.getNextReceiptNo(); userlocale.setNextReceiptNo(receiptNumber + 1); tlocale.addPersistent(userlocale);; // AppLog.trace("ProcessMiscCashReceipts: next receipt number = " +receiptNumber); } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() == 1205) { // AppLog.warning("ProcessMiscCashReceipts - DbLocale locked from updating." // +sessionUser.getRegion()); throw new PersistenceException("User locale temporarily locked. Try again."); } // AppLog.warning("ProcessMiscCashReceipts - invalid region for user " // +sessionUser.getUserName()); throw new PersistenceException("Invalid region for user", e); } finally { if (t != null) { t.closeConnection(); } } errorField = "ReceiptNo"; dbHistory.setLHistReceiptNo(receiptNumber); errorField = "Amount"; dbHistory.setLHistAmount( FormatNumber.parseInteger( String.valueOf(FormatCurrency.convertToCurrency(form.getAmountOfTran())))); errorField = "LocationId"; dbHistory.setLocationId(Integer.parseInt(form.getLocationId())); t.addPersistent(dbHistory); } catch (Exception e) { errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("error.receipts.set" + errorField)); formErrors.add(formField); } return; }