@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void processItemContainer(MinecartManiaStorageCart minecart) { ArrayList<ItemContainer> containers = (ArrayList<ItemContainer>) minecart.getDataValue("ItemContainerList"); if (containers != null) { for (ItemContainer container : containers) { container.doCollection(minecart); } } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void updateContainerDirections(MinecartManiaStorageCart minecart) { ArrayList<ItemContainer> containers = (ArrayList<ItemContainer>) minecart.getDataValue("ItemContainerList"); if (containers != null) { for (ItemContainer container : containers) { container.addDirection(minecart.getDirectionOfMotion()); } } }
public static void doCrafting(final MinecartManiaStorageCart minecart) { // Efficiency. Don't process overlapping tiles repeatedly, waste of time final int interval = minecart.getDataValue("Craft Interval") == null ? -1 : (Integer) minecart.getDataValue("Craft Interval"); if (interval > 0) { minecart.setDataValue("Craft Interval", interval - 1); } else { minecart.setDataValue("Craft Interval", minecart.getRange() / 2); final HashSet<Block> blockList = minecart.getAdjacentBlocks(minecart.getRange()); for (final Block block : blockList) { if (block.getTypeId() == Material.WORKBENCH.getId()) { final ArrayList<Sign> signList = SignUtils.getAdjacentMinecartManiaSignList(block.getLocation(), 2); for (final Sign sign : signList) { if (sign.getLine(0).toLowerCase().contains("craft items")) { sign.setLine(0, "[Craft Items]"); // For each line on the sign String itemListString = ""; for (int i = 1; i < sign.getNumLines(); i++) { if (i > 1) { itemListString += ":"; } itemListString += sign.getLine(i); } for (final SpecificMaterial item : ItemUtils.getItemStringListToMaterial(itemListString.split(":"))) { // Get the recipe, if possible final RecipeData recipe = RecipeManager.findRecipe(item); if (recipe == null) { continue; // Skip if we can't find it. } if ((recipe.ingredients == null) || (recipe.ingredients.size() == 0)) { continue; } boolean outOfIngredients = false; int loops = 0; final List<ItemStack> fixedIngredients = new ArrayList<ItemStack>(); debug( minecart, "RECIPE: " + recipe.results.toString() + " (d: " + recipe.results.getDurability() + ")"); // Until we're out of ingredients, or the loop has been executed 64 times. while (!outOfIngredients && (loops < 64)) { fixedIngredients.clear(); loops++; // Loop through the list of ingredients for this recipe for (final ItemStack stack : recipe.ingredients) { boolean found = false; if (stack.getDurability() == (short) -1) { // See what we have ItemStack subitem = null; for (int is = 0; is < minecart.size(); is++) { final ItemStack si = minecart.getItem(is); if ((si != null) && (si.getTypeId() == stack.getTypeId())) { subitem = si; break; } } if (subitem == null) { continue; } stack.setDurability(subitem.getDurability()); // See if we have the needed ingredient final int num = minecart.amount(stack.getTypeId(), stack.getDurability()); if (minecart.amount(stack.getTypeId(), stack.getDurability()) < stack.getAmount()) { continue; } else { debug( minecart, "Cart has " + num + " " + recipe.results.toString() + " (d: " + recipe.results.getDurability() + ")!"); found = true; break; } } else { if (stack.getDurability() == -1) { stack.setDurability((short) 0); } // See if we have the needed ingredients if (minecart.amount(stack.getTypeId(), stack.getDurability()) >= stack.getAmount()) { found = true; } else { debug( minecart, "OOI: " + stack.toString() + " (d: " + stack.getDurability() + ")"); outOfIngredients = true; break; } } if (!found) { outOfIngredients = true; debug( minecart, "OOI: " + stack.toString() + " (d: " + stack.getDurability() + ")"); break; } else { // debug(minecart, "Ingredient found: " + stack.toString() + " (d: " + // stack.getDurability() + ")"); fixedIngredients.add(stack); } } if (outOfIngredients) { break; } // Double-check debug( minecart, "Recipe for " + recipe.results.toString() + " (d: " + recipe.results.getDurability() + ")"); for (final ItemStack stack : fixedIngredients) { if (minecart.canRemoveItem( stack.getTypeId(), stack.getAmount(), stack.getDurability())) { debug( minecart, " + " + stack.toString() + " (d: " + stack.getDurability() + ")"); } else { debug( minecart, "OOI: " + stack.toString() + " (d: " + stack.getDurability() + ")"); outOfIngredients = true; break; } } if (outOfIngredients) { break; } if (!minecart.canAddItem(recipe.results)) { debug(minecart, "CAI: " + recipe.results.toString()); outOfIngredients = true; break; } // Loop through again to actually remove the items for (final ItemStack stack : fixedIngredients) { debug( minecart, "[Craft Items] Removed " + stack.toString() + " (d: " + stack.getDurability() + ") from minecart!"); minecart.removeItem( stack.getTypeId(), stack.getAmount(), stack.getDurability()); } // Take it from the cart minecart.addItem(recipe.results); debug( minecart, "[Craft Items] Added " + recipe.results.toString() + " to minecart!"); } } } } } } } }
public static void debug(final MinecartManiaStorageCart minecart, final String msg) { if (minecart.getDataValue("MMDebug") != null) { System.out.println(msg); } }