/** * Routes the rest of the URI to {@link VirtualSystemResource}. * * @param ipAddress IP address of the host * @return the {@link VirtualSystemResource} object */ @GET @Path(VIRTUAL_SYSTEM) public VirtualSystemCollectionDto getVirtualSystemCollectionInfo( @PathParam("ip") @NotNull @Ip final String ip, @QueryParam("hyp") @NotNull final String hypervisorType, @QueryParam("user") @NotNull final String user, @QueryParam("passwd") @NotNull final String password, @QueryParam(AIMPORT) @DefaultValue("8889") @Port final Integer aimport) throws NodecollectorException { Long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); HypervisorType hypType; try { hypType = HypervisorType.fromValue(hypervisorType); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new BadRequestException(MessageValues.UNKNOWN_HYPERVISOR); } VirtualSystemCollectionDto dtos = virtualSystemService.getVirtualSystemList(ip, hypType, user, password, aimport); time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time; LOGGER.debug( "Retrieving virtual system collection info from host with ip: '" + ip + "' took " + time + " miliseconds."); return dtos; }
/** * Routes the rest of the URI to {@link VirtualSystemResource}. * * @param ipAddress IP address of the host * @return the {@link VirtualSystemResource} object */ @GET @Path(VIRTUAL_SYSTEM + "/by_name/{uuid}") public VirtualSystemDto getVirtualSystemByName( @PathParam("ip") @NotNull @Ip final String ip, @PathParam("uuid") @NotNull final String uuid, @QueryParam("hyp") @NotNull final String hypervisorType, @QueryParam("user") @NotNull final String user, @QueryParam("passwd") @NotNull final String password, @QueryParam(AIMPORT) @DefaultValue("8889") @Port final Integer aimport) throws NodecollectorException { HypervisorType hypType; try { hypType = HypervisorType.fromValue(hypervisorType); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new BadRequestException(MessageValues.UNKNOWN_HYPERVISOR); } return virtualSystemService.getVirtualSystemByName(ip, hypType, user, password, aimport, uuid); }