@Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { super.startElement(uri, localName, qName, attributes); // Logger.d(TAG, "_ start Element " + uri + ", " + localName + ", " + qName); isValid = true; isThumbnail = false; passCharacters = false; String name = localName; switch (mapToField(name)) { case CONTAINER: mContent = new Item(); mContent.setId(attributes.getValue(ATTRIBUTE_ID)); mContent.setParentid(attributes.getValue(ATTRIBUTE_PARENT_ID)); mContent.setChildCount(attributes.getValue(ATTRIBUTE_CHILD_COUNT)); break; case ITEM: mContent = new Item(); mContent.setId(attributes.getValue(ATTRIBUTE_ID)); mContent.setParentid(attributes.getValue(ATTRIBUTE_PARENT_ID)); mMaxPixels = 0x7FFFFFFF; ImageItemProcessing = false; resolution_set = null; resolution_set = resolution_set_init; break; case RES: { ImageItemProcessing = true; String protocolInfo = attributes.getValue(ATTRIBUTE_PROTOCOL_INFO); String resolution = null; if (null != protocolInfo) { String protocolInfoToken[] = protocolInfo.split(":"); short iva = detectMediaType(protocolInfoToken[2]); switch (iva) { case IMAGE: res_index = UNDEFINE; if (true == protocolInfoToken[2].endsWith("x-ycbcr-yuv420")) { isValid = false; passCharacters = true; } else { res_index = findTAGIndex(protocolInfoToken[3]); resolution = attributes.getValue(ATTRIBUTE_RESOLUTION); if ((UNDEFINE != res_index) && null != resolution) { resolution_set[res_index][RES_VALUES] = resolution; int difference = 0; int pixels = 0; String[] hw = resolution.split("x"); pixels = Integer.parseInt(hw[0]) * Integer.parseInt(hw[1]); difference = Math.abs(REFERENCED_HD_RESOLUTION - pixels); if (mMaxPixels > difference) { mMaxPixels = difference; } else { isValid = false; passCharacters = true; } hw = null; } else if (null != mContent.getUrl()) { isValid = false; passCharacters = true; } } break; case VIDEO: if (null == mContent.getUrl()) { /*if ( true == protocolInfoToken[0].equals( "rtsp-rtp-udp" )) { isValid = false; passCharacters = true; } else if ( true == protocolInfoToken[3].contains( "DLNA.ORG_CI=1" )) { isValid = false; passCharacters= true; } else if ( true == protocolInfoToken[2].endsWith( "x-ms-wmv" )) { if ( false == protocolInfoToken[3].contains( "DLNA.ORG_PN=WMVSPML_BASE" ) && false == protocolInfoToken[3].contains( "DLNA.ORG_PN=WMVSPLL_BASE" )) { isValid = false; passCharacters = true; } }*/ if (false == protocolInfoToken[0].equals("rtsp-rtp-udp") && false == protocolInfoToken[3].contains("DLNA.ORG_CI=1")) { resolution = attributes.getValue(ATTRIBUTE_RESOLUTION); } else { isValid = false; passCharacters = true; } } break; case AUDIO: if (true == protocolInfoToken[3].contains("DLNA.ORG_CI=1")) { isValid = false; passCharacters = true; } break; default: isValid = false; passCharacters = true; break; } // if ( true == isValid && false == isThumbnail ) { if (true == isValid) { String size = attributes.getValue(ATTRIBUTE_SIZE); if (IMAGE == iva || VIDEO == iva) { if (null == resolution) { resolution = ""; } mContent.setResolution(resolution); resolution = null; } if (AUDIO == iva || VIDEO == iva) { mContent.setDuration( UpnpTool.getTimeSecond(attributes.getValue(ATTRIBUTE_DURATION))); } if (null == size) { size = "0"; } mContent.setFileSize(size); mContent.setFormat(protocolInfoToken[2]); mContent.setProtocolInfo(protocolInfo); mContent.setProtocolName(protocolInfoToken[0]); size = null; } protocolInfo = null; protocolInfoToken = null; } } break; case UPNP_ALBUM_ART_URI: profileId = attributes.getValue(ATTRIBUTE_PROFILE_ID); if (false == profileId.equals("JPEG_TN")) { isValid = false; passCharacters = true; } break; case UPNP_ARTIST: role = attributes.getValue(ATTRIBUTE_ROLE); if (role != null) { if (false == role.equals("AlbumArtist")) { isValid = false; passCharacters = true; } } else { isValid = false; passCharacters = true; } break; case DC_CREATOR: case DC_DATE: case DC_TITLE: case UPNP_ACTOR: case UPNP_ALBUM: case UPNP_CLASS: case UPNP_GENRE: case UPNP_ORIGINAL_TRACK_NUMBER: break; default: isValid = false; passCharacters = true; Logger.d(TAG, " skip Element"); break; } }
@Override public void endDocument() throws SAXException { super.endDocument(); Logger.w(TAG, "endDocument()"); // Do Nothing; }
@Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { super.endElement(uri, localName, qName); String name = localName; // Logger.d(TAG, " end Element " + uri + "," + localName + "," + qName); switch (mapToField(name)) { case CONTAINER: mContentList.add(mContent); break; case DC_CREATOR: mContent.setCreator(currentText.toString()); break; case DC_DATE: mContent.setDate(currentText.toString()); break; case DC_TITLE: mContent.setTitle(currentText.toString()); break; case ITEM: if (ImageItemProcessing) { // Desc search from TN to LRG for (int i = 0; i < resolution_set.length; i++) { String URL = resolution_set[i][IMG_URL]; if (null != URL) { // Logger.d(TAG, " set thumbnail:" + // resolution_set[i][RES_TAG]); mContent.setThumbnailUrl(URL); break; } } // ASC search from LRG to TN for (int i = resolution_set.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { String URL = resolution_set[i][IMG_URL]; if (null != URL) { // Logger.d(TAG, " set url:" + // resolution_set[i][RES_TAG]); mContent.setUrl(URL); mContent.setResolution(resolution_set[i][RES_VALUES]); break; } } } ImageItemProcessing = false; mContentList.add(mContent); break; case RES: if (res_index != UNDEFINE) { resolution_set[res_index][IMG_URL] = currentText.toString(); // Logger.d(TAG, " res_index " + res_index); } break; case UPNP_ACTOR: mContent.setActor(currentText.toString()); break; case UPNP_ALBUM: mContent.setAlbum(currentText.toString()); break; case UPNP_ALBUM_ART_URI: mContent.setAlbumUrl(currentText.toString()); profileId = null; break; case UPNP_ARTIST: if (true == isValid && null != role) { if (true == role.equals("AlbumArtist")) { mContent.setArtist(currentText.toString()); } role = null; } break; case UPNP_CLASS: mContent.setUpnpClass(currentText.toString()); break; case UPNP_GENRE: mContent.setGenre(currentText.toString()); break; default: Logger.d(TAG, " SKIP !!"); // Do Nothing; break; } currentText.setLength(0); }
@Override public void startDocument() throws SAXException { super.startDocument(); mContentList = new ArrayList<Item>(); Logger.w(TAG, "startDocument()"); }