// This method is called once a second, and it is a good place to // do things like check if the snake has collided into the wall // or the apple. public void onTimer() { if ((snake.hasHitTail() == false) && (snake.hasHitWall(gameBoard) == false)) { snake.move(gameBoard); if (snake.hasHitApple(apple)) { apple.setPos(gameBoard.getRandomXCoord(), gameBoard.getRandomYCoord()); System.out.println("It hit the apple"); scoreBoard.incrementPlayerScore(); } } else gameOver = true; }
// This method is called once a second to redraw the canvas, // so you can do things like draw the snake. public void redrawCanvas(Graphics canvas) { gameBoard.draw(canvas); scoreBoard.drawScore(canvas, gameOver); snake.draw(canvas); apple.draw(canvas); }