@Override protected void onPostCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onPostCreate(savedInstanceState); // Trigger the initial hide() shortly after the activity has been // created, to briefly hint to the user that UI controls // are available. delayedHide(100); }
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_fullscreen); mVisible = true; mControlsView = findViewById(R.id.fullscreen_content_controls); mContentView = findViewById(R.id.fullscreen_content); // Set up the user interaction to manually show or hide the system UI. mContentView.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { toggle(); } }); // Upon interacting with UI controls, delay any scheduled hide() // operations to prevent the jarring behavior of controls going away // while interacting with the UI. findViewById(R.id.dummy_button).setOnTouchListener(mDelayHideTouchListener); }