예제 #1
  private void insertFile(
      Path apkPath, Map<String, String> zip_properties, File insert, String method, Path location)
      throws AndrolibException, IOException {
    // ZipFileSystem only writes at .close()
    // http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/nio-dev/2012-July/001764.html
    try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(apkPath, null)) {
      Path root = fs.getPath("/");

      // in order to get the path relative to the zip, we strip off the absolute path, minus what we
      // already have in the zip. thus /var/files/apktool/apk/unknown/folder/file => /folder/file
      Path dest =
          fs.getPath(root.toString(), insert.getAbsolutePath().replace(location.toString(), ""));
      Path newFile = Paths.get(insert.getAbsolutePath());
      Files.copy(newFile, dest, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
예제 #2
  private void insertFolder(
      Path apkPath, Map<String, String> zip_properties, File insert, String method, Path location)
      throws AndrolibException, IOException {
    try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(apkPath, null)) {
      Path root = fs.getPath("/");
      Path dest =
          fs.getPath(root.toString(), insert.getAbsolutePath().replace(location.toString(), ""));
      Path parent = dest.normalize();

      // check for folder existing in apkFileSystem
      if (parent != null && Files.notExists(parent)) {
        if (!Files.isDirectory(parent, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)) {