private synchronized void display(ExtSed sed) { manageAssociatedManagerWindows(sed); try { SpectrumContainer container = (SpectrumContainer) sed.getAttachment(IrisDisplayManager.FIT_MODEL); // There is no Sed attachment, so build a model manager and attach it. if (container == null) { if (buildAttachment(sed)) { return; } } // VAOPD-879: spectrum name must be identical with Sed name. if (container != null) { container.getSpectrum().setName(sed.getId()); } // Now display the Sed. idm.display(sed, sed.getId()); // and add its frame to the workspace. JInternalFrame frame = idm.getInternalFrame(); // VAOPD-863 frame.setTitle(sed.getId()); if (container != null) { JFrame modelManagerFrame = container.getModelManager().getFrame(); if (modelManagerFrame != null) { modelManagerFrame.setTitle(sed.getId()); } } if (frame != currentFrame) { lastLocation = null; disposeCurrentFrame(); currentFrame = frame; currentFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JInternalFrame.HIDE_ON_CLOSE); if (lastLocation != null) { currentFrame.setLocation(lastLocation); } frame.setTitle("Iris Visualizer"); ws.addFrame(frame); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogEvent.getInstance().fire(this, new LogEntry("Error: " + ex.getMessage(), sed)); Logger.getLogger("IrisVisualizer").log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
public boolean buildAttachment(ExtSed sed) throws SedNoDataException, SedInconsistentException, SpectrumException { Spectrum sp = factory.readAllSegments(null, sed); if (sp == null) { return true; } sp.setName(sed.getId()); JDesktopPane desktop = ws.getDesktop(); SherpaModelManager modelManager = new SherpaModelManager(sp, idm.getSAMPConnector(), desktop); modelManager.setActive(false); SpectrumContainer container = new SpectrumContainer(sp, modelManager); sed.addAttachment(IrisDisplayManager.FIT_MODEL, container); // This is needed to capture the 'Quit' button action // that comes from the model manager GUI. modelManager.setCallbackOnDispose(new OnDisposeCommand(sed)); return false; }
public static JFrame getRootFrame() { return ws.getRootFrame(); }
public void init(IrisApplication app, IWorkspace workspace) { visualizer = this; sedManager = (SedlibSedManager) workspace.getSedManager(); SpvInitialization spvinit = new SpvInitialization(new String[] {}, null); SpvProperties.SetProperty(Include.APP_NAME, Include.IRIS_APP_NAME); SpvProperties.SetProperty(Include.APP_VERSION, Include.IRIS_VERSION); spvinit.initialize(null, false); FunctionFactorySherpaHelper.initialize(); = app; ws = workspace; idm = new IrisDisplayManager(sedManager, ws, this); idm.setDesktopMode(true); idm.setConnection(app.getSAMPController()); File rootDir = new File( app.getConfigurationDir() + File.separator + "analysis" + File.separator + "custom_models"); try { customManager = new CustomModelsManager(rootDir); TreeRefresher treeRefresher = new TreeRefresher(); treeRefresher.execute(null); FunctionFactorySherpaHelper.SetTreeRefresher(treeRefresher); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(IrisVisualizer.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); int ans = NarrowOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( ws.getRootFrame(), "Error initializing Custom Fit Component Manager: " + ex.getMessage() + "\nDo you want to reset custom models?", "Iris Visualizer", NarrowOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); if (ans == NarrowOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { try { if (rootDir.isDirectory()) { deleteDirectory(rootDir); } else { rootDir.delete(); } rootDir.mkdir(); customManager = new CustomModelsManager(rootDir); } catch (IOException ex1) { Logger.getLogger(IrisVisualizer.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex1); } } } SedEvent.getInstance() .add( new SedListener() { public void process(final ExtSed source, SedCommand payload) { if (payload == SedCommand.SELECTED || payload == SedCommand.CHANGED) { if (source.getNumberOfSegments() > 0) { display(source); } } else if (payload == SedCommand.REMOVED) { remove(source); } } }); SegmentEvent.getInstance() .add( new SegmentListener() { public void process(Segment source, final SegmentPayload payload) { if (payload.getSedCommand() == SedCommand.REMOVED) { return; } ExtSed sed = payload.getSed(); // If the sed structure was modified, invalidate // any model associated with it. invalidateModel(sed); display(payload.getSed()); } }); MultipleSegmentEvent.getInstance() .add( new MultipleSegmentListener() { public void process(List<Segment> source, final SegmentPayload payload) { ExtSed sed = payload.getSed(); // If the sed structure was modified, invalidate // any model associated with it. invalidateModel(sed); display(payload.getSed()); } }); }